The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 20, issue 4, 1906
- Wages and Prices in Relation to International Trade pp. 497-522

- F. W. Taussig
- The Distribution of Immigrants in the United States pp. 523-546

- Walter F. Willcox
- The Recent Growth of Co-operation in Ireland pp. 547-574

- David A. McCabe
- The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and his Followers pp. 575-595

- Thorstein Veblen
- The Relation of Marginal Rents to Price pp. 596-607

- Frank T. Carlton
- On the Beginning of the Cotton Industry in England pp. 608-613

- William H. Price
- Change in Mortgage Taxation in New York in 1906 pp. 613-616

- Frank A. Fetter
- Taxation of Railroad and Canal Property in New Jersey pp. 617-622

- Winthrop M. Daniels
- Seligman's Principles of Economics pp. 622-633

- F. W. Taussig
Volume 20, issue 3, 1906
- The Influence of the Crops upon Business in America pp. 323-352

- A. Piatt Andrew
- The German Steel Syndicate pp. 353-398

- Francis Walker
- The Investments of Harvard College, 1776–1790: An Episode in the Finances of the Revolution pp. 399-418

- Andrew McFarland Davis
- Types of American Labor Unions. — The Musicians of St. Louis and New York pp. 419-442

- John R. Commons
- The Collateral Trust Mortgage in Railway Finance pp. 443-467

- Thomas Warner Mitchell
- The Swiss National Bank pp. 468-482

- Julius Landmann
Volume 20, issue 2, 1906
- The Trunk Line Rate System: A Distance Tariff pp. 183-194

- William Z. Ripley
- Paradoxes of Competition pp. 211-230

- Henry L. Moore
- The Court of Piepowder pp. 231-249

- Charles Gross
- The Anti-Dumping Feature of the Canadian Tariff pp. 250-258

- Adam Shortt
- The Agricultural Development of the West during the Civil War pp. 259-278

- Emerson D. Fite
- The French Method of Controlling Railway Rates pp. 279-286

- W. H. Buckler
- The British Income Tax in Recent Years pp. 287-300

- W. H. Price
- The American Sociological Society pp. 301-303

- C. W. A. Veditz
Volume 20, issue 1, 1905
- The English Railway and Canal Commission of 1888 pp. 1-58

- S. J. McLean
- Types of American Labor Unions: The 'Longshoremen of the Great Lakes pp. 59-85

- John R. Commons
- The Effect of Labor-Saving Devices upon Wages pp. 86-109

- Alvin S. Johnson
- Employers' Associations for Dealing with Labor in the United States pp. 110-150

- William Franklin Willoughby
- Changes in the Tax Laws of New York State in 1905 pp. 151-156

- Frank A. Fetter
- The Origin of the Phrase "Balance of Trade." pp. 157-167

- W. H. Price
Volume 19, issue 4, 1905
- The Co-Operative Coopers of Minneapolis pp. 527-544

- G. O. Virtue
- The Probable Increase of the Negro Race in the United States pp. 545-572

- Walter F. Willcox
- Suggestions on the Theory of Value pp. 573-584

- Ludwig Kotany
- The Establishment of the Gold Exchange Standard in the Philippines pp. 585-609

- E. W. Kemmerer
- Wool-Growing and the Tariff since 1890 pp. 610-647

- Chester Whitney Wright
- The Hibernia Fiasco: Recent Effort of the Prussian Fiscus to Acquire Coal Mines pp. 648-656

- Francis Walker
Volume 19, issue 3, 1905
- The Division of Income pp. 341-369

- Edwin Cannan
- The Personality of Antoine Augustin Cournot pp. 370-399

- Henry L. Moore
- Types of American Labor Organization.—The Teamsters of Chicago pp. 400-433

- J. R. Commons
- Transportation in the Ante-Bellum South: An Economic Analysis pp. 434-451

- Ulrich B. Phillips
- The French Corn Laws during the Period of Local Control, 1515–1660 pp. 452-491

- Abbott Payson Usher
- A Suggestion on the Taxation of Corporations pp. 492-497

- Roswell C. McCrea
- Encouragement to Industry by Exemption from Taxation pp. 498-500

- John Burton Phillips
- Schmoller on Protection and Free Trade pp. 501-511

- F. W. Taussig
Volume 19, issue 2, 1905
- The Recent Economic History of the United States pp. 167-209

- Alexander D. Noyes
- Fetter's Theory of Value pp. 210-230

- Robert F. Hoxie
- Stockholders' Profits from Privileged Subscriptions pp. 231-269

- Thomas Warner Mitchell
- A Plantation Experiment pp. 270-287

- Alfred Holt Stone
- The Inheritance Tax in the American Commonwealths pp. 288-308

- H. A. Millis
- Professor Tuttle's Capital Concept pp. 309-313

- Irving Fisher
- The Terminology of the Theory of Population pp. 314-315

- C. W. Mixter
- Later History of the Steel Corporation's Bond Conversion pp. 316-319

- William Z. Ripley
- The End of the Maryland Workmen's Compensation Act pp. 320-322

- George E. Barnett
Volume 19, issue 1, 1904
- Labor Conditions in Meat Packing and The Recent Strike pp. 1-32

- John R. Commons
- English Customary Tenure in the Tudor Period pp. 33-80

- Alexander Savine
- The Fundamental Notion of Capital, Once More pp. 81-110

- Charles A. Tuttle
- Industrial Pooling Agreements pp. 111-116

- Wallace E. Belcher
- Some Recent Text-Books in Economics pp. 124-135

- Henry B. Gardner
- The National Transcontinental Railway of Canada pp. 136-148

- W. L. Mackenzie King