The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva From President and Fellows of Harvard College Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 127, issue 4, 2012
- Wages and Human Capital in the U.S. Finance Industry: 1909--2006 pp. 1551-1609

- Thomas Philippon and Ariell Reshef
- Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Information: A Framework for Empirical Work pp. 1611-1661

- Chaim Fershtman and Ariel Pakes
- The Organization of Firms Across Countries pp. 1663-1705

- Nicholas Bloom and Raffaella Sadun
- The Political Economy of Deforestation in the Tropics pp. 1707-1754

- Robin Burgess, Matthew Hansen, Benjamin Olken, Peter Potapov and Stefanie Sieber
- Reshaping Institutions: Evidence on Aid Impacts Using a Preanalysis Plan pp. 1755-1812

- Katherine Casey, Rachel Glennerster and Edward Miguel
- Organization and Information: Firms' Governance Choices in Rational-Expectations Equilibrium pp. 1813-1841

- Robert Gibbons, Richard Holden and Michael Powell
- Subgame-Perfect Implementation Under Information Perturbations pp. 1843-1881

- Philippe Aghion, Drew Fudenberg, Richard Holden, Takashi Kunimoto and Olivier Tercieux
- Hatred and Profits: Under the Hood of the Ku Klux Klan pp. 1883-1925

- Roland G. Fryer and Steven Levitt
- Reputation with Analogical Reasoning pp. 1927-1969

- Philippe Jehiel and Larry Samuelson
- Market Power Screens Willingness-to-Pay pp. 1971-2003

- Eric Weyl and Jean Tirole
Volume 127, issue 3, 2012
- The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: Evidence from the First Year pp. 1057-1106

- Amy Finkelstein, Sarah Taubman, Bill Wright, Mira Bernstein, Jonathan Gruber, Joseph Newhouse, Heidi Allen and Katherine Baicker
- The Effects of Fiscal Stimulus: Evidence from the 2009 Cash for Clunkers Program pp. 1107-1142

- Atif Mian and Amir Sufi
- The Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Productivity of American Mathematicians pp. 1143-1203

- George Borjas and Kirk Doran
- The Role of Application Assistance and Information in College Decisions: Results from the H&R Block Fafsa Experiment pp. 1205-1242

- Eric Bettinger, Bridget Long, Philip Oreopoulos and Lisa Sanbonmatsu
- Salience Theory of Choice Under Risk pp. 1243-1285

- Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer
- How Homophily Affects the Speed of Learning and Best-Response Dynamics pp. 1287-1338

- Benjamin Golub and Matthew Jackson
- Persecution Perpetuated: The Medieval Origins of Anti-Semitic Violence in Nazi Germany pp. 1339-1392

- Nico Voigtländer and Hans-Joachim Voth
- The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity pp. 1393-1467

- Lorenzo Caliendo and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- Debt, Deleveraging, and the Liquidity Trap: A Fisher-Minsky-Koo Approach pp. 1469-1513

- Gauti Eggertsson and Paul Krugman
- Capital Taxation During the U.S. Great Depression pp. 1515-1550

- Ellen McGrattan
Volume 127, issue 2, 2012
- Urbanization and Structural Transformation pp. 535-586

- Guy Michaels, Ferdinand Rauch and Stephen Redding
- Portage and Path Dependence pp. 587-644

- Hoyt Bleakley and Jeffrey Lin
- Variable Rare Disasters: An Exactly Solved Framework for Ten Puzzles in Macro-Finance pp. 645-700

- Xavier Gabaix
- The Effects of Extended Unemployment Insurance Over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Regression Discontinuity Estimates Over 20 Years pp. 701-752

- Johannes Schmieder, Till von Wachter and Stefan Bender
- Do Labor Market Opportunities Affect Young Women's Work and Family Decisions? Experimental Evidence from India pp. 753-792

- Robert Jensen
- The CMS Auction: Experimental Studies of a Median-Bid Procurement Auction with Nonbinding Bids pp. 793-827

- Brian Merlob, Charles Plott and Yuanjun Zhang
- How large is the Government Spending Multiplier? Evidence from World Bank Lending pp. 829-887

- Aart Kraay
- A General Equilibrium Model of Sovereign Default and Business Cycles pp. 889-946

- Enrique Mendoza and Vivian Yue
- The Political Economy of Indirect Control pp. 947-1015

- Gerard Padró I Miquel and Pierre Yared
- The Impact of Jury Race in Criminal Trials pp. 1017-1055

- Shamena Anwar, Patrick Bayer and Randi Hjalmarsson
Volume 127, issue 1, 2012
- Testing for Altruism and Social Pressure in Charitable Giving pp. 1-56

- Stefano DellaVigna, John List and Ulrike Malmendier
- Monetary Policy as Financial Stability Regulation pp. 57-95

- Jeremy C. Stein
- Price Competition Under Limited Comparability pp. 97-135

- Michele Piccione and Ran Spiegler
- The Changing of the Boards: The Impact on Firm Valuation of Mandated Female Board Representation pp. 137-197

- Kenneth Ahern and Amy K. Dittmar
- Comparison Friction: Experimental Evidence from Medicare Drug Plans pp. 199-235

- Jeffrey Kling, Sendhil Mullainathan, Eldar Shafir, Lee C. Vermeulen and Marian V. Wrobel
- Incentives and the De Soto Effect pp. 237-282

- Timothy Besley, Konrad Burchardi and Maitreesh Ghatak
- A Dynamic Theory of Resource Wars pp. 283-331

- Daron Acemoglu, Mikhail Golosov, Aleh Tsyvinski and Pierre Yared
- Long-Run Impacts of Unions on Firms: New Evidence from Financial Markets, 1961--1999 pp. 333-378

- David S. Lee and Alexandre Mas
- Export Prices Across Firms and Destinations pp. 379-436

- Kalina Manova and Zhiwei Zhang
- How do Different Exporters React to Exchange Rate Changes? pp. 437-492

- Nicolas Berman, Philippe Martin and Thierry Mayer
- Earnings Determination and Taxes: Evidence From a Cohort-Based Payroll Tax Reform in Greece pp. 493-533

- Emmanuel Saez, Manos Matsaganis and Panos Tsakloglou
Volume 126, issue 4, 2011
- How Does Your Kindergarten Classroom Affect Your Earnings? Evidence from Project Star pp. 1593-1660

- Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Nathaniel Hilger, Emmanuel Saez, Diane Schanzenbach and Danny Yagan
- Self-Enforcing Democracy pp. 1661-1708

- James Fearon
- Cash or Condition? Evidence from a Cash Transfer Experiment pp. 1709-1753

- Sarah Baird, Craig McIntosh and Berk Özler
- Financial Incentives and Student Achievement: Evidence from Randomized Trials pp. 1755-1798

- Roland G. Fryer
- Ideological Segregation Online and Offline pp. 1799-1839

- Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro
- Exports and Financial Shocks pp. 1841-1877

- Mary Amiti and David Weinstein
- Expectations as Endowments: Evidence on Reference-Dependent Preferences from Exchange and Valuation Experiments pp. 1879-1907

- Keith Ericson and Andreas Fuster
- Optimal Price Setting With Observation and Menu Costs pp. 1909-1960

- Fernando E. Alvarez, Francesco Lippi and Luigi Paciello
- Learning by Drilling: Interfirm Learning and Relationship Persistence in the Texas Oilpatch pp. 1961-2004

- Ryan Kellogg
- The Geographic Concentration of Enterprise in Developing Countries pp. 2005-2061

- John S. Felkner and Robert Townsend
- Better Schools, Less Crime? pp. 2063-2115

- David Deming
- Saving Babies? Revisiting the effect of very low birth weight classification pp. 2117-2123

- Alan Barreca, Melanie Guldi, Jason Lindo and Glen R. Waddell
- The Role of Hospital Heterogeneity in Measuring Marginal Returns to Medical Care: A Reply to Barreca, Guldi, Lindo, and Waddell pp. 2125-2131

- Douglas Almond, Joseph J. Doyle, Amanda Kowalski and Heidi Williams
Volume 126, issue 3, 2011
- On the Long-Run Evolution of Inheritance: France 1820--2050 pp. 1071-1131

- Thomas Piketty
- Information Technology and Economic Change: The Impact of The Printing Press pp. 1133-1172

- Jeremiah E. Dittmar
- Procurement Contracting With Time Incentives: Theory and Evidence pp. 1173-1211

- Gregory Lewis and Patrick Bajari
- Position Auctions with Consumer Search pp. 1213-1270

- Susan Athey and Glenn Ellison
- Multiproduct Firms and Trade Liberalization pp. 1271-1318

- Andrew Bernard, Stephen Redding and Peter K. Schott
- Intermediated Trade pp. 1319-1374

- Pol Antras and Arnaud Costinot
- Coups, Corporations, and Classified Information pp. 1375-1409

- Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan and Suresh Naidu
- The Logic of Political Violence pp. 1411-1445

- Timothy Besley and Torsten Persson
- Judicial Ingroup Bias in the Shadow of Terrorism pp. 1447-1484

- Moses Shayo and Asaf Zussman
- Why Do Mothers Breastfeed Girls Less than Boys? Evidence and Implications for Child Health in India pp. 1485-1538

- Seema Jayachandran and Ilyana Kuziemko
- Competition and Product Quality in the Supermarket Industry pp. 1539-1591

- David A. Matsa
Volume 126, issue 2, 2011
- Fear of Fire Sales, Illiquidity Seeking, and Credit Freezes pp. 557-591

- Douglas Diamond and Raghuram Rajan
- The Potato's Contribution to Population and Urbanization: Evidence From A Historical Experiment pp. 593-650

- Nathan Nunn and Nancy Qian
- Growth in the Shadow of Expropriation pp. 651-697

- Mark Aguiar and Manuel Amador
- Accountability and Flexibility in Public Schools: Evidence from Boston's Charters And Pilots pp. 699-748

- Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Joshua Angrist, Susan Dynarski, Thomas J. Kane and Parag Pathak
- Adjustment Costs, Firm Responses, and Micro vs. Macro Labor Supply Elasticities: Evidence from Danish Tax Records pp. 749-804

- Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Tore Olsen and Luigi Pistaferri
- Identity, Morals, and Taboos: Beliefs as Assets pp. 805-855

- Roland Benabou and Jean Tirole
- Learning Self-Control pp. 857-893

- S. Nageeb Ali
- Social Structure and Development: A Legacy of the Holocaust in Russia pp. 895-946

- Daron Acemoglu, Tarek A. Hassan and James Robinson
- Legislative Bargaining with Reconsideration pp. 947-985

- Daniel Diermeier and Pohan Fong
- Home Computer Use and the Development of Human Capital pp. 987-1027

- Ofer Malamud and Cristian Pop-Eleches
- Immigration, Skill Mix, and Capital Skill Complementarity pp. 1029-1069

- Ethan Lewis
Volume 126, issue 1, 2011
- Identifying Government Spending Shocks: It's all in the Timing pp. 1-50

- Valerie Ramey
- Macroeconomic Effects From Government Purchases and Taxes pp. 51-102

- Robert Barro and Charles J. Redlick
- Family Violence and Football: The Effect of Unexpected Emotional Cues on Violent Behavior pp. 103-143

- David Card and Gordon Dahl
- Spring Cleaning: Rural Water Impacts, Valuation, and Property Rights Institutions pp. 145-205

- Michael Kremer, Jessica Leino, Edward Miguel and Alix Peterson Zwane
- Comparing open and Sealed Bid Auctions: Evidence from Timber Auctions pp. 207-257

- Susan Athey, Jonathan Levin and Enrique Seira
- Outside and Inside Liquidity pp. 259-321

- Patrick Bolton, Tano Santos and Jose A. Scheinkman
- Financial Contracting Under Imperfect Enforcement pp. 323-371

- Tore Ellingsen and Eirik Kristiansen
- Depression Babies: Do Macroeconomic Experiences Affect Risk Taking? pp. 373-416

- Ulrike Malmendier and Stefan Nagel
- Estimating Cross-Country Differences in Product Quality pp. 417-474

- Juan Carlos Hallak and Peter K. Schott
- The Role of Dispute Settlement Procedures in International Trade Agreements pp. 475-515

- Giovanni Maggi and Robert W. Staiger
- The Real Costs of Credit Access: Evidence from the Payday Lending Market pp. 517-555

- Brian Melzer
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