1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 45, issue 8, 1977
- Macroeconometric Models of the Soviet Union and Eastern European Economies: A Tabular Survey pp. 1747-66

- Harold T Shapiro
- A Generalization of the Open Expanding Economy Model pp. 1767-76

- Otto Moeschlin
- Continuity of Equilibria for Production Economies: New Results pp. 1777-96

- Gerard Fuchs
- The Structure of Technology over Time: A Model for Testing the "Putty-Clay" Hypothesis pp. 1797-1821

- Melvyn A Fuss
- Efficient Investment and Growth Consistency in the Input-Output Frame: An Analytical Contribution pp. 1823-35

- Sajal Lahiri
- The United Kingdom Tax System, 1968-1970: Some Fixed Point Indications of Its Economic Impact pp. 1837-58

- John Whalley
- A Recommendation for a Better Tariff Structure pp. 1859-69

- Tatsuo Hatta
- Nonlinearity of Delivered Price Schedules and Predatory Pricing pp. 1871-75

- John G Greenhut and M L Greenhut
- A Note on the Stability of Large Cartels pp. 1877-78

- Andrew Postlewaite and John Roberts
- A Model of Borrowing and Lending with Bankruptcy pp. 1879-1906

- Martin F Hellwig
- Towards a Theory of Elections with Probabilistic Preferences pp. 1907-24

- Peter C Fishburn and William V Gehrlein
- Global Characterization of the Weak Le Chatelier-Samuelson Principles and Its Applications to Economic Behavior, Preferences, and Utility-"Embedding" Theorems pp. 1925-55

- Sho-Ichiro Kusumoto
- Integrability and Mathematical Programming Models: A Survey and a Parametric Approach pp. 1957-76

- Malachy Carey
- The Estimation of Choice Probabilities from Choice Based Samples pp. 1977-88

- Charles Manski and Steven R Lerman
- The Durbin-Watson Test for Serial Correlation with Extreme Sample Sizes or Many Regressors pp. 1989-96

- N Eugene Savin and Kenneth J White
- Some Evidence on the Largest Squared Correlation Coefficient from Several Samples pp. 1997-2001

- Robert W Bacon
Volume 45, issue 7, 1977
- On Weights and Measures: Informational Constraints in Social Welfare Analysis pp. 1539-72

- Amartya K Sen
- The Manipulation of Social Choice Mechanisms That Do Not Leave "Too Much" to Chance pp. 1573-88

- Salvador Barberà
- The Ratio Equilibria and the Core of the Voting Game G(N, W) in a Public Goods Economy pp. 1589-94

- Mamoru Kaneko
- The Nature of Equilibrium with Semiordered Preferences pp. 1595-1605

- Dean Jamison and Lawrence J Lau
- Incentive Compatible Behavior in Core-Selecting Organizations pp. 1607-21

- John Ledyard
- Proportional Solutions to Bargaining Situations: Interpersonal Utility Comparisons pp. 1623-30

- Ehud Kalai
- Two-Person Bargaining Problems and Comparable Utility pp. 1631-37

- Roger Myerson
- Price-Taking Behavior pp. 1651-56

- Leif Johansen
- Trade and Prices in a Closed Economy with Exogeneous Uncertainty, Different Levels of Information, Money and Compound Futures Markets pp. 1657-80

- Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
- Quality Change and the Demand for Hospital Care pp. 1681-1702

- Martin Feldstein
- 'Second Best' Congestion Taxes in Transportation Systems pp. 1703-15

- Trent J Bertrand
- The Estimation of Simultaneous Probability Models pp. 1717-22

- Charles D Mallar
- A Note on the Computation of the Tobit Estimator pp. 1723-27

- Ray Fair
- A Note on Distributed Lags, Prediction, and Signal Extraction pp. 1729-34

- David Grether
- On the Granger Condition for Non-Causality pp. 1735-36

- Yuzo Hosoya
- The Stability of Models of Money and Perfect Foresight: A Comment pp. 1737-39

- Guillermo Calvo
- A Computer Program for Box-Cox Transformation and Estimation Technique pp. 1741
- Hui Shyong Chang
Volume 45, issue 6, 1977
- The Independent Inputs of Production pp. 1303-27

- Henri Theil
- Pricing under Spatial Competition and Spatial Monopoly pp. 1329-38

- Dennis Capozza and Robert Van Order
- A Quantity -Quantity Algorithm for Planning under Increasing Returns to Scale pp. 1339-48

- Jacques Crémer
- A Convergent Adjustment Process for Firms in Competition pp. 1349-63

- D J Gates, J A Rickard and D J Wilson
- The Continuity of Optimal Dynamic Decision Rules pp. 1365-76

- James Jordan
- Conditions for Unique Solutions in Stochastic Macroeconomic Models with Rational Expectations pp. 1377-85

- John Taylor
- Regular, Nonconvex Economies pp. 1387-1407

- Andreu Mas-Colell
- The Recoverability of Consumers' Preferences from Market Demand Behavior pp. 1409-30

- Andreu Mas-Colell
- Aggregation Procedure for Cardinal Preferences: A Formulation and Proof of Samuelson's Impossibility Conjecture pp. 1431-38

- Ehud Kalai and David Schmeidler
- Measuring Returns to Scale in the Aggregate, and the Scale Effect of Public Goods pp. 1439-55

- David A Starrett
- Existence of Limit Cycles and Control in Complete Keynesian System by Theory of Bifurcations pp. 1457-66

- V Torre
- Existence of Stable Distributed Lags pp. 1467-80

- Richard Just
- Multiple Time Series Analysis and the Final Form of Econometric Models pp. 1481-97

- Kenneth Wallis
- Efficient Estimation and Inference in Large Econometric Systems pp. 1499-1515

- R P Byron
- A General Theorem in the Theory of Asymptotic Expansions as Approximations to the Finite Sample Distributions of Econometric Estimators pp. 1517-34

- Peter Phillips
- Pooled Time-Series Cross-Section Estimation pp. 1535-36

- Arthur Havenner and Ronald Herman
Volume 45, issue 5, 1977
- On the Theory of Layoffs and Unemployment pp. 1043-63

- Martin Neil Baily
- Fertility, Schooling, and the Economic Contribution of Children in Rural India: An Econometric Analysis pp. 1065-79

- Mark Rosenzweig and Robert E Evenson
- A Logit Model of Homeownership pp. 1081-97

- Mingche M Li
- Determinants of Scrapping Rates for Postwar Vintage Automobiles pp. 1099-1115

- Richard W Parks
- Recursive Subaggregation and a Generalized Hypocycloidal Demand Model pp. 1117-36

- William Barnett
- Power and Taxes pp. 1137-61

- Robert Aumann and Mordecai Kurz
- A New Approach to the Nash Bargaining Problem pp. 1163-72

- Dagobert Brito, A M Buoncristiani and Michael Intriligator
- Revealed Preference and Aggregation pp. 1173-82

- Wayne J Shafer
- A Note on Separability and Quasiconcavity pp. 1183-86

- Menahem E Yaari
- Disequilibrium Econometrics for Business Loans pp. 1187-1204

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and René Garcia
- The Asymptotic Properties of a Maximum Likelihood Estimator for a Model of Markets in Disequilibrium pp. 1205-20

- Michael J Hartley and Parthasaradhi Mallela
- Inferential Procedures in Nonlinear Models: An Application in a UK Industrial Cross Section Study of Factor Substitution and Returns to Scale pp. 1221-42

- Grayham Mizon
- Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Models with Measurement Error pp. 1243-55

- Vincent J Geraci
- Bounds for the Bias of the Least Squares Estimator of s2 in the Case of a First-order Autoregressive Process (Positive Autocorrelation) pp. 1257-62

- Heinz Neudecker
- Conflict among Criteria for Testing Hypotheses in the Multivariate Linear Regression Model pp. 1263-77

- Ernst R Berndt and N Eugene Savin
- Application of Pre-Test and Stein Estimators to Economic Data pp. 1279-88

- Dennis J Aigner and George Judge
- A Comment on Consumption Decisions under Uncertainty pp. 1289-90

- Syed Ahsan
- Tests of Equality between Sets of Coefficients in Two Linear Regressions when Disturbance Variances Are Unequal pp. 1291-92

- W A Jayatissa
- Some Further Evidence on the Use of the Chow Test under Heteroskedasticity pp. 1293-98

- Peter Schmidt and Robin Sickles
Volume 45, issue 4, 1977
- Optimal Allocation of Public Goods: A Solution to the "Free Rider" Problem pp. 783-809

- Theodore Groves and John Ledyard
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Pareto Optimum in Convex Programming pp. 811-20

- A Ben-Israel, A Ben-Tal and A Charnes
- Economic Environments for Which There Are Pareto Satisfactory Mechanisms pp. 821-42

- Kenneth Mount and Stanley Reiter
- A Two-Person Exchange Model pp. 843-52

- King-Tak Lee
- Maximin Paths of Heterogeneous Capital Accumulation and the Instability of Paradoxical Steady States pp. 853-70

- Edwin Burmeister and Peter Hammond
- Social Decision Functions and the Veto pp. 871-79

- Julian H Blau and Rajat Deb
- On Preferences, Beliefs, and Manipulation within Voting Situations pp. 881-88

- Jean-Marie Blin and Mark A Satterthwaite
- The Existence of Choice Functions pp. 889-94

- Anjan Mukherji
- A Matrix Measure of Multivariate Local Risk Aversion pp. 895-903

- George T Duncan
- Linear Quadratic Control Theory for Models with Long Lags pp. 905-17

- Alfred Lorn Norman and Woo Sik Jung
- Social Experimentation, Truncated Distributions, and Efficient Estimation pp. 919-38

- Jerry A Hausman and David Wise
- Some Properties of a Modification of the Limited Information Estimator pp. 939-53

- Wayne A Fuller
- The Maximum Likelihood and the Nonlinear Three-Stage Least Squares Estimator in the General Nonlinear Simultaneous Equation Model pp. 955-68

- Takeshi Amemiya
- The Properties of Autoregressive Instrumental Variables Estimators in Dynamic Systems pp. 969-90

- David Hendry and Frank Srba
- Singular Dynamic Leontief Systems pp. 991-95

- David G Luenberger and Ami Arbel
- Some Small Evidence on the Distribution of Dynamic Simulation Forecasts pp. 997-1005

- Peter Schmidt
- Spectral Utility Functions and the Design of a Stationary System pp. 1007-12

- Roger J Bowden
- A Stochastic Optimal Control Technique for Models with Estimated Coefficients pp. 1013-21

- Roger Craine and Arthur Havenner
- A Note on Wallis' Bounds Test and Negative Autocorrelation pp. 1023-26

- Maxwell King and David Giles
- A Comment on the Test of Overidentifying Restrictions pp. 1027-31

- Joseph B Kadane and T W Anderson
- A Note on Consumer's Surplus, the Divisia Index, and the Measurement of Welfare Changes pp. 1033-38

- Neil Bruce
Volume 45, issue 3, 1977
- Temporary General Equilibrium Theory pp. 535-72

- Jean-Michel Grandmont
- Non-Walrasian Equilibria pp. 573-90

- Hal Varian
- Some Generic Properties of Aggregate Excess Demand and an Application pp. 591-99

- Andreu Mas-Colell and Wilhelm Neuefeind
- Smoothness, Comparative Dynamics, and the Turnpike Property pp. 601-20

- Aloisio Araujo and Jose A Scheinkman
- Risk Invariance and Ordinally Additive Utility Functions pp. 621-40

- Robert Willig
- Deductibles and the Demand for Medical Care Services: The Theory of a Consumer Facing a Variable Price Schedule under Uncertainty pp. 641-55

- Emmett B Keeler, Joseph Newhouse and C E Phelps
- The Shapley Value as a von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility pp. 657-64

- Alvin Roth
- Manipulation of Schemes That Mix Voting with Chance pp. 665-81

- Allan Gibbard
- A Comparison of Automobile Demand Equations pp. 683-701

- Alan C Hess
- Durability of Capital Goods: Taxes and Market Structure pp. 703-17

- Artur Raviv and Eitan Zemel
- Applications of Lorenz Curves in Economic Analysis pp. 719-27

- Nanak C Kakwani
- Homogeneous Programming: Saddlepoint and Perturbation Function pp. 729-35

- Gerald LeBlanc
- A Note on Trend Removal Methods: The Case of Polynomial Regression versus Variate Differencing pp. 737-44

- K Hung Chan, Jack C Hayya and John Ord
- The Robustness of Some Standard Tests for Autocorrelation and Heteroskedasticity When Both Problems Are Present pp. 745-53

- Thomas W Epps and Mary Lee Epps
- Pooling as a Specification Error: A Comment pp. 755-57

- Moheb A Ghali
- The K-Class Estimators as Least Variance Difference Estimators pp. 759-63

- James McDonald
- Equilibrium in the Market for Land: Obtaining Spatial Distributions by Change of Variable--A Comment pp. 765-68

- Russell Lee
- A Note on Gross Substitutability of Financial Assets pp. 769-71

- Olivier Blanchard and Mary Kay Plantes
- An Algorithm for Implementing Fisher's Tests pp. 773
- James Steuert
Volume 45, issue 2, 1977
- Stability Theorems with Economic Applications pp. 273-94

- Paul Champsaur, Jacques Dreze and Claude Henry
- A Renewal Model of Economic Growth: The Continuous Case pp. 295-316

- John Chipman
- Optimal Maximin Accumulation with Uncertain Future Technology pp. 317-27

- Guillermo Calvo
- Optimal Tax-Subsidy System for an Economy with Marshallian Externalities pp. 329-40

- Hiroaki Osana
- Coalition Structure in a Labor-Managed Market Economy pp. 341-60

- Tatsuro Ichiishi
- The Formation of Small Market Places in a Competitive Economic Process-The Dynamics of Agglomeration pp. 361-74

- Robert C Baesemann
- Frank Knight's Theorem in Linear Programming Revisited pp. 375-98

- Walter Diewert and Alan Woodland
- Rationing, Quantity Constraints, and Consumption Theory pp. 399-412

- David H Howard
- Risk Aversion and Consumer Preferences pp. 413-26

- Giora Hanoch
- Characterization of Satisfactory Mechanisms for the Revelation of Preferences for Public Goods pp. 427-38

- Jerry Green and Jean-Jacques Laffont
- Strategy-Proofness and Social Choice Functions without Singlevaluedness pp. 439-46

- Jerry S Kelly
- The Demand for Housing: A Study in Specification and Grouping pp. 447-61

- A. Mitchell Polinsky
- Approximations to Some Finite Sample Distributions Associated with a First-Order Stochastic Difference Equation pp. 463-85

- Peter Phillips
- Finite Sample Properties of Instrumental Variable Estimators of Structural Coefficients pp. 487-96

- Roberto Mariano
- Small Sample Properties of a Class of Two Stage Aitken Estimators pp. 497-508

- William Taylor
- Asymptotic Expansions of the Distributions of Estimates in Simultaneous Equations for Alternative Parameter Sequences pp. 509-18

- T W Anderson
- External Diseconomies in Consumption and Monopoly Pricing: A Comment pp. 519-26

- Jacques Lesourne
- Ta-Chung Liu, 1914-1975 pp. 527-30

- Lawrence Klein, Marc Nerlove and S C Tsiang
Volume 45, issue 1, 1977
- Estimating the Returns to Schooling: Some Econometric Problems pp. 1-22

- Zvi Griliches
- The Systems of Consumer Demand Functions Approach: A Review pp. 23-51

- Anton P Barten
- Social Choice Theory: A Re-examination pp. 53-89

- Amartya K Sen
- Kernels of Preference Structures pp. 91-100

- D J White
- On the Foundations of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition pp. 101-13

- John Roberts and Hugo Sonnenschein
- Estimation of the Allocation of Time for Work, Leisure, and Housework pp. 115-32

- Terence J Wales and Alan Woodland
- Ray-Homothetic Production Functions pp. 133-46

- Rolf Fare and Ronald W Shephard
- The Production Structure of the Korean Economy: International and Historical Comparisons pp. 147-62

- Byung Nak Song
- A Note on New Goods and Quality Changes in the True Cost of Living Index in View of Lancaster's Model of Consumer Behavior pp. 163-73

- N. Anders Klevmarken
- Non-Price Rationing of Intermediate Goods in Centrally Planned Economies: A Comment pp. 175-81

- Peter Murrell and Donald W Green
- Estimation of Time-Varying Markov Processes with Aggregate Data pp. 183-98

- Elizabeth MacRae
- Error Components and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions pp. 199-209

- Robert B Avery
- Specification of the Disturbance for Efficient Estimation-An Extended Analysis pp. 211-17

- D F Nicholls and Adrian Pagan
- Market Organization and the Durability of Durable Goods pp. 219-28

- Leonardo Auernheimer and Thomas R Saving
- Product Durability under Monopoly and Competition: Comment pp. 229-35

- Peter Swan
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