1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica.
Current editor(s): Guido Imbens
From Econometric Society
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Volume 39, issue 6, 1971
- Optimal Savings Policy When Labor Grows Endogenously pp. 877-97
- Ryuzo Sato and Eric G Davis
- The Use of Approximate Prior Distributions in a Bayesian Decision Model pp. 899-910

- Richard E Kihlstrom
- A Differential Game Model of Duopoly pp. 911-38

- S Clemhout, G Leitmann and Henry Wan
- The Likelihood Approach to Pooling Cross-Section and Time-Series Data pp. 939-53

- G S Maddala
- Optimum Growth and Allocation of Foreign Exchange pp. 955-71

- Pranab Bardhan
- A Note on the Comparison of Ordinary and Two-Stage Least Squares Estimators pp. 973-81

- David H Richardson and De-Min Wu
- Optimal Air Quality Standards pp. 983-95

- Robert E Kohn
- Equilibrium Analysis of Exchange Economies with Indivisible Commodities pp. 997-1008

- Egbert Dierker
- A Note on Interdependence as a Specification Error pp. 1009-13

- Jacques Dreze and Robert H Strotz
- The Existence of International Trade Equilibrium with Trade Tax-Subsidy Distortions pp. 1015-35

- Kevin C Sontheimer
- A General Definition of the Lorenz Curve pp. 1037-39

- Joseph L Gastwirth
- An Old-New Measure of Income Inequality pp. 1041-42

- Yaakov Kondor
- A Note on Distributed Lags with Rational Polynomial Generating Functions pp. 1043-47

- John C Hause
- The Identification of Ratios of Parameters in Unidentified Equations pp. 1049-51

- Jerry S Kelly
- Alternative Estimates of Capital-Labor Substitution in Manufacturing in Developing Economies: Comments on Professor Clague pp. 1053-54

- Ann D Witte
- Alternative Estimates of Capital-Labor Substitution in Manufacturing in Developing Economies-Reply pp. 1055-56

- Christopher K Clague
Volume 39, issue 5, 1971
- Investment Under Uncertainty pp. 659-81

- Robert Lucas and Edward Prescott
- Congestion Tolls for Commercial Airports pp. 683-94

- Rolla Edward Park
- CRESH Production Functions pp. 695-712

- Giora Hanoch
- An Equivalence Theorem for the Core of an Economy Whose Atoms Are Not 'Too' Big pp. 713-21

- Jean Gabszewicz and Jean-François Mertens
- Comparison of k-Class Estimators when the Disturbances are Small pp. 723-37

- Joseph B Kadane
- Determinants of Negotiated Wage Increases: An Empirical Analysis pp. 739-50

- Gordon R Sparks and David A Wilton
- The Identification Problem for Multiple Equation Systems with Moving Average Errors pp. 751-65

- E J Hannan
- A Non-convex Control Problem for the Competitive Firm pp. 767-71

- Russell G Thompson, R R Hocking and Melvin D George
- Development Strategy for a Medium-Sized Economy pp. 773-95

- Morris Teubal
- Random Walk of Stock Prices: A Test of the Variance-Time Function pp. 797-812

- William E Young
- Estimation of Net Social Benefits from Outdoor Recreation pp. 813-27

- Oscar R Burt and Durward Brewer
- Some Statistical Models for Limited Dependent Variables with Application to the Demand for Durable Goods pp. 829-44

- John G Cragg
- The Rational Multivariate Flexible Accelerator pp. 845-55

- Arthur B Treadway
- The Strict Convexity of the Transformation Surface in Case of Linear Homogeneous Production Functions: A General Case pp. 857-59

- Chulsoon Khang
- Non-Linear Estimates of the Liquidity Trap pp. 861-64

- Robert Eisner
Volume 39, issue 3, 1971
- Equilibrium with Transaction Costs pp. 417-39

- F H Hahn
- Limit Pricing and Uncertain Entry pp. 441-54

- Morton I Kamien and Nancy L Schwartz
- The Use of Undersized Samples in the Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Systems pp. 455-59

- P A V B Swamy and James M Holmes
- Estimating a Structural Equation in a Large System pp. 461-65

- Walter D Fisher and Walter J Wadycki
- A Convergent Pareto-Satisfactory Non-Tatonnement Adjustment Process for a Class of Unselfish Exchange Environments pp. 467-99

- John Ledyard
- Regression with Non-Gaussian Stable Disturbances: Some Sampling Results pp. 501-10

- Robert Blattberg and Thomas Sargent
- Shiftable Versus Non-Shiftable Capital: A Synthesis pp. 511-29

- Martin Weitzman
- Best Linear Minimum Bias Estimation in Linear Regression pp. 531-44

- Peter Schonfeld
- Discrete Approximations to Continuous Time Distributed Lags in Econometrics pp. 545-63

- Christopher A Sims
- Congestion Interdependence and Urban Transit Fares pp. 565-76

- Roger Sherman
- Identification in Parametric Models pp. 577-91

- Thomas J Rothenberg
- The Continuous Representation of a Social Preference Ordering pp. 593-97

- Jerry S Kelly
- Social Welfare Function and Social Indifference Surfaces pp. 599-624

- Ken-ichi Inada
- Solow Prices and the Dual Stability Paradox in the Leontief Dynamic System pp. 625-32

- Enrico Zaghini
- Solow Prices and the Dual Stability Paradox in the Leontief Dynamic System: Comment pp. 633-34

- Robert Solow
- Solow Prices and the Dual Stability Paradox in the Leontief Dynamic System: A Reply pp. 634
- Enrico Zaghini
- A Minimum-Distance Interpretation of Limited-Information Estimation pp. 635-39

- Arthur Goldberger and Ingram Olkin
- Equilibrium in the Market for Land: Obtaining Spatial Distributions by Change of Variable pp. 641-44

- Anthony J Blackburn
Volume 39, issue 2, 1971
- Generalization of the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem pp. 197-217
- Yasuo Uekawa
- The Production Coefficient Matrix and the Stolper-Samuelson Condition pp. 219-39
- Ken-ichi Inada
- The Finite Sampling Distribution of Least Squares Estimators with Stochastic Regressors pp. 241-51

- Leon Wegge
- Conditional Expected Utility pp. 253-71

- R Duncan Luce and David H Krantz
- The Theory of Representative Majority Decision pp. 273-84

- Peter C Fishburn
- Money Supply and Economic Growth pp. 285-303

- Fusaji Takahashi
- Some Basic Problems on Excess Demand Functions pp. 305-07

- Ryosuke Hotaka
- The Output Limit Function in General and Convex Programming and the Theory of Production pp. 309-39

- S N Afriat
- The Use of Variance Components Models in Pooling Cross Section and Time Series Data pp. 341-58
- G S Maddala
- Further Evidence on the Estimation of Dynamic Economic Relations from a Time Series of Cross Sections pp. 359-82
- Marc Nerlove
- A Note on Error Components Models pp. 383-96

- Marc Nerlove
- Comment on 'The Use of Error Components Models in Combining Cross Section with Time Series Data' pp. 397-401

- Henderson, Charles R,
- A Condition for the Completeness of Partial Preference Relations pp. 403-04
- David Schmeidler
- The Existence of Aggregate Production Functions: Comment pp. 405
- Joan Robinson
- The Existence of Aggregate Production Functions: Reply pp. 405a
- Franklin M Fisher
Volume 39, issue 1, 1971
- The Propensity to Consume Separate Types of Income: A Generalized Permanent Income Hypothesis pp. 1-21
- Robert Holbrook and Frank P Stafford
- Generalized Least Squares with an Estimated Variance Covariance Matrix pp. 23-33

- G S Maddala
- Marshallian External Economies and Optimal Tax-Subsidy Structure pp. 35-53

- Masahiko Aoki
- The Error of Forecast in Econometric Models when the Forecast-Period Exogenous Variables are Stochastic pp. 55-60
- Martin Feldstein
- A Class of Variable Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions pp. 61-71

- Nagesh S Revankar
- Stochastic Properties of the Klein-Goldberger Model pp. 73-87

- E Philip Howrey
- Revealed Preference-A Structural Analysis pp. 89-97

- Anthony Y C Koo
- Estimation of Solow's Distributed Lag Models pp. 99-117
- V K Chetty
- Optimal Production, Investment, and Output Price Controls for a Monopoly Firm of the Evans' Type pp. 119-29

- Thompson, Russell G, et al
- A General Approximation to the Distribution of Instrumental Variables Estimates pp. 131-69
- J D Sargan and William Mikhail
- Price-Influenced Utility Functions-A Note pp. 171-72

- Michael W Jones-Lee
- Optimal Pricing and Inventory Decisions for Non-Seasonal Items pp. 173-75

- Howard Kunreuther and Jean-Francois Richard
- Measuring the Price Sensitivity of Indian Tea Exports: A Comment pp. 177-78

- Nurali Peera
- Uncertainty and Optimal Consumption Decisions pp. 179-85

- Leonard Mirman