The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 104, issue 4, 1989
- Persistent Trade Effects of Large Exchange Rate Shocks pp. 635-654

- Richard Baldwin and Paul Krugman
- Efficient Capital Markets, Inefficient Firms: A Model of Myopic Corporate Behavior pp. 655-669

- Jeremy C. Stein
- The Growth and Failure of U. S. Manufacturing Plants pp. 671-698

- Timothy Dunne, Mark Roberts and Larry Samuelson
- Pricing in a Customer Market pp. 699-718

- Mark Bils
- A Behavioral Explanation for Nominal Wage Rigidity During the Great Depression pp. 719-735

- Anthony Patrick O'Brien
- Monopolistic Competition as a Foundation for Keynesian Macroeconomic Models pp. 737-752

- Richard Startz
- An Outside Option Experiment pp. 753-770

- Ken Binmore, Avner Shared and John Sutton
- Strikes, Free Riders, and Social Customs pp. 771-785

- Robin Naylor
- An Aggregate Model of Technical Change pp. 787-821

- John Conlisk
- The Harm from Insider Trading and Informed Speculation pp. 823-845

- Michael Manove
- Seasonal Fluctuations and the Demand for Money pp. 847-861

- Miquel Faig
- Aspects of R&D Subsidization pp. 863-873

- Richard Romano
Volume 104, issue 3, 1989
- Price Flexibility, Credit Availability, and Economic Fluctuations: Evidence from the United States, 1894–1909 pp. 429-452

- Charles Calomiris and R. Glenn Hubbard
- Investment in Segmented Capital Markets pp. 453-462

- Ijaz Nabi
- Limited Rationality and Strategic Complements: The Implications for Macroeconomics pp. 463-483

- John Haltiwanger and Michael Waldman
- Seniority and Distribution in a Two-Worker Trade Union pp. 485-505

- Peter Kuhn and Jacques Robert
- Are Prices Too Sticky? pp. 507-524

- Laurence Ball and David Romer
- Workers' Trust Funds and the Logic of Wage Profiles pp. 525-536

- George Akerlof and Lawrence Katz
- Income Distribution, Market Size, and Industrialization pp. 537-564

- Kevin M. Murphy, Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny
- Efficient Wage Bargaining as a Repeated Game pp. 565-588

- Maria Paz Espinosa and Changyong Rhee
- Renegotiation and Information Revelation Over Time: The Case of Optimal Labor Contracts pp. 589-619

- Mathias Dewatripont
- Exact Aggregation and a Representative Consumer pp. 621-633

- Arthur Lewbel
Volume 104, issue 2, 1989
- Hysteresis, Import Penetration, and Exchange Rate Pass-Through pp. 205-228

- Avinash Dixit
- Repeated Insurance Contracts with Adverse Selection and Limited Commitment pp. 229-253

- Arthur J. Hosios and Michael Peters
- Trading Volume and Asset Liquidity pp. 255-274

- Marco Pagano
- Optimal Consumption with Stochastic Income: Deviations from Certainty Equivalence pp. 275-298

- Stephen Zeldes
- Intermediation Under Trade Restrictions pp. 299-324

- G. Michael Winkler
- Why a Stubborn Conservative would Run a Deficit: Policy with Time-Inconsistent Preferences pp. 325-345

- Torsten Persson and Lars E. O. Svensson
- Veto Threats: Rhetoric in a Bargaining Game pp. 347-369

- Steven Matthews
- Multiproduct Monopoly, Commodity Bundling, and Correlation of Values pp. 371-383

- Randolph McAfee, John McMillan and Michael D. Whinston
- An Elementary Proof of the Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium in a Special Case pp. 385-389

- Rosa Barbolla and Luis Corchon
- When is Inducing Self-Selection Suboptimal for a Monopolist? pp. 391-397

- Stephen W. Salant
- Optimal Auditing, Insurance, and Redistribution pp. 399-415

- Dilip Mookherjee and Ivan Png
- Simultaneous Signaling in an Oligopoly Model pp. 417-427

- George Mailath
Volume 104, issue 1, 1989
- Efficiency with Costly Information: A Study of Mutual Fund Performance, 1965–1984 pp. 1-23

- Richard A. Ippolito
- Bargaining and Strikes pp. 25-43

- Oliver Hart
- Service-Induced Campaign Contributions and the Electoral Equilibrium pp. 45-72

- David P. Baron
- The Cyclical Behavior of Strategic Inventories pp. 73-97

- Julio Rotemberg and Garth Saloner
- Divergent Expectations as a Cause of Disagreement in Bargaining: Evidence from a Comparison of Arbitration Schemes pp. 99-120

- Henry S. Farber and Max H. Bazerman
- A Theory of Wage Dispersion and Job Market Segmentation pp. 121-137

- Martin Weitzman
- Forward Discount Bias: Is it an Exchange Risk Premium? pp. 139-161

- Kenneth Froot and Jeffrey Frankel
- Can There Be Short-Period Deterministic Cycles When People Are Long Lived? pp. 163-185

- S. Aiyagari
- More on the Preservation of Preference Proximity and Anonymous Social Choice pp. 187-190

- Shmuel Nitzan
- Some Further Remarks on Preference Proximity pp. 191-193

- Nick Baigent
- Trade and Insurance with Imperfectly Observed Outcomes pp. 195-203

- Avinash Dixit
Volume 103, issue 4, 1988
- A Competitive Efficiency Wage Model with Keynesian Features pp. 609-645

- Charles Kahn and Dilip Mookherjee
- Appropriability and Market Structure in a Stochastic Invention Model pp. 647-671

- R. Isaac and Stanley Reynolds
- Second-Sourcing as a Commitment: Monopoly Incentives to Attract Competition pp. 673-694

- Joseph Farrell and Nancy Gallini
- Multiple Expectational Equilibria Under Monopolistic Competition pp. 695-713

- Nobuhiro Kiyotaki
- Frictional Unemployment and the Role of Industrial Diversity pp. 715-728

- Curtis J. Simon
- Price Setting and Competition in a Simple Duopoly Model pp. 729-739

- Douglas Gale
- The Relationship Between Unemployment Spells and Reservation Wages as a Test of Search Theory pp. 741-765

- Stephen R. G. Jones
- Infant-Industry Protection Reconsidered: The Case of Informational Barriers to Entry pp. 767-787

- Gene M. Grossman and Henrik Horn
- An Empirical Note on the Term Structure and Interest Rate Stabilization Policies pp. 789-792

- Peter Kugler
- A Note on Enforcement Uncertainty and Taxpayer Compliance pp. 793-798

- Jennifer Reinganum and Louis L. Wilde
Volume 103, issue 3, 1988
- Coordinating Coordination Failures in Keynesian Models pp. 441-463

- Russell Cooper and Andrew John
- Market Imperfections, Labor Management, and Earnings Differentials in a Developing Country: Theory and Evidence from Yugoslavia pp. 465-478

- Saul Estrin, Robert Moore and Jan Svejnar
- Option Valuation of Claims on Real Assets: The Case of Offshore Petroleum Leases pp. 479-508

- James L. Paddock, Daniel R. Siegel and James Smith
- A Theoretical Explanation of Some Stylized Facts of Economic Growth pp. 509-526

- Arvind Panagariya
- Complementarity and the Discount Rate for Public Investment pp. 527-541

- David Burgess
- Consumer's Surplus as an Exact Approximation When Prices Are Appropriately Deflated pp. 543-553

- Martin Weitzman
- Vertical Restraints in a Model of Vertical Differentiation pp. 555-570

- Patrick Bolton and Giacomo Bonanno
- Differences in Education and Earnings Across Racial and Ethnic Groups: Tastes, Discrimination, and Investments in Child Quality pp. 571-597

- Barry Chiswick
- Trade and Industrial Policy Under Oligopoly: Comment pp. 599-602

- Wilfrid W. Csaplar and Edward Tower
- Trade and Industrial Policy Under Oligopoly: Reply pp. 603-607

- Jonathan Eaton and Gene M. Grossman
Volume 103, issue 2, 1988
- Stability of Equilibria with Externalities pp. 261-277

- Peter Howitt and Randolph McAfee
- Partnerships pp. 279-297

- Joseph Farrell and Suzanne Scotchmer
- Is Equilibrium Indexation Efficient? pp. 299-311

- Laurence Ball
- Sources of Economic Fluctuations in the United States pp. 313-332

- Ray C. Fair
- An Intertemporal Model of Industrial Exit pp. 333-344

- Murray Frank
- Vertical Mergers and Market Foreclosure pp. 345-356

- Michael Salinger
- On the Efficiency of Competitive Markets for Operating Licenses pp. 357-385

- Severin Borenstein
- The Influence of Attitudes Toward Risk on the Value of Forecasting pp. 387-396

- Roger Blair and Richard Romano
- Optimism Invites Deception pp. 397-407

- Franklin Allen and Gerald R. Faulhaber
- Rational Rationing in Stackelberg Equilibria pp. 409-414

- Marcel Boyer and Michel Moreaux
- Short-Run Models and Long-Run Forecasts: A Note on the Permanence of Output Fluctuations pp. 415-424

- Joseph Gagnon
- On the Observational Equivalence of Managerial Contracts Under Conditions of Moral Hazard and Self-Selection pp. 425-428

- Kathleen M. Hagerty and Daniel R. Siegel
- Equilibrium Inflation as Determined by a Policy Committee pp. 429-434

- Richard Cothren
- Real Shocks, Efficient Risk Sharing, and the Duration of Labor Contracts pp. 435-440

- Leif Danziger
Volume 103, issue 1, 1988
- A Reformulation of the Economic Theory of Fertility pp. 1-25

- Gary Becker and Robert Barro
- Real Balances, the Exchange Rate, and Indexation: Real Variables in Disinflation pp. 27-49

- Stanley Fischer
- A Time Series Analysis of Representative Agent Models of Consumption and Leisure Choice Under Uncertainty pp. 51-78

- Martin Eichenbaum, Lars Peter Hansen and Kenneth J. Singleton
- Foreign Counterfeiting of Status Goods pp. 79-100

- Gene M. Grossman and Carl Shapiro
- Signaling in Credit Markets pp. 101-129

- Hellmuth Milde and John G. Riley
- Quality Change Under Trade Restraints in Japanese Autos pp. 131-146

- Robert Feenstra
- Business Cycles With Costly Search and Recruiting pp. 147-165

- Peter Howitt
- Efficient Regulation of Environmental Health Risks pp. 167-178

- Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman
- Group Size Effects in Public Goods Provision: The Voluntary Contributions Mechanism pp. 179-199

- R. Isaac and James Walker
- Can the Share Economy Conquer Stagflation? pp. 201-217

- William Nordhaus
- Comment on "Can the Share Economy Conquer Stagflation?" pp. 219-223

- Martin Weitzman
- An Empirical Estimate of Corporate Tax Refundability and Effective Tax Rates pp. 225-231

- Jack Mintz
- On "Small Sample" Properties of Experience Rating Insurance Contracts pp. 233-243

- Samuel Gal and Michael Landsberger
- Quality in Contestable Markets: A Historical Problem? pp. 245-249

- Salim Rashid
- Empirical Examinations of the Information Sets of Economic Agents pp. 251-259

- Nils Gottfries and Torsten Persson