1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica.
Current editor(s): Guido Imbens
From Econometric Society
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Volume 38, issue 6, 1970
- Continuity Properties of the Core of a Market pp. 791-815

- Yakar Kannai
- The Restricted Aitken Estimation of Sets of Demand Relations pp. 816-30

- R P Byron
- Linear Programming Models for National Planning: Demonstration of a Testing Procedure pp. 831-55

- Jeffrey Nugent
- Economies of Scale in Financial Institutions: A Study in Life Insurance pp. 856-64

- David B Houston and Richard M Simon
- Analysis of Distributed Lag Models with Application to Consumption Function Estimation pp. 865-88

- Arnold Zellner and Martin S Geisel
- Equivalence of Price and Quantity Formulations of Spatial Equilibrium: Purified Duality in Quadratic and Concave Programming pp. 889-906

- T Takayama and Alan Woodland
- Public Goods and Income Distribution pp. 907-20

- Henry Aaron and Martin McGuire
- Aggregation in Input-Output Analysis: An Extension of Fisher's Method pp. 921-26

- H Neudecker
- An Axiomatic Basis for the Ramsey- Weizsacker Overtaking Criterion pp. 927-29

- William Brock
- An Exact Small Sample Property of the k-Class Estimators pp. 930-32

- Koteswara Rao Kadiyala
- Comments on Hansson's 'Group Preferences' pp. 933-35

- Peter C Fishburn
- A Geometrical Note on New Income Inequality Measures pp. 936-37

- Ljubomir Martic
- Two-Stage Least-Squares Estimation with Shifts in the Structural Form pp. 938-41

- A P Barten and Lise Salvas Bronsard
Volume 38, issue 5, 1970
- Optimal Investment and Consumption Strategies Under Risk for a Class of Utility Functions pp. 587-607

- Nils H Hakansson
- Existence of Equilibria for Economies with Production and a Measure Space of Consumers pp. 608-23

- Werner Hildenbrand
- An Econometric Model of the Israeli Economy, 1952-65 pp. 624-60

- Michael K Evans
- Another Type of Risk Aversion pp. 661-65

- Richard Zeckhauser and Emmett Keeler
- Recursive Decision Systems: An Existence Analysis pp. 666-81

- Richard H Day and Peter Kennedy
- Some Properties of 'Optimal' Seasonal Adjustment pp. 682-703

- David Grether and Marc Nerlove
- The Efficiency of Competitive Programs pp. 704-11

- David A Starrett
- A Macro Model of the U. S. Labor Market pp. 712-41

- Stanley Black and H H Kelejian
- The Small Sample Properties of Simultaneous Equation Least Absolute Estimators vis-a-vis Least Squares Estimators pp. 742-53

- Fred R Glahe and Jerry G Hunt
- Production Correspondences pp. 754-71

- S E Jacobsen
- The Asymptotic Unbiasedness of Two- Stage Least Squares pp. 772
- David H Richardson
- Comment on Invariance Axioms and Economic Indexes pp. 773-74

- Claude Hillinger
- Estimating the Linear Probability Function pp. 775-76

- Robert G McGillivray
Volume 38, issue 3, 1970
- Economies with a Finite Set of Equilibria pp. 387-92

- Gerard Debreu
- Interpersonal Aggregation and Partial Comparability pp. 393-409

- Amartya Sen
- Testing for Serial Correlation in Least-Squares Regression When Some of the Regressors are Lagged Dependent Variables pp. 410-21

- James Durbin
- An Alternative to the Bounds Test for Testing for Serial Correlation in Least-Squares Regression pp. 422-29

- James Durbin
- The Formation of Groups for Cooperative Decision Making Under Uncertainty pp. 430-48

- Jakob Rosing
- Factor Accumulation and the Terms of Trade: A Three-Country, Three-Commodity, Three-Factor Analysis pp. 449-52

- Raveendra Batra
- Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Planning Models pp. 453-67

- David Kendrick and Lance Taylor
- Homothetic Separability and Consumer Budgeting pp. 468-72

- Blackorby, Charles, et al
- An Approximate Method for Solving a Continuous Time Allocation Problem pp. 473-81

- Jaromir Abrham
- Intransitive Individual Indifference and Transitive Majorities pp. 482-89

- Peter C Fishburn
- A Decomposition Algorithm for Solving the Multifacility Production-Transportation Problem with Nonlinear Production Costs pp. 490-506

- J Frank Sharp, James C Snyder and James H Greene
- The Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Models with Lagged Endogenous Variables and First Order Serially Correlated Errors pp. 507-16

- Ray Fair
- Further Implications of Distortion in the Factor Market pp. 517-32

- Yair Mundlak
- Approximations to Finite Sample Moments of Estimators Whose Exact Sampling Distributions are Unknown pp. 533-41

- T N Srinivasan
- Indivisibilites dans une Economie d'Echanges. (With English summary.) pp. 542-58

- Claude Henry
- A Microeconomic Production Function pp. 559-73

- David Levhari and Eytan Sheshinski
Volume 38, issue 2, 1970
- A Comparison of Alternative Econometric Models of Qtrly Investment Behavior pp. 187-212

- Dale Jorgenson, Jerald Hunter and M Ishaq Nadiri
- The Predictive Performance of Econometric Models of Qtrly Investment Behavior pp. 213-24

- Dale Jorgenson, Jerald Hunter and M Ishaq Nadiri
- The One-Stage Deformation Method: An Algorithm for Quadratic Programming pp. 225-30

- Roger Even Bove
- Public Interpretation of Federal Reserve Discount Rate Changes: Evidence on the 'Announcement Effect' pp. 231-50

- Roger Waud
- Characterization of the Pareto Distribution Through a Model of Underreported Incomes pp. 251-55

- N Krishnaji
- Estimating Cost Function Parameters without Using Cost Data: Illustrated Methodology pp. 256-75

- James N Rosse
- Solutions to the Decomposable von Neumann Model pp. 276-80

- Roman L Weil
- Price Distortion and Economic Welfare pp. 281-97

- Edward Foster and Hugo Sonnenschein
- Some Aspects of Evaluating Road Improvements in Congested Areas pp. 298-310

- J M Thomson
- Efficient Inference in a Random Coefficient Regression Model pp. 311-23

- P A V B Swamy
- The Mathematical Relation Between the Income Density Function and the Measurement of Income Inequality pp. 324-30

- Daniel B Levine and Neil M Singer
- Optimal Growth with Irreversible Investment in a Ramsey Model pp. 331-44

- Kenneth Arrow and Mordecai Kurz
- The Probability of a Cyclical Majority pp. 345-54

- Frank DeMeyer and Charles Plott
- The Relative Instability of Balanced Growth pp. 355-59

- Michael Lovell
- The Relative Instability of Balanced Growth-Reply pp. 360
- Jinkichi Tsukui
- Tests of Equality Between Sets of Coefficients in Two Linear Regressions: An Expository Note pp. 361-66

- Franklin M Fisher
- Unbiased Prediction by Recursive Least Squares pp. 367
- Arthur Goldberger
- Error-in-the-Variables Bias in Nonlinear Contexts pp. 368-70

- Zvi Griliches and Vidar Ringstad
Volume 38, issue 1, 1970
- Some Adjustment Problems pp. 1-17
- F H Hahn
- Sufficient Conditions for Optimality in an Infinite Horizon Development Plan pp. 18-38
- Alan Manne
- The Moment Matrix of the Two-Stage Least-Squares Estimator of Coefficients in Different Equations of a Complete System of Simultaneous Equations pp. 39-49
- A L Nagar and Y P Gupta
- Iterative Multilevel Planning with Production Targets pp. 50-65
- Martin Weitzman
- Lindahl's Solution and the Core of an Economy with Public Goods pp. 66-72

- Duncan Foley
- A Correspondence Principle for Simultaneous Equation Models pp. 73-92

- Franklin M Fisher
- Utility Functions for Partially Ordered Topological Spaces pp. 93-96

- Bezalel Peleg
- Testing for the Independence of Regression Disturbances pp. 97-117

- Koteswara Rao Kadiyala
- Value Share Transitions in Consumer Demand Theory pp. 118-27
- Henri Theil
- Optimal Growth in a Nonshiftable Capital Model pp. 128-52
- Sanjit Bose
- Impact, Pattern, and Duration of New Orders for Defense Products pp. 153-64
- Maw Lin Lee
- Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of a Choice Set Under Majority Voting pp. 165-70
- Prasanta K Pattanaik
- A Note on Professor Tobin's 'Money and Economic Growth' pp. 171-75
- Keizo Nagatani
- The Distribution of the Mid-Range-A Comment pp. 176-77

- Barr Rosenberg