1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 52, issue 6, 1984
- Approximate Cores of Large Games pp. 1327-50

- Myrna Wooders and William Zame
- Involuntary Unemployment as a Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model pp. 1351-64

- Avner Shaked and John Sutton
- Non-symmetric Cardinal Value Allocations pp. 1365-68

- Allen J Scafuri and Nicholas C Yannelis
- Inequality Decomposition by Population Subgroups pp. 1369-85

- Anthony F Shorrocks
- Estimation of a Quarterly Macroeconomic Model with Quantity Rationing pp. 1387-1414

- Patrick Artus, Guy Laroque and Gilles Michel
- Missing Observations in the Dynamic Regression Model pp. 1415-35

- Franz Palm and Theo Nijman
- Dynamic Inconsistency, Rational Expectations, and Optimal Government Policy pp. 1437-51

- Brian Hillier and James Malcomson
- Price Discrimination and Monopolistic Competition pp. 1453-71

- Michael Katz
- Optimal Auctions with Risk Averse Buyers pp. 1473-1518

- Eric Maskin and John Riley
- On the Implementability of Reduced Form Auctions pp. 1519-22

- Steven Matthews
- Global Incentive Constraints in Auction Design pp. 1523-35

- John Moore
- A Core Existence Theorem for Games without Ordered Preferences pp. 1537-42

- Kim C Border
- The x[superscript]2 Goodness of Fit Statistic for Models with Parameters Estimated from Microdata pp. 1543-47

- James J Heckman
Volume 52, issue 5, 1984
- The Costs of Substitution pp. 1085-1116

- C Christian von Weizsacker
- Bertrand Equilibrium with Capacity Constraints and Restricted Mobility pp. 1117-27

- Michael Peters
- Payoffs in Nonatomic Economies: An Axiomatic Approach pp. 1129-50

- Pradeep Dubey and Abraham Neyman
- Effectivity Functions and Acceptable Game Forms pp. 1151-66

- Bhaskar Dutta
- Implementing Efficient Egalitarian Equivalent Allocations pp. 1167-77

- Gabrielle Demange
- Nonmyopic Strategic Behavior in the MDP Planning Procedure pp. 1179-89

- Michel Truchon
- Investment in Human and Nonhuman Capital, Transfers among Siblings, and the Role of Government pp. 1191-98

- Marc Nerlove, Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
- The Returns to Schooling: A Selectivity Bias Approach with a Continuous Choice Variable pp. 1199-1218

- John Garen
- Specification Tests for the Multinomial Logit Model pp. 1219-40

- Jerry Hausman and Daniel McFadden
- Testing for Unit Roots: 2 pp. 1241-69

- G B A Evans and N E Savin
- Approximation to the Finite Sample Distribution for Nonstable First Order Stochastic Difference Equations pp. 1271-89

- Stephen Ellwood Satchell
- Model Selection When There Is "Minimal" Prior Information pp. 1291-1312

- Roger Klein and Stephen Brown
- Functional Form for Estimating the Lorenz Curve pp. 1313-14

- Manash Gupta
- Le probleme de la transformation: Solution(s) pp. 1315
- G Abraham-Frois and E Berrebi
- A Simple Stochastic Adjustment Process pp. 1317-19

- Toshihide Mitsui
Volume 52, issue 4, 1984
- Approximate Normality of Generalized Least Squares Estimates pp. 811-25

- Thomas J Rothenberg
- Hypothesis Testing in Linear Models When the Error Covariance Matrix Is Nonscalar pp. 827-42

- Thomas J Rothernberg
- Tests for the Bivariate Normal Distribution in Econometric Models with Selectivity pp. 843-63

- Lung-Fei Lee
- Testing for Neglected Heterogeneity pp. 865-72

- Andrew Chesher
- Local Asymptotic Specification Error Analysis pp. 873-85

- Nicholas Kiefer and Gary R Skoog
- Completeness, Distribution Restrictions, and the Form of Aggregate Functions pp. 887-907

- Thomas M Stoker
- Econometric Models for Count Data with an Application to the Patents-R&D Relationship pp. 909-38

- Jerry Hausman, Bronwyn H Hall and Zvi Griliches
- A Hazard Rate Approach to the Timing of Births pp. 939-61

- John Newman and Charles E McCulloch
- A General Existence Theorem for Von Neumann Economic Growth Models pp. 963-74

- Peter Medvegyev
- Continuum and Finite-Player Noncooperative Models of Competition pp. 975-93

- Edward Green
- Bargaining under Asymmetric Information pp. 995-1005

- William F Samuelson
- Rationalizable Strategic Behavior pp. 1007-28

- B. Douglas Bernheim
- Rationalizable Strategic Behavior and the Problem of Perfection pp. 1029-50

- David G Pearce
- The Covariance Matrix of the Information Matrix Test pp. 1051-53

- Tony Lancaster
- On the Robustness of LM, LR, and W Tests in Regression Models pp. 1055-66

- Aman Ullah and Victoria Zinde-Walsh
- Some Further Remarks on Multicollinearity and the Minimax Conditions of the Bock Stein-Like Estimator pp. 1067-69

- Gotz Trenkler
Volume 52, issue 3, 1984
- Discrete-Continuous Models of Consumer Demand pp. 541-61

- W Michael Hanemann
- Commodity Price Stabilization in Imperfect or Cartelized Markets pp. 563-78

- David M Newbery
- The Nonparametric Approach to Production Analysis pp. 579-97

- Hal Varian
- A Reformulation of the Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution pp. 599-630

- Joseph Ostroy
- Occupational Choice under Uncertainty pp. 631-45

- Aloysius Siow
- Some Generalized Functions for the Size Distribution of Income pp. 647-63

- James McDonald
- Saddlepoint Problems in Continuous Time Rational Expectations Models: A General Method and Some Macroeconomic Examples pp. 665-80

- Willem Buiter
- Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Methods: Theory pp. 681-700

- Christian Gourieroux, Alain Monfort and Alain Trognon
- Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Methods: Applications to Poisson Models pp. 701-20

- Christian Gourieroux, Alain Monfort and Alain Trognon
- The Structure of Simultaneous Equation Estimators: A Generalization towards Nonnormal Disturbances pp. 721-36

- Ingmar Prucha and Harry H Kelejian
- Censored Normal Regression with Measurement Error on the Dependent Variable pp. 737-60

- David C Stapleton and Douglas J Young
- A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures pp. 761-66

- James Foster, Joel Greer and Erik Thorbecke
Volume 52, issue 2, 1984
- A Method for Minimizing the Impact of Distributional Assumptions in Econometric Models for Duration Data pp. 271-320

- James Heckman and Burton Singer
- Residual-Based Procedures for Prediction and Estimation in a Nonlinear Simultaneous System pp. 321-43

- Bryan W Brown and Roberto Mariano
- An Econometric Analysis of Residential Electric Appliance Holdings and Consumption pp. 345-62

- Jeffrey A Dubin and Daniel McFadden
- Dynamic Hours of Work Functions for Husbands, Wives, and Single Females pp. 363-89

- Terry R Johnson and John Pencavel
- Switching Regression Models with Imperfect Sample Separation Information-With an Application on Cartel Stability pp. 391-418

- Lung-Fei Lee and Robert Porter
- Interpolation from Grouped Data for Unimodal Densities pp. 419-26

- Abba M Krieger and Joseph L Gastwirth
- Testing a Subset of Coefficients in a Structural Equation pp. 427-48

- Kimio Morimune and Yoshihiko Tsukuda
- Investment and Wages in the Absence of Binding Contracts: A Nash Bargining Approach pp. 449-60

- Paul Grout
- Two-Person Bargaining Problems with Incomplete Information pp. 461-87

- Roger Myerson
- An Open-Access Fishery with Rational Expectations pp. 489-506

- Peter Berck and Jeffrey Perloff
- A Competitive Model of Commodity Differentiation pp. 507-30

- Larry Jones
- Proportional Projections in Limited Dependent Variable Models pp. 531-34

- Ching-Fan Chung and Arthur Goldberger
Volume 52, issue 1, 1984
- Money in Search Equilibrium pp. 1-20

- Peter Diamond
- Pareto Optima and Competitive Equilibria with Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard pp. 21-45

- Edward Prescott and Robert Townsend
- Stability and Polarization of Interests in Job Matching pp. 47-57

- Alvin Roth
- Effective Policy Tools and Quantity Controls pp. 59-86

- Roger Guesnerie and Kevin Roberts
- Noncooperative Collusion under Imperfect Price Information pp. 87-100

- Edward Green and Robert Porter
- Cost Reduction, Competition, and Industry Performance pp. 101-21

- A. Spence
- The Size of Dynamic Econometric Models pp. 123-41

- Yves Balasko
- Nonlinear Regression with Dependent Observations pp. 143-61

- Halbert White and Ian Domowitz
- Consistent Sets of Estimates for Regressions with Errors in All Variables pp. 163-83

- Steven Klepper and Edward Leamer
- On the Moments of Ordinary Least Squares and Instrumental Variables Estimators in a General Structural Equation pp. 185-202

- Grant H Hillier, Terrence Kinal and V K Srivastava
- On the Asymptotic Efficiency of Feasible Aitken Estimators for Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models with Error Components pp. 203-07

- Ingmar Prucha
- Unbiasedness of Predictions from Estimated Autoregressions When the True Order Is Unknown pp. 209-15

- Jean-Marie Dufour
- Asymptotic Distribution of Dynamic Multipliers in Dynamic Autoregressive Models pp. 217-22

- John Knight
- Multiple Stable Equilibria in an Optimizing Perfect-Foresight Model pp. 223-28

- Maurice Obstfeld
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