1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 53, issue 6, 1985
- The Econometrics of Nonlinear Budget Sets pp. 1255-82

- Jerry A Hausman
- Strong Core Theorems with Nonconvex Preferences pp. 1283-94

- Robert M Anderson
- An Axiomatization of Harsanyi's Nontransferable Utility Solution pp. 1295-1313

- Sergiu Hart
- Continuous Auctions and Insider Trading pp. 1315-35

- Albert Kyle
- Implementing Arrow-Debreu Equilibria by Continuous Trading of Few Long-lived Securities pp. 1337-56

- Darrell Duffie and Chi-fu Huang
- The First-Order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems pp. 1357-67

- William P Rogerson
- General Equilibrium When Some Firms Follow Special Pricing Rules pp. 1369-93

- Egbert Dierker, Roger Guesnerie and Wilhelm Neuefeind
- The Variability of Aggregate Demand with (S, s) Inventory Policies pp. 1395-1409

- Andrew Caplin
- Conditions for the Existence of a Balanced Growth Solution for the Leontief Dynamic Input-Output Model pp. 1411-19

- Daniel B Szyld
- The Global Properties of the Miniflex Laurent, Generalized Leontief, and Translog Flexible Functional Forms pp. 1421-37

- William Barnett and Yul W Lee
- Poverty Measurement: A Decomposition of the Normalization Axion [Cardinal Utility, Utilitarianism and a Class of Invariance Axioms in Welfare Analysis] [Poverty: An Ordinal Approach to Measurement] pp. 1439-43

- Kaushik Basu
- Nontransferable Utility Games and Markets: Some Examples and the Harsanyi Solution pp. 1445-50

- Sergiu Hart
- The Structure of Intertemporal Preferences under Uncertainty and Time Consistent Plans pp. 1451-58

- Thore H Johnsen and John B Donaldson
- A Complementary Approach to the Strong and Weak Axioms of Revealed Preference pp. 1459-63

- Stephen A Clark
- Formulating Wald Tests of Nonlinear Restrictions pp. 1465-68

- Allan Gregory and Michael Veall
- A Note about Models for Selectivity Bias pp. 1469-74

- Roderick Little
- Resistant Estimation for Simultaneous-Equations Models Using Weighted Instrumental Variables pp. 1475-88

- William S Krasker and Roy E Welsch
- Asset Bubbles and Overlapping Generations pp. 1499-1528

- Jean Tirole
Volume 53, issue 5, 1985
- On Endogenous Competitive Business Cycles pp. 995-1045

- Jean-Michel Grandmont
- Maximum Likelihood Specification Testing and Conditional Moment Tests pp. 1047-70

- Whitney Newey
- Incentive Efficiency of Double Auctions pp. 1101-15

- Robert Wilson
- Iterative Price Mechanisms pp. 1117-31

- Donald G Saari
- Equilibrium in a Market with Sequential Bargaining pp. 1133-50

- Ariel Rubinstein and Asher Wolinsky
- A Bargaining Model with Incomplete Information about Time Preferences pp. 1151-72

- Ariel Rubinstein
- Repeated Principal-Agent Games with Discounting pp. 1173-98

- Roy Radner
- Distributions of the Duration and Value of Job Search with Learning pp. 1199-1232

- Peter B Morgan
- Two-by-Two International Trade Theory with Many Goods and Factors pp. 1233-47

- J. Peter Neary
Volume 53, issue 4, 1985
- The Exact Distribution of the SUR Estimator pp. 745-56

- Peter Phillips
- Producer Incentives in Cost Allocation pp. 757-65

- H. Young
- The Principle of Minimum Differentiation Holds under Sufficient Heterogeneity pp. 767-81

- de Palma, A, et al
- Stationary Equilibrium in a Market for Durable Assets pp. 783-805

- John Rust
- Voluntary and Efficient Allocations Are Walrasian pp. 807-16

- Joaquim Silvestre
- Efficient and Durable Decision Rules: A Reformulation pp. 817-35

- Vincent Crawford
- Product Quality Signaling in Experimental Markets pp. 837-72

- Ross Miller and Charles Plott
- The Strategy Structure of Two-sided Matching Markets pp. 873-88

- Gabrielle Demange and David Gale
- Justifiable Beliefs in Sequential Equilibrium pp. 889-904

- Andrew McLennan
- Finitely Repeated Games pp. 905-22

- Jean-Pierre Benoit and Vijay Krishna
- Optimal Search pp. 923-44

- Peter Morgan and Richard Manning
- Decreasing Risk Aversion and Mean-Variance Analysis pp. 945-61

- Larry Epstein
- The Symmetric Linear Rational Expectations Model pp. 963-76

- Tryphon Kollintzas
- Rational Expectations Models and Bounded Memory pp. 977-85

- C Fourgeaud, Christian Gourieroux and Jacqueline Pradel
Volume 53, issue 3, 1985
- A Profitable Approach to Labor Supply and Commodity Demands over the Life-Cycle pp. 503-43

- Martin Browning, Angus Deaton and Margaret Irish
- Capacity Pricing pp. 545-66

- Shmuel S Oren, Stephen S Smith and Robert Wilson
- On the Performance of Patents pp. 567-85

- Kenneth Judd
- Existence of Cournot Equilibrium in Large Markets pp. 587-97

- Rodrigo Bamon and Jean Frayssé
- An Axiomatization of the Non-transferable Utility Value pp. 599-612

- Robert Aumann
- Existence and Characterization of Perfect Equilibrium in Games of Perfect Information pp. 613-28

- Christopher J Harris
- A Noisy Rational Expectations Equilibrium for Multi-asset Securities Markets pp. 629-57

- Anat Admati
- The Computation of General Equilibrium in Economies with a Block Diagonal Pattern pp. 658-65
- Gerard van der Laan
- On the Non-transferable Utility Value: A Comment on the Roth-Shafer Examples [Values for Games without Side Payments: Some Difficulties with Current Concepts] [On the Existence and Interpretation of Value Allocations] pp. 667-77

- Robert Aumann
- A Decomposition Algorithm for General Equilibrium Computation with Application to International Trade Models: A Correction pp. 679
- John Whalley and Philip M White
Volume 53, issue 2, 1985
- Bayesian Econometrics pp. 253-69

- Arnold Zellner
- Consistent Estimation of the Impact of Tax Deductibility on the Level of Charitable Contributions pp. 271-93

- William S Reece and Kimberly Zieschang
- Work Incentive Effects of Taxing Unemployment Benefits pp. 295-306

- Gary R Solon
- Monotonic Solutions to General Cooperative Games pp. 307-27

- Ehud Kalai and Dov Samet
- Information Sharing in Oligopoly pp. 329-43

- Esther Gal-Or
- Optimal Selling Strategies under Uncertainty for a Discriminating Monopolist When Demands Are Interdependent pp. 345-61

- Jacques Crémer and Richard McLean
- An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model of Asset Prices pp. 363-84

- John C Cox, Ingersoll, Jonathan E, and Stephen Ross
- A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates pp. 385-407

- John C Cox, Ingersoll, Jonathan E, and Stephen Ross
- On Heteros*edasticity pp. 403
- J. Huston McCulloch
- The Distribution of Inventory Holdings in a Pure Exchange Barter Search Economy pp. 409-32

- Peter Diamond and Joel Yellin
- Comparative Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon Economies pp. 433-53

- Timothy Kehoe and David Levine
- Lack of Pareto Optimal Allocations in Economies with Infinitely Many Commodities: The Need for Impatience pp. 455-61

- Aloisio Araujo
- Consistent d-Relative Majority Equilibria pp. 463-64

- Joseph Greenberg and Shlomo Weber
- Market Dynamics and the Law of Demand pp. 465-71

- Donald Kennan and Trout Rader
- Aversion pour le risque croissante avec une richesse initiale aleatoire pp. 472-75
- Philippe Caperaa and Jean Lefoll
- A New Approximation of the Critical Point of the Durbin-Watson Test for Serial Correlation pp. 477-82

- Ki-Jun Jeong
Volume 53, issue 1, 1985
- On the Welfare Analysis of Rational Expectations Equilibria with Asymmetric Information pp. 1-29

- Jean-Jacques Laffont
- A Differential Demand System, Rational Expectations and the Life Cycle Hypothesis pp. 31-48

- Clifford L F Attfield and Martin Browning
- Egalitarianism and Utilitarianism in Quasi-linear Bargaining pp. 49-67

- Herve Moulin
- Repeated Moral Hazard pp. 69-76

- William P Rogerson
- A Sequential Solution to the Public Goods Problem pp. 77-84

- Jacques Crémer and Michael Riordan
- Rationalizing Revolutionary Ideology pp. 85-108

- John Roemer
- Distribution of Income and the "Law of Demand." pp. 109-27

- Pierre Chiappori
- Money, Real Interest Rates, and Output: A Reinterpretation of Postwar U.S. Data pp. 129-56

- Robert Litterman and Laurence Weiss
- A Linear Theory for Noncausality pp. 157-75

- Jean-Pierre Florens and Michel Mouchart
- Third-Order Efficiency of the Extended Maximum Likelihood Estimators in a Simultaneous Equation System pp. 177-200

- Kei Takeuchi and Kimio Morimune
- On the Optimality of First Come Last Served Queues pp. 201-02

- Refael Hassin
- Future Investment Constraints Reduce Present Investment pp. 203-06

- Antoine d'Autume and Philippe Michel
- A Note on Risk Aversion in a Perfect Equilibrium Model of Bargaining pp. 207-11

- Alvin Roth
- A Note on Price Stability and Consumers' Welfare pp. 213-16

- Michael Baye
- Price Dispersion and Functional Price Indices pp. 213-23

- Michael Baye
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