The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 100, issue Supplement, 1985
- A Near-Rational Model of the Business Cycle, with Wage and Price Inertia pp. 823-838

- George Akerlof and Janet L. Yellen
- Learning Curve Spillovers and Market Performance pp. 839-852

- Pankaj Ghemawat and A. Spence
- Producer Surplus and Risk pp. 853-869

- Rulon D. Pope and Jean-Paul Chavas
- A Minsky Crisis pp. 871-885

- Lance Taylor and Stephen O'Connell
- Optimal Price and Inventory Adjustment in an Open-Economy Model of the Business Cycle pp. 887-914

- Robert P. Flood and Robert J. Hodrick
- A Method for Identifying the Public Good Allocation Process Within a Group pp. 915-934

- Martin McGuire and Carl H. Groth
- Staggered Contracts and the Frequency of Price Adjustment pp. 935-959

- Stephen Cecchetti
- Specific Experience, Household Structure, and Intergenerational Transfers: Farm Family Land and Labor Arrangements in Developing Countries pp. 961-987

- Mark Rosenzweig and Kenneth I. Wolpin
- An Equilibrium Analysis of Optimal Unemployment Insurance and Taxation pp. 989-1010

- David Easley, Nicholas Kiefer and Uri Possen
- Monetary Policy Regimes, Expected Inflation, and the Response of Interest Rates to Money Announcements pp. 1011-1039

- V. Vance Roley and Carl Walsh
- Portfolio Crowding-Out, Empirically Estimated pp. 1041-1065

- Jeffrey Frankel
- A Note on Optimal Policies in Dual Economies pp. 1067-1071

- Ira Gang and Shubhashis Gangopadhyay
- Adam Smith and the Prisoners' Dilemma pp. 1073-1081

- Gordon Tullock
Volume 100, issue 4, 1985
- The Permanent Income Hypothesis and Consumption Durability: Analysis Based on Japanese Panel Data pp. 1083-1113

- Fumio Hayashi
- Wages and Employment in a Segmented Labor Market pp. 1115-1141

- Ian McDonald and Robert Solow
- Market Power in a Securities Market with Endogenous Information pp. 1143-1167

- Mark Grinblatt and Stephen Ross
- The Optimal Degree of Commitment to an Intermediate Monetary Target pp. 1169-1189

- Kenneth Rogoff
- A History of Mechanization in the Cotton South: The Institutional Hypothesis pp. 1191-1215

- Warren Whatley
- Expectational Stability and the Multiple Equilibria Problem in Linear Rational Expectations Models pp. 1217-1233

- George Evans
- Comparative Dynamics in Aggregate Models of Optimal Capital Accumulation pp. 1235-1256

- Robert Becker
- Competitive Value when Only Labor is Scarce pp. 1257-1292

- Robert L. Bishop
- Resale Price Maintenance and Forward Integration into a Monopolistically Competitive Industry pp. 1293-1311

- Martin K. Perry and Robert H. Groff
- The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model with Implicit Contracts pp. 1313-1329

- Steven Matusz
- The Fallacy of Using Long-Run Cost for Peak-Load Pricing pp. 1331-1334

- William Vickrey
- Capacity Costs, Heterogeneous Users, and Peak-Load Pricing pp. 1335-1337

- W. John Jordan
- Uncertainty in Future Government Spending and Investment pp. 1339-1347

- Richard Hartman
Volume 100, issue 3, 1985
- International Factor Mobility, Minimum Wage Rates, and Factor-Price Equalization: A Synthesis pp. 551-570

- J. Peter Neary
- Disequilibrium Dynamics and the Stability of Quasi Equilibria pp. 571-596

- Israel German
- Monopolistic Recycling of Oil Revenue and Intertemporal Bias in Oil Depletion and Trade pp. 597-624

- Arye L. Hillman and Ngo Long
- Wage Bargaining in a Macroeconomic Model with Rationing pp. 625-650

- Christopher J. Ellis and John Fender
- The Contribution of Changing Energy and Import Prices to Changing Average Labor Productivity: A Profit Formulation for Canada pp. 651-675

- Dean C. Mountain
- Inflation, Interest Rates, and Welfare pp. 677-695

- Paul R. Krugman, Torsten Persson and Lars E. O. Svensson
- The Generalized Theory of Transfers and Welfare: Exogenous (policy-Imposed) and Endogenous (Transfer-Induced) Distortion pp. 697-714

- Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Richard Brecher and Tatsuo Hatta
- Government Expenditures, Deficits, and Inflation: On the Impossibility of a Balanced Budget pp. 715-745

- Bruce D. Smith
- Unemployment Through the Filter of Memory pp. 747-773

- George Akerlof and Janet L. Yellen
- A Simple Durable Goods Model pp. 775-788

- David Levine
- The Distribution of Wealth and Welfare in the Presence of Incomplete Annuity Markets pp. 789-806

- Zvi Eckstein, Martin Eichenbaum and Dan Peled
- Income Inequality Indices and Deprivation: A Generalization pp. 807-810

- Z. M. Berrebi and Jacques Silber
- Private Markets in (Excludable) Public Goods: A Reexamination pp. 811-819

- Geoffrey Brennan and Cliff Walsh
Volume 100, issue 2, 1985
- The Optimal Level of Social Security Benefits pp. 303-320

- Martin Feldstein
- Population Size: Individual Choice and Social Optima pp. 321-334

- Marc Nerlove, Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
- Efficient Tax Reform in a Dynamic Model of General Equilibrium pp. 335-356

- Christophe Chamley
- State Dependence in Optimal Factor Accumulation pp. 357-372

- Allan Drazen
- The Inefficiency of Unemployment: The Supervision Perspective pp. 373-387

- Guillermo Calvo
- Expectations, Life Expectancy, and Economic Behavior pp. 389-408

- Daniel S. Hamermesh
- Occupational Choice: An Application to the Market for Public School Teachers pp. 409-446

- Gary A. Zarkin
- Flexibility in Intercommodity Substitution May Sharpen Price Fluctuations pp. 447-463

- Knut Anton Mork
- A Theory of Price-Fixing Rings pp. 465-478

- E. Kwan Choi, Carmen F. Menezes and John Tressler
- Indirect Methods for Regulating Externalities Under Uncertainty pp. 479-493

- Evan Koenig
- Predetermined Prices and the Allocation of Social Risks pp. 495-518

- Costas Azariadis and Russell Cooper
- Quantity Competition in Spatial Markets with Incomplete Information pp. 519-528

- John M. Clapp
- Small Menu Costs and Large Business Cycles: A Macroeconomic Model of Monopoly pp. 529-538

- N. Gregory Mankiw
- Wage Flexibility and Openness pp. 539-550

- Joshua Aizenman
Volume 100, issue 1, 1985
- Manifesto pp. iii

- Olivier Blanchard, Eric Maskin and Lawrence H. Summers
- Taxation of Corporate Capital Income: Tax Revenues Versus Tax Distortions pp. 1-27

- Roger Gordon
- Permanent Differences in Unemployment and Permanent Wage Differentials pp. 29-56

- James Adams
- Two Views of the Geographic Distribution of Unemployment pp. 57-79

- Stephen T. Marston
- Innovation and Industry Evolution pp. 81-99

- Jennifer Reinganum
- The Social Efficiency of Fixed Wages pp. 101-118

- William Johnson
- Multiplicity of Equilibria and Comparative Statics pp. 119-147

- Timothy Kehoe
- The "Patman Effect" and Stabilization Policy pp. 149-163

- Robert Driskill and Steven M. Sheffrin
- The Taxation of Exhaustible Resources pp. 165-181

- Villamor Gamponia and Robert Mendelsohn
- The Effect of Liquidity Constraints on Consumption: A Cross-Sectional Analysis pp. 183-206

- Fumio Hayashi
- Incidence Analysis of a Sector-Specific Minimum Wage in a Two-Sector Harris-Todaro Model pp. 207-224

- M. Hasan Imam and John Whalley
- Intertemporal Substitution in Macroeconomics pp. 225-251

- N. Gregory Mankiw, Julio Rotemberg and Lawrence H. Summers
- The Free Rider Problem and a Social Custom Model of Trade Union Membership pp. 253-261

- Alison Booth
- Strategic Management Behavior Under Reward Structures in a Planned Economy pp. 263-269

- Jörg Finsinger and Ingo Vogelsang
- Reward Structures in a Planned Economy: Some Difficulties pp. 271-278

- Hugh Gravelle
- Reward Structures in a Planned Economy: Some Further Thoughts pp. 279-289

- Mo-Yin S. Tam
- Option Value: Empirical Evidence from a Case Study of Recreation and Water Quality: Comment pp. 291-294

- Robert Cameron Mitchell and Richard Carson
- Option Value: Empirical Evidence from a Case Study of Recreation and Water Quality: Reply pp. 295-299

- Douglas A. Greenley, Richard G. Walsh and Robert A. Young