The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 22, issue 4, 1908
- Substitutes for Cash in the Panic of 1907 pp. 497-516

- A. Piatt Andrew
- On the Nature of Capital pp. 517-542

- Thorstein Veblen
- The Street Railway Settlement in Cleveland pp. 543-575

- E. W. Bemis
- Australian Economic Problems: II. The Tariff pp. 576-601

- Victor S. Clark
- The National Gold Banks pp. 602-625

- G. D. Hancock
- Competitive and Monopolistic Pricemaking pp. 626-639

- Harry G. Brown
- The Massachusetts Anti-Stock-Watering Law pp. 640-645

- Grosvenor Calkins
- Professor Carver's Concept of an Economic Quantity pp. 645-652

- George Ray Wicker
- The Currency Legislation of 1908 pp. 666-676

- A. P. Andrew
Volume 22, issue 3, 1908
- Capital, Interest, and Diminishing Returns pp. 333-363

- F. W. Taussig
- Administrative Supervision of Railways under the Twentieth Section of the Act to Regulate Commerce pp. 364-383

- Henry C. Adams
- The Relation of Monopoly Price to the Rate of Interest pp. 384-398

- Alvin S. Johnson
- Australian Economic Problems. I. The Railways pp. 399-451

- Victor S. Clark
- The Price Policy of the United States Steel Corporation pp. 452-466

- Edward Sherwood Meade
- The Controversy about the Capital Concept pp. 467-475

- Frederick B. Hawley
- The Chicago Street Railways: A Supplementary Note pp. 476-479

- John A. Fairlie
Volume 22, issue 2, 1908
- Professor Clark's Economics pp. 147-195

- Thorstein Veblen
- The Taxation of Intangible Wealth in Maryland pp. 196-209

- Jacob H. Hollander
- Machinery and the Laborers pp. 210-232

- T. N. Carver
- The Street Railways of Philadelphia pp. 233-260

- Frank D. McLain
- The Cost and the Profits of Steel-Making in the United States pp. 261-273

- J. Russell Smith
- The Quantity Theory as Tested by Kemmerer pp. 274-289

- Warren M. Persons
- Hoarding in the Panic of 1907 pp. 290-299

- A. Piatt Andrew
- A Proposal for Securing the Maintenance of Bank Reserve pp. 300-303

- Charles W. Mixter
- The Chief Cause of the Failure of Municipal Telephony in Great Britain pp. 303-314

- Victor M. Berthold
Volume 22, issue 1, 1907
- Mortgage Taxation in Wisconsin pp. 1-27

- T. S. Adams
- The Nature of Capital: A Rejoinder pp. 28-47

- E. Böhm-Bawerk
- The Rent Concept, Narrowed and Broadened pp. 48-61

- Frank T. Carlton
- An Illustration of the Continuity of the Openfield System pp. 62-82

- P. Vinogradoff
- The Taxation of the Unearned Increment in Germany pp. 83-108

- R. Brunhuber
- The Texas Stock and Bond Law and Its Administration pp. 109-119

- E. T. Miller
- Political Economy and Business Economy: Comments on Fisher's Capital and Income pp. 120-125

- John R. Commons
- The Meetings of British and of American Economists pp. 125-127

- T. N. Carver
- The Massachusetts Inheritance Tax of 1907 pp. 128-131

- F. W. T.
Volume 21, issue 4, 1907
- The Treasury and the Banks Under Secretary Shaw pp. 519-568

- A. Piatt Andrew
- The Growth of the Union Pacific and Its Financial Operations pp. 569-612

- Thomas Warner Mitchell
- Modes of Constructing Index-Numbers pp. 613-631

- A. W. Flux
- Tax Discrimination in the Paper and Pulp Industry pp. 632-644

- Roswell C. McCrea
- Municipal Ownership of Telephones in Great Britain pp. 645-650

- A. N. Holcombe
- Industrial Concentration as Shown by the Census pp. 651-658

- William Z. Ripley
Volume 21, issue 3, 1907
- Concerning the Nature of Capital: A Reply pp. 351-370

- John Bates Clark
- The Street Railway Question in Chicago pp. 371-404

- John A. Fairlie
- The Readjustment of San Domingo's Finances pp. 405-426

- Jacob H. Hollander
- The Concept of an Economic Quantity pp. 427-448

- T. N. Carver
- Bank Reserves in the United States, Canada, and England pp. 449-462

- F. S. Mead
- English Finances Under the Long Parliament pp. 463-487

- William O. Scroggs
- Laws Regulating the Migration of Russians through Germany pp. 488-491

- E. A. Goldenweiser
- The Wisconsin Tax Decisions of June, 1906 pp. 492-502

- T. S. Adams
Volume 21, issue 2, 1907
- The Taxation of Corporations in Massachusetts pp. 181-246

- Charles J. Bullock
- Capital and Interest Once More: II. A Relapse to the Productivity Theory pp. 247-282

- E. Böhm-Bawerk
- Constant and Variable Railroad Expenditures and the Distance Tariff pp. 283-298

- M. O. Lorenz
- The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and his Followers pp. 299-322

- Thorstein Veblen
- Labor Organization and Labor Politics, 1827–37 pp. 323-329

- John R. Commons
- An Assize of Bread at Mobile, Alabama pp. 330-332

- William O. Scroggs
- The German Imperial Inheritance Tax pp. 332-334

- Frank A. Fetter
Volume 21, issue 1, 1906
- Capital and Interest Once More: I. Capital vs. Capital Goods pp. 1-21

- E. Böhm-Bawerk
- The Interstate Commerce Act as Amended pp. 22-51

- Frank Haigh Dixon
- The Taxation of Personal Property in Pennsylvania pp. 52-95

- Roswell C. McCrea
- The Telephone in Great Britain pp. 96-135

- A. N. Holcombe
- Co-operation in the Apple Industry in Canada pp. 136-150

- R. H. Coats
- Seligman's Principles of Economics: A Reply and a Rejoinder pp. 151-165

- Edwin R. A. Seligman and F. W. Taussig
- Erratum pp. NP1

- C. J. B