1950 - 2013
Continued by Econometrica.
Current editor(s): Guido Imbens
From Econometric Society
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Volume 43, issue 5-6, 1975
- Policy Related Voting and Electoral Equilibrium pp. 815-43

- Richard D McKelvey
- Degrees of Cardinality and Aggregate Partial Orderings pp. 845-52

- Charles Blackorby
- The Continuity of Majority Rule Equilibrium pp. 853-66

- Arthur T Denzau and Robert Parks
- Bounded One-Way Expected Utility pp. 867-75

- Peter C Fishburn
- A Disaggregate Analysis of Consumer Choice under Uncertainty pp. 877-92

- Larry Epstein
- An Adaptive Learning Rule for Multiperiod Decision Problems pp. 893-906

- Elizabeth MacRae
- The Graph of the Walras Correspondence pp. 907-12

- Yves Balasko
- Personal Attributes, Job Performance, and Probability of Promotion pp. 913-31

- David Wise
- Note on a Large-Sample Result in Specification Analysis pp. 933-36

- Teun Kloek
- Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Singular Equation Systems with Autoregressive Disturbances pp. 937-57

- Ernst R Berndt and N Eugene Savin
- The Power of the Durbin-Watson Test pp. 959-74

- John A Tillman
- Semiorders and Choice Functions pp. 975-77

- Peter C Fishburn
- Semiorders and the Theory of Choice: A Correction pp. 979-80

- Dean Jamison and Lawrence J Lau
- Existence of a Continuous Utility Function: An Elementary Proof pp. 981-83

- Jean-Yves Jaffray
- A Third Remark on the Number of Equilibria of an Economy pp. 985-86

- Hal Varian
- Price Ignorance and the Stability of Stock-Flow Equilibrium pp. 987-95

- Norman P Obst
- Optimal Saving Policy When Labor Grows Edogenously: A Critique pp. 997-98

- John S Lane
- The Most General Class of CES Functions pp. 999-1003

- Ryuzo Sato
- Minimax Regret Significance Points for a Preliminary Test in Regression Analysis: Comment pp. 1005-06

- R W Farebrother
Volume 43, issue 4, 1975
- Values of Markets with a Continuum of Traders pp. 611-46

- Robert Aumann
- The Nature of Stochastic Equilibria pp. 647-60

- Jerry Green and Mukul Majumdar
- Coalitional Fairness of Allocations in Pure Exchange Economies pp. 661-68

- Jean Gabszewicz
- Observations on the Shape and Relevance of the Spatial Demand Function pp. 669-82

- M L Greenhut, M Hwang and Hiroshi Ohta
- Social Choice with Continuous Expression of Individual Preferences pp. 683-90

- Rubin Saposnik
- Error Analysis in Nearly-Completely Decomposable Stochastic Systems pp. 691-709

- P J Courtois
- A Test for the Presence of First-Order Vector Autoregressive Errors When Lagged Endogenous Variables Are Present pp. 711-17

- David K Guilkey
- Testing the Error Specification in Nonlinear Regression pp. 719-25

- Dennis Leech
- An Instrumental Variable Approach to Full Information Estimators for Linear and Certain Nonlinear Econometric Models pp. 727-38

- Jerry A Hausman
- Estimation of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function pp. 739-44

- De-Min Wu
- Estimation of Models with Jointly Dependent Qualitative Variables: A Simultaneous Logit Approach pp. 745-55

- Peter Schmidt and Robert P Strauss
- Factor Prices, Expectations, and Demand for Labor pp. 757-70

- Kanhaya L Gupta
- The Distribution of Tenant Benefits in Public Housing pp. 771-88

- Michael Murray
- Optimal Cropping of Self-Reproducible Natural Resources pp. 789-802

- John R Beddington, C M K Watts and W D C Wright
- Social Preference Orderings under Majority Rule pp. 803-06

- Robert W Hoyer and Lawrence S Mayer
- Identification and Consumer Unit Scales pp. 807-09

- John Muellbauer
Volume 43, issue 3, 1975
- A Stochastic Decentralized Resource Allocation Process: Part II pp. 363-93

- Leonid Hurwicz, Roy Radner and Stanley Reiter
- Production and Demand Models with Direct or Indirect Implicit Additivity pp. 395-419

- Giora Hanoch
- Certainty Equivalence, First Order Certainty Equivalence, Stochastic Control, and the Covariance Structure pp. 421-30

- Richard M Young
- A Quantitative Theory of Risk Premiums on Securities with an Application to the Term Structure of Interest Rates pp. 431-54

- Bruce C Dieffenbach
- Comparative Advantage and the Distributions of Earnings and Abilities pp. 455-68

- Michael Sattinger
- Non-Steady-State Economic Growth in a Two-Sector World pp. 469-92

- Harvey Lapan
- A Note on the Underestimation and Overestimation of the Leontief Inverse pp. 493-98

- A Simonovits
- The Cyclic Properties of the Production-Inventory Process pp. 499-512

- William J Duffy and Kenneth Lewis
- Other Solutions to Nash's Bargaining Problem pp. 513-18

- Ehud Kalai and Meir Smorodinsky
- Radial Change in Distortion and Choice of Numeraire pp. 519-20

- Tatsuo Hatta
- The Koopmans and Hood Test: A Comment pp. 521-22

- N Eugene Savin
- Combining Microsimulation and Regression: Comment pp. 523-28

- Thad W Mirer and Jon K Peck
- Combining Microsimulation and Regression: A Reply pp. 529-31

- Barbara Bergmann
Volume 43, issue 2, 1975
- A Stochastic Decentralized Resource Allocation Process: Part I pp. 187-221

- Leonid Hurwicz, Roy Radner and Stanley Reiter
- External Diseconomies in Consumption and Monopoly Pricing pp. 223-29

- Israel Luski and Rafael Lusky
- A General Solution for Linear Decision Rules: An Optimal Dynamic Strategy Applicable under Uncertainty pp. 231-59

- George A Hay and Charles C Holt
- Optimal Consumption over Time when Prices and Interest Rates Follow a Markovian Process pp. 261-81

- Anastasios Anastasopoulos and Stratis Kounias
- A Price Characterization of Efficient Random Variables pp. 283-92

- Bezalel Peleg and M E Yaari
- Voting Majority Sizes pp. 293-99

- Robert Rosenthal
- Wealth Effects and Slutsky Equations for Assets pp. 301-03

- Thomas W Epps
- Some Estimation Methods for a Random Coefficient Model pp. 305-25

- Cheng Hsiao
- Gram-Charlier Approximations Applied to t Ratios of k-Class Estimators pp. 327-46

- J D Sargan
- On the Interest Rate Theorems of Malinvaud and Starrett pp. 347-59

- David Gale and Richard Rockwell
Volume 43, issue 1, 1975
- Pareto Optimality in Non-Convex Economies pp. 1-29

- Roger Guesnerie
- Samuelson's Self-Dual Preferences pp. 31-39

- Wahidul Haque
- Nonstandard Exchange Economies pp. 41-56

- Donald Brown and Abraham Robinson
- The Samuelson Nonsubstitution Theorem and the Computation of Equilibrium Prices pp. 57-64

- Walter Diewert
- Tatonnement Stability of Infinite Horizon Models with Saddle-Point Instability pp. 65-80

- Walter Perrin Heller
- Congestion Tolls for Poisson Queuing Processes pp. 81-92

- Noel M Edelson and David K Hildebrand
- Rendement qualitatif et financement optimal des politiques d'environnement. (With English summary.) pp. 93-113

- Serge-Christophe Kolm
- International Factor Mobility, Nontraded Goods, and the International Equalization of Prices of Goods and Factors pp. 115-24

- Carlos Rodríguez
- Linear Cross-Equation Constraints and the Identification Problem pp. 125-40

- Jerry S Kelly
- Estimation of the Two-Limit Probit Regression Model pp. 141-46

- Richard N Rosett and Forrest D Nelson
- A Method for Stochastic Control of Nonlinear Econometric Models and an Application pp. 147-62

- J Phillip Cooper and Stanley Fischer
- A Note on the Extraction of Components from Time Series pp. 163-68

- Adrian Pagan
- A Note on "Interpersonal Aggregation and Partial Comparability" pp. 169-72

- Ben Fine
- Path-Independent Social Choice Functions: A Further Result pp. 173-74

- Douglas H Blair
- A Note on a Paper by T. Kloek Concerning the Consistency of Variance Estimation in the Linear Model pp. 175
- Hilmar Drygas
- A Program for Estimating Econometric Models-ECOMP 3 pp. 177-78

- D H Richardson and R J Rohr