The Quarterly Journal of Economics
1886 - 2025
Current editor(s): Robert J. Barro, Lawrence F. Katz, Nathan Nunn, Andrei Shleifer and Stefanie Stantcheva
From President and Fellows of Harvard College
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Volume 28, issue 4, 1914
- Railroad Over-Capitalization pp. 601-629

- W. Z. Ripley
- Depreciation and Rate Control pp. 630-663

- Allyn A. Young
- The Trust Problem pp. 664-700

- E. Dana Durand
- Agricultural Credit in the United States pp. 701-746

- Jesse E. Pope
- A Contribution to the Theory of Competitive Price pp. 747-771

- J. M. Clark
- Later Developments in the Union Pacific Merger Case pp. 772-794

- Stuart Daggett
- Books on Business Cycles: Mitchell, Aftalion, Bilgram pp. 795-810

- Warren M. Persons
- "Unearned Increments," Land Taxes, and the Building Trade pp. 811-814

- B. M. Anderson
- Abraham Lincoln on the Tariff: A Myth pp. 814-820

- F. W. Taussig
Volume 28, issue 3, 1914
- The Trust Problem pp. 381-416

- E. Dana Durand
- Davenport's Economics and the Present Problems of Theory pp. 417-446

- Alvin S. Johnson
- Fire Insurance Rates and State Regulation pp. 447-465

- W. F. Gephart
- Rent under the Assumption of Exhaustibility pp. 466-489

- Lewis Cecil Gray
- Home Rule in Taxation pp. 490-505

- Horace Secrist
- The Literature of Scientific Management pp. 506-557

- C. Bertrand Thompson
- Elsas' Ausnahmetarife pp. 558-560

- Stuart Daggett
- Bernhard's Unerwünschte Folgen der Deutschen Sozialpolitik and its Critics pp. 561-578

- Lewis S. Gannett
- The German Potash Law of 1910 pp. 579-580

- H. R. Tosdal
- Public Ownership of Telegraphs and Telephones pp. 581-586

- A. N. Holcombe
- The Development of Alaska by Government Railroads pp. 586-596

- Alfred H. Brooks
Volume 28, issue 2, 1914
- The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 pp. 213-254

- O. M. W. Sprague
- The British Super-Tax and the Distribution of Income pp. 255-268

- A. L. Bowley
- The Development by Commissions of the Principles of Public Utility Valuation pp. 269-291

- Ralph E. Heilman
- The Social Point of View in Economics. II pp. 292-321

- Lewis H. Haney
- Some Economic Aspects of the New Long and Short Haul Clause pp. 322-337

- J. M. Clark
- Industry in Pisa in the Early Fourteenth Century pp. 338-359

- Frederick C. Dietz
- Mediation and Arbitration of Railroad Wage Controversies: A Year's Developments pp. 360-372

- Fred Wilbur Powell
- Keynes' Indian Currency and Finance pp. 373-377

- E. W. Kemmerer
Volume 28, issue 1, 1913
- The Tariff Act of 1913 pp. 1-30

- F. W. Taussig
- The Administrative Provisions of the Revenue Act of 1913 pp. 31-45

- James F. Curtis
- The Income Tax of 1913 pp. 46-68

- Joseph A. Hill
- Four Years More of Deposit Guaranty pp. 69-114

- Thornton Cooke
- The Social Point of View in Economics. I pp. 115-139

- Lewis H. Haney
- The Kartell Movement in the German Potash Industry pp. 140-190

- H. R. Tosdal
- Industrial Bounties and Rewards by American States pp. 191-208

- Fred Wilbur Powell
Volume 27, issue 4, 1913
- Marginal Utility and Marginal Disutility as Ultimate Standards of Value pp. 547-578

- Charles E. Persons
- The Commodity Clause Legislation and the Anthracite Railroads pp. 579-615

- Eliot Jones
- Original Cost Versus Replacement Cost as a Basis for Rate Regulation pp. 616-629

- Hammond V. Hayes
- The Marginal Productivity Versus the Impatience Theory of Interest pp. 630-650

- Harry G. Brown
- The Second Volume of Pierson's Principles of Economics pp. 651-655

- Henry R. Seager
- Hourwich's Immigration and Labor pp. 656-671

- Robert F. Foerster
- Pigou's Wealth and Welfare pp. 672-686

- Allyn A. Young
- Railway Rates and Joint Costs pp. 687-694

- A. C. Pigou and F. W. Taussig
- Mortgage Taxation in Nebraska pp. 695-698

- G. O. Virtue
- The Public Service Commission of Massachusetts pp. 699-707

- J. B. Eastman
Volume 27, issue 3, 1913
- The Plan for a Compensated Dollar pp. 401-416

- F. W. Taussig
- The Tabular Standard in Massachusetts History pp. 417-454

- Willard C. Fisher
- The Dominance of the National Union in American Labor Organization pp. 455-481

- George E. Barnett
- Tenancy in the Southern States pp. 482-496

- Benjamin H. Hibbard
- The Economic Possibilities of Conservation pp. 497-519

- L. C. Gray
- Schumpeter's Economic System pp. 520-529

- R. C. McCrea
- Karl Marx and Labor Legislation pp. 530-535

- W. E. Rappard
- Railway Rates and Joint Cost pp. 535-538

- A. C. Pigou and F. W. Taussig
- The Proposed Increment Tax for New York pp. 539-543

- Joseph French Johnson
Volume 27, issue 2, 1913
- A Compensated Dollar pp. 213-235

- Irving Fisher
- The Organization of the Boot and Shoe Industry in Massachusetts Before 1875 pp. 236-262

- Blanche E. Hazard
- The Locomotive Engineers' Arbitration: Its Antecedents and its Outcome pp. 263-294

- William J. Cunningham
- The Decision on the Union Pacific Merger pp. 295-328

- Stuart Daggett
- Frankfort-on-the-Main: A Study in Prussian Communal Fiannce pp. 329-372

- Anna Youngman
- Electrical Rates in the Opinions of the Wisconsin Commission pp. 373-378

- G. P. Watkins
- Railway Rates and Joint Cost Once More pp. 378-384

- F. W. Taussig
Volume 27, issue 1, 1912
- Agricultural Development in the United States, 1900–1910 pp. 1-26

- J. L. Coulter
- Ethical and Economic Elements in Public Service Valuation pp. 27-49

- James E. Allison
- Social Denmark pp. 50-66

- P. Schou
- Specialization in the Woolen and Worsted Industry pp. 67-94

- L. D. H. Weld
- Fisher's Theory of Crises: A Criticism pp. 95-106

- Minnie Throop England
- The Origin of the National Customs-Revenue of England pp. 107-149

- N. S. B. Gras
- Frankfort-on-the-Main: A Study in Prussian Communal Finance pp. 150-201

- Anna Youngman
- The Dissolution of the Powder Trust pp. 202-207

- William S. Stevens