1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica.
Current editor(s): Guido Imbens
From Econometric Society
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Volume 63, issue 6, 1995
- Risk Attitudes and Decision Weights pp. 1255-80

- Amos Tversky and Peter Wakker
- Oligopolistic Competition and the Optimal Provision of Products pp. 1281-1301

- Simon Anderson, André de Palma and Yurii Nesterov
- Intertemporal Population Ethics: Critical-Level Utilitarian Principles pp. 1303-20

- Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson
- Negative Externalities May Cause Delay in Negotiation pp. 1321-35

- Philippe Jehiel and Benny Moldovanu
- Cooperation and Effective Computability pp. 1337-69

- Luca Anderlini and Hamid Sabourian
- Evolutionary Selection in Normal-Form Games pp. 1371-99

- Klaus Ritzberger and Jörgen Weibull
- Reputation and Commitment in Two-Person Repeated Games without Discounting pp. 1401-19

- Martin Cripps and Jonathan Thomas
- Equilibrium Refinement for Infinite Normal-Form Games pp. 1421-43

- Leo K Simon and Maxwell B Stinchcombe
- Nonparametric Estimation of Exact Consumers Surplus and Deadweight Loss pp. 1445-76

- Jerry A Hausman and Whitney Newey
- Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimation with Discrete Regressors pp. 1477-84

- Miguel Delgado and Juan Mora
Volume 63, issue 5, 1995
- Fully Modified Least Squares and Vector Autoregression pp. 1023-78

- Peter Phillips
- Second Order Approximation in the Partially Linear Regression Model pp. 1079-1112

- Oliver Linton
- Regression with Nonstationary Volatility pp. 1113-32

- Bruce E Hansen
- Consistent Specification Testing via Nonparametric Series Regression pp. 1133-59

- Yongmiao Hong and Halbert White
- Epistemic Conditions for Nash Equilibrium pp. 1161-80

- Robert Aumann and Adam Brandenburger
- An Evolutionary Approach to Pre-play Communication pp. 1181-93

- Yong-Gwan Kim and Joel Sobel
- Decomposition and Characterization of Risk with a Continuum of Random Variables pp. 1195-1224

- Nabil Ibraheem Al-Najjar
- Revisiting the Sen Poverty Index pp. 1225-30

- Anthony F Shorrocks
- Optimal Investment Selection with a Multitude of Projects pp. 1231-40

- David G Cantor and Steven A Lippman
- A Cardinal Characterization of the Rubinstein-Safra-Thomson Axiomatic Bargaining Theory pp. 1241-49

- Simon Grant and Atsushi Kajii
Volume 63, issue 4, 1995
- Ragnar Frisch, Editor of Econometrica 1933-1954 pp. 755-65

- Olav Bjerkholt
- Back to the Future: Generating Moment Implications for Continuous-Time Markov Processes pp. 767-804

- Lars Peter Hansen and Jose Alexandre Scheinkman
- Individual Income, Incomplete Information, and Aggregate Consumption pp. 805-40

- Jorn-Steffen Pischke
- Automobile Prices in Market Equilibrium pp. 841-90

- Steven Berry, James Levinsohn and Ariel Pakes
- Product Differentiation and Oligopoly in International Markets: The Case of the U.S. Automobile Industry pp. 891-951

- Pinelopi Goldberg
- Econometrics of First-Price Auctions pp. 953-80

- Jean-Jacques Laffont, Herve Ossard and Quang Vuong
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Optimal Growth: An Example pp. 981-1001

- Kazuo Nishimura and Makoto Yano
Volume 63, issue 3, 1995
- The Existence of Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium in Continuous Games with Almost Perfect Information: A Case for Public Randomization pp. 507-44

- Christopher Harris, Philip Reny and Arthur Robson
- Perfect Equilibria in Negotiation Model pp. 545-65

- Lutz-Alexander Busch and Quan Wen
- Renegotiation of Sales Contracts pp. 567-89

- Steven Matthews
- Optimal Procurement Mechanisms pp. 591-620

- Alejandro Manelli and Daniel Vincent
- Competing Vertical Structures: Precommitment and Renegotiation pp. 621-46

- Bernard Caillaud, Bruno Jullien and Pierre Picard
- Distribution of Income and Aggregation of Demand pp. 647-66

- Francisco Marhuenda
- The Normal Approximation for Semiparametric Averaged Derivatives pp. 667-80

- Peter Robinson
- An Empirical Investigation of Asset Pricing with Temporally Dependent Preference Specifications pp. 681-717

- John Heaton
Volume 63, issue 2, 1995
- Modelling Nonlinear Relationships between Extended-Memory Variables pp. 265-79

- Clive Granger
- Identification and Robustness with Contaminated and Corrupted Data pp. 281-302

- Joel L Horowitz and Charles Manski
- Sisters, Siblings, and Mothers: The Effect of Teen-Age Childbearing on Birth Outcomes in a Dynamic Family Context pp. 303-26

- Mark Rosenzweig and Kenneth I Wolpin
- Congestion Pricing and Capacity of Large Hub Airports: A Bottleneck Model with Stochastic Queues pp. 327-70

- Joseph Daniel
- A Stochastic Model of Sequential Bargaining with Complete Information pp. 371-99

- Antonio Merlo and Charles A Wilson
- The Recursive Core pp. 401-23

- Robert Becker and Subir K Chakrabarti
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Perfect Finite Horizon Folk Theorem pp. 425-30

- Lones Smith
- Proportional Budgeting and Decentralization pp. 431-39

- Charles Blackorby and R Robert Russell
- A Locally Stable Adjustment Process pp. 441-48

- Anjan Mukherji
Volume 63, issue 1, 1995
- The Role of Information in U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Auctions pp. 1-27

- Robert Porter
- The Incidence of Adverse Medical Outcomes under Prospective Payment pp. 29-50

- David Cutler
- Strategy-Proof Exchange pp. 51-87

- Salvador Barberà and Matthew Jackson
- Efficiency of an Information System in an Agency Model pp. 89-102

- Son Ku Kim
- Adaptive Dynamics in Coordination Games pp. 103-43

- Vincent Crawford
- Dominance and Belief Potential pp. 145-57

- Stephen Morris, Rafael Rob and Hyun Song Shin
- Subjective Probability without Monotonicity: Or How Machina's Mom May Also Be Probabilistically Sophisticated pp. 159-89

- Simon Grant
- Every Stable Set Contains a Fully Stable Set pp. 191-93

- Srihari Govindan
- Local Convergence of Recursive Learning to Steady States and Cycles in Stochastic Nonlinear Models pp. 195-206

- George Evans and Seppo Honkapohja
- A Mirror Image Invariance for M-Estimators pp. 207-11

- Andrew Chesher