The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva From President and Fellows of Harvard College Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 121, issue 4, 2006
- A Model of Reference-Dependent Preferences pp. 1133-1165

- Botond Koszegi and Matthew Rabin
- Politics and Efficiency of Separating Capital and Ordinary Government Budgets pp. 1167-1210

- Marco Bassetto
- Did Iraq Cheat the United Nations? Underpricing, Bribes, and the Oil for Food Program pp. 1211-1248

- Chang-Tai Hsieh and Enrico Moretti
- How Elections Matter: Theory and Evidence from Environmental Policy pp. 1249-1281

- John List and Daniel M. Sturm
- The Uncertainty Effect: When a Risky Prospect is Valued Less than its Worst Possible Outcome pp. 1283-1309

- Uri Gneezy, John List and George Wu
- Saving Incentives for Low- and Middle-Income Families: Evidence from a Field Experiment with H&R Block pp. 1311-1346

- Esther Duflo, William Gale, Jeffrey Liebman, Peter Orszag and Emmanuel Saez
- Fairness Perceptions and Reservation Wages—the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wage Laws pp. 1347-1381

- Armin Falk, Ernst Fehr and Christian Zehnder
- Organization and Inequality in a Knowledge Economy pp. 1383-1435

- Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- The Persistence of Early Childhood Maturity: International Evidence of Long-Run Age Effects pp. 1437-1472

- Kelly Bedard and Elizabeth Dhuey
- Raising Children to Work Hard: Altruism, Work Norms, and Social Insurance pp. 1473-1503

- Assar Lindbeck and Sten Nyberg
Volume 121, issue 3, 2006
- Pay, Reference Points, and Police Performance pp. 783-821

- Alexandre Mas
- Rare Disasters and Asset Markets in the Twentieth Century pp. 823-866

- Robert Barro
- Why Inflation Rose and Fell: Policy-Makers' Beliefs and U. S. Postwar Stabilization Policy pp. 867-901

- Giorgio Primiceri
- Coalitional Rationalizability pp. 903-929

- Attila Ambrus
- Television and Voter Turnout pp. 931-972

- Matthew Gentzkow
- How Black Candidates Affect Voter Turnout pp. 973-998

- Ebonya Washington
- The Origins of Intergenerational Associations: Lessons from Swedish Adoption Data pp. 999-1028

- Anders Bjorklund, Mikael Lindahl and Erik Plug
- Speeding, Terrorism, and Teaching to the Test pp. 1029-1061

- Edward Lazear
- HIV Breakthroughs and Risky Sexual Behavior pp. 1063-1102

- Darius Lakdawalla, Neeraj Sood and Dana Goldman
- Menu Costs at Work: Restaurant Prices and the Introduction of the Euro pp. 1103-1131

- Bart Hobijn, Federico Ravenna and Andrea Tambalotti
Volume 121, issue 2, 2006
- The World Distribution of Income: Falling Poverty and … Convergence, Period pp. 351-397

- Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- Mandated Disclosure, Stock Returns, and the 1964 Securities Acts Amendments pp. 399-460

- Michael Greenstone, Paul Oyer and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen
- Institutional Investors and Stock Market Volatility pp. 461-504

- Xavier Gabaix, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan, Vasiliki Plerou and H. Eugene Stanley
- Shrouded Attributes, Consumer Myopia, and Information Suppression in Competitive Markets pp. 505-540

- Xavier Gabaix and David Laibson
- Globalization and the Gains From Variety pp. 541-585

- Christian Broda and David Weinstein
- Causes of Sprawl: A Portrait from Space pp. 587-633

- Marcy Burchfield, Henry Overman, Diego Puga and Matthew Turner
- Tying Odysseus to the Mast: Evidence From a Commitment Savings Product in the Philippines pp. 635-672

- Nava Ashraf, Dean Karlan and Wesley Yin
- Gender Differences in Mate Selection: Evidence From a Speed Dating Experiment pp. 673-697

- Raymond Fisman, Sheena S. Iyengar, Emir Kamenica and Itamar Simonson
- Belief in a Just World and Redistributive Politics pp. 699-746

- Roland Benabou and Jean Tirole
- Toward an Understanding of the Economics of Charity: Evidence from a Field Experiment pp. 747-782

- Craig Landry, Andreas Lange, John List, Michael Price and Nicholas Rupp
Volume 121, issue 1, 2006
- The Distortionary Effects of Government Procurement: Evidence from Medicaid Prescription Drug Purchasing pp. 1-30

- Mark Duggan and Fiona M. Scott Morton
- Offshoring in a Knowledge Economy pp. 31-77

- Pol Antras, Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- How Do Friendships Form? pp. 79-119

- David Marmaros and Bruce Sacerdote
- Emotional Agency pp. 121-155

- Botond Koszegi
- Earnings Manipulation, Pension Assumptions, and Managerial Investment Decisions pp. 157-195

- Daniel Bergstresser, Mihir Desai and Joshua Rauh
- Do Ads Influence Editors? Advertising and Bias in the Financial Media pp. 197-227

- Jonathan Reuter and Eric Zitzewitz
- A Theory of Financing Constraints and Firm Dynamics pp. 229-265

- Gian Luca Clementi and Hugo A. Hopenhayn
- Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: Divorce Laws and Family Distress pp. 267-288

- Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers
- More Power to the Pill: The Impact of Contraceptive Freedom on Women's Life Cycle Labor Supply pp. 289-320

- Martha Bailey
- Do Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Increase International Technology Transfer? Empirical Evidence from U. S. Firm-Level Panel Data pp. 321-349

- Lee Branstetter, Raymond Fisman and C. Fritz Foley
Volume 120, issue 4, 2005
- A Measure of Media Bias pp. 1191-1237

- Tim Groseclose and Jeffrey Milyo
- A Protectionist Bias in Majoritarian Politics pp. 1239-1282

- Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
- Strategic Extremism: Why Republicans and Democrats Divide on Religious Values pp. 1283-1330

- Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo Ponzetto and Jesse M. Shapiro
- Which Countries Have State Religions? pp. 1331-1370

- Robert Barro and Rachel M. McCleary
- Do Lenders Favor Politically Connected Firms? Rent Provision in an Emerging Financial Market pp. 1371-1411

- Asim Ijaz Khwaja and Atif Mian
- The Politics of Bank Failures: Evidence from Emerging Markets pp. 1413-1444

- Craig Brown and I. Serdar Dinç
- The Extent of the Market and the Supply of Regulation pp. 1445-1473

- Casey Mulligan and Andrei Shleifer
- Rent Destruction and the Political Viability of Free Trade Agreements pp. 1475-1506

- Emanuel Ornelas
- The Politics of Public Provision of Education pp. 1507-1534

- Gilat Levy
- Majority Rules and Incentives pp. 1535-1568

- Bård Harstad
Volume 120, issue 3, 2005
- Dividend Taxes and Corporate Behavior: Evidence from the 2003 Dividend Tax Cut pp. 791-833

- Raj Chetty and Emmanuel Saez
- Do Leaders Matter? National Leadership and Growth Since World War II pp. 835-864

- Benjamin Jones and Benjamin Olken
- International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics with Heterogeneous Firms pp. 865-915

- Fabio Ghironi and Marc Melitz
- Social Preferences and the Response to Incentives: Evidence from Personnel Data pp. 917-962

- Oriana Bandiera, Iwan Barankay and Imran Rasul
- Neighbors as Negatives: Relative Earnings and Well-Being pp. 963-1002

- Erzo Luttmer
- Air Pollution and Infant Health: What Can We Learn from California's Recent Experience? pp. 1003-1030

- Janet Currie and Matthew Neidell
- The Costs of Low Birth Weight pp. 1031-1083

- Douglas Almond, Kenneth Y. Chay and David S. Lee
- Precautionary Savings and Self-Selection: Evidence from the German Reunification "Experiment" Abstract: We combine particular features of the German civil service with the unique event of German reunification to test the theory of precautionary savings and to quantify the importance of self-selection into occupations due to differences in risk aversion. In the presence of self-selection, failing to control for risk aversion in empirical tests of precautionary savings results in a bias that could lead to a systematic underestimation of the importance of precautionary savings. We exploit the fact that for individuals from the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) German reunification in 1990 caused an exogenous reassignment of income risks. Our findings suggest that self-selection of risk-averse individuals into low-risk occupations is economically important and decreases aggregate precautionary wealth holdings significantly pp. 1085-1120

- Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln and Matthias Schündeln
- Do Liquidation Values Affect Financial Contracts? Evidence from Commercial Loan Contracts and Zoning Regulation pp. 1121-1154

- Efraim Benmelech, Mark J. Garmaise and Tobias J. Moskowitz
- Partisan Competition, Growth, and the Franchise pp. 1155-1189

- Humberto Llavador and Robert Oxoby
Volume 120, issue 2, 2005
- The Gift of the Dying: The Tragedy of AIDS and the Welfare of Future African Generations pp. 423-466

- Alwyn Young
- Sexually Transmitted Infections, Sexual Behavior, and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic pp. 467-515

- Emily Oster
- The Shape of Production Functions and the Direction of Technical Change pp. 517-549

- Charles Jones
- An Economic Analysis of "Acting White" pp. 551-583

- David Austen-Smith and Roland G. Fryer
- A Model of Add-On Pricing pp. 585-637

- Glenn Ellison
- Money Illusion in the Stock Market: The Modigliani-Cohn Hypothesis pp. 639-668

- Randolph B. Cohen, Christopher Polk and Tuomo Vuolteenaho
- The More the Merrier? The Effect of Family Size and Birth Order on Children's Education pp. 669-700

- Sandra Black, Paul Devereux and Kjell G Salvanes
- Competition and Innovation: an Inverted-U Relationship pp. 701-728

- Philippe Aghion, Nicholas Bloom, Richard Blundell, Rachel Griffith and Peter Howitt
- Ownership and Control in Outsourcing to China: Estimating the Property-Rights Theory of the Firm pp. 729-761

- Robert Feenstra and Gordon Hanson
- Owner-Occupied Housing as a Hedge Against Rent Risk pp. 763-789

- Todd Sinai and Nicholas S. Souleles
Volume 120, issue 1, 2005
- PPP Strikes Back: Aggregation And the Real Exchange Rate pp. 1-43

- Jean Imbs, Haroon Mumtaz, Morten Ravn and Helene Rey
- The Political Economy of Hatred pp. 45-86

- Edward L. Glaeser
- Neighborhood Effects on Crime for Female and Male Youth: Evidence from a Randomized Housing Voucher Experiment pp. 87-130

- Jeffrey Kling, Jens Ludwig and Lawrence Katz
- Profit Sharing and the Role of Professional Partnerships pp. 131-171

- Jonathan Levin and Steven Tadelis
- The Effect of Financial Development on Convergence: Theory and Evidence pp. 173-222

- Philippe Aghion, Peter Howitt and David Mayer-Foulkes
- Does Legal Enforcement Affect Financial Transactions? The Contractual Channel in Private Equity pp. 223-246

- Josh Lerner and Antoinette Schoar
- Why are Most Funds Open-End? Competition and the Limits of Arbitrage pp. 247-272

- Jeremy C. Stein
- Love and Money: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Household Sorting and Inequality pp. 273-344

- Raquel Fernández, Nezih Guner and John Knowles
- Fiscal Shenanigans, Targeted Federal Health Care Funds, and Patient Mortality pp. 345-386

- Katherine Baicker and Douglas Staiger
- Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy: A Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Approach pp. 387-422

- Ben Bernanke, Jean Boivin and Piotr Eliasz
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