1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica.
Current editor(s): Guido Imbens
From Econometric Society
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Volume 56, issue 6, 1988
- Full Extraction of the Surplus in Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Auctions pp. 1247-57

- Jacques Crémer and Richard McLean
- The Structure of Nash Equilibrium in Repeated Games with Finite Automata pp. 1259-81

- Dilip Abreu and Ariel Rubinstein
- Asset Pricing in Multiperiod Securities Markets pp. 1283-1300

- Gary Chamberlain
- Household Economies of Scale in Consumption: Theory and Evidence pp. 1301-14

- Julie Nelson
- Nonparametric Analysis of Technical and Allocative Efficiencies in Production pp. 1315-32

- Rajiv D Banker and Ajay Maindiratta
- Trends versus Random Walks in Time Series Analysis pp. 1333-54

- Steven Durlauf and Peter Phillips
- Testing for Structural Change in Dynamic Models pp. 1355-69

- Walter Krämer, Werner Ploberger and Raimund Alt
- Estimating Vector Autoregressions with Panel Data pp. 1371-95

- Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Whitney Newey and Harvey Rosen
- Asymptotic Normality, When Regressors Have a Unit Root pp. 1397-1417

- Kenneth West
- Chi-Square Diagnostic Tests for Econometric Models: Theory pp. 1419-53

- Donald Andrews
- Equity and Efficiency in Public Sector Pricing: A Case for Stochastic Rationing pp. 1455-65

- Hans Wijkander
- The Optimal Depletion and Exploration of a Nonrenewable Resource pp. 1467-71

- N V Quyen
Volume 56, issue 5, 1988
- Approximate Power Functions for Some Robust Tests of Regression Coefficients pp. 997-1019

- Thomas J Rothenberg
- Regression Theory for Near-Integrated Time Series pp. 1021-43

- Peter Phillips
- Controlling a Stochastic Process with Unknown Parameters pp. 1045-64

- David Easley and Nicholas Kiefer
- On the Formulation of Wald Tests of Nonlinear Restrictions pp. 1065-83

- Peter Phillips and Joon Park
- Rational Expectations and the Aggregation of Diverse Information in Laboratory Security Markets pp. 1085-1118

- Charles Plott and Shyam Sunder
- Bubbles, Crashes, and Endogenous Expectations in Experimental Spot Asset Markets pp. 1119-51

- Vernon L Smith, Gerry L Suchanek and Arlington Williams
- The Dynamics of Incentive Contracts pp. 1153-75

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole
- Justifying the First-Order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems pp. 1177-90

- Ian Jewitt
- Subgame Perfect Implementation pp. 1191-1220

- John Moore and Rafael Repullo
- Context-Dependent Choice with Nonlinear and Nontransitive Preferences pp. 1221-39

- Peter C Fishburn and Irving H LaValle
Volume 56, issue 4, 1988
- Incomplete Contracts and Renegotiation pp. 755-85

- Oliver D Hart and John Moore
- On 64%-Majority Rule pp. 787-814

- Andrew Caplin and Barry Nalebuff
- Arbitrage and Diversification in a General Equilibrium Asset Economy pp. 815-40

- Frank Milne
- Strategic Considerations in Invention and Innovation; The Case of Natural Resources Revisited pp. 841-49

- Trond Olsen
- Aggregation of Information in Large Cournot Markets pp. 851-76

- Xavier Vives
- Seasonality, Cost Shocks, and the Production Smoothing Models of Inventories pp. 877-908

- Jeffrey Miron and Stephen Zeldes
- An Analysis of Substitution Bias in Measuring Inflation, 1959-85 pp. 909-30

- Marilyn E Manser and Richard J McDonald
- Root- N-Consistent Semiparametric Regression pp. 931-54

- Peter Robinson
- Optimal Experimental Design for Error Components Models pp. 955-71

- Dennis J Aigner and Pietro Balestra
- Estimating Risk Aversion from Arrow-Debreu Portfolio Choice pp. 973-79

- Hal Varian
- Hedonic Prices and the Benefits of Public Projects pp. 981-89

- Yoshitsugu Kanemoto
Volume 56, issue 3, 1988
- Measuring the Effect of Subsidized Training Programs on Movements in and out of Employment pp. 497-530

- David Card and Daniel G Sullivan
- The Stochastic Difference between Econometric Statistics pp. 531-48

- Peter Robinson
- A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly, I: Overview and Quantity Competition with Large Fixed Costs pp. 549-69

- Eric Maskin and Jean Tirole
- A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly, II: Price Competition, Kinked Demand Curves, and Edgeworth Cycles pp. 571-99

- Eric Maskin and Jean Tirole
- On Delay in Bargaining with One-Sided Uncertainty pp. 601-11

- Faruk Gul and Hugo Sonnenschein
- The Existence of Input and Output Aggregates in Aggregate Production Functions pp. 613-43

- Charles Blackorby and William Schworm
- Trade Patterns under Uncertainty with Country Specific Shocks pp. 645-59

- Elhanan Helpman
- Game Forms with Minimal Message Spaces pp. 661-92

- Stefan Reichelstein and Stanley Reiter
- Strategy Space Reduction in Maskin's Theorem: Sufficient Conditions for Nash Implementation pp. 693-700

- Tatsuyoshi Saijo
- Alternative Estimators of FIML Covariance Matrix: A Monte Carlo Stud y pp. 701-14

- Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
Volume 56, issue 2, 1988
- Efficiency Wages and the Inter-industry Wage Structure pp. 259-93

- Alan Krueger and Lawrence H Summers
- Road Damage Externalities and Road User Charges pp. 295-316

- David M Newbery
- An Econometric Analysis of Fluctuations in Aggregate Labor Supply and Demand pp. 317-33

- John Kennan
- Intertemporal Preferences and Labor Supply pp. 335-60

- V Joseph Hotz, Finn Kydland and Guilherme L Sedlacek
- The Second Welfare Theorem with Nonconvex Preferences pp. 361-82

- Robert M Anderson
- On the Theory of Infinitely Repeated Games with Discounting pp. 383-96

- Dilip Abreu
- Finite Rationality and Interpersonal Complexity in Repeated Games pp. 397-410

- Ehud Kalai and William Stanford
- Optimal Time-Consistent Fiscal Policy with Finite Lifetimes pp. 411-32

- Guillermo Calvo and Maurice Obstfeld
- Conditions for Identification in Nonparametric and Parametic Models pp. 433-47

- Charles S Roehrig
- Managerial Task Assignment and Promotions pp. 449-66

- Joan E Ricart i Costa
- Analytic Derivatives for Estimation of Discrete-Time pp. 467-72

- Peter Zadrozny
- A General Approach to the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) pp. 473-76

- Haim Reisman
- The Rotterdam Model: An Approximation in Variable Space pp. 477-84

- Dean Mountain
Volume 56, issue 1, 1988
- Experimental Tests of a Sequential Equilibrium Reputation Model pp. 1-36

- Colin Camerer and Keith Weigelt
- Dividend Innovations and Stock Price Volatility pp. 37-61

- Kenneth West
- Rational Household Labor Supply pp. 63-90

- Pierre Chiappori
- An Empirical Analysis of Life Cycle Fertility and Female Labor Supply pp. 91-118

- V Joseph Hotz and Robert A Miller
- The Student's t Approximation in a Stationary First Order Autoregressive Model pp. 119-45

- J C Nankervis and N E Savin
- The Inverse Optimal Problem: A Dynamic Programming Approach pp. 147-72

- Fwu-Ranq Chang
- Poverty Orderings pp. 173-77

- James Foster and Anthony F Shorrocks