Economics Letters
1978 - 2025
Current editor(s): Economics Letters Editorial Office From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 89, issue 3, 2005
- Is the central bank's publication of economic forecasts influential? pp. 255-261

- Ippei Fujiwara
- The performance of unit root tests under level-dependent heteroskedasticity pp. 262-268

- Paulo Rodrigues and Antonio Rubia
- Prices and demand: New evidence from micro data pp. 269-274

- Daniel T. Slesnick
- Reallocating labor to initiate changes in capital structures: Hayek revisited pp. 275-282

- Andrew Young
- Offensive performance, omitted variables, and the value of speed in baseball pp. 283-286

- Theodore Turocy
- Detrending time-aggregated data pp. 287-293

- David Aadland
- Robust control: A note on the response of the control to changes in the "free" parameter pp. 294-299

- Fidel Gonzalez and Arnulfo Rodriguez
- Why does consumption fall at retirement? Evidence from Germany pp. 300-305

- Guido Schwerdt
- Painting the tape: Aggregate evidence pp. 306-311

- Dan Bernhardt and Ryan Davies
- On aggregation bias in fixed-event forecast efficiency tests pp. 312-316

- Gultekin Isiklar
- 'Twas four weeks before Christmas: Retail sales and the length of the Christmas shopping season pp. 317-322

- Emek Basker
- Infinitely repeated games of reciprocal players pp. 323-327

- Yves Breitmoser
- Participation fees vs. reserve prices in auctions with asymmetric or colluding buyers pp. 328-332

- Rene Kirkegaard
- Asymptotic properties of the Hahn-Hausman test for weak-instruments pp. 333-342

- Jerry Hausman, James Stock and Motohiro Yogo
- Is free trade deflationary? pp. 343-349

- MinKyoung Kim and Hamid Beladi
Volume 89, issue 2, 2005
- Price index dispersion and utilitarian social evaluation pp. 141-146

- Christophe Muller
- Using cheap talk as a test of validity in choice experiments pp. 147-152

- Fredrik Carlsson, Peter Frykblom and Carl-Johan Lagerkvist
- Semi-nonparametric estimation with Bernstein polynomials pp. 153-156

- Pok Man Chak, Neal Madras and Barry Smith
- The dynamic factor demand model revisited: The identification problem remains pp. 157-166

- Terje Skjerpen
- Imperfect competition and reputational commitment pp. 167-173

- Heski Bar-Isaac
- Coalition-proofness and dominance relations pp. 174-179

- Ryusuke Shinohara
- Re-examining inflation and inflation uncertainty in developed and emerging countries pp. 180-186

- Elton Daal, Atsuyuki Naka and Benito Sanchez
- Efficient (re-)scheduling: An auction approach pp. 187-192

- Siri Strandenes and Elmar Wolfstetter
- Testing for causality in variance in the presence of breaks pp. 193-199

- Dick van Dijk, Denise Osborn and Marianne Sensier
- Smooth pasting as rate of return equalization pp. 200-206

- Mark Shackleton and Sigbjorn Sodal
- Some implications of the unofficial economy-bureaucratic corruption relationship in transition countries pp. 207-211

- Monika Cule and Murray Fulton
- [beta] and [sigma]-convergence: A mathematical relation of causality pp. 212-215

- Davide Furceri
- A unified framework for pro-poor growth analysis pp. 216-221

- B. Essama-Nssah
- Returns to sentiment investors in IPOs pp. 222-226

- Tore Leite
- Precedent transfer in coordination games: An experiment pp. 227-232

- Giovanna Devetag
- A threshold cointegration analysis of asymmetric price transmission from crude oil to gasoline prices pp. 233-239

- Li-Hsueh Chen, Miles Finney and Kon S. Lai
- Erratum to "Modelling nominal debt contracts and fixed rate debt" [Economic Letters 88 (2005) 67-72] pp. 240-240

- Liam Graham and Stephen Wright
- Modelling nominal debt contracts and fixed rate debt pp. 241-246

- Liam Graham and Stephen Wright
- Erratum to "Demand uncertainty, mismatch and (un)employment" [Economic Letters 88 (2005) 33-39] pp. 247-247

- Mohamed Jellal, Jacques Thisse and Yves Zenou
- Demand uncertainty, mismatch and (un)employment pp. 248-254

- Mohamed Jellal, Jacques Thisse and Yves Zenou
Volume 89, issue 1, 2005
- Child care subsidy receipt, employment, and child care choices of single mothers pp. 1-6

- Erdal Tekin
- Pure Nash equilibria of coordination matrix games pp. 7-11

- David P. Roberts
- Comparison of panel unit root tests under cross sectional dependence pp. 12-17

- Myoung Jin Jang and Dong Wan Shin
- Heterogeneity, cross section dependence and capital mobility in developing countries pp. 18-23

- Fabiana Rocha
- Why do governments use closed ended subsidies to support entrepreneurial investment? pp. 24-30

- Clemens Fuest and Philipp Tillessen
- Making money out of publicly available information pp. 31-38

- Alan D. Morrison and Nir Vulkan
- Skill mismatches and job satisfaction pp. 39-47

- José Vieira
- Stock market crashes and dynamics of aftershocks pp. 48-54

- Panayotis Kapopoulos and Fotios Siokis
- The stationarity of consumption-income ratios: Evidence from minimum LM unit root testing pp. 55-60

- Steven Cook
- Is monetary union necessarily counterproductive? pp. 61-67

- Giuseppe Diana and Blandine Zimmer
- Strategies of exchange rate policy in G3 economies pp. 68-74

- Marcel Fratzscher
- On the effect of deterministic terms on the bias in stable AR models pp. 75-82

- Noud Giersbergen
- Strategyproofness, Non-Bossiness and Group Strategyproofness in a cost sharing model pp. 83-88

- Suresh Mutuswami
- Mixture Lorenz curves pp. 89-94

- José María Sarabia, Enrique Castillo, Marta Pascual and María Sarabia
- The optimal monetary policy rule under the non-negativity constraint on nominal interest rates pp. 95-100

- Tomohiro Sugo and Yuki Teranishi
- Exogenous shocks and related goods: Drinking and the legalisation of marijuana pp. 101-106

- Kenneth Clements and Mert Daryal
- Should actions speak louder than words? Individuals' attitudes and behavior in asset allocation choices pp. 107-111

- Darren Duxbury, Robert Hudson, Kevin Keasey and Barbara Summers
- Economic welfare in delivered pricing duopoly: Bertrand and Cournot pp. 112-119

- Toshihiro Matsumura and Daisuke Shimizu
- Patents and R&D: The tournament effect pp. 120-126

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- A note on time preference and the Tobin Effect pp. 127-132

- Eric Kam
- Erratum to "The uniform price auction with endogenous supply" [Econ. Lett. 88 (2005) 152-158] pp. 133-133

- Damian Damianov
- Erratum to "The uniform price auction with endogenous supply" pp. 134-140

- Damian Damianov
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