The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 115, issue 4, 2000
- The Razor's Edge: Distortions and Incremental Reform in the People's Republic of China pp. 1091-1135

- Alwyn Young
- Current Accounts in Debtor and Creditor Countries pp. 1137-1166

- Aart Kraay and Jaume Ventura
- Why Did the West Extend the Franchise? Democracy, Inequality, and Growth in Historical Perspective pp. 1167-1199

- Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson
- Creative Destruction and Firm Organization Choice pp. 1201-1237

- David Thesmar and Mathias Thoenig
- The Effects of Class Size on Student Achievement: New Evidence from Population Variation pp. 1239-1285

- Caroline M. Hoxby
- Power Couples: Changes in the Locational Choice of the College Educated, 1940–1990 pp. 1287-1315

- Dora Costa and Matthew Kahn
- Different Paths to Free Trade: The Gains from Regionalism pp. 1317-1341

- Caroline Freund
- Hospital Ownership and Public Medical Spending pp. 1343-1373

- Mark Duggan
- What Do We Know about Macroeconomics that Fisher and Wicksell Did Not? pp. 1375-1409

- Olivier Blanchard
- Walrasian Economics in Retrospect pp. 1411-1439

- Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
- The Contributions of the Economics of Information to Twentieth Century Economics pp. 1441-1478

- Joseph Stiglitz
Volume 115, issue 3, 2000
- Economics and Identity pp. 715-753

- George Akerlof and Rachel E. Kranton
- An Economic Analysis of a Drug-Selling Gang's Finances pp. 755-789

- Steven Levitt and Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh
- Pay Enough or Don't Pay at All pp. 791-810

- Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini
- Measuring Trust pp. 811-846

- Edward L. Glaeser, David Laibson, José A. Scheinkman and Christine L. Soutter
- Participation in Heterogeneous Communities pp. 847-904

- Alberto Alesina and Eliana La Ferrara
- Sect, Subsidy, and Sacrifice: An Economist's View of Ultra-Orthodox Jews pp. 905-953

- Eli Berman
- "Beyond the Melting Pot": Cultural Transmission, Marriage, and the Evolution of Ethnic and Religious Traits pp. 955-988

- Alberto Bisin and Thierry Verdier
- Reputation Effects and the Limits of Contracting: A Study of the Indian Software Industry pp. 989-1017

- Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo
- Network Effects and Welfare Cultures pp. 1019-1055

- Marianne Bertrand, Erzo Luttmer and Sendhil Mullainathan
- Work Environment and Individual Background: Explaining Regional Shirking Differentials in a Large Italian Firm pp. 1057-1090

- Andrea Ichino and Giovanni Maggi
Volume 115, issue 2, 2000
- Efficient Auctions pp. 341-388

- Partha Dasgupta and Eric Maskin
- Land Reform, Poverty Reduction, and Growth: Evidence from India pp. 389-430

- Timothy Besley and Robin Burgess
- Estimating the Labor Market Signaling Value of the GED pp. 431-468

- John H. Tyler, Richard Murnane and John B. Willett
- Ability-Biased Technological Transition, Wage Inequality, and Economic Growth pp. 469-497

- Oded Galor and Omer Moav
- Electoral Competition Under the Threat of Political Unrest pp. 499-531

- Matthew Ellman and Leonard Wantchekon
- The Demand for Monitoring Technologies: The Case of Trucking pp. 533-560

- Thomas N. Hubbard
- In a World Without Borders: The Impact of Taxes on Internet Commerce pp. 561-576

- Austan Goolsbee
- Is Hospital Competition Socially Wasteful? pp. 577-615

- Daniel P. Kessler and Mark B. McClellan
- Are Recessions Good for Your Health? pp. 617-650

- Christopher Ruhm
- Substitution and Dropout Bias in Social Experiments: A Study of an Influential Social Experiment pp. 651-694

- James Heckman, Neil Hohmann, Jeffrey Smith and Michael Khoo
- Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities are Useful: A Comment on Kaplan and Zingales pp. 695-705

- Steven Fazzari, R. Glenn Hubbard and Bruce Petersen
- Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities Are Not Valid Measures of Financing Constraints pp. 707-712

- Steven Kaplan and Luigi Zingales
Volume 115, issue 1, 2000
- What Marshall Didn't Know: On the Twentieth Century's Contributions to Economics pp. 1-44

- William Baumol
- Causal Parameters and Policy Analysis in Economics: A Twentieth Century Retrospective pp. 45-97

- James J. Heckman
- Economic Imperialism pp. 99-146

- Edward Lazear
- Monetary Policy Rules and Macroeconomic Stability: Evidence and Some Theory pp. 147-180

- Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí and Mark Gertler
- Rational Debate and One-Dimensional Conflict pp. 181-200

- David Spector
- The Dynamics of Reorganization in Matching Markets: A Laboratory Experiment Motivated by a Natural Experiment pp. 201-235

- John Kagel and Alvin Roth
- Economic Profitability Versus Ecological Entropy pp. 237-263

- Martin Weitzman
- The Nonneutrality of Monetary Policy with Large Price or Wage Setters pp. 265-284

- David Soskice and Torben Iversen
- Resolving Indeterminacy in Dynamic Settings: The Role of Shocks pp. 285-304

- David Frankel and Ady Pauzner
- Policy Boards and Policy Smoothing pp. 305-339

- Christopher Waller
Volume 114, issue 4, 1999
- Changing Inequality in Markets for Workplace Amenities pp. 1085-1123

- Daniel S. Hamermesh
- Ramsey Meets Laibson in the Neoclassical Growth Model pp. 1125-1152

- Robert Barro
- When Does Privatization Work? The Impact of Private Ownership on Corporate Performance in the Transition Economies pp. 1153-1191

- Roman Frydman, Cheryl Gray, Marek Hessel and Andrzej Rapaczynski
- The Benefits of Privatization: Evidence from Mexico pp. 1193-1242

- Rafael La Porta and Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes
- Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions pp. 1243-1284

- Alberto Alesina, Reza Baqir and William Easterly
- Interfirm Relationships and Informal Credit in Vietnam pp. 1285-1320

- John McMillan and Christopher Woodruff
- A Theory of Wage and Promotion Dynamics Inside Firms pp. 1321-1358

- Robert Gibbons and Michael Waldman
- Dualism and Macroeconomic Volatility pp. 1359-1397

- Philippe Aghion, Abhijit Banerjee and Thomas Piketty
- Fiscal Policy in Good Times and Bad pp. 1399-1436

- Roberto Perotti
- What Drives Deregulation? Economics and Politics of the Relaxation of Bank Branching Restrictions pp. 1437-1467

- Randall S. Kroszner and Philip E. Strahan
Volume 114, issue 3, 1999
- Democracies Pay Higher Wages pp. 707-738

- Dani Rodrik
- Zipf's Law for Cities: An Explanation pp. 739-767

- Xavier Gabaix
- Incentives for Procrastinators pp. 769-816

- Ted O'Donoghue and Matthew Rabin
- A Theory of Fairness, Competition, and Cooperation pp. 817-868

- Ernst Fehr and Klaus M. Schmidt
- Coordinating Regime Switches pp. 869-905

- Christophe Chamley
- The Impact of Outsourcing and High-Technology Capital on Wages: Estimates For the United States, 1979–1990 pp. 907-940

- Robert Feenstra and Gordon Hanson
- The Induced Innovation Hypothesis and Energy-Saving Technological Change pp. 941-975

- Richard Newell, Adam Jaffe and Robert N. Stavins
- Wage Inequality in the United States During the 1980s: Rising Dispersion or Falling Minimum Wage? pp. 977-1023

- David S. Lee
- Evidence on Growth, Increasing Returns, and the Extent of the Market pp. 1025-1045

- Alberto F. Ades and Edward L. Glaeser
- School Inputs and Educational Outcomes in South Africa pp. 1047-1084

- Anne Case and Angus Deaton
Volume 114, issue 2, 1999
- Contracting with Externalities pp. 337-388

- Ilya Segal
- Career Concerns of Mutual Fund Managers pp. 389-432

- Judith Chevalier and Glenn Ellison
- Consumption and Portfolio Decisions when Expected Returns are Time Varying pp. 433-495

- John Campbell and Luis Viceira
- Experimental Estimates of Education Production Functions pp. 497-532

- Alan Krueger
- Using Maimonides' Rule to Estimate the Effect of Class Size on Scholastic Achievement pp. 533-575

- Joshua Angrist and Victor Lavy
- Do Better Schools Matter? Parental Valuation of Elementary Education pp. 577-599

- Sandra Black
- Psychological Factors and Stock Option Exercise pp. 601-627

- Chip Heath, Steven Huddart and Mark Lang
- Is Bank Supervision Central to Central Banking? pp. 629-653

- Joe Peek, Eric S. Rosengren and Geoffrey Tootell
- State-Dependent Pricing and the General Equilibrium Dynamics of Money and Output pp. 655-690

- Michael Dotsey, Robert G. King and Alexander Wolman
- Pricing the Limits to Growth from Minerals Depletion pp. 691-706

- Martin Weitzman
Volume 114, issue 1, 1999
- Social Norms and Economic Incentives in the Welfare State pp. 1-35

- Assar Lindbeck, Sten Nyberg and Jörgen Weibull
- First Impressions Matter: A Model of Confirmatory Bias pp. 37-82

- Matthew Rabin and Joel L. Schrag
- Why do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output Per Worker than Others? pp. 83-116

- Robert E. Hall and Charles Jones
- Has Work-Sharing Worked in Germany? pp. 117-148

- Jennifer Hunt
- The Forgotten Rationale for Policy Reform: The Productivity of Investment Projects pp. 149-184

- Jonathan Isham and Daniel Kaufmann
- Investment and Demand Uncertainty pp. 185-227

- Luigi Guiso and Giuseppe Parigi
- The Aftermath of Appreciations pp. 229-262

- Ilan Goldfajn and Rodrigo Valdés
- Abortion Legalization and Child Living Circumstances: Who is the "Marginal Child"? pp. 263-291

- Jonathan Gruber, Phillip Levine and Douglas Staiger
- Rational Bias in Macroeconomic Forecasts pp. 293-318

- David Laster, Paul Bennett and In Sun Geoum
- Avoiding Default: The Role of Credit in the Consumption Collapse of 1930 pp. 319-335

- Martha Olney