The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva From President and Fellows of Harvard College Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 96, issue 4, 1981
- Economic Performance in Regulated and Unregulated Environments: A Comparison of U. S. and Canadian Railroads pp. 559-581

- Douglas W. Caves, Laurits R. Christensen and Joseph A. Swanson
- The Theory of Domestic Content Protection and Content Preference pp. 583-603

- Gene M. Grossman
- Cheap Labor and Southern Textiles, 1880–1930 pp. 605-629

- Gavin Wright
- Some Additional Results on Investment, Risk Taking, and Full Loss Offset Corporate Taxation with Interest Deductibility pp. 631-642

- Jack Mintz
- Price and Entry Regulations with Large Fixed Costs pp. 643-655

- Richard Harris
- Option Value: Empirical Evidence from a Case Study of Recreation and Water Quality pp. 657-673

- Douglas A. Greenley, Richard G. Walsh and Robert A. Young
- Productivity and City Size: A Critique of the Evidence pp. 675-688

- Ronald Moomaw
- Free Riding and Collective Action: An Experiment in Public Microeconomics pp. 689-704

- Friedrich Schneider and Werner W. Pommerehne
- A Note on Dynamic Tax Incidence pp. 705-723

- B. Douglas Bernheim
- Toward a More General Model of Land Tenancy and Reform: Comment pp. 725-730

- M.G. Quibria and Salim Rashid
Volume 96, issue 3, 1981
- The Pricing of Durable Exhaustible Resources pp. 365-377

- David Levhari and Robert Pindyck
- A Dynamic Model of Investment and Capacity Utilization pp. 379-403

- Andrew B. Abel
- Fixed Costs, Sunk Costs, Entry Barriers, and Sustainability of Monopoly pp. 405-431

- William Baumol and Robert Willig
- Ingredients of Famine Analysis: Availability and Entitlements pp. 433-464

- Amartya Sen
- The Valuation of Legal Rights pp. 465-476

- Eli M. Noam
- The Measurement of Productive Efficiency: A Reconsideration pp. 477-503

- Raymond Kopp
- Social Security and the Retirement Decision pp. 505-529

- Vincent Crawford and David M. Lilien
- J. S. Mill, Unions, and the Wages Fund Recantation: A Reinterpretation—Comment pp. 531-541

- Robert Ekelund and William F. Kordsmeier
- J. S. Mill, Unions, and the Wages Fund Recantation: A Reinterpretation—Reply pp. 543-549

- E. G. West and R. W. Hafer
- Effects of Changes in the Discount Rate on the Foreign Exchange Value of the Dollar: 1973 to 1978 pp. 551-558

- Kathleen Hope Brown
Volume 96, issue 2, 1981
- Uncertainty and Optimal Social Security Systems pp. 189-206

- Eytan Sheshinski and Yoram Weiss
- On the Indeterminacy of Equilibrium Exchange Rates pp. 207-222

- John Kareken and Neil Wallace
- The Effect of Intertemporal Speculation on the Outcomes in Seller Posted Offer Auction Markets pp. 223-241

- Elizabeth Hoffman and Charles Plott
- A Transactions Theory of Trade Credit Use pp. 243-270

- J. Stephen Ferris
- The Duality of a Dynamic Model of Equilibrium and an Optimal Growth Model: The Heterogeneous Capital Goods Case pp. 271-300

- Robert Becker
- The Use of Cross-Section Microdata in Life Cycle Models: An Application to Inequality Theory in Nonstationary Economies pp. 301-316

- Ian Irvine
- The Systematic Specification of a Full Prior Covariance Matrix for Asset Demand Equations pp. 317-339

- Gary Smith
- A Test of the Friedman-Savage Gambling Model pp. 341-348

- Gregory G. Brunk
- Monetary Policy in an Inside-Money, Open Economy: Comment pp. 349-356

- Basant Kapur
- Monetary Policy in an Inside-Money, Open Economy: Reply pp. 357-361

- Donald J. Mathieson
- Erratum: Bank Attitude Toward Risk, Implicit Rates of Interest, and the Behavior of an Index of Risk Aversion for Commercial Banks pp. 363

- Ronald Ratti
Volume 96, issue 1, 1981
- Demand Curves for Animal Consumers pp. 1-15

- John Kagel, Raymond Battalio, Howard Rachlin and Leonard Green
- Domestic Policies and Foreign Resource Requirements pp. 17-26

- M.G. Quibria
- Taxes and Subsidies in the Input-Output Model pp. 27-45

- Hiroshi Atsumi
- Two-Sector Growth with Endogenous Technical Change: A Marxian Simulation Model pp. 47-75

- David Laibman
- Structural Stability in Models of American Trade Union Growth pp. 77-88

- Neil Sheflin, Leo Troy and C. Timothy Koeller
- Factor Costs and the Diffusion of Ring Spinning in Britain Prior to World War I pp. 89-109

- William Lazonick
- Reward Structures in a Planned Economy: The Problem of Incentives and Efficient Allocation of Resources pp. 111-128

- Mo-Yin S. Tam
- The Isolation Paradox and the Discount Rate for Benefit-Cost Analysis pp. 129-145

- Peter Warr and Brian Wright
- Summing up on the Australian Case for Protection pp. 147-160

- Paul A. Samuelson
- Summing up on the Australian case for Protection: Comment pp. 161-167

- Gary J. Manger
- Justice to the Australians pp. 169-170

- Paul A. Samuelson
- Public Investment and Income Distribution: A Note pp. 171-176

- Nobuhiro Okuno and Akira Yakita
- Statistical Cost Analysis Re-Revisited pp. 177-181

- G. S. Maddala and R. Blaine Roberts
- Statistical cost Analysis Re-Revisited: Reply pp. 183-187

- James M. Griffin
Volume 95, issue 4, 1980
- Generalized Findlay-Grubert Theorem pp. 587-611

- Jitendralal Borkakoti
- Unionization and Productivity: Micro-Econometric Evidence pp. 613-639

- Kim B. Clark
- "Rational" Duopoly Equilibria pp. 641-662

- John Laitner
- Technology, Entrepreneurs, and Firm Size pp. 663-677

- Guillermo Calvo and Stanislaw Wellisz
- Public-Private Consumption Tradeoffs and the Balanced Budget Multiplier pp. 679-702

- Uri Possen and Steven Slutsky
- Experience, Performance, and Earnings pp. 703-736

- James Medoff and Katharine Abraham
- Technology Transfer to Overseas Subsidiaries by U. S.-Based Firms pp. 737-750

- Edwin Mansfield and Anthony Romeo
- Factor Market Dynamics and the Incidence of Taxes and Subsidies pp. 751-764

- Daniel S. Hamermesh
- The Cost of Capital in Nonmarketed Firms pp. 765-773

- Bengt Holmstrom
- Dual Markets, Rationing, and Queues pp. 775-779

- Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Balbir S. Sihag
- Dividend Policy and Tax Incidence in a Growing Economy pp. 781-787

- J. Gregory Ballentine
Volume 95, issue 3, 1980
- A Growth Model for a Tenured-Labor-Managed Firm pp. 387-402

- André Sapir
- Nontraded Goods and the Balance of Trade in a Neo-Keynesian Temporary Equilibrium pp. 403-429

- J. Peter Neary
- Job Differentiation and Wages pp. 431-449

- Nancy L. Stokey
- The Distribution of Income by Factor Components pp. 451-473

- Graham Pyatt, Chau-nan Chen and John Fei
- On Oligopolistic Markets for Nonrenewable Natural Resources pp. 475-491

- Tracy Lewis and Richard Schmalensee
- Notes on Advertising, Economies of Scale, and Entry Barriers pp. 493-507

- A. Spence
- Wealth and Wealth Proxies in a Permanent Income Model pp. 509-535

- J. Walter Elliott
- Bayes Rule as a Descriptive Model: The Representativeness Heuristic pp. 537-557

- David Grether
- The Limitations of Pigouvian Taxes as a Long-Run Remedy for Externalities pp. 559-566

- Dennis Carlton and Glenn Loury
- Relative Deprivation and the Gini Coefficient: Comment pp. 567-573

- John D. Hey and Peter J. Lambert
- Relative Deprivation and the Gini Coefficient: Reply pp. 575-576

- Shlomo Yitzhaki
- Exchange-Rate Variability, Real and Monetary Shocks, and the Degree of Capital Mobility Under Rational Expectations pp. 577-586

- Robert Driskill and Stephen McCafferty
Volume 95, issue 2, 1980
- Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory with a Continuum of Goods pp. 203-224

- Rüdiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer and Paul A. Samuelson
- A Compensation Measure of the Cost of Unemployment to the Unemployed pp. 225-243

- Michael Hurd
- The Effects of Supply Contracts on the Output and Price of an Exhaustible Resource pp. 245-260

- Blaine Roberts
- A Method for Determining the Appropriateness of National Planning in a Market Economy pp. 261-276

- Jeffrey Miller
- A Model of International Trade and Finance pp. 277-292

- Laurence Weiss
- The Regional Distribution of Population, Migration, and Climate pp. 293-308

- Donald R. Haurin
- Bank Attitude Toward Risk, Implicit Rates of Interest, and the Behavior of an Index of Risk Aversion for Commercial Banks pp. 309-331

- Ronald Ratti
- The Optimum Monetary Aggregate for Stabilization Policy pp. 333-355

- Don E. Roper and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Optimal Redistributive Taxation and Uncertainty pp. 357-364

- Jonathan Eaton and Harvey S. Rosen
- Role of Education in Production: A Slightly New Approach pp. 365-373

- Rati Ram
- On the Long-Run Steady State in a Simple Dynamic Model of Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Households pp. 375-382

- Robert Becker
- A Comment on Measuring Horizontal Equity pp. 383-385

- Robert Plotnick
Volume 95, issue 1, 1980
- Nondissipative Signaling Structures and Dividend Policy pp. 1-24

- Sudipto Bhattacharya
- On Transactions and Precautionary Demand for Money pp. 25-43

- Jacob A. Frenkel and Boyan Jovanovic
- Marx and Schumpeter on Capitalism's Creative Destruction: A Comparative Restatement pp. 45-68

- John E. Elliott
- Job Search and the Labor Dropout Problem Reconsidered pp. 69-87

- Richard D. MacMinn
- David Hume and Monetarism pp. 89-101

- Thomas Mayer
- Choosing New Industrial Capacity: On-Site EXpansion, Branching, and Relocation pp. 103-119

- Roger W. Schmenner
- Soviet Household Saving: A Cross-Section Study of Soviet Emigrant Families pp. 121-144

- Gur Ofer and Joyce Pickersgill
- Irving Fisher on His Head II: The Consequences of the Timing of Payments for the Demand for Money pp. 145-157

- George Akerlof and Ross D. Milbourne
- Personal Wealth Transfers pp. 159-179

- James Adams
- A Model of Forced Saving Based Upon Differential Expectations pp. 181-185

- Michael Hicks
- Optimal Policies in Dual Economies pp. 187-196

- Kaushik C. Basu
- A Disequilibrium Macroeconomic Model: A Correction pp. 197-198

- Stephen Miller
- A Disequilibrium Macroeconomic Model: The Implications of a Correction pp. 199-200

- Panayotis G. Korliras
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