Economics Letters
1978 - 2025
Current editor(s): Economics Letters Editorial Office From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 94, issue 3, 2007
- Gifts, bequests and family incentives pp. 313-318

- Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wolff
- Asset pricing with multiplicative habit and power-expo preferences pp. 319-325

- William T. Smith and Qiang Zhang
- A decentralized and state-independent mechanism for internalizing international monetary policy spillovers pp. 326-331

- Juan Cristobal Campoy and Juan Negrete
- Money illusion under test pp. 332-337

- Stefan Boes, Markus Lipp and Rainer Winkelmann
- Convergence towards a steady-state distribution pp. 338-341

- Don Webber and Paul White
- Severance payments in equilibrium unemployment pp. 342-347

- Emiko Usui
- Is the trend in post-WW II US real GDP uncertain or non-linear? pp. 348-355

- Dimitrios Vougas
- Investment policy with heterogeneous beliefs of investors pp. 356-360

- Chi-Jen Chen and Victor W. Liu
- A note on income converge effects in regional integration agreements pp. 361-366

- Fabrizio Carmignani
- Analysis of industrial dynamics: A note on the relationship between firms' size and growth rate pp. 367-371

- Antonio Palestrini
- Informed control over inputs and extent of industrial processing pp. 372-377

- David Hennessy
- On the welfare implications of Southern catch-up pp. 378-382

- Susan Chun Zhu
- Testing for rate dependence and asymmetry in inflation uncertainty: Evidence from the G7 economies pp. 383-388

- Ólan Henry, Nilss Olekalns and Sandy Suardi
- Causality between exports, imports, and economic growth: Evidence from transition economies pp. 389-395

- Titus Awokuse
- A simple matching model with social networks pp. 396-401

- Francois Fontaine
- The inverse imported factor demand system in Thailand: A cointegration analysis pp. 402-407

- Poomthan Rangkakulnuwat, H. Holly Wang and Sung K. Ahn
- On the asymptotic validity of a bootstrap method for testing nonnested hypotheses pp. 408-413

- Leslie Godfrey
- The wage curve revisited: Estimates from a UK panel pp. 414-420

- Geraint Johnes
- Is collusion of corrupt agents welfare increasing? pp. 421-425

- Costas Roumanias
- The microstructure of the Canada/U.S. dollar exchange rate: A robustness test pp. 426-432

- Nikola Gradojevic
- Global unemployment shocks pp. 433-438

- Ron Smith and Gylfi Zoega
- The effect of government grants on plant level productivity pp. 439-444

- Sourafel Girma, Holger Gorg and Eric Strobl
- A "maximum-eigenvalue" test for the cointegration ranks in I(2) vector autoregressions pp. 445-451

- Heino Bohn Nielsen
- Nonparametric and semiparametric evidence on the long-run effects of inflation on growth pp. 452-458

- Andrea Vaona and Stefano Schiavo
- On the existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibrium pp. 459-462

- Haishu Lu
Volume 94, issue 2, 2007
- International labor and capital flows: Complements or substitutes? pp. 155-162

- Maurice Kugler and Hillel Rapoport
- Delegation of decision rights and the winner's curse pp. 163-169

- Jordi Blanes i Vidal
- A note on the empirics of the neoclassical growth model pp. 170-176

- Giovanni Caggiano and Leone Leonida
- The Pareto frontier of a finitely repeated game with unequal discounting pp. 177-184

- Bo Chen
- The bias of elasticity estimators in linear regression: Some analytic results pp. 185-191

- Qian Chen and David Giles
- VCG mechanisms and efficient ex ante investments with externalities pp. 192-196

- Daniel Krahmer and Roland Strausz
- Butter mountains and wine lakes pp. 197-201

- Leslie Reinhorn
- Wage bargaining and monopsony pp. 202-207

- Torberg Falch and Bjarne Strøm
- Sequential dominance and weighted utilitarianism pp. 208-212

- Erwin Ooghe
- The power of autocorrelation tests near the unit root in models with possibly mis-specified linear restrictions pp. 213-219

- Alan Wan, Guohua Zou and Anurag Banerjee
- The impact of government debt on private consumption in OECD countries pp. 220-225

- Robert-Paul Berben and Teunis Brosens
- Endogenous timing in a mixed oligopoly: Another forgotten equilibrium pp. 226-227

- Yuanzhu Lu
- Occupational choice, educational attainment, and fertility pp. 228-234

- Masako Kimura and Daishin Yasui
- Simulating stock returns under switching regimes - A new test of market efficiency pp. 235-239

- David Meenagh, A. Patrick Minford and David Peel
- Informed principal and countervailing incentives pp. 240-244

- Pierre Fleckinger
- Uncertainty in UK manufacturing: Evidence from qualitative survey data pp. 245-252

- James Mitchell, Kostas Mouratidis and Martin Weale
- Maskin monotonicity in economies with indivisible goods and money pp. 253-258

- Yuji Fujinaka and Toyotaka Sakai
- Asymmetric exchange rate intervention and international reserve accumulation in India pp. 259-265

- M Ramachandran and Naveen Srinivasan
- Employers' search prior to exhaustion of advance notice period pp. 266-270

- Vera Brencic
- Jobs for young university graduates pp. 271-277

- Ana Rute Cardoso
- Segregation preferences and labour market outcomes pp. 278-283

- Ken Clark and Stephen Drinkwater
- Equilibrium selection and the role of information in repeated matching markets pp. 284-289

- Ernan Haruvy and Utku Unver
- The dynamics of patent citations pp. 290-296

- Alan Marco
- Shannon's entropy as an index of product variety pp. 297-303

- Sebastiaan (Bas) Straathof
- The analytics of seasonal migration pp. 304-312

- Oded Stark and C. Fan
Volume 94, issue 1, 2007
- Is the inflation-output Nexus asymmetric in the Euro area? pp. 1-6

- Mustapha Baghli, Christophe Cahn and Henri Fraisse
- IQ and economic growth: Further augmentation of Mankiw-Romer-Weil model pp. 7-11

- Rati Ram
- A simple modification to improve the finite sample properties of Ng and Perron's unit root tests pp. 12-19

- Pierre Perron and Zhongjun Qu
- Economic development and the impacts of natural disasters pp. 20-25

- Hideki Toya and Mark Skidmore
- Inflation persistence and monetary policy: A simple result pp. 26-31

- Robert Amano
- Is generosity involuntary? pp. 32-37

- Tomas Broberg, Tore Ellingsen and Magnus Johannesson
- A note on measuring internal migration in the United States pp. 38-42

- Jonathan Pingle
- Quality adjusted price indexes and the Willig condition pp. 43-48

- V. Smith and Spencer Banzhaf
- Effects of mortality risk on risk-taking behavior pp. 49-55

- Liqun Liu and Andrew J. Rettenmaier
- Monetary conservatism and fiscal coordination in a monetary union pp. 56-63

- Nicola Acocella, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo and Patrizio Tirelli
- Macroeconomic priorities and crash states pp. 64-70

- Kevin Salyer
- Instability and trade in currency areas pp. 71-75

- Alberto Alonso, Luis Corchon and Vanesa Guzman
- Performance of LM-type unit root tests with trend break: A bootstrap approach pp. 76-82

- Win Lin Chou
- Dealing with monopsony power: Employment subsidies vs. minimum wages pp. 83-89

- Eric Strobl and Frank Walsh
- Selection in migration and return migration: Evidence from micro data pp. 90-95

- Dan-Olof Rooth and Jan Saarela
- Smoking, wealth accumulation and the propensity to plan pp. 96-103

- Ahmed Khwaja, Dan Silverman, Frank Sloan and Yang Wang
- Testing PPP in the non-linear STAR framework pp. 104-110

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Ali Kutan and Su Zhou
- Equilibrium pricing in a (partial) search market: The shopbot paradox pp. 111-117

- Joseph Harrington and Megan F. Leahey
- Ricardian equivalence and the intertemporal Keynesian multiplier pp. 118-123

- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- A local generalized method of moments estimator pp. 124-128

- Arthur Lewbel
- The analytics of monetary non-neutrality in the Sidrauski model pp. 129-135

- Ricardo Reis
- Does the G7/G8 promote trade? pp. 136-140

- Volker Nitsch
- Happy birthday! You're insured! Gender differences in work ethics pp. 141-145

- Peter Skogman Thoursie
- Causality between inflation and real growth pp. 146-153

- Y. Hwang
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