The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva From President and Fellows of Harvard College Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 50, issue 4, 1936
- The Pure Theory of Consumers Behavior pp. 545-593

- N. Georgescu-Roegen
- The Agricultural Adjustment Act and the Reports of the Brookings Institution pp. 594-621

- F. B. Garver and Harry Trelogan
- Stockholdings of Officers and Directors in American Industrial Corporations pp. 622-657

- R. A. Gordon
- The Marketing Machinery of the United States pp. 658-679

- J. M. Cassels
- German Cartel Regulation Under the Decree of 1923 pp. 680-693

- William C. Kessler
- Payments Between Nations in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries pp. 694-705

- Fritz Redlich
- The Dilemma of Central Banking as Illustrated in Recent Literature pp. 706-718

- Winfield W. Riefler
- Collected Works of Carl Menger pp. 719-730

- Alan R. Sweezy
Volume 50, issue 3, 1936
- Power Aspects of the Tennessee Valley Authority's Program pp. 377-414

- Edward S. Mason
- International Trade and Devaluation of the Dollar, 1932–1934 pp. 415-435

- Ralph Cassady and Arthur R. Upgren
- Speculation and the Carryover pp. 436-455

- John Burr Williams
- Monopoly Power and Price Rigidities pp. 456-475

- J. K. Galbraith
- The Brookings Inquiry into Income Distribution and Progress pp. 476-523

- Arthur F. Burns
- Professor Knight's Capital Theory: A Note in Reply pp. 524-531

- K. E. Boulding
- Marginal Utility of Money and Elasticities of Demand pp. 532-539

- A. C. Pigou, Milton Friedman and N. Georgescu-Roegen
Volume 50, issue 2, 1936
- The Mythology of Capital pp. 199-228

- Friedrich von Hayek
- The Industrial Advance Program of the Federal Reserve System pp. 229-274

- James C. Dolley
- The English Milk Market pp. 275-296

- Helen Sorenson and John M. Cassels
- Development of Policy under the Trade Agreements Program pp. 297-312

- James G. Smith
- The British Coal Mines Act of 1930, Another Interpretation pp. 313-332

- Wilfred Prest
- Commons's Institutionalism in Relation to Problems of Social Evolution and Economic Planning pp. 333-346

- Morris A. Copeland
- Heckscher, Mercantilism pp. 347-354

- B. F. Haley
- The Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences pp. 355-366

- E. A. J. Johnson
- MacGregor's Enterprise Purpose and Profit pp. 367-371

- Herbert von Beckerath
Volume 50, issue 1, 1935
- The 100 Per Cent Reserve Plan pp. 1-35

- James W. Angell
- The Theory of Investment Once More: Mr. Boulding and the Austrians pp. 36-67

- Frank H. Knight
- The Success of Industrial Mergers pp. 68-96

- Shaw Livermore
- The Banking Act of 1935 pp. 97-116

- A. D. Gayer
- The Austrian Theory of Capital in Relation to Partial Equilibrium Theory pp. 117-150

- A. Smithies
- Professor Pigou's Method for Measuring Elasticities of Demand from Budgetary Data pp. 151-163

- Milton Friedman
- Dynamics of Population in the United States pp. 164-173

- F. H. Hankins
- The Historical Emergence of Quantity Theory pp. 174-184

- Bernard W. Dempsey
- Comments pp. 185-192

- Earl J. Hamilton
Volume 49, issue 4, 1935
- Dividends, Interest, Profits, Wages, 1923–35 pp. 561-599

- T. J. Kreps
- The Stabilization Doctrines of Carl Snyder pp. 600-620

- Harold L. Reed
- The Term "Favorable Balance of Trade" pp. 621-645

- Frank Whitson Fetter
- Sociological Elements in Economic Thought: II. The Analytical Factor View pp. 646-667

- Talcott Parsons
- The National Recovery Administration pp. 668-679

- Edward S. Mason
- The Social Survey of Merseyside pp. 680-693

- Niles Carpenter
- A Reply to Dr. B. M. Anderson pp. 694-704

- Lauchlin Currie
- A Note pp. 705

- Benjamin M. Anderson
- Note on a Proposition of Pareto pp. 706-714

- N. St. Georgescu-Roegen
- Generalization of Pareto's Demand Theorem pp. 715-717

- E. B. Wilson
- The Brookings Report on Inequality in Income Distribution pp. 718-724

- Norris O. Johnson
Volume 49, issue 3, 1935
- Controlled Competition and the Organization of American Industry pp. 371-393

- Karl Pribram
- The Quantitative Position of Marketing in the United States pp. 394-413

- J. K. Galbraith and John D. Black
- Sociological Elements in Economic Thought: I. Historical pp. 414-453

- Talcott Parsons
- Fluctuations in the Rate of Industrial Invention pp. 454-474

- Robert K. Merton
- The Theory of a Single Investment pp. 475-494

- K. E. Boulding
- The Effect of Depreciated Exchange Upon Merchandise Movements pp. 495-502

- Choh-Ming Li
- Robbins, The Great Depression pp. 503-507

- Wesley C. Mitchell
- National Income, 1929–32 pp. 508-517

- W. L. Crum
- A Re-Interpretation of Ricardo on Value pp. 518-532

- John M. Cassels
- The Unemployed Foreign-Born pp. 533-541

- Harold Fields
- Discontinuous Demand Curves and Monopolistic Competition: A Special Case pp. 542-550

- Henry Smith
Volume 49, issue 2, 1935
- The Problem of Monetary and Economic Stability pp. 173-205

- Carl Snyder
- The British Movement for Industrial Reconstruction and the Control of Competitive Activity pp. 206-235

- Arthur F. Lucas
- The American Labor Movement Since the War pp. 236-254

- David J. Saposs
- Capital Concept Applied to Man pp. 255-285

- J. R. Walsh
- Professor Pigou's Theory of Unemployment pp. 286-324

- S. E. Harris
- The New Deal: A Survey of the Literature pp. 325-355

- Leo Rogin
- Experiments in Wheat Control: The British Wheat Act, 1932 pp. 356-358

- Alfred Plummer
- Experiments in Wheat Control: The Agricultural Adjustment Act, 1933 pp. 358-363

- Joseph S. Davis
Volume 49, issue 1, 2025
- Solar and Economic Relationships: A Preliminary Report pp. 1-51

- Carlos Garcia-Mata and Felix I. Shaffner
- How ‘nudge’ happened: the political economy of nudging in the UK pp. 1-18

- Stuart Mills and Richard Whittle
- Ethics and ontology: comparing Amartya Sen’s ethics and Tony Lawson’s Critical Ethical Naturalism pp. 19-40

- Antonis Ragkousis
- How the bourgeoisie’s quest for status placed blame for poverty on the poor pp. 41-65

- Jon D Wisman
- The Effects of the Recovery Act upon Labor Organization pp. 52-78

- David A. McCabe
- Technology rhetoric and institutional ownership pp. 67-93

- Panayiotis C Andreou, Kyriakos Drivas, Dennis Philip and Geoffrey Wood
- Long and Short Term Credit in Early American Banking pp. 79-103

- Bray Hammond
- Capital nationality and long-run economic development pp. 95-125

- Guilherme Klein Martins
- What is Perfect Competition? pp. 104-120

- Joan Robinson
- The Influence of Marginal Buyers on Monopolistic Competition pp. 121-135

- A. J. Nichol
- Central bank balance sheets under foreign exchange accumulation: insights from endogenous money theory and monetary policy implementation pp. 127-142

- Simona Bozhinovska
- The Influence of Marginal Buyers on Monopolistic Competition: Comments pp. 135-137

- Edward Chamberlin
- Recent Literature on Wage Theory pp. 138-146

- Z. C. Dickinson
- Technical progress, organisational innovations and labour intensity pp. 143-157

- Gabriel Brondino, Matteo Gaddi and Nadia Garbellini
- Interest on Capital and Distribution: A Problem in the Theory of Marginal Productivity pp. 147-161

- Wassily Leontief
- Inflation targeting and the real exchange rate trend: theoretical discussion and empirical evidence for developed and developing countries pp. 159-188

- André Nassif, Carmem Feijó, Eliane Araujo and Rafael Leão
- The Early Use of "Capital" pp. 162-163

- Henry Rand Hatfield
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