1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 71, issue 6, 2003
- Long Cheap Talk pp. 1619-1660
- Robert Aumann and Sergiu Hart
- End-of-Sample Instability Tests pp. 1661-1694
- Donald Andrews
- The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity pp. 1695-1725
- Marc Melitz
- Cointegration in Fractional Systems with Unknown Integration Orders pp. 1727-1766
- Peter Robinson and J. Hualde
- Stationary Equilibria in Asset-Pricing Models with Incomplete Markets and Collateral pp. 1767-1793
- Felix Kubler and Karl Schmedders
- Efficient Estimation of Models with Conditional Moment Restrictions Containing Unknown Functions pp. 1795-1843
- Chunrong Ai and Xiaohong Chen
- Bootstrap Unit Root Tests pp. 1845-1895
- Joon Park
- A Subjective Spin on Roulette Wheels pp. 1897-1908
- Paolo Ghirardato, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci and Marciano Siniscalchi
- The Existence of Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium in Continuous Games with Almost Perfect Information: A Comment pp. 1909-1911
- Erzo Luttmer and Thomas Mariotti
Volume 71, issue 5, 2003
- Asymptotic Efficiency in Parametric Structural Models with Parameter-Dependent Support pp. 1307-1338
- Keisuke Hirano and Jack R. Porter
- Nonparametric Estimation of Nonadditive Random Functions pp. 1339-1375
- Rosa Matzkin
- Equilibrium Wage-Tenure Contracts pp. 1377-1404
- Kenneth Burdett and Melvyn Coles
- Identification in Nonseparable Models pp. 1405-1441
- Andrew Chesher
- Estimation of a Dynamic Auction Game pp. 1443-1489
- Mireia Jofre-Bonet and Martin Pesendorfer
- The Nonparametric Identification of Treatment Effects in Duration Models pp. 1491-1517
- Jaap Abbring and Gerard van den Berg
- Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to the Bellman Equation in the Unbounded Case pp. 1519-1555
- Juan Pablo RincÛn-Zapatero and Carlos RodrÌguez-Palmero
- Aggregating Infinite Utility Streams with InterGenerational Equity: The Impossibility of Being Paretian pp. 1557-1563
- Kaushik Basu and Tapan Mitra
- Instrumental Variable Estimation of Nonparametric Models pp. 1565-1578
- Whitney Newey and James Powell
- The Singularity of the Information Matrix of the Mixed Proportional Hazard Model pp. 1579-1589
- Geert Ridder and Tiemen Woutersen
- Estimation of Semiparametric Models when the Criterion Function Is Not Smooth pp. 1591-1608
- Xiaohong Chen, Oliver Linton and Ingrid Van Keilegom
Volume 71, issue 4, 2003
- Games Played Through Agents pp. 989-1026
- Andrea Prat and Aldo Rustichini
- A Conditional Likelihood Ratio Test for Structural Models pp. 1027-1048
- Marcelo Moreira
- Bootstrap Methods for Markov Processes pp. 1049-1082
- Joel L. Horowitz
- Signaling and Election Motivations in a Voting Model with Common Values and Responsive Candidates pp. 1083-1119
- Ronny Razin
- The Time Series and Cross-Section Asymptotics of Dynamic Panel Data Estimators pp. 1121-1159
- Javier Alvarez and Manuel Arellano
- Efficient Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Using the Estimated Propensity Score pp. 1161-1189
- Keisuke Hirano, Guido Imbens and Geert Ridder
- Isotone Equilibrium in Games of Incomplete Information pp. 1191-1214
- David McAdams
- Bayesian Inference for Hospital Quality in a Selection Model pp. 1215-1238
- John Geweke, Gautam Gowrisankaran and Robert Town
- Computing Supergame Equilibria pp. 1239-1254
- Kenneth Judd, Sevin Yeltekin and James Conklin
- Finite Order Implications of Common Priors pp. 1255-1267
- Barton Lipman
- Tests for Unit Roots and the Initial Condition pp. 1269-1286
- Ulrich K. M¸ller and Graham Elliott
- Frontiers of Stochastically Nondominated Portfolios pp. 1287-1297
- Andrzej Ruszczynski and Robert J. Vanderbei
Volume 71, issue 3, 2003
- Directed Matching and Monetary Exchange pp. 731-756
- P. Dean Corbae, Ted Loch Temzelides and Randall Wright
- Robust Predictions for Bilateral Contracting with Externalities pp. 757-791
- Ilya Segal and Michael Whinston
- Bargaining without a Common Prior-An Immediate Agreement Theorem pp. 793-811
- Muhamet Yildiz
- Residual-Based Block Bootstrap for Unit Root Testing pp. 813-855
- Efstathios Paparoditis and Dimitris N. Politis
- Implementation with Near-Complete Information pp. 857-871
- Kim-Sau Chung and Jeffrey Ely
- Deterministic Approximation of Stochastic Evolution in Games pp. 873-903
- Michel BenaÔm and Jörgen Weibull
- Inference in Censored Models with Endogenous Regressors pp. 905-932
- Han Hong and Elie Tamer
- Finite Mixture Distributions, Sequential Likelihood and the EM Algorithm pp. 933-946
- Peter Arcidiacono and John Jones
- The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 2002 Report of the President pp. 955-958
- Guy Laroque
- Fellows of the Econometric Society pp. 965-988
- Econometric Society
Volume 71, issue 2, 2003
- On Modes of Economic Governance pp. 449-481
- Avinash Dixit
- The Effects of Random and Discrete Sampling when Estimating Continuous--Time Diffusions pp. 483-549
- Yacine Ait--Sahalia and Per A. Mykland
- The Effects of a Baby Boom on Stock Prices and Capital Accumulation in the Presence of Social Security pp. 551-578
- Andrew Abel
- Modeling and Forecasting Realized Volatility pp. 579-625
- Torben Andersen, Tim Bollerslev, Francis Diebold and Paul Labys
- Empirical Limits for Time Series Econometric Models pp. 627-673
- Werner Ploberger and Peter Phillips
- A Bias--Reduced Log--Periodogram Regression Estimator for the Long--Memory Parameter pp. 675-712
- Donald Andrews and Patrik Guggenberger
- The Law of Demand and Risk Aversion pp. 713-721
- John Quah
Volume 71, issue 1, 2003
- Inductive Inference: An Axiomatic Approach pp. 1-26
- Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler
- A Structural Model of Government Formation pp. 27-70
- Daniel Diermeier, Hülya Eraslan and Antonio Merlo
- Consistent Tests for Stochastic Dominance pp. 71-104
- Garry Barrett and Stephen Donald
- Disclosures and Asset Returns pp. 105-133
- Hyun Song Shin
- Inferential Theory for Factor Models of Large Dimensions pp. 135-171
- Jushan Bai
- Bubbles and Crashes pp. 173-204
- Dilip Abreu and Markus Brunnermeier
- Nonparametric Engel Curves and Revealed Preference pp. 205-240
- Richard Blundell, Martin Browning and Ian A. Crawford
- Fully Nonparametric Estimation of Scalar Diffusion Models pp. 241-283
- Federico M. Bandi and Peter Phillips
- Inference in Arch and Garch Models with Heavy--Tailed Errors pp. 285-317
- Peter Hall and Qiwei Yao
- Equivalence Scales Reconsidered pp. 319-343
- Udo Ebert and Patrick Moyes
- Randomization, Communication, and Efficiency in Repeated Games with Imperfect Public Monitoring pp. 345-353
- Michihiro Kandori
- Micro--Level Estimation of Poverty and Inequality pp. 355-364
- Chris Elbers, Jean Lanjouw and Peter Lanjouw
- Consumption--Savings Decisions with Quasi--Geometric Discounting pp. 365-375
- Per Krusell and Anthony A. Smith, Jr.
- The Influence of Var Dimensions on Estimator Biases: Comment pp. 377-383
- Jurgen Doornik, Bent Nielsen and Thomas J. Rothenberg
- Rejoinder to Comment by Doornik, Nielsen, and Rothenberg pp. 385-386
- Karim M. Abadir, Kaddour Hadri and Elias Tzavalis
- Optimal Contracts when Enforcement is a Decision Variable: A Comment pp. 387-390
- Tridib Sharma
- Optimal Contracts when Enforcement is a Decision Variable: A Reply pp. 391-393
- Stefan Krasa and Anne P. Villamil
- Tests for Parameter Instability and Structural Change with Unknown Change Point: A Corrigendum pp. 395-397
- Donald Andrews
- The Determinants of Econometric Society Fellows Elections pp. 399-407
- Daniel S. Hamermesh and Peter Schmidt
- Report of the Editors 2001-2002 pp. 435-437
- Editors
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