The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva From President and Fellows of Harvard College Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 93, issue 4, 1979
- Aggregate Land Rents, Expenditure on Public Goods, and Optimal City Size pp. 471-500

- Richard Arnott and Joseph Stiglitz
- The Economists and the Combination Laws pp. 501-522

- William D. Grampp
- The Costs of Defined Benefit Pension Plans and Firm Adjustments pp. 523-540

- Burt S. Barnow and Ronald Ehrenberg
- On Moral Hazard and Insurance pp. 541-562

- Steven Shavell
- Bureaucrats Versus Voters: On the Political Economy of Resource Allocation by Direct Democracy pp. 563-587

- Thomas Romer and Howard Rosenthal
- The Optimal Taxation of Heterogeneous Capital pp. 589-612

- Alan Auerbach
- The Optimal Taxation of Foreign Source Investment Income pp. 613-629

- Martin Feldstein and David Hartman
- Choice of Technology in Low-Wage Countries: A Nonneoclassical Approach pp. 631-654

- Donald J. Lecraw
- The Humean Origin of the Contemporary Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments pp. 655-673

- Dietrich Fausten
- Auctions of Shares pp. 675-689

- Robert Wilson
- Capital Intensity, Aggregation, and Consumption Behavior pp. 691-704

- David Bigman
- Tax Incidence in a Life Cycle Model with Variable Labor Supply pp. 705-718

- Laurence Kotlikoff and Lawrence H. Summers
- Uncertainty, Market Structure and Performance: The Galbraith-Caves Hypothesis Revisited pp. 719-726

- Louis Christofides and Francis Tapon
- Comment on "Uncertainty, Market Structure and Performance: The Galbraith-Caves Hypothesis Revisited" pp. 727-729

- Franklin R. Edwards and A. A. Heggestad
- Stochastic Stability of Short-Run Market Equilibrium: A Comment pp. 731-735

- Ramesh M. Kulkarni and Gangaram S. Ladde
- Risk-Efficient Monopoly Pricing for the Multiproduct Firm: Comment pp. 737-740

- Mark J. Flannery
- Economies of Scale and the Profitability of Marginal-Cost Pricing: A Note pp. 741-742

- John T. Scott
- Economies of Scale and the Profitability of Marginal-Cost Pricing: Reply pp. 743-744

- John C. Panzar and Robert Willig
Volume 93, issue 3, 1979
- A Welfare Economic Approach to Growth and Distribution in the Dual Economy pp. 325-353

- Gary Fields
- Intertemporal Price Discrimination pp. 355-371

- Nancy L. Stokey
- Measurement of Internal Income-Leisure Tradeoffs pp. 373-393

- Lucia Dunn
- Market Structure and Innovation pp. 395-410

- Glenn Loury
- Corporate Financial Policy and Taxation in a Growing Economy pp. 411-432

- Martin Feldstein, Jerry Green and Eytan Sheshinski
- Wealth Maximization and the Cost of Capital pp. 433-446

- Alan Auerbach
- A Comment on Location and Industrial Efficiency with Free Entry pp. 447-450

- B. Eaton and Richard Lipsey
- Location and Industrial Efficiency with Free Entry: A Reply pp. 451-454

- J. M. A. Gee
- Capital Market Imperfection, the Consumption Function, and the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy pp. 455-463

- Walter Perrin Heller and Ross M. Starr
- Equity, Efficiency, and Advantageous Randomness pp. 465-470

- Heraklis M. Polemarchakis
Volume 93, issue 2, 1979
- Irving Fisher on his Head: The Consequences of Constant Threshold-Target Monitoring of Money Holdings pp. 169-187

- George Akerlof
- Price Differences in almost Competitive Markets pp. 189-211

- John W. Pratt, David A. Wise and Richard Zeckhauser
- Foreign Investment and Finance with Risk pp. 213-232

- David G. Hartman
- Social Security and Equilibrium Capital Intensity pp. 233-253

- Laurence Kotlikoff
- Personal and Job Characteristics as Determinants of Employee-Firm Contract Structure pp. 255-279

- James Markusen
- The Distributional Effects of Uniform Air Pollution Policy in the United States pp. 281-301

- Leonard P. Gianessi, Henry M. Peskin and Edward Wolff
- Discretionary Expenditures and Profit Risk Management: The Galbraith-Caves Hypothesis pp. 303-319

- Louis Christofides and Francis Tapon
- Relative Deprivation and the Gini Coefficient pp. 321-324

- Shlomo Yitzhaki
Volume 93, issue 1, 1979
- Product Quality in Markets Where Consumers are Imperfectly Informed pp. 1-23

- Dennis E. Smallwood and John Conlisk
- The Response to Economic Challenge: A Comparative Economic History of China and India, 1870–1952 pp. 25-46

- Subramanian Swamy
- Rational Expectations and Learning from Experience* pp. 47-57

- Stephen DeCanio
- Reduced Forms of Rational Expectations Models* pp. 59-71

- Masanao Aoki and Matthew Canzoneri
- Bergson-Samuelson Social Welfare Functions and the Theory of Social Choice pp. 73-90

- Robert Pollak
- Rational Expectations and Monetary Policy in a Simple Macroeconomic Model pp. 91-105

- Geoffrey Woglom
- Statistical Cost Analysis Revisited pp. 107-129

- James M. Griffin
- Steady-State Growth of the Long-Run Sales-Maximizing Firm pp. 131-138

- Josep Aubareda
- Asymmetry of Taxes and Subsidies in Regulating Stochastic Mishap pp. 139-148

- Richard Just and David Zilberman
- The Implications of Price Stabilization for the Short-Term Instability and Long-Term Level of LDCS' Export Earnings pp. 149-154

- D. T. Nguyen
- The Elasticity of Demand for Gambling pp. 155-162

- Daniel B. Suits
- The Price Adjustment Mechanism for Rental Housing in the United States pp. 163-168

- Arthur A. Eubank and C. R. Sirmans
Volume 92, issue 4, 1978
- Transport Costs in International Trade Theory: A Comparison with the Analysis of Nontraded Goods pp. 535-550

- James Cassing
- The Autocorrelation of Earnings, Human Wealth Inequality, and Income Contingent Loans pp. 551-569

- Donald Parsons
- The Two-Part Tariff and Voluntary Market Participation pp. 571-587

- Alan Auerbach and Anthony J. Pellechio
- Optimal Redistributive Taxation When Individual Welfare Depends upon Relative Income pp. 589-601

- Michael J. Boskin and Eytan Sheshinski
- J. S. Mill, Unions, and the Wages Fund Recantation: A Reinterpretation pp. 603-619

- E. G. West and R. W. Hafer
- The Application of Multidimensional Scaling to the Study of Economic Development pp. 621-639

- Moshe Syrquin
- The Leontief Dynamic Generalized Inverse pp. 641-652

- Arie P. Schinnar
- The Effect of Capital Risk on Optimal Saving Decisions pp. 653-670

- David L. Hanson and Carmen F. Menezes
- Egalitarian Equivalent Allocations: A New Concept of Economic Equity pp. 671-687

- Elisha A. Pazner and David Schmeidler
- The Riskless Rate of Interest and the Market Price of Risk: A Correction pp. 689-691

- Alan C. Hess
- Overinsurance and Public Provision of Insurance: Comment pp. 693-696

- William Johnson
- Farmer Response to Foodgrain Controls in Developing Countries pp. 697-703

- Dennis L. Chinn
- An Empirical Note on the Tiebout-Tullock Hypothesis pp. 705-711

- Richard Cebula
Volume 92, issue 3, 1978
- Employment Subsidies and the Theory of Minimum Wage Rates in General Equilibrium pp. 361-374

- Albert G. Schweinberger
- Earnings Capacity and its Utilization pp. 375-385

- Irwin Garfinkel and Robert Haveman
- Capacity Constrained Peak Load Pricing pp. 387-398

- Robert E. Dansby
- Capital Market Equilibrium in a Mixed Economy, Optimal Public Sector Investment Decision Rules, and the Social Rate of Discount pp. 399-411

- R. C. Stapleton and M. G. Subrahmanyam
- Optimal Risk Sharing and the Leasing of Natural Resources, with Application to Oil and Gas Leasing on the OCS pp. 413-437

- Hayne Leland
- Cost-Minimizing Number of Firms and Determination of Industry Structure pp. 439-467

- William Baumol and Dietrich Fischer
- The Opportunity Cost of Labor and the Returns to Education Under Unemployment and Labor Market Segmentation pp. 469-488

- Sebastian Pinera and Marcelo Selowsky
- Welfare Aspects of International Trade in Goods and Securities pp. 489-508

- Elhanan Helpman and Assaf Razin
- Smuggling, Import Objectives, and Optimum Tax Structure pp. 509-514

- Alok Ray
- Intergenerational Wealth Transfers and the Educational Decisions of Male Youth: An Alternative Interpretation pp. 515-520

- C. Russell Hill and Frank P. Stafford
- Intergenerational Wealth Transfers and the Educational Decisions of Male Youth: The Mother's Home Time Hypothesis pp. 521-524

- Donald Parsons
- Policy Objectives of the Federal Reserve System pp. 525-534

- Glenn T. Potts and Dudley G. Luckett
Volume 92, issue 2, 1978
- Investors' Time Horizon and the Inefficiency of Capital Markets pp. 187-208

- Joram Mayshar
- Estimating the Costs of Protection: A General Equilibrium Approach pp. 209-226

- Jaime de Melo
- Competition and the Residential Land Allocation Process pp. 227-244

- David Mills
- Investment Neutrality of Business Income Taxes pp. 245-260

- Richard Hartman
- A Theory of Job Shopping pp. 261-277

- William Johnson
- Liquidity Considerations in the Theory of Consumption pp. 279-296

- Christopher Pissarides
- Resource Management in a Trading Economy pp. 297-306

- Partha Dasgupta, Robert Eastwood and Geoffrey Heal
- An Approach to the Study of Income, Utility, and Horizontal Equity pp. 307-322

- Harvey S. Rosen
- Speculative Investor Behavior in a Stock Market with Heterogeneous Expectations pp. 323-336

- J. Michael Harrison and David Kreps
- The Optimal Consumption of Depletable Natural Resources: An Elaboration, Correction, and Extension pp. 337-344

- Maureen Cropper, Milton C. Weinstein and Richard Zeckhauser
- The Optimal Consumption of Depletable Natural Resources: Comment pp. 345-353

- Murray Kemp and Ngo Long
- Stabilization Policy with an Inflation Adjustment Mechanism pp. 355-359

- Norman P. Obst
Volume 92, issue 1, 1978
- Relative Backwardness, Direct Foreign Investment, and the Transfer of Technology: A Simple Dynamic Model pp. 1-16

- Ronald Findlay
- Growth and the Family Distribution of Income by Factor Components pp. 17-53

- John C. H. Fei, Gustav Ranis and Shirley W. Y. Kuo
- The Welfare Effects of an Export Tax Levied on an Intermediate Good pp. 55-69

- Katsuhiko Suzuki
- Restabilizing Responses, Inertia Supergames, and Oligopolistic Equilibria pp. 71-93

- Thomas Marschak and Reinhard Selten
- Shadow Pricing, Information, and Stability in a Simple Open Economy pp. 95-116

- Peter Warr
- The Wealth Effect, the Capital Account, and Alternative Policies Under Fixed Exchange Rates pp. 117-147

- Akira Takayama
- A Stochastic Equilibrium Model of an Open Economy Under Flexible Exchange Rates pp. 149-164

- Robert Barro
- On the Optimal Taxation of Consumption Externalities pp. 165-174

- Efraim Sadka
- A Note on Preferential and Illegal Trade Under Quantitative Restrictions pp. 175-178

- Rodney Falvey
- Social Institutions, Imperfect Information, and the Distribution of Income: A Comment pp. 179-184

- William H. Lazonick
- Social Institutions, Imperfect Information, and the Distribution of Income: Reply pp. 185-186

- David Starrett
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