1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 48, issue 7, 1980
- Walrasian Analysis via Strategic Outcome Functions pp. 1585-93

- David Schmeidler
- Computation of Competitive Equilibria by a Sequence of Linear Programs pp. 1595-1615

- Alan Manne, Hung-po Chao and Robert Wilson
- The Prisoner's Dilemma and Dynamical Systems Associated to Non-Cooperative Games pp. 1617-34

- Steve Smale
- Equilibrium Contracts for Syndicates with Differential Information pp. 1635-65

- Takao Kobayashi
- Global Strong Le Chatelier-Samuelson Principle pp. 1667-74

- Takao Fujimoto
- On the General Structure of Ricardian Models with a Continuum of Goods: Applications to Growth, Tariff Theory, and Technical Change pp. 1675-1702

- Charles A Wilson
- On the Uniqueness of Mean Demand for Dispersed Families of Preferences pp. 1703-10

- Werner Hildenbrand
- Parallel Preference Structures in Labor Supply and Commodity Demand: An Adaptation of the Gorman Polar Form pp. 1711-25

- Jonathan G Dickinson
- The Comparative Statics of Quantity Constraints and Conditional Demands: Theory and Applications pp. 1727-44

- Robert J Mackay and Gerald A Whitney
- Congestion of Production Factors pp. 1745-53

- Rolf Fare and Leif Svensson
- Intertemporal Duality: Application to the Theory of the Firm pp. 1755-62

- Keith McLaren and Russel Cooper
- Capital Theory, Optimal Growth, and Efficiency Conditions with Exhaustible Resources pp. 1763-76

- Olivier de La Grandville
- A Strong Turnpike Theorem for a Nonstationary von Neumann-Gale Production Model pp. 1777-90

- Donald T Gantz
- Inequality Measures between Income Distributions with Applications pp. 1791-1803

- Camilo Dagum
- Finite Sample Moments of a Preliminary Test Estimator in the Case of Possible Heteroscedasticity pp. 1805-13

- Edward Greenberg
- A Least Squares Correction for Selectivity Bias pp. 1815-20

- Randall J Olsen
- A Comparison of Tests of Overidentifying Restrictions pp. 1821-25

- Hae-Shin Hwang
- On the Solution of Scale-Dependent Input-Output Models pp. 1827-30

- Sajal Lahiri and Graham Pyatt
- Notes on Existence of Equilibrium Proofs and the Boundary Behavior of Supply pp. 1831-37

- Wilhelm Neuefeind
- Turnpike Theory: Some Corrections pp. 1839-40

- Lionel McKenzie and Makoto Yano
Volume 48, issue 6, 1980
- Estimation in Linear Regression Models with Disparate Data Points pp. 1333-46

- William S Krasker
- Testing of the Rational Expectations Hypothesis pp. 1347-63

- Nagesh S Revankar
- Recursive Competitive Equilibrium: The Case of Homogeneous Households pp. 1365-79

- Edward Prescott and Rajnish Mehra
- Estimating the Uncertainty of Policy Effects in Nonlinear Models pp. 1381-91

- Ray Fair
- A Capital Market in an Equilibrium Business Cycle Model pp. 1393-1417

- Robert Barro
- On Proportional Malinvaud Prices pp. 1419-29

- Hiroshi Atsumi
- On Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources: Existence and Characterization Results pp. 1431-50

- Tapan Mitra
- Hybrid Corn Revisited pp. 1451-61

- Robert Dixon
- Hybrid Corn Revisited: A Reply pp. 1463-65

- Zvi Griliches
- The Tiebout Hypothesis: Near Optimality in Local Public Good Economies pp. 1467-85

- Myrna Wooders
- The Existence of Efficient and Incentive Compatible Equilibria with Public Goods pp. 1487-1506

- Theodore Groves and John Ledyard
- A Differential Approach to Dominant Strategy Mechanisms pp. 1507-20

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and Eric Maskin
- On the Nonexistence of a Dominant Strategy Mechanism for Making Optimal Public Decisions pp. 1521-40

- Mark Walker
- Extending the Classical Normal Errors-in-Variables Model pp. 1541-46

- Steven Garber and Steven Klepper
- On Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Error Components pp. 1547-51

- Badi Baltagi
- The Durbin-Watson Test for Serial Correlation When There Is No Intercept in the Regression pp. 1553-63

- R W Farebrother
- Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty in Stapleton and Subrahmanyam's "Multiperiod Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model." pp. 1565-66

- David Kreps and Robert Wilson
- Gross Substitutability with Multi-Valued Excess Demand Functions pp. 1567-73

- Peter Howitt
- A Model in Which an Increase in the Number of Sellers Leads to a Higher Price pp. 1575-79

- Robert Rosenthal
Volume 48, issue 5, 1980
- Sufficient Linear Structures: Econometric Applications pp. 1083-97

- Christian Gourieroux and Alain Monfort
- Approximating a Truncated Normal Regression with the Method of Moments pp. 1099-1105

- Randall J Olsen
- Some Approximations to the Distribution of Econometric Criteria Which are Asymptotically Distributed as Chi-Squared pp. 1107-38

- J D Sargan
- Inferential Procedures in Stable Distributions for Class Frequency Data on Incomes pp. 1139-48

- Herman van Dijk and Teun Kloek
- Advertising and Aggregate Consumption: An Analysis of Causality pp. 1149-67

- Richard Ashley, Clive Granger and R Schmalensee
- Deterministic Models for Production of Services with Stochastic Technology pp. 1169-86

- Joseph Lipscomb and David Zalkind
- Industry Structure and Cost-Reducing Investment pp. 1187-1209

- M Therese Flaherty
- An Index Theorem for General Equilibrium Models with Production pp. 1211-32

- Timothy Kehoe
- Regeneration, Public Goods, and Economic Growth pp. 1233-50

- Oded Hochman and Eithan Hochman
- Equity among Generations pp. 1251-56

- Lars-Gunnar Svensson
- Nash Equilibria and Pareto Optimal Income Redistribution pp. 1257-63

- Mikio Nakayama
- On the Formal Theory of Inspection and Evaluation in Product Markets pp. 1265-79

- Louis L Wilde
- Rational Behavior under Complete Ignorance pp. 1281-99

- Michèle Cohen and Jean-Yves Jaffray
- The Knowledge Assumption in the Theory of Strategic Voting pp. 1301-04

- Manimay Sengupta
- The Solution of Linear Difference Models under Rational Expectations pp. 1305-11

- Olivier Blanchard and Charles Kahn
- Problems of Existence and Uniqueness in Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models pp. 1313-17

- Stephen McCafferty and Robert Driskill
- Note on Comparative Dynamic Analysis pp. 1319-25

- Masanao Aoki
- Pricing under Spatial Competition and Spatial Monopoly: A Comment pp. 1327-28

- John G Treble
- Pricing under Spatial Competition and Spatial Monopoly: Reply pp. 1329
- Dennis Capozza and Robert Van Order
Volume 48, issue 4, 1980
- A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity pp. 817-38

- Halbert White
- Formulation and Statistical Analysis of the Mixed, Continuous/Discrete Dependent Variable Model in Classical Production Theory pp. 839-52

- Gregory Duncan
- A Proof of the Consistency of Maximum Likelihood Estimators of Nonlinear Regression Models with Autocorrelated Errors pp. 853-60

- Roman Frydman
- The Exact Distribution of Instrumental Variable Estimators in an Equation Containing n + 1 Endogenous Variables pp. 861-78

- Peter Phillips
- Some Tests of Dynamic Specification for a Single Equation pp. 879-97

- J D Sargan
- Generalized Solutions to Continuous-Time Allocation Processes pp. 899-922

- Zvi Artstein
- Effects of Shareholder Information on Corporate Decisions and Capital Market Equilibrium pp. 923-53

- Chandra Kanodia
- On the Predictability of Economic Events pp. 955-72

- James Jordan
- Multivariate Risk Independence and Functional Forms for Preferences and Technologies pp. 973-85

- Larry Epstein
- Hedonic Coalitions: Optimality and Stability pp. 987-1003

- Jacques Dreze and J Greenberg
- The Production Possibility Set with Public Intermediate Goods pp. 1005-12

- Makoto Tawada
- The Fine Structure of Earnings and the On-the-Job Training Hypothesis pp. 1013-29

- John C Hause
- A Dynamic Model of Employment Behavior: An Application to the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments pp. 1031-52

- Nancy Brandon Tuma and Philip Robins
- Ethical Indices for the Measurement of Poverty pp. 1053-60

- Charles Blakorby and David Donaldson
- Functional Forms for Estimating the Lorenz Curve: Comment pp. 1061-62

- Rasche, R H, et al
- Functional Forms for Estimating the Lorenz Curve: A Reply pp. 1063-64

- Nanak Kakwani
- A Note on Switching Regressions and Logistic Discrimination pp. 1065-69

- Nicholas Kiefer
Volume 48, issue 3, 1980
- Unemployment as Disequilibrium in a Model of Aggregate Labor Supply pp. 547-64

- Orley Ashenfelter
- The Effects of Money Supply on Economic Welfare in the Steady State pp. 565-76

- Laurence Weiss
- Imperfect Capital Markets, Demand for Durables, and the Consumer Lifetime Allocation Process pp. 577-94

- Sheng Cheng Hu
- Comparison of the Quadratic Expenditure System and Translog Demand Systems with Alternative Specifications of Demographic Effects pp. 595-612

- Robert Pollak and Terence J Wales
- The Class of Additively Decomposable Inequality Measures pp. 613-25

- A F Shorrocks
- Measuring Externalities and Second Best Distortions in the Theory of Local Public Goods pp. 627-42

- David A Starrett
- Strategic Equilibrium of Tariffs and General Equilibrium pp. 643-62

- Yoshihiko Otani
- On Two Folk Theorems Concerning the Extraction of Exhaustible Resources pp. 663-73

- Murray Kemp and Ngo Long
- Coherency Conditions in Simultaneous Linear Equation Models with Endogenous Switching Regimes pp. 675-95

- Christian Gourieroux, Jean-Jacques Laffont and Alain Monfort
- Statistical Inference in an Implicit, Nonlinear, Simultaneous Equation Model in the Context of Maximum Likelihood Estimation pp. 697-720

- A. Gallant and Alberto Holly
- Nonlinear Regression on Cross-Section Data pp. 721-46

- Halbert White
- Testing for Serial Correlation in Simultaneous Equation Models pp. 747-59

- A C Harvey and Garry Phillips
- Recursive Systems Containing Qualitative Endogenous Variables Representing Nonstochastically Dependent Events pp. 761-63

- Donald Elliott
- Recursive Systems Containing Qualitative Endogenous Variables: A Reply pp. 765
- Lung-Fei Lee and G S Maddala
- Input-Output Model with Interval Data pp. 767-69

- Jiri Rohn
- Linear Utility Functions on Semiordered Mixture Spaces pp. 771-75

- Philippe Vincke
- Unilateral Transfers and Pareto Optimality pp. 777-79

- Joseph Greenberg and Amoz Kats
- Path Independent Choices pp. 781-84

- Ehud Kalai and Nimrod Megiddo
Volume 48, issue 2, 1980
- Recent Developments in Macroeconomic Disequilibrium Theory pp. 283-306

- Allan Drazen
- Quantity Constrained Demand Functions pp. 307-13

- Roger W Latham
- On the Disaggregation of Excess Demand Functions pp. 315-31

- J D Geanakoplos and H M Polemarchakis
- Optimal Multiperiod Investment-Consumption Policies pp. 333-53

- Robert A Abrams and Uday S Karmarkar
- Stability and Speed of Adjustment under Retiming of Lags pp. 355-70

- Richard Harriff, Donald V T Bear and John Conlisk
- The Stability of Non-Walrasian Processes: Two Examples pp. 371-86

- John Eckalbar
- Commodity Exchanges as Gradient Processes pp. 387-99

- Claude d'Aspremont and Henry Tulkens
- Real National Income with Homothetic Preferences and a Fixed Distribution of Income pp. 401-22

- John Chipman and James C Moore
- Aggregate Expected Consumer Surplus as a Welfare Index with an Application to Price Stabilization pp. 423-36

- William P Rogerson
- On a Class of Poverty Measures pp. 437-46

- Nanak Kakwani
- Strategic Voting in a Probabilistic Framework pp. 447-56

- Bhaskar Dutta
- Values for Games without Sidepayments: Some Difficulties with Current Concepts pp. 457-65

- Alvin Roth
- On the Existence and Interpretation of Value Allocation pp. 466-76
- Wayne J Shafer
- Comments on Roth's Paper, "Values for Games without Side Payments" pp. 477
- John C Harsanyi
- On the Effects of Entry pp. 479-89

- Jesus K Seade
- Asymptotic Covariance Matrices of Two-Stage Probit and Two-Stage Tobit Methods for Simultaneous Equations Models with Selectivity pp. 491-503

- Lung-Fei Lee, G S Maddala and Robert Trost
- A General Equilibrium Approach to Marxian Economics pp. 505-30

- John Roemer
- Positive Profits without Exploitation: A Note on the Generalized Fundamental Marxian Theorem pp. 531-33

- Fabio Petri
- Positive Profit without Exploitation: A Comment of F. Petri's Note pp. 535
- M Morishima
- A Note on the Cost Elasticity-Scale Elasticity Relation pp. 537-38

- Lorenzo Brown and Gerald Chachere
- Aggregation Procedure for Cardinal Preferences: A Comment pp. 539-42

- Aanund Hylland
Volume 48, issue 1, 1980
- Macroeconomics and Reality pp. 1-48

- Christopher A Sims
- Econometric Implications of the Rational Expectations Hypothesis pp. 49-73

- Kenneth Wallis
- Disequilibrium Econometrics in Simultaneous Equations Systems pp. 75-96

- Christian Gourieroux, Jean-Jacques Laffont and Alain Monfort
- Methods of Estimation for Multi-Market Disequilibrium Models pp. 97-125

- Takatoshi Ito
- Efficiency of Non-Walrasian Equilibria pp. 127-34

- P R Nayak
- Consumer's Surplus, Price Instability, and Consumer Welfare pp. 135-52

- Stephen J Turnovsky, Haim Shalit and Andrew Schmitz
- The Estimation of the Prais-Houthakker Model of Equivalence Scales pp. 153-76

- John Muellbauer
- Optimal Consumption and Exploration of Nonrenewable Resources under Uncertainty pp. 177-200

- Sudhakar D Deshmukh and Stanley R Pliska
- Design Parameters in Housing Construction and the Market for Urban Housing pp. 201-25

- Hans-Jurgen Buttler and Martin J Beckmann
- Testing the Quantity-Quality Fertility Model: The Use of Twins as a Natural Experiment pp. 227-40

- Mark Rosenzweig and Kenneth I Wolpin
- The Existence of Moments of k-Class Estimators pp. 241-49

- Terrence Kinal
- Note on Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium Points for Concave N-Person Games pp. 251
- John C Goodman
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