1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 70, issue 6, 2002
- Identification of Standard Auction Models pp. 2107-2140
- Susan Athey and Philip A. Haile
- Two Competing Models of How People Learn in Games pp. 2141-2166
- Ed Hopkins
- A Game-Theoretic View of the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level pp. 2167-2195
- Marco Bassetto
- Optimal Auction with Resale pp. 2197-2224
- Charles Zheng
- Discrete-Time Approximations of the Holmstrom-Milgrom Brownian-Motion Model of Intertemporal Incentive Provision pp. 2225-2264
- Martin F. Hellwig and Klaus M. Schmidt
- On the Global Convergence of Stochastic Fictitious Play pp. 2265-2294
- Josef Hofbauer and William H. Sandholm
- Equilibrium Wage Dispersion with Worker and Employer Heterogeneity pp. 2295-2350
- Fabien Postel-Vinay and Jean-Marc Robin
- The Law of Large Demand for Information pp. 2351-2366
- Giuseppe Moscarini and Lones Smith
- Mobility and the Return to Education: Testing a Roy Model with Multiple Markets pp. 2367-2420
- Gordon Dahl
- Informational Size and Incentive Compatibility pp. 2421-2453
- Richard McLean and Andrew Postlewaite
- Nonparametric Estimation with Nonlinear Budget Sets pp. 2455-2480
- Sören Blomquist and Whitney Newey
- Rationalizing Choice Functions By Multiple Rationales pp. 2481-2488
- Gil Kalai, Ariel Rubinstein and Ran Spiegler
- Efficient Resource Allocation on the Basis of Priorities pp. 2489-2497
- Haluk I. Ergin
- Estimation of a Censored Dynamic Panel Data Model pp. 2499-2517
- Luojia Hu
Volume 70, issue 5, 2002
- Communication and Equilibrium in Discontinuous Games of Incomplete Information pp. 1711-1740
- Matthew Jackson, Leo K. Simon, Jeroen M. Swinkels and William Zame
- Technology, Geography, and Trade pp. 1741-1779
- Jonathan Eaton and Samuel Kortum
- Pivotal Statistics for Testing Structural Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression pp. 1781-1803
- Frank Kleibergen
- Does Market Incompleteness Matter? pp. 1805-1839
- David Levine and William Zame
- The Optimality of a Simple Market Mechanism pp. 1841-1863
- Mark A. Satterthwaite and Steven R. Williams
- The Ex Ante Incentive Compatible Core in the Absence of Wealth Effects pp. 1865-1892
- Francoise Forges, Jean-François Mertens and Rajiv Vohra
- Computational Complexity and Communication: Coordination in Two-Player Games pp. 1893-1927
- Amparo Urbano and Jose Vila
- A Small Sample Correction for the Test of Cointegrating Rank in the Vector Autoregressive Model pp. 1929-1961
- Soren Johansen
- A Fractional Dickey-Fuller Test for Unit Roots pp. 1963-2006
- Juan Dolado, Jesus Gonzalo and Laura Mayoral
- Existence and Uniqueness of Maximal Reductions Under Iterated Strict Dominance pp. 2007-2023
- Martin Dufwenberg and Mark Stegeman
- Coarse Matching pp. 2025-2034
- Randolph McAfee
- Weighted Minimum Mean-Square Distance from Independence Estimation pp. 2035-2051
- Donald Brown and Marten H. Wegkamp
- Semiparametric Binary Choice Panel Data Models Without Strictly Exogeneous Regressors pp. 2053-2063
- Bo E. Honore and Arthur Lewbel
- General Equilibrium Comparative Statics pp. 2065-2074
- John Nachbar
- Unobserved Ability and the Return to Schooling pp. 2075-2091
- Christian Belzil and Jörgen Hansen
- Heteroskedasticity-Autocorrelation Robust Standard Errors Using The Bartlett Kernel Without Truncation pp. 2093-2095
- Nicholas Kiefer and Timothy Vogelsang
- Simple Robust Testing of Regression Hypotheses: A Comment pp. 2097-2099
- Karim M. Abadir and Paolo Paruolo
Volume 70, issue 4, 2002
- Architecture of Power Markets pp. 1299-1340
- Robert Wilson
- The Economist as Engineer: Game Theory, Experimentation, and Computation as Tools for Design Economics pp. 1341-1378
- Alvin Roth
- Multiple Referrals and Multidimensional Cheap Talk pp. 1379-1401
- Marco Battaglini
- Ambiguity, Risk, and Asset Returns in Continuous Time pp. 1403-1443
- Zengjing Chen and Larry Epstein
- On the Internal Structure of Cities pp. 1445-1476
- Robert Lucas and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- On the Role of Outside Options in Bargaining with Obstinate Parties pp. 1477-1517
- Olivier Compte and Philippe Jehiel
- Swapping the Nested Fixed Point Algorithm: A Class of Estimators for Discrete Markov Decision Models pp. 1519-1543
- Victor Aguirregabiria and Pedro Mira
- Adapting to Unknown Disturbance Autocorrelation in Regression with Long Memory pp. 1545-1581
- Javier Hidalgo and Peter Robinson
- Inference on the Quantile Regression Process pp. 1583-1612
- Roger Koenker and Zhijie Xiao
- Collateral Avoids Ponzi Schemes in Incomplete Markets pp. 1613-1638
- Aloisio Araujo, Mario Pascoa and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
- Asymptotically Unbiased Inference for a Dynamic Panel Model with Fixed Effects when Both "n" and "T" Are Large pp. 1639-1657
- Jinyong Hahn and Guido Kuersteiner
- The Revelation and Delegation Principles in Common Agency Games pp. 1659-1673
- David Martimort and Lars Stole
- Information Aggregation in Common Value Auctions pp. 1675-1682
- Ilan Kremer
- Rank Estimation of Transformation Models pp. 1683-1697
- Songnian Chen
Volume 70, issue 3, 2002
- Schumpeterian Growth Theory and the Dynamics of Income Inequality pp. 855-882
- Philippe Aghion
- Do Political Institutions Shape Economic Policy? pp. 883-905
- Torsten Persson
- International Business Cycles with Endogenous Incomplete Markets pp. 907-928
- Patrick Kehoe and Fabrizio Perri
- Dynamic Monetary Equilibrium in a Random Matching Economy pp. 929-969
- Edward Green and Ruilin Zhou
- An Experimental Study of Belief Learning Using Elicited Beliefs pp. 971-1005
- Yaw Nyarko and Andrew Schotter
- Information Acquisition and Efficient Mechanism Design pp. 1007-1033
- Dirk Bergemann and Juuso Välimäki
- Lower Risk Bounds and Properties of Confidence Sets for Ill-Posed Estimation Problems with Applications to Spectral Density and Persistence Estimation, Unit Roots, and Estimation of Long Memory Parameters pp. 1035-1065
- Benedikt M. Poetscher
- Band Spectral Regression with Trending Data pp. 1067-1109
- P. Dean Corbae, Sam Ouliaris and Peter Phillips
- Spatial Price Competition: A Semiparametric Approach pp. 1111-1153
- Joris Pinkse, Margaret E. Slade and Craig Brett
- A Theory of Diversity pp. 1155-1198
- Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
- An Efficient Auction pp. 1199-1212
- Motty Perry and Philip Reny
- A Commodity Price Process with a Unique Continuous Invariant Distribution Having Infinite Mean pp. 1213-1219
- Eugenio Bobenrieth, Juan R. A. Bobenrieth H. and Brian Wright
- Welfare Rankings in the Presence of Contaminated Data pp. 1221-1233
- Frank Cowell and Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
- Testing Lorenz Curves with Non-Simple Random Samples pp. 1235-1243
- Buhong Zheng
- Nonexistence of Constrained Efficient Equilibria When Markets are Incomplete pp. 1245-1251
- Egbert Dierker, Hildegard Dierker and Birgit Grodal
- Preserving Log-Concavity Under Convolution: Comment pp. 1253-1254
- Eugenio Miravete
- The 2002 Frisch Medal Award pp. 1255-1261
- Econometric Society
- Fellows of the Econometric Society January 2002 pp. 1275-1297
- Econometric Society
Volume 70, issue 2, 2002
- Anchoring Economic Predictions in Common Knowledge pp. 439-480
- Roger Guesnerie
- Tax and Education Policy in a Heterogeneous-Agent Economy: What Levels of Redistribution Maximize Growth and Efficiency? pp. 481-517
- Roland Benabou
- Inference on Regressions with Interval Data on a Regressor or Outcome pp. 519-546
- Charles Manski and Elie Tamer
- The Time Structure of Self-Enforcing Agreements pp. 547-582
- Debraj Ray
- Envelope Theorems for Arbitrary Choice Sets pp. 583-601
- Paul Milgrom and Ilya Segal
- Measuring the Dynamic Efficiency Costs of Regulators' Preferences: Municipal Water Utilities in the Arid West pp. 603-629
- Christopher Timmins
- Quadratic Concavity and Determinacy of Equilibrium pp. 631-662
- Chris Shannon and William Zame
- Shift Restrictions and Semiparametric Estimation in Ordered Response Models pp. 663-691
- Roger Klein and Robert P. Sherman
- Computing Normal Form Perfect Equilibria for Extensive Two-Person Games pp. 693-715
- Bernhard von Stengel, Antoon van den Elzen and Adolphus Talman
- A Genuine Rank-Dependent Generalization of the Von Neumann-Morgenstern Expected Utility Theorem pp. 717-736
- Mohammed Abdellaoui
- Giving According to GARP: An Experimental Test of the Consistency of Preferences for Altruism pp. 737-753
- James Andreoni and John Miller
- Probabilistic Sophistication and Multiple Priors pp. 755-764
- Massimo Marinacci
- Nonparametric Censored and Truncated Regression pp. 765-779
- Arthur Lewbel and Oliver Linton
- Semiparametric Bayesian Inference in Autoregressive Panel Data Models pp. 781-799
- Keisuke Hirano
- Identifying Dynamic Discrete Decision Processes pp. 801-816
- Thierry Magnac and David Thesmar
- Discrete Choice in Continuous Time: Implications of an Intertemporal Version of the Iia Property pp. 817-831
- John Dagsvik
- Comparative Statics by Adaptive Dynamics and the Correspondence Principle pp. 833-844
- Federico Echenique
Volume 70, issue 1, 2002
- The Mirrlees Approach to Mechanism Design with Renegotiation (with Applications to Hold-up and Risk Sharing) pp. 1-45
- Ilya Segal and Michael Whinston
- Consumption Over the Life Cycle pp. 47-89
- Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Jonathan Parker
- Instrumental Variables Estimates of the Effect of Subsidized Training on the Quantiles of Trainee Earnings pp. 91-117
- Alberto Abadie, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens
- Higher-Order Improvements of a Computationally Attractive "k"-Step Bootstrap for Extremum Estimators pp. 119-162
- Donald Andrews
- A New Specification Test for the Validity of Instrumental Variables pp. 163-189
- Jinyong Hahn and Jerry Hausman
- Determining the Number of Factors in Approximate Factor Models pp. 191-221
- Jushan Bai and Serena Ng
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Discretely Sampled Diffusions: A Closed-form Approximation Approach pp. 223-262
- Yacine Ait-Sahalia
- Individual Sense of Justice: A Utility Representation pp. 263-284
- Edi Karni and Zvi Safra
- Is There a Curse of Dimensionality for Contraction Fixed Points in the Worst Case? pp. 285-329
- John Rust, J. F. Traub and H. Wozniakowski
- Independence, Monotonicity, and Latent Index Models: An Equivalence Result pp. 331-341
- Edward Vytlacil
- On the Value of Competition in Procurement Auctions pp. 343-355
- Olivier Compte and Philippe Jehiel
- Regressions, Short and Long pp. 357-368
- Philip J. Cross and Charles Manski
- An Impossibility Theorem Concerning Multilateral International Comparison of Volumes pp. 369-375
- Matthijs van Veelen
- Bootstrapping Autoregressive Processes with Possible Unit Roots pp. 377-391
- Atsushi Inoue and Lutz Kilian
- Comment on: "Do Sunspots Matter When Spot Market Equilibria Are Unique?" pp. 393-396
- Richard Barnett and Eric Fisher
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