1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica. Current editor(s): Guido Imbens From Econometric Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 54, issue 6, 1986
- Theoretical Models: Mathematical Forms and Economic Content pp. 1259-70

- Gerard Debreu
- Values of Markets with Satiation or Fixed Prices pp. 1271-1318

- Robert Aumann and Jacques Dreze
- Reporting Errors and Labor Market Dynamics pp. 1319-38

- James Poterba and Lawrence H Summers
- An Analysis of the Health and Retirement Status of the Elderly pp. 1339-56

- Robin C Sickles and Paul Taubman
- An Examination of Multijurisdictional Corporate Income Taxation under Formula Apportionment pp. 1357-73

- Roger Gordon and John Wilson
- An Approach to Communication Equilibria pp. 1375-85

- Francoise Forges
- An Analytical Policy Design under Rational Expectations pp. 1387-1405

- Charles Whiteman
- Mobility Indices in Continuous Time Markov Chains pp. 1407-23

- John Geweke, Robert C Marshall and Gary A Zarkin
- A More Powerful Method for Triangularizing Input-Output Matrices and the Similarity of Production Structures pp. 1425-33

- Yukio Fukui
- Symmetrically Trimmed Least Squares Estimation for Tobit Models pp. 1435-60

- James Powell
- Consistent Estimation of Scaled Coefficients pp. 1461-81

- Thomas M Stoker
- Control Variates to Estimate the Reduced Form Variances in Econometric Models pp. 1483-90

- Giorgio Calzolari and Frederic P Sterbenz
- The General Basis of Arbitrator Behavior: An Empirical Analysis of Conventional and Final-Offer Arbitration pp. 1503-28

- Henry S Farber and Max H Bazerman
Volume 54, issue 5, 1986
- On the Strategic Stability of Equilibria pp. 1003-37

- Elon Kohlberg and Jean-François Mertens
- The Price Equilibrium Existence Problem in Topological Vector Lattice s pp. 1039-53

- Andreu Mas-Colell
- Bargaining Power, Fear of Disagreement, and Wage Settlements: Theory and Evidence from U.S. Industry pp. 1055-78

- Jan Svejnar
- Capital Accumulation and Uncertain Lifetimes with Adverse Selection pp. 1079-97

- Andrew Abel
- A Theory of Ambiguity, Credibility, and Inflation under Discretion and Asymmetric Information pp. 1099-1128

- Alex Cukierman and Allan Meltzer
- Rational Expectations Equilibria, Learning, and Model Specification pp. 1129-60

- Margaret M Bray and Nathan E Savin
- Stochastic Equilibria: Existence, Spanning Number, and the 'No Expected Financial Gain from Trade' Hypothesis pp. 1161-83

- Darrell Duffie
- Consumer Information in Markets with Random Product Quality: The Case of Queues and Balking pp. 1185-95

- Refael Hassin
- Implicit Mean Value and Certainty Equivalence pp. 1197-1205

- Peter C Fishburn
- Stability Comparisons of Estimators pp. 1207-35

- Donald Andrews
- Microeconometric Demand Systems with Binding Nonnegativity Constraints: The Dual Approach pp. 1237-42

- Lung-Fei Lee and Mark Pitt
- Wald Criteria for Jointly Testing Equality and Inequality Restriction s pp. 1243-48

- David A Kodde and Franz Palm
- An Extension to the Implementability of Reduced Form Auctions pp. 1249-51

- Yu-Min Chen
Volume 54, issue 4, 1986
- Patents as Options: Some Estimates of the Value of Holding European Patent Stocks pp. 755-84

- Ariel Pakes
- Bargaining and Competition Part I: Characterization pp. 785-806

- Douglas Gale
- Bargaining and Competition Part II: Existence pp. 807-18

- Douglas Gale
- The General Basis of Arbitrator Behavior: An Empirical Analysis of Conventional and Final-Offer Arbitration pp. 819-44

- Henry S Farber and Max H Bazerman
- Learning Procedures and Convergence to Rationality pp. 845-68

- Claude Fourgeaud, Christian Gourieroux and Jacqueline Pradel
- Instrumental-Variable Estimation of an Error-Components Model pp. 869-80

- Takeshi Amemiya and Thomas E MaCurdy
- The Exact Distribution of the Wald Statistic pp. 881-95

- Peter Phillips
- Cake Eating, Chattering, and Jumps: Existence Results for Variational Problems pp. 897-908

- Paul Romer
- Distribution of Power under Stochastic Social Choice Rules pp. 909-21

- Prasanta K Pattanaik and Bezalel Peleg
- Common Agency pp. 923-42

- B. Douglas Bernheim and Michael Whinston
- A Theory of Exit in Duopoly pp. 943-60

- Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole
- The Transmission of Data Noise into Policy Noise in U.S. Monetary Control pp. 961-79

- Agustin Maravall and David A Pierce
- On the Non-transferable Utility Value: A Reply [Values for Games without Sidepayments: Some Difficulties with Current Concepts] pp. 981-84

- Alvin Roth
- Rejoinder [Values for Games without Sidepayments: Some Difficulties with Current Concepts] pp. 985-89

- Robert Aumann
- The Measurement and Decomposition of Multi-dimensional Inequality pp. 991-97

- Esfandiar Maasoumi
Volume 54, issue 3, 1986
- Neighborhood Systems for Production Sets with Indivisibilities pp. 507-32

- Herbert E Scarf
- The Folk Theorem in Repeated Games with Discounting or with Incomplete Information pp. 533-54

- Drew Fudenberg and Eric Maskin
- A Structural Retirement Model pp. 555-84

- Alan Gustman and Thomas L Steinmeier
- Inflation and Asset Prices in an Exchange Economy pp. 585-605

- Jean-Pierre Danthine and John B Donaldson
- Optimal Taxation of Capital Income in General Equilibrium with Infinite Lives pp. 607-22

- Christophe Chamley
- Competition of Firms: Discriminatory Pricing and Location pp. 623-40

- Phillip J Lederer and Hurter, Arthur P,
- Bounding the Effects of Proxy Variables on Regression Coefficients pp. 641-55

- William S Krasker and John W Pratt
- The Encompassing Principle and Its Application to Testing Non-nested Hypotheses pp. 657-78

- Grayham Mizon and Jean-Francois Richard
- An Exogeneity Test for a Simultaneous Equation Tobit Model with an Application to Labor Supply pp. 679-85

- Richard J Smith and Richard Blundell
- A Note on the Unbiasedness of Feasible GLS, Quasi-maximum Likelihood, Robust, Adaptive, and Spectral Estimators of the Linear Model pp. 687-98

- Donald Andrews
- Confidence Regions for Multipliers in Linear Dynamic Models pp. 699-706

- Lewis Evans and Graeme Wells
- Falmagne and the Rationalizability of Stochastic Choices in Terms of Random Orderings pp. 707-15

- Salvador Barberà and Prasanta K Pattanaik
Volume 54, issue 2, 1986
- The Present Value of Profits and Cyclical Movements in Investment pp. 249-73

- Andrew Abel and Olivier Blanchard
- The Durable Goods Monopolist and Consistency with Increasing Costs pp. 275-94

- Charles Kahn
- An Information Good Market with Symmetric Externalities pp. 295-312

- Shigeo Muto
- An Example of Price Formation in Bilateral Situations: A Bargaining Model with Incomplete Information pp. 313-21

- Motty Perry
- Multistage Games with Communication pp. 323-58

- Roger Myerson
- A Utility Representation for a Preference Relation on a s-Algebra pp. 359-62

- Marcus Berliant
- A Stochastic Analysis of an Input-Output Model pp. 363-74

- Guy R West
- Structural and Reduced-Form Models of Choice among Alternatives in Continuous Time: Youth Employment under a Guaranteed Jobs Program pp. 375-94

- Randall J Olsen, D Alton Smith and George Farkas
- Tests of Noncausality under Markov Assumptions for Qualitative Panel Data pp. 395-414

- Michel B Bouissou, Jean-Jacques Laffont and Quang H Vuong
- Sampling Designs for Short Panel Data pp. 415-24

- Bianca L DeStavola
- On the Allocation of Residents to Rural Hospitals: A General Property of Two-Sided Matching Markets pp. 425-27

- Alvin Roth
- Limit Pricing When the Potential Entrant Is Uncertain of Its Cost Function [Limit Pricing and Entry under Incomplete Information: An Equilibrium Analysis] pp. 429-37

- Harrington, Joseph E,
Volume 54, issue 1, 1986
- The Superneutrality of Money in the United States: An Interpretation of the Evidence pp. 1-21

- John Geweke
- Borrowing Constraints and Aggregate Economic Activity pp. 23-45

- Jose A Scheinkman and Laurence Weiss
- Female Labor Supply with Taxation, Random Preferences, and Optimization Errors pp. 47-63

- Jose Luis Arrufat and Antoni Zabalza
- When Is It Optimal to Kill Off the Market for Used Durable Goods? pp. 65-86

- John Rust
- Power and Linear Income Taxes: An Example pp. 87-94

- Richard M Peck
- On Competitive Market Mechanisms pp. 95-108

- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- Common Knowledge, Consensus, and Aggregate Information pp. 109-27

- Richard D McKelvey and Talbot Page
- Stochastic Communication and Coalition Formation pp. 129-38

- Alan Kirman, Claude Oddou and Shlomo Weber
- Realization and Nash Implementation: Two Aspects of Mechanism Design pp. 139-51

- Steven R Williams
- Simultaneity of Issues and Additivity in Bargaining pp. 153-69

- Hans Peters
- Aggregation, Efficiency, and Cross-section Regression pp. 171-88

- Thomas M Stoker
- A Theorem of Validity for Edgeworth Expansions pp. 189-213

- J D Sargan and S E Satchell
- Identification in the Linear Errors in Variables Model: Comment pp. 215-17

- Paul A Bekker
- Additive Separability and Equivalent Scales [Demographic Variables in Demand Analysis] pp. 219-22

- Arthur Lewbel
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