1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 50, issue 6, 1982
- Time to Build and Aggregate Fluctuations pp. 1345-70

- Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott
- Costs of Adjustment and the Spatial Pattern of a Growing Open City pp. 1371-91

- Oded Hochman and David Pines
- The Economic Theory of Index Numbers and the Measurement of Input, Output, and Productivity pp. 1393-1414

- Douglas W Caves, Laurits R Christensen and Walter Diewert
- Information Acquisition in a Noisy Rational Expectations Economy pp. 1415-30

- Robert E Verrecchia
- Strategic Information Transmission pp. 1431-51

- Vincent Crawford and Joel Sobel
- Efficiency of Resource Allocation by Uninformed Demand pp. 1453-82

- Theodore Groves and Sergiu Hart
- Job Matching, Coalition Formation, and Gross Substitutes pp. 1483-1504

- Kelso, Alexander S, and Vincent Crawford
- Market Behavior in a Clearing House pp. 1505-24

- Haim Mendelson
- Portfolio Efficient Sets pp. 1525-46

- Philip Dybvig and Stephen Ross
- A Decomposition Algorithm for General Equilibrium Computation with Application to International Trade Models pp. 1547-57

- Ahsan Mansur and John Whalley
- Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Dynamic Singular Equation Systems pp. 1559-71

- G J Anderson and Richard Blundell
- A Note on the Estimation of Symmetric Systems pp. 1573-75

- R P Byron
- Tests of Linear Hypotheses and l[subscript]1 Estimation pp. 1577-83

- Roger Koenker and Gilbert Bassett
- Simultaneous Equations Analysis of Fertility in the U.S.: A Comment pp. 1585-90

- Basudeb Biswas and Rati Ram
Volume 50, issue 5, 1982
- A Theory of Auctions and Competitive Bidding pp. 1089-1122

- Paul Milgrom and Robert Weber
- The Role of Information in Bargaining: An Experimental Study pp. 1123-42

- Alvin Roth and John Murnighan
- Information in Production pp. 1143-62

- Glenn MacDonald
- On the Possibility of Speculation under Rational Expectations pp. 1163-81

- Jean Tirole
- Micro-Based Estimates of Demand Functions for Local School Expenditures pp. 1183-1205

- Ted Bergstrom, Daniel L Rubinfeld and Perry Shapiro
- Fiscal Incidence at the Local Level pp. 1207-18

- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
- Relative Prices, Employment, and the Exchange Rate in an Economy with Foresight pp. 1219-42

- Maurice Obstfeld
- Decreasing Costs in International Trade and Frank Graham's Argument for Protection pp. 1243-68

- Wilfred Ethier
- Generalized Instrumental Variables Estimation of Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models pp. 1269-86

- Lars Peter Hansen and Kenneth J Singleton
- Comparison of Local Power of Alternative Tests of Non-Nested Regression Models pp. 1287-1305

- Mohammad Pesaran
- On the Consistency of Nonlinear FIML pp. 1307-24

- Peter Phillips
- Correction to a Lemma [The Maximum Likelihood and Nonlinear Three Stage Least Squares Estimator in the General Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations Model] pp. 1325-28

- Takeshi Amemiya
- Multiple Shooting in Rational Expectations Models [The Solution of Linear Difference Models under Rational Expectations] pp. 1329-33

- Lipton, David, et al
- Stability of Aggregation Procedures, Ultrafilters, and Simple Games-A Comment pp. 1335-36

- Eitan Muller
- On the Distance between Income Distributions [Inequality Measures between Income Distributions with Applications] pp. 1337-39

- Anthony F Shorrocks
Volume 50, issue 4, 1982
- Inflation, Tax Rules and Investment: Some Econometric Evidence pp. 825-62

- Martin Feldstein
- Sequential Equilibria pp. 863-94

- David Kreps and Robert Wilson
- The Determination of Marginal Cost Prices under a Set of Axioms pp. 895-909

- Dov Samet and Yair Tauman
- Regulating a Monopolist with Unknown Costs pp. 911-30

- David P Baron and Roger Myerson
- Acyclic Collective Choice Rules pp. 931-43

- Douglas H Blair and Robert Pollak
- The Nonparametric Approach to Demand Analysis pp. 945-73

- Hal Varian
- On the Transversality Condition in Infinite Horizon Optimal Problems pp. 975-85

- Philippe Michel
- Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity with Estimates of the Variance of United Kingdom Inflation pp. 987-1007

- Robert Engle
- Evaluation of the Distribution Function of the Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Estimator pp. 1009-27

- T W Anderson, Naoto Kunitomo and Takamitsu Sawa
- Large Sample Properties of Generalized Method of Moments Estimators pp. 1029-54

- Lars Peter Hansen
- An Investigation of the Robustness of the Tobit Estimator to Non-Normality pp. 1055-63

- Abbas Arabmazar and Peter Schmidt
- Note on Estimating Linear Trend When Residuals are Autocorrelated pp. 1065-67

- Walter Krämer
- A Stronger Characterization of Declining Risk Aversion pp. 1069-79

- Mark Machina
- Sufficient Conditions for Extracting Least Cost Resource First pp. 1081-83

- Tracy Lewis
Volume 50, issue 3, 1982
- Asset Valuation in an Experimental Market pp. 537-67

- Robert Forsythe, Thomas Palfrey and Charles Plott
- The General Equivalence of Granger and Sims Causality pp. 569-81

- Gary Chamberlain
- A Note on Noncausality pp. 583-91

- Jean-Pierre Florens and M Mouchart
- Pairwise, t-Wise, and Pareto Optimalities pp. 593-606

- Steven Goldman and Ross M Starr
- A Theory of Disagreement in Bargaining pp. 607-37

- Vincent Crawford
- Risk Aversion and Nash's Solution for Bargaining Games with Risky Outcomes pp. 639-47

- Alvin Roth and Uriel G Rothblum
- Selection and the Evolution of Industry pp. 649-70

- Boyan Jovanovic
- A Dynamic Game of R and D: Patent Protection and Competitive Behavior pp. 671-88

- Jennifer Reinganum
- Two Stage Least Absolute Deviations Estimators pp. 689-711

- Takeshi Amemiya
- A Class of Decompositions of the Variance-Covariance Matrix of a Generalized Error Components Model pp. 713-24

- Tom Wansbeek and Arie Kapteyn
- Sets of Posterior Means with Bounded Variance Priors pp. 725-36

- Edward Leamer
- Conflict among the Criteria Revisited: The W, LR and LM Tests pp. 737-48

- G B A Evans and N E Savin
- A Remark on Hausman's Specification Test pp. 749-59

- Alberto Holly
- A Computationally Efficient Quadrature Procedure for the One-Factor Multinomial Probit Model pp. 761-64

- J. Butler and Robert Moffitt
- On the Estimation of Structural Hedonic Price Models pp. 765-68

- James N Brown and Harvey Rosen
- Exploitation of Many Deposits of an Exhaustible Resource: Comment pp. 769-74

- Robert C Drury
- Efficiency of Non-Walrasian Equilibria: A Note pp. 775-76

- Paul Madden
- Revealed Preference: An Elementary Treatment pp. 777-79

- Dieter Sondermann
- Stability, Disequilibrium Awareness, and the Perception of New Opportunities: Some Corrections pp. 781-83

- Franklin M Fisher and Fernando M C B Saldanha
Volume 50, issue 2, 1982
- "Expected Utility" Analysis without the Independence Axiom pp. 277-323

- Mark Machina
- Strategic Behavior in Decentralized Planning Procedures pp. 325-44

- Paul Champsaur and Guy Laroque
- Inventory Stability and Resource Allocation under Uncertainty in a Command Economy pp. 345-76

- Richard E Ericson
- Invariant Distributions and the Limiting Behavior of Markovian Economic Models pp. 377-408

- Carl A Futia
- Rational Expectations in Dynamic Linear Models: Analysis of the Solutions pp. 409-25

- Christian Gourieroux, Jean-Jacques Laffont and Alain Monfort
- A Support Price Theorem for the Continuous Time Model of Capital Accumulation pp. 427-42

- Shin-Ichi Takekuma
- Limit Pricing and Entry under Incomplete Information: An Equilibrium Analysis pp. 443-59

- Paul Milgrom and John Roberts
- The Sensitivity of Consumption to Transitory Income: Estimates from Panel Data on Households pp. 461-81

- Robert E Hall and Frederic Mishkin
- Instrumental Variables Regression with Independent Observations pp. 483-99

- Halbert White
- An Improved Version of the Quandt-Ramsey MGE Estimator for Mixtures of Normal Distributions and Switching Regressions pp. 501-16

- Peter Schmidt
- A Note on Measuring Immobility pp. 517-24

- John Conlisk
- Welfare Consequences of Spatial Competition: A Note [Pricing under Spatial Competition and Spatial Monopoly] pp. 525
- Hiroshi Ohta
- Dominance Solvable Voting Schemes: A Comment pp. 527-28

- Gretlein, Rodney, J
Volume 50, issue 1, 1982
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models pp. 1-25

- Halbert White
- On the Asymptotic Properties of Estimators of Models Containing Limited Dependent Variables pp. 27-41

- Peter Robinson
- Robust Tests for Heteroscedasticity Based on Regression Quantiles pp. 43-61

- Roger Koenker and Gilbert Bassett
- Likelihood Ratio Test, Wald Test, and Kuhn-Tucker Test in Linear Models with Inequality Constraints on the Regression Parameters pp. 63-80

- Christian Gourieroux, Alberto Holly and Alain Monfort
- An Algorithm for FIML and 3SLS Estimation of Large Nonlinear Models pp. 81-95

- William R Parke
- Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model pp. 97-109

- Ariel Rubinstein
- Price-Quantity Strategic Market Games pp. 111-26

- Pradeep Dubey
- A Market Value Approach to Approximate Equilibria pp. 127-36

- Robert M Anderson
- Decentralization and Epsilon-Rational Competitive Equilibria pp. 137-43

- Steven Goldman and Kenneth Kletzer
- Voting with Proportional Veto Power pp. 145-62

- Herve Moulin
- Origins of Exploitation and Class: Value Theory of Pre-Capitalist Economy pp. 163-92

- John Roemer
- Inequality Decomposition by Factor Components pp. 193-211

- A F Shorrocks
- Tobin's Marginal q and Average q: A Neoclassical Interpretation pp. 213-24

- Fumio Hayashi
- Theoretical Restrictions on the Parameters of Indirect Addilog Demand Equations-A Comment pp. 225-27

- K. Murty
- A Note on Seemingly Unrelated Regressions pp. 229-33

- Denis Conniffe
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