1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica.
Current editor(s): Guido Imbens
From Econometric Society
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Volume 37, issue 4, 1969
- The Existence of Aggregate Production Functions pp. 553-77

- Franklin M Fisher
- Competitive Equilibria in Markets with a Continuum of Traders and Incomplete Preferences pp. 578-85

- David Schmeidler
- Capital Risk, Consumption, and Portfolio Choice pp. 586-99

- Agnar Sandmo
- The Existence of an Optimal Economic Policy pp. 600-610

- Krishna Kumar
- Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System pp. 611-28

- Robert Pollak and Terrence J Wales
- Systems of Demand Equations: An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Functional Forms pp. 629-50

- Richard W Parks
- The Consistency and Efficiency of Generalized Least Squares in Simultaneous Equation Systems with Autocorrelated Errors pp. 651-59

- Michael Wickens
- Behavior Towards Risk with Many Commodities pp. 660-67

- Joseph Stiglitz
- Induced Factor Augmenting Technical Progress from a Microeconomic Viewpoint pp. 668-84

- Morton I Kamien and Nancy L Schwartz
- An Econometric Model for Option Price with Implications for Investors' Expectations and Audacity pp. 685-94

- Sheen T Kassouf
- Reexamination of the Time Series Evidence on Food Demand pp. 695-705

- George S Tolley, Yi Wang and R G Fletcher
- First Order Certainty Equivalence pp. 706-18

- Edmond Malinvaud
- Factor Analysis Regression Revisited pp. 719
- Scott, John T,
- Anticipated Profit in Cobb-Douglas Models pp. 720
- Irving Hoch
- A Note on Estimation of Cobb-Douglas and CES Production Function Models pp. 721-25

- Dorothy J Hodges
- A Note on the Relation Between Binary and Multiple Choice Probabilities pp. 726-27

- S K Chakrabarti
- The Relation Between Binary and Multiple Choices: Some Comments and Further Results pp. 728-30

- Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
- Econometrics of Joint Production: A Comment pp. 731
- V Karuppan Chetty
- Estimation of Joint Production Functions pp. 732-36

- Phoebus J Dhrymes and B M Mitchell
- A Note on Econometrics of Joint Production pp. 737-38

- Potluri Rao
- Econometrics of Joint Production-A Reply pp. 739-40

- Hrishikesh Vinod
Volume 37, issue 3, 1969
- Econometrics as Pioneering in Nonexperimental Model Building pp. 369-81

- Herman O Wold
- Distribution of Income and Wealth among Individuals pp. 382-97

- Joseph Stiglitz
- Estimation of the Coefficients in a Multidimensional Distributed Lag Model pp. 398-407

- Grace Wahba
- The Determinants of Trade Credit in the U.S. Total Manufacturing Sector pp. 408-23

- M Ishaq Nadiri
- Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-Spectral Methods pp. 424-38

- Clive Granger
- Welfare Implication and Evaluation of Buyers' Travel Inputs and Nonprice Offer Variations in Networks of Retail Food Stores pp. 439-56

- Pinhas Zusman
- Approximate Aggregation and the Leontief Conditions pp. 457-69

- Franklin M Fisher
- Simultaneous Price and Quantity Adjustment in a Single Market pp. 470-84

- Martin J Beckmann and Ryder, Harl E,
- A Note on an Exact Test for Trend and Serial Correlation pp. 485-89

- E J Hannan
- The Simple Majority Decision Rule pp. 490-506

- Ken-Ichi Inada
- The Symmetric Formulation of the Simplex Method for Quadratic Programming pp. 507-27

- C De Panne and Andrew Whinston
- Capital-Labor Substitution in Manufacturing in Undeveloped Countries pp. 528-37

- Christopher K Clague
- Comment on "Factor Analysis and Regression." pp. 538-40

- Benjamin King
- Dominant Diagonals-A Correction pp. 541-43

- Josef Hadar
Volume 37, issue 2, 1969
- Estimation on Interdependent Systems in Macroeconometrics pp. 171-92

- Lawrence Klein
- A Threshold Regression Model pp. 193-203

- Marcel G Dagenais
- Some Tests of Stability in Interindustry Coefficients pp. 204-21

- James McGilvray and David Simpson
- The Covariance Matrix of the Limited Information Estimator and the Identification Test pp. 222-27

- Ta-Chung Liu and William J Breen
- An Econometric Model of Colombia: A Prototype Devaluation View pp. 228-51

- Kanta Marwah
- Some Relationships Derived from Canonical Correlation Theory pp. 252-56

- Harry R Glahn
- Demand Functions: An Application to the Japanese Expenditure Pattern pp. 257-74

- Kunio Yoshihara
- Returns to Scale, Euler's Theorem, and the Form of Production Functions pp. 275-79

- F W McElroy
- Markov Processes and Economic Analysis: The Case of Migration pp. 280-97

- Allen C Kelley and Leonard W Weiss
- Computation of Zellner-Theil's Three Stage Least Squares Estimates pp. 298-306

- R Narayanan
- Contribution a l'Etude du Role des Administrations dans la Theorie Mathematique de l'Equilibre et de l'Optimum. (With English summary.) pp. 307-23

- Claude Fourgeaud
- A Nonlinear, Maximum Likelihood Estimate of the Liquidity Trap pp. 324-32

- Howard W Pifer
- Spectral Analysis of Data Generated by Simulation Experiments with Econometric Models pp. 333-52

- Thomas H Naylor, Kenneth Wertz and Thomas H Wonnacott
- Direct and Indirect Additivity pp. 353-54

- John R Hicks
- Corrected Formulation of Direct and Indirect Additivity pp. 355-59

- Paul A Samuelson
Volume 37, issue 1, 1969
- First Order Autoregression: Inference, Estimation, and Prediction pp. 1-14

- Guy H Orcutt and Winokur, Herbert S,
- The Regulation of Queue Size by Levying Tolls pp. 15-24

- P Naor
- Quasi-Equilibria in Markets with Non-Convex Preferences pp. 25-38

- Ross M Starr
- Least Squares, Conditional Predictions, and Estimator Properties pp. 39-43

- Wade P Sewell
- Conditional Prediction and Unbiasedness in Structural Equations pp. 44-49

- Gordon M Kaufman
- Group Preferences pp. 50-54

- Bengt Hansson
- The Use of Error Components Models in Combining Cross Section with Time Series Data pp. 55-72

- T D Wallace and Ashiq Hussain
- Decentralization in Separable Programming pp. 73-78

- Paul V Moeseke and Guy Ghellinck
- A Comparison of Barten's Estimated Demand Elasticities with Those Obtained Using Frisch's Method pp. 79-94

- Robert Ayanian
- Stochastic Nonlinear Models pp. 95-106

- Lawrence Klein and Ross Preston
- A Study of Independence in Multivariate Utility Theory pp. 107-21

- Peter C Fishburn
- A Family of Functional Iterations and the Solution of Maximum Likelihood Estimating Equations pp. 122-30

- Leon Wegge
- An Harmonic Analysis of Nonstationary Multivariate Economic Processes pp. 131-41

- David Brillinger and Michio Hatanaka
- A Theorem on Non-tatonnement Stability: A Comment pp. 142-43

- E C H Veendorp
- Another Generalisation of the Logistic Growth Function pp. 144-47

- F R Oliver