The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva From President and Fellows of Harvard College Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 98, issue 4, 1983
- The Information Content of the Interest Rate and Optimal Monetary Policy pp. 545-566

- Matthew Canzoneri, Dale W. Henderson and Kenneth Rogoff
- An Optimal Taxation Approach to Fiscal Federalism pp. 567-586

- Roger Gordon
- Taxation, Portfolio Choice, and Debt-Equity Ratios: A General Equilibrium Model pp. 587-609

- Alan Auerbach and Mervyn A. King
- Commodity Bundling and Agenda Control in the Public Sector pp. 611-635

- Robert J. Mackay and Carolyn L. Weaver
- Random Job Prospects and the Distribution of Income pp. 637-657

- Anthony Venables
- Premiums for High Quality Products as Returns to Reputations pp. 659-679

- Carl Shapiro
- Noncooperative Oligopoly and Preemptive Innovation without Winner-Take-All pp. 681-694

- Marion B. Stewart
- The Limits of Market-Oriented Regulatory Techniques: The Case of Automotive Fuel Economy pp. 695-704

- John E. Kwoka
- Tax Neutrality in the Presence of Adjustment Costs pp. 705-712

- Andrew B. Abel
- Steady State Growth of the Long-Run Sales-Maximizing Firm: Comment pp. 713-719

- Yoshihiko Seoka
- Hicks and Hollander on Ricardo: A Mathematical Note pp. 721-726

- Kenneth Gordon
Volume 98, issue 3, 1983
- A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence pp. 371-400

- Gary Becker
- Domestic Determinants of the Current Account Balance of the United States pp. 401-425

- George von Furstenberg
- Rational Expectations, Endogenous Currency Substitution, and Exchange Rate Determination pp. 427-439

- Harvey Lapan and Walter Enders
- Efficiency Loss from Resource Misallocation in Soviet Industry pp. 441-456

- Padma Desai and Ricardo Martin
- Shadow Prices for Project Evaluation Under Alternative Macroeconomic Specifications pp. 457-477

- Clive Bell and Shantayanan Devarajan
- Adverse Selection in the Market for Slaves: New Orleans, 1830–1860 pp. 479-499

- Bruce C. Greenwald and Robert R. Glasspiegel
- Labor-tying in a Poor Agrarian Economy: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis pp. 501-514

- Pranab Bardhan
- Import Objective, Distortions, and Optimal Tax Structure: A Generalization pp. 515-524

- Arvind Panagariya
- A Simple Rational Expectations Keynes-type Model pp. 525-528

- John Bryant
- The Impact of Monopoly Pricing on the Lerner Symmetry Theorem: A Comment pp. 529-533

- Jonathan Eaton, Gene M. Grossman, William Kaempfer and Edward Tower
- The Impact of Monopoly Pricing on the Lerner Symmetry Theorem: Reply pp. 535-537

- Edward John Ray
- A Growth Model for a Tenured-labor-managed Firm: Comment pp. 539-542

- David de Meza
- A Growth Model for a Tenured-labor-managed Firm: Reply pp. 543

- André Sapir
Volume 98, issue 2, 1983
- Losses From Horizontal Merger: The Effects of an Exogenous Change in Industry Structure on Cournot-Nash Equilibrium pp. 185-199

- Stephen W. Salant, Sheldon Switzer and Robert J. Reynolds
- The Emergence of Chaos from Classical Economic Growth pp. 201-213

- Richard H. Day
- Pricing and Depletion of an Exhaustible Resource When There is Anticipation of Trade Disruption pp. 215-233

- Arye L. Hillman and Ngo Long
- Spot and Futures Prices of Nonstorable Commodities Under Rational Expectations pp. 235-254

- Masahiro Kawai
- Competition and Interest Rate Ceilings in Commercial Banking pp. 255-265

- Richard Startz
- Optimal Selling Strategies: When to Haggle, When to Hold Firm pp. 267-289

- John Riley and Richard Zeckhauser
- Spatial Pricing with Differentiated Products pp. 291-310

- George Norman
- The Impact of Income Components on the Distribution of Family Incomes pp. 311-326

- Anthony F. Shorrocks
- Theories of Capitalist Transformation: Critical Notes on the Comparison of Marx And Schumpeter pp. 327-331

- John Bellamy Foster
- Schumpeter and Marx on Capitalist Transformation pp. 333-336

- John E. Elliott
- An Alternative Theory of Exchange Rate Dynamics pp. 337-348

- Jagdeep S. Bhandari
- Transport Costs in International Trade Theory: A Comparison with the Analysis of Nontraded Goodsâ€âA Note pp. 349-351

- Chao-cheng Mai and Jeong-wen Chiang
- The Importance of Being First: Learning Price and Strategy pp. 353-362

- Robert H. Smiley and S. Abraham Ravid
- Homotheticity and the Aggregation of Consumer Demands pp. 363-369

- Heraklis M. Polemarchakis
Volume 98, issue 1, 1983
- International Liquidity: A Welfare Analysis pp. 1-23

- Michael Jones
- The Black Market for Dollars in Brazil pp. 25-40

- Rüdiger Dornbusch, Daniel Valente Dantas, Clarice Pechman, Roberto de Rezende Rocha and Demetrio SimÅes
- Optimal Financial and Foreign-Exchange Liberalization of Less Developed Economies pp. 41-62

- Basant Kapur
- Product Diversity, Economies of Scale, and International Trade pp. 63-83

- Colin Lawrence and Pablo T. Spiller
- Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Cyclical Investment pp. 85-106

- Ben Bernanke
- Transition Losses of Partially Mobile Industry-Specific Capital pp. 107-125

- Don Fullerton
- Heterogeneous Users and the Peak Load Pricing Model pp. 127-138

- W. John Jordan
- Annual Inequality and Lifetime Inequality pp. 139-155

- Peter H. Friesen and Danny Miller
- Estimating the Economic Model of Crime: Employment Versus Punishment Effects pp. 157-166

- Samuel L. Myers
- Estimating the Economic Model of Crime: Reply pp. 167-175

- Ann Dryden Witte
- Currency Substitution and Foreign Inflation pp. 177-184

- Chau-nan Chen and Tien-wang Tsaur
Volume 97, issue 4, 1982
- Labor Contracts as Partial Gift Exchange pp. 543-569

- George Akerlof
- Union Contracts and Money Wage Changes in U. S. Manufacturing Industries pp. 571-594

- Wayne Vroman
- Job Search and the Duration of Layoff Unemployment pp. 595-612

- Christopher Pissarides
- Permanent versus Transitory Tax Effects and the Realization of Capital Gains pp. 613-632

- Gerald E. Auten and Charles T. Clotfelter
- Spatial Pricing, Spatial Rents, and Spatial Welfare pp. 633-644

- Timothy Gronberg and Jack Meyer
- The Effect of Federal Debt-Management Policy on Corporate Bond and Equity Yields pp. 645-668

- V. Vance Roley
- The Existence of Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibria with Increasing Returns pp. 669-688

- Paulina Beato
- Price Regulation Under Uncertainty in an Asymmetric Decision Environment pp. 689-698

- Stavros B. Thomadakis
- Externalities as a Necessary Condition for Cyclical Social Preferences pp. 699-705

- Peter Bernholz
- Joint Products and Multijurisdictional Spillovers pp. 707-716

- Todd Sandler and Anthony Culyer
- Incentive Compatibility in Bargaining Under Uncertainty pp. 717-726

- Kalyan Chatterjee
Volume 97, issue 3, 1982
- The Harvard Department of Economics from the Beginning to World War II pp. 383-433

- Edward S. Mason
- What are Corporate Pension Liabilities? pp. 435-452

- Jeremy I. Bulow
- The Role of Knowledge in R&D Efficiency pp. 453-470

- Richard Nelson
- The Relative Impact of Inheritance and Other Factors on Economic Inequality pp. 471-498

- James Davies
- Competitive Price Adjustment to Changes in the Money Supply pp. 499-517

- Benjamin Eden
- Work and Welfare as Determinants of Female Poverty and Household Headship pp. 519-534

- Sheldon Danziger, George Jakubson, Saul Schwartz and Eugene Smolensky
- Favorable Selection with Asymmetric Information pp. 535-539

- Boyan Jovanovic
- A Note on the Stability Limitations in “A Stable Price Adjustment Process†pp. 541-542

- Conway L. Lackman
Volume 97, issue 2, 1982
- Charitable Giving and “Excessive†Fundraising pp. 193-212

- Susan Rose-Ackerman
- Layoff Unemployment, Risk Shifting, and Productivity pp. 213-229

- Kenneth Chan and Yannis Ioannides
- The Interaction of Taxes and Inflation in a Macroeconomic Model pp. 231-250

- Liam P. Ebrill and Uri M. Possen
- Aggregate Spending and the Terms of Trade: Is There a Laursen-Metzler Effect? pp. 251-270

- Maurice Obstfeld
- A General Equilibrium Model of Congressional Voting pp. 271-293

- James B. Kau, Donald Keenan and Paul Rubin
- Tariffs, Quotas, and Market Structure pp. 295-305

- Motoshige Itoh and Yoshiyasu Ono
- Discrimination, Nepotism, and Long-Run Wage Differentials pp. 307-319

- Matthew S. Goldberg
- Categorizing Risks in the Insurance Industry pp. 321-336

- Michael Hoy
- Social Aggregation Rules and Continuity pp. 337-352

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- Social Opportunity Costs and Immiserizing Growth: Some Observations on the Long Run Versus the Short pp. 353-362

- M. Khan
- Consumption Versus Wage Taxation pp. 363-372

- Elhanan Helpman and Efraim Sadka
- The Optimal Taxation of International Investment Income: A Comment pp. 373-380

- John Dutton
- The Optimal Taxation of International Investment Income: Reply pp. 381

- Thomas Horst
Volume 97, issue 1, 1982
- Risk Aversion, Supply Response, and the Optimality of Random Prices: A Diagrammatic Analysis pp. 1-26

- David M Newbery and Joseph Stiglitz
- Rate-of-Return Regulation and Two-Part Tariffs pp. 27-42

- Roger Sherman and Michael Visscher
- The Transmission of Disturbances under Alternative Exchange-Rate Regimes with Optimal Indexing pp. 43-66

- Robert P. Flood and Nancy Peregrim Marion
- Educational Subsidy, Agricultural Development, and Fertility Change pp. 67-88

- Mark Rosenzweig
- Underemployment Equilibrium with Rational Expectations pp. 89-107

- Geoffrey Woglom
- A Model of Imperfect Competition with Keynesian Features pp. 109-138

- Oliver Hart
- Gottfried Haberler: Contributions upon Entering his Ninth Decade pp. 139-140

- Stephen Gillis
- Gottfried Haberler's Contributions to International Trade Theory and Policy pp. 141-148

- Robert Baldwin
- Prosperity and Depressionâ€âand Beyond pp. 149-159

- Lawrence H. Officer
- Gottfried Haberler on Inflation, Unemployment, and International Monetary Economics: An Appreciation pp. 161-169

- Thomas D. Willett
- Pecuniary Externalities Do Matter When Contingent Claims Markets are Incomplete pp. 171-179

- Lee Hsien Loong and Richard Zeckhauser
- Immiserizing Investment from Abroad: The Singer-Prebisch Thesis Reconsidered pp. 181-189

- Richard Brecher and Ehsan Choudhri
- Erratum: Social Security and the Retirement Decision pp. 191

- Vincent Crawford and David M. Lilien
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