Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe
2015 - 2022
Current editor(s): Pawel Korzynski From Sciendo Bibliographic data for series maintained by Peter Golla (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 30, issue 4, 2022
- The Nexus of Management Innovation, Performance Management, and Organizational Performance in the Pakistani Construction Industry pp. 2-26
- Aftab Junaid, Sarwar Huma, Abid Nabila, Ishaq Muhammad Ishtiaq, Kiran Alina and Aftab Fahad
- Search Funds Characteristics of a New Group of Investors in Poland for Family Businesses Facing the Lack of Succession pp. 27-52
- Biegajło Mateusz
- Current Perspective on Corporate Board Gender Diversity: Evidence from the Czech Republic pp. 53-89
- Hamplová Eva, Janeček Václav and Lefley Frank
- Managing Supply Chains During the Covid-19 Pandemic pp. 90-119
- Mańkowski Cezary, Szmeter-Jarosz Agnieszka and Jezierski Andrzej
- Development of Regional Labor Markets in Ukraine as a Tool to Regulate Internal Migration and Reduce Social Vulnerability pp. 120-149
- Mulska Olha, Vasyltsiv Taras, Levytska Olha, Sabetska Tetiana and Stefanyshyn Liliia
- Is the Importance of Market Orientation Growing? A Study of High-Tech Manufacturing Companies pp. 150-174
- Soniewicki Marcin
Volume 30, issue 3, 2022
- Demutualization, Corporatization, and Sustainability Initiatives: Evidence from the European Stock Exchange Industry pp. 2-35
- Adamska Agata, Dąbrowski Tomasz J., Homa Magdalena, Mościbrodzka Monika and Tomaszewski Jacek
- Knowledge of Network-Based Market Orientation for the Internationalization of Disruptive Innovation in SMEs pp. 36-60
- Hyder Akmal S., Sundström Agneta and Chowdhury Ehsanul H.
- Gender Stereotypes and Family Decision-Making: Comparative Study of Central Europe and Central Asia pp. 61-84
- Yanovskaya Olga and Lipovka Anastassiya
- Competency-Based Tests as a Tool for Teacher Evaluation in Higher Education Institutions pp. 85-111
- Ludwikowska Kamila
- Integrated Cultural Theories on Mobile Marketing Acceptance: Literature Review pp. 112-135
- Nguyen Ngoc Thi Hong and Rudawska Edyta
- How to Design a Bank Levy: The Effect of a Levy Scheme on Bank Performance and its Activities pp. 136-174
- Hryckiewicz Aneta and Puławska Karolina
- Environment Characteristics and Internationalization of SMEs: Insights from a Polish and Finnish Sample pp. 175-194
- Oleksiuk Adam and Pleśniak Agnieszka
- Book review: Migration and the Transfer of Informal Human Capital pp. 195-198
- Snel Erik
Volume 30, issue 2, 2022
- Organizational Agility, Competitive Capabilities, and the Performance of Health Care Organizations During the Covid-19 Pandemic pp. 2-25
- Akkaya Bulent and Mert Gozde
- Risk Perception and Risk Behavior in Response to Service Robot Anthropomorphism in Banking pp. 26-42
- Aubel Martin, Pikturniene Indre and Joye Yannick
- Autonomy Without Accountability in Resource Allocation Reforms: Blending Old and New Logic in Universities pp. 43-82
- Górska Anna, Pikos Anna, Dobija Dorota and Grossi Giuseppe
- Enhancing Service Brand Passion Through Self-Congruity: The Moderating Role of Gender and Age pp. 83-102
- Gilal Faheem Gul, Memon Amjad Ali, Gilal Naeem Gul, Gilal Rukhsana Gul and Memon Ahsan Ali
- K-Pop and K-Car: The Underpinnings of 21st-Century Korean Cultural and Industrial Successes pp. 103-134
- Kim Amee and McGoun Elton G.
- Revenue Management Practices in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation: The Case of Airbnb pp. 135-152
- Kiczmachowska Ewa E.
- Impact of Country-Level Governance and Ownership Concentration on Firm Value in Central Europe pp. 153-170
- Shahriar Ahanaf, Mehzabin Saima and Azad Md. Abul Kalam
Volume 30, issue 1, 2022
- Leadership in the Time of Plague pp. 2-10
- Koźmiński Andrzej K.
- New Organizations in Complex Networks: Survival and Success pp. 11-39
- Asbaş Caner, Şenyuva Zühal and Tuzlukaya Şule
- Women Entrepreneurs’ Education Level, Political Skill, and Firm Performance: Political Influence and Human Capital Theories pp. 40-69
- Demirbağ Orkun, Demirbağ Kübra Şimşek and Batı Gülgönül Bozoğlu
- Brand Concept Drives Loyalty Toward Starbucks: Concept, Product, Place, and Staff in Japan pp. 70-90
- Kato Takumi
- Key Success Factors of Enterprise Risk Management Systems: Listed Polish Companies pp. 91-114
- Przetacznik Sylwia
- Ethical Climate’s Mediating Role on the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction pp. 115-132
- Pekkan Nazmiye Ulku and Bicer Mehmet
Volume 29, issue 4, 2021
- Structural Social Capital Studies in Management and Organization Literature: A Bibliometric Network Study pp. 2-31
- Alan Hale and Köker Ali Riza
- Does Psychic Distance Still Matter? Empirical Evidence from Poland pp. 32-56
- Fonfara Krzysztof, Hauke-Lopes Aleksandra and Soniewicki Marcin
- International Experts’ Influence on Company Internationalization pp. 57-90
- Kravchenko Grygorii
- Value Co-Creation in Engineering Service Innovation: Resources and Capabilities Perspectives pp. 91-123
- Gegužytė Gintarė and Bagdonienė Liudmila
- Investigating the Antecedents of Purchase Intention Toward Local Dairy Products: An Empirical Study Based on the SOR Model pp. 124-148
- Mkedder Nadjim, Bakir Mahmut and Lachachi Abdelheq
- Analysis of Security Criteria for IoT-Based Supply Chain: A Case Study of FMCG Industries pp. 149-171
- Hamed Nozari, Fallah Mohammad, Szmelter-Jarosz Agnieszka and Krzemiński Maciej
- Competency Needs of Industry 4.0 Companies pp. 172-195
- Plawgo Bogusław and Ertman Agnieszka
- Commitment in the German Banking and Consulting Industry: Influence of Different Leadership Styles on Employee Commitment pp. 196-214
- Zerner Vinzent, Marten Eckhard and Brandt Jens
Volume 29, issue 3, 2021
- Open Data’s Role in Social Innovation Initiatives to Fight COVID-19 pp. 2-19
- Almeida Fernando
- Knowledge Management and Economic Growth: The Assessment of Links and Determinants of Regulation pp. 20-39
- Oliinyk Olena, Bilan Yuriy and Mishchuk Halyna
- Managerial Entrenchment and Firm Performance: Evidence from Moroccan Listed Companies pp. 40-62
- Mohamed Bousetta
- Measuring Customer Retention in the European Automotive Sector pp. 63-85
- Sliż Piotr and Delińska Liwia
- Drivers of Strategic Approach to Philanthropy in the Czech Republic pp. 86-113
- Kubickova Klara
- Managing Resource-Saving Development of Agri-Food Enterprises in the Context of Food Security and Sustainability: Strategic Aspects pp. 114-135
- Markina Iryna, Somych Nikolai, Shkilniak Mykhailo, Chykurkova Alla and Lopushynska Olena
- Service Management as a Subdiscipline of Management Science pp. 136-174
- Rokicki Arkadiusz and Nogalski Bogdan
Volume 29, issue 2, 2021
- Should Advertisers Avoid Controversial TV Content? Female Viewer Loyalty and Purchase Intent in the Context of Targeted Sponsorship Vignettes pp. 2-32
- Banerski Grzegorz, Biele Cezary, Awdziej Marcin, Kaczyński Adam and Molenda Sylwester
- Key Drivers of Digital Transformation in Greek Businesses: Strategy vs. Technology pp. 33-62
- Karekla Maria, Pollalis Yannis and Angelopoulos Michail
- How Firms Cooperate in Business Groups? Evidence from Poland pp. 63-88
- Mierzejewska Wioletta and Dziurski Patryk
- Development and Validation of Work Environment Services Scale (WESS) pp. 89-120
- Patrick Harold Andrew and Kareem Jacqueline
- Leaving in Mascot of Silence: Organizational Determinants of Employee Turnover Intentions in Mediating and Moderating Roles of Quiescent Silence and Coworker Support in a Russian Context pp. 121-146
- Kashif Muhammad, Petrovskaya Irina, Samad Sarminah and Wijenayake Shanika
- Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Voluntary Environmental Behavior: Moderating the Effect of Ecocentric Leadership pp. 147-168
- Al-Amin Md., Akter Refa, Akter Ayesha, Uddin Md. Aftab and Mamun Abdullah Al
- Audit Committee Formation: The Case of Poland pp. 169-212
- Puławska Karolina, Dobija Dorota, Piotrowska Katarzyna and Kravchenko Grygorii
Volume 29, issue 1, 2021
- Mediating Effect of Work Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Psychosocial Safety Climate and Workplace Safety Behaviors Among Bank Employees After Covid-19 Lockdown pp. 2-13
- Akanni Abimbola A., Ajila Chris O., Omisile Idowu O. and Ndubueze Kelechi N.
- The Ties That Bind: Do Brand Attachment and Brand Passion Translate Into Consumer Purchase Intention? pp. 14-38
- Gilal Faheem Gul, Gilal Naeem Gul, Gilal Rukhsana Gul, Gong Zhenxing, Gilal Waseem Gul and Tunio Muhammad Nawaz
- The True or the Idealized Self: How CEOs Build Their Personal Brands? pp. 39-60
- Górska Anna M.
- Brand-Related User-Generated Content in Simulation Video Games: Qualitative Research Among Polish Players pp. 61-87
- Hofman-Kohlmeyer Magdalena
- Supply Chain Finance Factors: An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach pp. 88-111
- Marak Zericho R. and Pillai Deepa
- Stakeholder Engagement in Corporate Social Practices and Non-Financial Disclosures: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 112-135
- Zarzycka Ewelina, Krasodomska Joanna and Dobija Dorota
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