The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 62, issue 5, 1948
- The Economics of a "Free" Society: Four Essays pp. 641-670

- O. H. Taylor
- The Union as a Monopoly pp. 671-697

- Charles E. Lindblom
- Investment Repercussions pp. 698-713

- L. M. Lachmann
- On the Politics of the Classical Economists pp. 714-747

- William D. Grampp
- Equilibrium in International Trade: A Diagrammatic Analysis pp. 748-762

- Robert Baldwin
- The Fallacies of Lord Keynes' General Theory: Comment pp. 763-770

- James Tobin
- The Fallacies of Lord Keynes' General Theory: Reply pp. 771-782

- Jacques Rueff
- The Influence of Unionism Upon Earnings: Comment pp. 783-787

- Richard A. Lester
- The Influence of Unionism Upon Earnings: Reply pp. 787-790

- A. M. Ross
- Addendum pp. 791

- A. M. Ross
- An Error in Ricardo's Exposition of his Theory of Rent pp. 792-793

- Harry G. Johnson
Volume 62, issue 4, 1948
- The Impact of Alternative Tax Structures on Personal Consumption and Saving pp. 475-499

- Richard A. Musgrave and Mary S. Painter
- Regional Multilateral Payments Arrangements pp. 500-518

- Raymond F. Mikesell
- The Structure of the Market in Undeveloped Economies pp. 519-541

- Morton R. Solomon
- Recent Analyses of Annual Wage Guarantees pp. 542-561

- Rita Ricardo Campbell
- The Inflation in China pp. 562-575

- Andrew Chung Huang
- Key German Cartels Under the Nazi Regime pp. 576-595

- Philip C. Newman
- Some Aspects of International Relief pp. 596-609

- Nathan Brodsky
- Status of Members in Unions during Appeal from a Penalty Imposed by the Local Union pp. 610-616

- Philip Taft
- Output Quotas in Imperfect Cartels pp. 617-622

- Joe S. Bain
- Savings in a State with a Stationary Population: Comment pp. 623-628

- H. W. Arndt
- A Supplementary Bibliography on Monopolistic Competition pp. 629-638

- Edward H. Chamberlin
Volume 62, issue 3, 1948
- The Concept of Transfers in National Income Estimates pp. 327-361

- Earl R. Rolph
- The Economic and Political Implications of a Customs Union pp. 362-380

- C. Weststrate
- John Law and John Keynes pp. 381-395

- Edwin B. Wilson
- "Bargaining Power" in Price and Wage Determination pp. 396-417

- Charles E. Lindblom
- The Interdependence of Quality Variations, Selling Effort and Price pp. 418-440

- Hans Brems
- Technological Change and the Equilibrium Level of the National Income pp. 441-458

- Edward Ames and Allen R. Ferguson
- The Constitutional Power of the Chief Officer in American Labor Unions pp. 459-471

- Philip Taft
Volume 62, issue 2, 1948
- Demand Theory Reconsidered pp. 165-201

- Oskar Morgenstern
- Some Economic Implications of Atomic Energy pp. 202-228

- Walter Isard
- Proportionality, Divisibility and Economies of Scale pp. 229-262

- Edward H. Chamberlin
- The Influence of Unionism Upon Earnings pp. 263-286

- Arthur M. Ross
- The Measurement of Gains and Losses pp. 287-308

- James N. Morgan
- The Measurement of Progressivity and Built-In Flexibility pp. 309-313

- Richard E. Slitor
- The Enforcement Of Collective Bargaining pp. 314-322

- Paul A. Brinker
Volume 62, issue 1, 1947
- The Rôle of Relative Wage Differences in International Trade pp. 1-30

- K. Forchheimer
- The Rehabilitation of Pure Competition pp. 31-63

- Alfred Nicols
- Union-Management Welfare Plans pp. 64-94

- Robert J. Rosenthal
- Discrimination under Market Interdependence pp. 95-117

- Yves R. Maroni
- The Emerging Pattern of Bilateralism pp. 118-142

- Gardner Patterson and Judd Polk
- Spanish Prices in the Nineteenth Century pp. 143-159

- J. Sardà
Volume 61, issue 4, 1947
- Prices and Wages under Bilateral Monopoly pp. 503-532

- William Fellner
- Collective Bargaining by Air Line Pilots pp. 533-576

- Herbert R. Northrup
- Small-Scale Industry in Japan pp. 577-604

- Edwin P. Reubens
- The Chestnut Street Raid on Wall Street, 1839 pp. 605-618

- Bray Hammond
- Intra-Union Disputes Over Job Control pp. 619-639

- Simon Rottenberg
- Stuart Wood and the Marginal Productivity Theory pp. 640-649

- George J. Stigler
- Multiple-Plant Firms: Comment pp. 650-651

- Wassily Leontief
- Note on the Allocation of Output pp. 651-657

- Don Patinkin
Volume 61, issue 3, 1947
- The Fallacies of Lord Keynes' General Theory pp. 343-367

- Jacques Rueff
- The British Balance of Payments and Problems of Domestic Policy pp. 368-396

- Alfred Kahn
- Some Problems in the Explanation of Interest Rates pp. 397-438

- Jan Tinbergen
- The British Imperial Preference System pp. 439-470

- David L. Glickman
- Industrial Development of the Near East pp. 471-499

- Bernard D. Weinryb
Volume 61, issue 2, 1947
- Multiple-Plant Firms, Cartels, and Imperfect Competition pp. 173-205

- Don Patinkin
- Regulation of Minimum Rates in Transportation pp. 206-231

- Truman C. Bigham
- The Mortgage Portfolio of Mutual Savings Banks pp. 232-266

- Paul M. Gregory
- Forward Shifting of a Payroll Tax Under Monopolistic Competition pp. 267-284

- Sam Arnold
- The Volume of Foreign Trade and the Level of Income pp. 285-310

- Wolfgang F. Stolper
- Guild Pricing in the Service Trades pp. 311-338

- William F. Brown and Ralph Cassady
Volume 61, issue 1, 1946
- Profits Under Nazi Planning pp. 1-25

- Arthur Schweitzer
- Wages, Profit and Prices pp. 26-39

- Wassily Leontief
- Savings in a State with a Stationary Population pp. 40-65

- Leon Goldenberg
- Admission Policies of Labor Unions pp. 66-107

- Clyde W. Summers
- Monopoly Pricing and Unemployment pp. 108-124

- Sidney Weintraub
- Gasoline Rationing in the United States, II pp. 125-155

- James A. Maxwell and Margaret N. Balcom
- A Note on Maximization Criteria pp. 156-164

- Clifford Hildreth
- Some Principles of Compensatory Action pp. 165-168

- E. Jay Howenstine