The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva From President and Fellows of Harvard College Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 131, issue 4, 2016
- Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty pp. 1593-1636

- Scott Baker, Nicholas Bloom and Steven Davis
- Worms at Work: Long-run Impacts of a Child Health Investment pp. 1637-1680

- Sarah Baird, Joan Hamory Hicks, Michael Kremer and Edward Miguel
- Sources of Geographic Variation in Health Care: Evidence From PatientMigration pp. 1681-1726

- Amy Finkelstein, Matthew Gentzkow and Heidi Williams
- Adam Smith, Watch Prices, and the Industrial Revolution pp. 1727-1752

- Morgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda
- Stereotypes pp. 1753-1794

- Pedro Bordalo, Katherine Coffman, Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer
- Evaluating Public Programs with Close Substitutes: The Case of HeadStart pp. 1795-1848

- Patrick Kline and Christopher Walters
- Movers and Shakers pp. 1849-1874

- Robert Akerlof and Richard Holden
- Earthquakes, Religion, and Transition to Self-Government in ItalianCities pp. 1875-1926

- Marianna Belloc, Francesco Drago and Roberto Galbiati
- The Liquidity Premium of Near-Money Assets pp. 1927-1971

- Stefan Nagel
- The Short-term Impact of Unconditional Cash Transfers to the Poor: ExperimentalEvidence from Kenya pp. 1973-2042

- Johannes Haushofer and Jeremy Shapiro
Volume 131, issue 3, 2016
- Editor's Choice Field of Study, Earnings, and Self-Selection pp. 1057-1111

- Lars Kirkebøen, Edwin Leuven and Magne Mogstad
- Measuring the Unequal Gains from Trade pp. 1113-1180

- Pablo Fajgelbaum and Amit Khandelwal
- Decision Making Under the Gambler’s Fallacy: Evidence from Asylum Judges, Loan Officers, and Baseball Umpires pp. 1181-1242

- Daniel Chen, Tobias J. Moskowitz and Kelly Shue
- Bayesian Networks and Boundedly Rational Expectations pp. 1243-1290

- Ran Spiegler
- Quantifying the Sources of Firm Heterogeneity pp. 1291-1364

- Colin J. Hottman, Stephen Redding and David Weinstein
- Court Enforcement, Bank Loans, and Firm Investment: Evidence from a Bankruptcy Reform in Brazil pp. 1365-1413

- Jacopo Ponticelli and Leonardo Alencar
- Teacher Quality and Learning Outcomes in Kindergarten pp. 1415-1453

- M. Caridad Araujo, Pedro Carneiro, Yyannú Cruz-Aguayo and Norbert Schady
- Shocking Behavior: Random Wealth in Antebellum Georgia and Human Capital Across Generations pp. 1455-1495

- Hoyt Bleakley and Joseph Ferrie
- Rethinking the Effects of Financial Globalization pp. 1497-1542

- Fernando Broner and Jaume Ventura
- Input Specificity and the Propagation of Idiosyncratic Shocks in Production Networks pp. 1543-1592

- Jean-Noël Barrot and Julien Sauvagnat
Volume 131, issue 2, 2016
- Editor's Choice Wealth Inequality in the United States since 1913: Evidence from Capitalized Income Tax Data pp. 519-578

- Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman
- Lights, Camera … Income! Illuminating the National Accounts-Household Surveys Debate pp. 579-631

- Maxim Pinkovskiy and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- Bargaining, Sorting, and the Gender Wage Gap: Quantifying the Impact of Firms on the Relative Pay of Women pp. 633-686

- David Card, Ana Rute Cardoso and Patrick Kline
- Wealth, Health, and Child Development: Evidence from Administrative Data on Swedish Lottery Players pp. 687-738

- David Cesarini, Erik Lindqvist, Robert Östling and Björn Wallace
- Measuring Income Tax Evasion Using Bank Credit: Evidence from Greece pp. 739-798

- Nikolaos Artavanis, Adair Morse and Margarita Tsoutsoura
- Railroads and American Economic Growth: A "Market Access" Approach pp. 799-858

- Dave Donaldson and Richard Hornbeck
- A Typology of Players: Between Instinctive and Contemplative pp. 859-890

- Ariel Rubinstein
- Economic Activity and the Spread of Viral Diseases: Evidence from High Frequency Data pp. 891-941

- Jerome Adda
- Information, Misallocation, and Aggregate Productivity pp. 943-1005

- Joel David, Hugo A. Hopenhayn and Venky Venkateswaran
- Product Design in Selection Markets pp. 1007-1056

- André Veiga and E. Glen Weyl
Volume 131, issue 1, 2016
- Editor's Choice Rare Disasters and Exchange Rates pp. 1-52

- Emmanuel Farhi and Xavier Gabaix
- Learning from Inflation Experiences pp. 53-87

- Ulrike Malmendier and Stefan Nagel
- A Unified Theory of Firm Selection and Growth pp. 89-155

- Costas Arkolakis
- The Effects of School Spending on Educational and Economic Outcomes: Evidence from School Finance Reforms pp. 157-218

- C. Kirabo Jackson, Rucker C. Johnson and Claudia Persico
- Tax Farming Redux: Experimental Evidence on Performance Pay for Tax Collectors pp. 219-271

- Adnan Q. Khan, Asim I. Khwaja and Benjamin Olken
- Ghost-House Busters: The Electoral Response to a Large Anti–Tax Evasion Program pp. 273-314

- Lorenzo Casaburi and Ugo antonio Troiano
- Dynamic Selection: An Idea Flows Theory of Entry, Trade, and Growth pp. 315-380

- Thomas Sampson
- Political Centralization and Government Accountability pp. 381-422

- Federico Boffa, Amedeo Piolatto and Giacomo Ponzetto
- The Effects of Youth Employment: Evidence from New York City Lotteries pp. 423-460

- Alexander Gelber, Adam Isen and Judd B. Kessler
- Efficiency, Welfare, and Political Competition pp. 461-518

- Felix J. Bierbrauer and Pierre Boyer
Volume 130, issue 4, 2015
- Editor's Choice The High-Frequency Trading Arms Race: Frequent Batch Auctions as a Market Design Response pp. 1547-1621

- Eric Budish, Peter Cramton and John Shim
- Behavioral Hazard in Health Insurance pp. 1623-1667

- Katherine Baicker, Sendhil Mullainathan and Joshua Schwartzstein
- Do Pharmacists Buy Bayer? Informed Shoppers and the Brand Premium pp. 1669-1726

- Bart J. Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro
- Coordination and Crisis in Monetary Unions pp. 1727-1779

- Mark Aguiar, Manuel Amador, Emmanuel Farhi and Gita Gopinath
- The Skill Complementarity of Broadband Internet pp. 1781-1824

- Anders Akerman, Ingvil Gaarder and Magne Mogstad
- Human Capital and Industrialization: Evidence from the Age of Enlightenment pp. 1825-1883

- Mara P. Squicciarini and Nico Voigtländer
- Radio and the Rise of The Nazis in Prewar Germany pp. 1885-1939

- Maja Adena, Ruben Enikolopov, Maria Petrova, Veronica Santarosa and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
- The Unfavorable Economics of Measuring the Returns to Advertising pp. 1941-1973

- Randall Lewis and Justin M. Rao
- Why you Can’t Find a Taxi in the Rain and Other Labor Supply Lessons from Cab Drivers pp. 1975-2026

- Henry S. Farber
- Risk, Returns, and Multinational Production pp. 2027-2073

- Jose Fillat and Stefania Garetto
Volume 130, issue 3, 2015
- Editor's Choice The Aggregate Effect of School Choice: Evidence from a Two-Stage Experiment in India pp. 1011-1066

- Karthik Muralidharan and Venkatesh Sundararaman
- Editor's Choice Working over Time: Dynamic Inconsistency in Real Effort Tasks pp. 1067-1115

- Ned Augenblick, Muriel Niederle and Charles Sprenger
- Site Selection Bias in Program Evaluation pp. 1117-1165

- Hunt Allcott
- Preventives Versus Treatments pp. 1167-1239

- Michael Kremer and Christopher M. Snyder
- Dollar Funding and the Lending Behavior of Global Banks pp. 1241-1281

- Victoria Ivashina, David S. Scharfstein and Jeremy C. Stein
- Price Coherence and Excessive Intermediation pp. 1283-1328

- Benjamin Edelman and Julian Wright
- How Does Peer Pressure Affect Educational Investments? pp. 1329-1367

- Leonardo Bursztyn and Robert Jensen
- International Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics pp. 1369-1420

- Xavier Gabaix and Matteo Maggiori
- Property Rights over Marital Transfers pp. 1421-1484

- Siwan Anderson and Chris Bidner
- Financial Asset Holdings and Political Attitudes: Evidence from Revolutionary England pp. 1485-1545

- Saumitra Jha
Volume 130, issue 2, 2015
- Aggregate Demand, Idle Time, and Unemployment pp. 507-569

- Pascal Michaillat and Emmanuel Saez
- Gender Identity and Relative Income within Households pp. 571-614

- Marianne Bertrand, Emir Kamenica and Jessica Pan
- Editor's Choice Does Religion Affect Economic Growth and Happiness? Evidence from Ramadan pp. 615-658

- Filipe Campante and David Yanagizawa-Drott
- Comparative Advantage and Optimal Trade Policy pp. 659-702

- Arnaud Costinot, Dave Donaldson, Jonathan Vogel and Iván Werning
- Education and Human Capital Externalities: Evidence from Colonial Benin pp. 703-757

- Leonard Wantchekon, Marko Klašnja and Natalija Novta
- Juvenile Incarceration, Human Capital, and Future Crime: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges pp. 759-803

- Anna Aizer and Joseph J. Doyle
- The Value of Hiring through Employee Referrals pp. 805-839

- Stephen Burks, Bo Cowgill, Mitchell Hoffman and Michael Housman
- The Response of Drug Expenditure to Nonlinear Contract Design: Evidence from Medicare Part D pp. 841-899

- Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein and Paul Schrimpf
- Spending-Biased Legislators: Discipline Through Disagreement pp. 901-949

- Facundo Piguillem and Alessandro Riboni
- Experimentation in Federal Systems pp. 951-1002

- Steven Callande and Bård Harstad
Volume 130, issue 1, 2015
- Editor's Choice Very Long-Run Discount Rates pp. 1-53

- Stefano Giglio, Matteo Maggiori and Johannes Stroebel
- Waves in Ship Prices and Investment pp. 55-109

- Robin Greenwood and Samuel G. Hanson
- Regulating Consumer Financial Products: Evidence from Credit Cards pp. 111-164

- Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Neale Mahoney and Johannes Stroebel
- Does Working from Home Work? Evidence from a Chinese Experiment pp. 165-218

- Nicholas Bloom, James Liang, John Roberts and Zhichun Jenny Ying
- Do Markets Erode Social Responsibility? pp. 219-266

- Björn Bartling, Roberto Weber and Lan Yao
- The Geography of Interstate Resource Wars pp. 267-315

- Francesco Caselli, Massimo Morelli and Dominic Rohner
- Patents and Cumulative Innovation: Causal Evidence from the Courts pp. 317-369

- Alberto Galasso and Mark Schankerman
- The Psychological Effect of Weather on Car Purchases pp. 371-414

- Meghan R. Busse, Devin Pope, Jaren Pope and Jorge Silva-Risso
- Optimal Regulation in the Presence of Reputation Concerns pp. 415-464

- Andrew Atkeson, Christian Hellwig and Guillermo Ordonez
- The Impact of Housing Assistance on Child Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Housing Lottery pp. 465-506

- Brian A. Jacob, Max Kapustin and Jens Ludwig
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