The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 56, issue 4, 1942
- State Labor Relations Acts pp. 507-559

- Mason C. Doan
- Market Classifications in Modern Price Theory pp. 560-574

- Joe S. Bain
- Fiscal Policy and Income Determination pp. 575-605

- Paul A. Samuelson
- The Tobacco Workers International Union pp. 606-626

- Herbert R. Northrup
- Space and Value pp. 627-637

- Stephen Enke
- The Direct Effects of a Corporate Income Tax pp. 638-654

- Philip D. Bradley
- The Bullion Report Reexamined pp. 655-665

- Frank Whitson Fetter
- The Classification of Market Positions: Comment pp. 666-673

- Sidney Weintraub
- Reply pp. 673-677

- Robert Triffin
Volume 56, issue 3, 1942
- Consumption in Germany during the Period of Rearmament pp. 349-384

- Otto Nathan
- Relationship of the Cycle in Yields of Cotton and Apples to Solar and Sky Radiation pp. 385-405

- J. L. Fulmer
- Taxation and Economic Stability pp. 406-429

- Donald W. Gilbert
- State Policy and the French Glass Industry, 1640–1789 pp. 430-455

- Warren Scoville
- The Adjudication of Collective Labor Disputes in Italy pp. 456-474

- John Clarke Adams
- The Scope of the Theory of International Trade under Monopolistic Competition pp. 475-486

- Donald B. Marsh
- Two Trials to Determine Expectation Models Applicable to Agriculture pp. 487-496

- T. W. Schultz and O. H. Brownlee
- Statistical Measurement of Price Flexibility pp. 497-502

- Richard M. Alt
Volume 56, issue 2, 1942
- The Operation and Regulation of Crude Oil and Gasoline Pipe Lines pp. 177-211

- Roy A. Prewitt
- Spatial Competition in a Discontinuous Market pp. 212-230

- Gardner Ackley
- After Unemployment Benefits are Exhausted pp. 231-255

- Charles A. Myers and W. Rupert Maclaurin
- Profit Inflation and the Industrial Revolution, 1751–1800 pp. 256-273

- Earl J. Hamilton
- A Contribution to the Non-Static Theory of Choice pp. 274-306

- Gerhard Tintner
- Direct Investments, Terms of Trade, and Balance of Payments pp. 307-320

- Erich Schiff
- The Coöperative One-Half of One Per Cent pp. 321-331

- Lincoln Clark
- Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition: An Addendum pp. 332-336

- A. Smithies
- The Incidence of an Income Tax on Saving pp. 337-341

- Abram Bergson
- The Relationship Between Total Output and Man-Hour Output: Comment pp. 342-343

- Lawrence Klein
Volume 56, issue 1_Part_1, 1941
- The Impossibility of a Theoretical Science of Economic Dynamics pp. 1-17

- F. S. C. Northrop
- British War Time Control of Aluminum pp. 18-48

- Jules Backman and Leo Fishman
- Tariff Aspects of a Federal Union pp. 49-92

- John S. de Beers
- The "Appropriate Bargaining Unit" Problem pp. 93-107

- E. B. McNatt
- The Production Function for Australian Manufacturing pp. 108-129

- Grace T. Gunn and Paul H. Douglas
- Residential Real Estate pp. 130-133

- Joseph B. Hubbard
- Invariable Classical Stability of Entrepreneurial Demand and Supply Functions pp. 134-144

- Louis M. Court
- Long-Run Considerations in Employment Stabilization and Unemployment Compensation pp. 145-151

- Charles E. Lindblom
- The Structure of Interest Rates: Comment pp. 152-156

- Daniel Marx
- Valuation for Customs pp. 157-159

- Carl Kreider
- A Supplementary Bibliography on Monopolistic Competition pp. 160-169

- Edward H. Chamberlin
Volume 55, issue 4, 1941
- Regional Differences in Costs and Productivity in the American Cotton Manufacturing Industry, 1880–1910 pp. 533-566

- Chen-Han Chen
- International Trade Under Imperfect Competition pp. 567-583

- Gertrud Lovasy
- Canadian Dominion-Provincial Relations pp. 584-610

- J. A. Maxwell
- The Theory of Union Growth pp. 611-637

- Horace B. Davis
- The Technological Argument of the Stagnation Thesis pp. 638-651

- William Fellner
- The Effect of Dynamic Forces on the Elasticity of Revenue Curves pp. 652-666

- Richard B. Heflebower
- Venture Capital and Taxation pp. 667-682

- Charles C. Abbott and Eugene M. Zuckert
- Real and Money Wage Rates—A Reply pp. 683-691

- John T. Dunlop
- Further Comment pp. 691-697

- Lorie Tarshis
- Rejoinder pp. 697-700

- Richard F. Ruggles
Volume 55, issue 3, 1941
- Frank William Taussig pp. 337-363

- J A. Schumpeter, A. H. Cole and E. S. Mason
- The Food Problem in the German War Economy pp. 364-412

- Frederick Strauss
- A Reconsideration of the Theory of Exploitation pp. 413-442

- Gordon F. Bloom
- Reducing Gasoline Prices: British Columbia's Experiment pp. 443-459

- Stephen Enke
- The Mobility of Weavers in Three Textile Centers pp. 460-487

- Gladys L. Palmer
- Monetary Policy and the Theory of Interest pp. 488-507

- Harold M. Somers
- A Note on the Money Wage Problem pp. 508-516

- James Tobin
- The Distribution of Efficiency Savings pp. 517-520

- J. Murray Carroll
- Gross Income pp. 521-525

- George O. May
Volume 55, issue 2, 1941
- The Meaning of "Price Policy" pp. 175-209

- E. G. Nourse
- British War-Time Control of Copper, Lead, and Zinc pp. 210-238

- Jules Backman and Leo Fishman
- The Relationship Between Total Output and Man-Hour Output in American Manufacturing Industry pp. 239-254

- Henry M. Oliver
- The Cost of Distribution pp. 255-270

- Wilfred Malenbaum
- The Profit Rate as a Measure of Monopoly Power pp. 271-293

- Joe S. Bain
- Wages and Hours in Consumers' Cooperatives in Great Britain and the United States pp. 294-305

- Glenn W. Miller
- Period and Velocity as Statistical Concepts pp. 306-313

- K. A. Gordon
- The Variation in Wage Ratios: Comment pp. 314-318

- Frank L. Kidner
- The Planning Approach in Public Economy: A Reply pp. 319-324

- Richard Abel Musgrave
- Further Comment pp. 325-330

- Herbert A. Simon
Volume 55, issue 1, 1940
- Competing Products and Monopolistic Competition pp. 1-35

- Morris A. Copeland
- The Structure of Interest Rates pp. 36-63

- F. A. Lutz
- Population Growth and Investment Opportunity pp. 64-79

- A. R. Sweezy
- Effect of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Upon the Foreign Trade of the United States pp. 80-94

- Grace Beckett
- Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition pp. 95-115

- A. Smithies
- The Economic Limit and Economic Burden of An Internally Held National Debt pp. 116-129

- David McC. Wright
- The Relative Movements of Real and Money Wage Rates pp. 130-149

- Richard Ruggles
- A Note on the History of Business Corporations in Pennsylvania, 1800–1860 pp. 150-160

- William Miller
- Oligopoly and the Short-Run Demand for Labor pp. 161-166

- Raymond F. Mikesell
- The Degree of Monopoly pp. 167-169

- Rufus S. Tucker