The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 83, issue 4, 1969
- Competitive Equilibria under Uncertainty pp. 533-561

- Bernt P. Stigum
- On the Tax Structure of Interest Rates pp. 562-579

- Gordon Pye
- The Use of Endogenous Variables in Dynamic Models of Investment pp. 580-599

- John P. Gould
- Organizational or Frictional Equilibria, X-Efficiency, and the Rate of Innovation pp. 600-623

- Harvey Leibenstein
- An Economic Disturbance Theory of Mergers pp. 624-642

- Michael Gort
- A Theory of Conglomerate Mergers pp. 643-659

- Dennis C. Mueller
- A Market Separation Theory of Rent Differentials in Metropolitan Areas pp. 660-672

- Robert A. Haugen and A. James Heins
- Switching and Reswitching in a General Production Model pp. 673-687

- David A. Starrett
- Reserve-Asset Preferences and the Confidence Problem in the Crisis Zone pp. 688-695

- Lawrence H. Officer and Thomas D. Willett
- Majority Rule with Lotteries on Alternatives pp. 696-703

- Richard Zeckhauser
- Gresham's Law and the Demand for NRU's and SDR'S: A Reply pp. 704-705

- Robert Z. Aliber
Volume 83, issue 3, 1969
- Relative Wages and the Rate of Inflation pp. 353-374

- George Akerlof
- The Turnip, the New Husbandry, and the English Agricultural Revolution pp. 375-395

- Charles Timmer
- A Formal Outline of a Smithian Growth Model pp. 396-414

- Haim Barkai
- Negative Value Added and the Theory of Effective Protection pp. 415-433

- Stephen E. Guisinger
- American Trade Union Growth: 1900–1960 pp. 434-448

- Orley Ashenfelter and John Pencavel
- On the Measurement of Education's Contribution to Growth pp. 449-463

- Marcelo Selowsky
- Experimental Determination of Relative Marginal Utilities pp. 464-477

- Koichi Mera
- On Defining Areas of Voter Choice: Professor Tullock on Stable Voting pp. 478-490

- Paul B. Simpson
- The Theory of Saving and the Stability of Growth Equilibrium pp. 491-503

- Winston Chang
- Nature of Business Cycles Implicit in a Linear Economic Model pp. 504-517

- Gregory C. Chow and Richard E. Levitan
- An Optimal Unemployment Rate: Comment pp. 518-520

- John O. Blackburn
- An Optimal Unemployment Rate: Reply pp. 521-523

- A. R. Dobell
- International Capital Movements and the Theory of Tariffs and Trade: Comment pp. 524-528

- Ken-ichi Inada and Murray Kemp
Volume 83, issue 2, 1969
- The Determinants of Real Cash Balances in the U.S. Total Manufacturing Sector pp. 173-196

- M. I. Nadiri
- Portfolio Substitutability, Regulations, and Monetary Policy pp. 197-219

- William L. Silber
- Development Patterns: A Simulation Study pp. 220-241

- Lance J. Taylor
- Interest Rate Policy and External Balance pp. 242-262

- Thomas D. Willett and Francesco Forte
- The Effects of Income, Wealth, and Capital Gains Taxation on Risk-Taking pp. 263-283

- Joseph Stiglitz
- Price Stabilization and Welfare pp. 284-298

- Benton F. Massell
- Housing Segregation, Negro Employment and Metropolitan Decentralization: An Alternative Perspective pp. 299-311

- Joseph D. Mooney
- Equilibrium Growth in a Model with Economic Obsolescence of Machines pp. 312-323

- Pranab Bardhan
- Measuring Nonmonetary Utilities in Uncertain Choices: The Ellsberg Urn pp. 324-329

- Vernon L. Smith
- Ranking of Tariffs under Monopoly Power in Trade pp. 330-335

- Jagdish Bhagwati and Murray Kemp
- Fiscal and Monetary Policies under Alternative Exchange Rate Systems: A Correction pp. 336-340

- Egon Sohmen and Hans Schneeweiss
- The Optimality of Pure Competition in the Capacity Problem: Further Comment pp. 341-343

- Michael A. Crew
- Option Demand and Consumer's Surplus pp. 344-346

- Cotton M. Lindsay
- On the Sensitivity of the Level of Output to Savings: Embodiment and Disembodiment: A Clarificatory Note pp. 347-348

- Franklin M. Fisher, David Levhari and Eytan Sheshinski
Volume 83, issue 1, 1969
- Macroeconomic Policy Adjustment in Interdependent Economies pp. 1-24

- Richard N. Cooper
- American Rings and English Mules: The Role of Economic Rationality pp. 25-43

- Lars G. Sandberg
- Problems in the Cooperative Allocation of Public Expenditures pp. 44-59

- Martin McGuire and Harvey A. Garn
- Conditional Demand Functions and Consumption Theory pp. 60-78

- Robert Pollak
- Risk and Corporate Rates of Return pp. 79-92

- I. N. Fisher and G. R. Hall
- Dimensions of Postwar Philippine Economic Progress pp. 93-109

- Jeffrey G. Williamson
- Demand Patterns, Demographic Change and Economic Growth pp. 110-126

- Allen C. Kelley
- Commodity Price Expectations and the Interest Rate pp. 127-140

- Thomas Sargent
- Intermediate Goods, the Production Possibility Curve, and Gains from Trade pp. 141-151

- James Melvin
- Test of a Product Cycle Model of International Trade: U. S. Exports of Consumer Durables pp. 152-162

- Louis T. Wells
- Gresham's Law and the Demand for NRU's and SDR's pp. 163-166

- Henry N. Goldstein
- Revealed Preference and the Demand Theorem in a Not Necessarily Competitive Market pp. 167-170

- Tapas Majumdar