Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West From Blackwell Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley-Blackwell Digital Licensing () and Christopher F. Baum (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 44, month 12, 2012
- Special Issue Editors’ Introduction pp. 1-1

- Paul Evans and Pok=Sang Lam
- Organizers' Introduction: Twenty-Five Years of Study Center Gerzensee pp. 3-7

- Harris Dellas, Dirk Niepelt and Marcel Savioz
- Slow Recoveries: A Structural Interpretation pp. 9-30

- Jordi Galí, Frank Smets and Raf Wouters
- Screening and Labor Market Flows in a Model with Heterogeneous Workers pp. 31-71

- Federico Ravenna and Carl Walsh
- Aggregate Investment Externalities and Macroprudential Regulation pp. 73-109

- Hans Gersbach and Jean Rochet
- Inflation and Unit Labor Cost pp. 111-149

- Robert G. King and Mark Watson
- The Federal Reserve, the Emerging Markets, and Capital Controls: A High-Frequency Empirical Investigation pp. 151-184

- Sebastian Edwards
- Withering Government Spending Multipliers pp. 185-210

- Matthew Canzoneri, Fabrice Collard, Harris Dellas and Behzad Diba
- Asymmetries in Price-Setting Behavior: New Microeconometric Evidence from Switzerland pp. 211-236

- E. HONORÉ Bo, Daniel Kaufmann and Sarah Lein
- Macroeconomic Shocks and Banking Regulation pp. 237-254

- Mathias Dewatripont and Jean Tirole
- Risk Premium Shocks and the Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates pp. 1475-1505

- Robert Amano and Malik Shukayev
- A New Method for Identifying the Effects of Foreign Exchange Interventions pp. 1507-1533

- Chih-Nan Chen, Tsutomu Watanabe and Tomoyoshi Yabu
- The Quantitative Importance of News Shocks in Estimated DSGE Models pp. 1535-1561

- Hashmat Khan and John Tsoukalas
- Fiscal Positions and Government Bond Yields in OECD Countries pp. 1563-1587

- Joseph Gruber and Steven B. Kamin
- Constructing Density Forecasts from Quantile Regressions pp. 1589-1607

- Wagner Gaglianone and Luiz Lima
- Regulatory Arbitrage in Cross-Border Banking Mergers within the EU pp. 1609-1629

- Santiago Carbo-Valverde, Edward Kane and Francisco Rodriguez-Fernandez
- Price Setting in the Euro Area: Some Stylized Facts from Individual Producer Price Data pp. 1631-1650

- Philip Vermeulen, Daniel Dias, Maarten Dossche, Erwan Gautier, Ignacio Hernando, Roberto Sabbatini and Harald Stahl
- On the Effects of Deposit Insurance and Observability on Bank Runs: An Experimental Study pp. 1651-1665

- Hubert Janos Kiss, Ismael Rodriguez-Lara and ROSA-GARCÍA Alfonso
- The Effects of Monetary Policy “News” and “Surprises” pp. 1667-1692

- Fabio Milani and John Treadwell
Volume 44, month 10, 2012
- Does Ricardian Equivalence Hold When Expectations Are Not Rational? pp. 1259-1283

- George Evans, Seppo Honkapohja and Kaushik Mitra
- A Historical Analysis of the Taylor Curve pp. 1285-1299

- Eric Olson and Walter Enders
- Putting the New Keynesian DSGE Model to the Real-Time Forecasting Test pp. 1301-1324

- Marcin Kolasa, Michał Rubaszek and Pawe≈å Skrzypczy≈éski
- The Role of Media for Inflation Forecast Disagreement of Households and Professional Forecasters pp. 1325-1350

- Michael Lamla and Thomas Maag
- Optimal Simple Monetary and Fiscal Rules under Limited Asset Market Participation pp. 1351-1374

- Giorgio Motta and Patrizio Tirelli
- Monetary Policy and Price Responsiveness to Aggregate Shocks under Rational Inattention pp. 1375-1399

- Luigi Paciello
- Mortgage Choice as a Natural Field Experiment on Choice under Risk pp. 1401-1426

- Philomena M. Bacon and Peter Moffatt
- Price Stickiness and Sectoral Inflation Persistence: Additional Evidence pp. 1427-1442

- Hervé Le Bihan and Julien Matheron
- U.S. Monetary Policy Surprises: Identification with Shifts and Rotations in the Term Structure pp. 1443-1453

- Edda Claus and Mardi Dungey
- How Do Nominal and Real Rigidities Interact? A Tale of the Second Best pp. 1455-1474

- Romain Duval and Lukas Vogel
Volume 44, month 09, 2012
- Monetary Policy Rules Work and Discretion Doesn't: A Tale of Two Eras pp. 1017-1032

- John Taylor
- Estimating Central Bank Preferences under Commitment and Discretion pp. 1033-1061

- Gregory Givens
- Bank Lending Standards and Access to Lines of Credit pp. 1063-1089

- Cem Demiroglu, Christopher James and Atay Kizilaslan
- Realized and Optimal Monetary Policy Rules in an Estimated Markov-Switching DSGE Model of the United Kingdom pp. 1091-1116

- Xiaoshan Chen and Ronald MacDonald
- Stale Information, Shocks, and Volatility pp. 1117-1149

- Reint Gropp and Arjan Kadareja
- Return Dependence and the Limits of Product Diversification in Financial Firms pp. 1151-1183

- Thomas Fomby, Jeffery W. Gunther and Jian Hu
- Imperfect Competition in Bank Retail Markets, Deposit and Loan Rate Dynamics, and Incomplete Pass Through pp. 1185-1205

- Kenneth J. Kopecky and David D. van Hoose
- Foreign Demand for Domestic Currency and the Optimal Rate of Inflation pp. 1207-1224

- SCHMITT-GROH√â Stephanie and Martín Uribe
- Sectoral Comovement, Monetary Policy Shocks, and Input-Output Structure pp. 1225-1244

- Nao Sudo
- Money: A Market Microstructure Approach pp. 1245-1258

- Malte Krueger
Volume 44, month 08, 2012
- On the Welfare Gains of Price Dispersion pp. 757-786

- Richard Dutu, Benoit Julien and Ian King
- The Friedman Rule in a Model with Endogenous Growth and Cash-in-Advance Constraint pp. 787-823

- Firouz Gahvari
- Monetary Policy and Automatic Stabilizers: The Role of Progressive Taxation pp. 825-862

- Fabrizio Mattesini and Lorenza Rossi
- The Advantage of Flexible Targeting Rules pp. 863-881

- Andrea Ferrero
- Credit Risk Spreads in Local and Foreign Currencies pp. 883-901

- Dan Galai and Zvi Wiener
- Illiquidity in the Interbank Payment System Following Wide-Scale Disruptions pp. 903-929

- Morten Bech and Rodney Garratt
- Infrequent Housing Adjustment, Limited Participation, and Monetary Policy pp. 931-955

- Andra Ghent
- Credit Relationships: Evidence from Experiments with Real Bankers pp. 957-980

- CORNÉE Simon, David Masclet and Gervais Thenet
- Real Balance Effects, Timing, and Equilibrium Determination pp. 981-994

- Christian A. Stoltenberg
- Markups and the Welfare Cost of Business Cycles: A Reappraisal pp. 995-1014

- Jean-Olivier Hairault and Francois Langot
Volume 44, month 06, 2012
- Strategic Complementarity, Stabilization Policy, and the Optimal Degree of Publicity pp. 551-572

- Jonathan G. James and Phillip Lawler
- Monetary Policy, Bank Lending, and the Risk-Pricing Channel pp. 573-602

- Ruby P. Kishan and Timothy Opiela
- The Role of Financial Market Structure and the Trade Elasticity for Monetary Policy in Open Economies pp. 603-629

- Katrin Rabitsch
- The Role of Lending Banks in Forced CEO Turnovers pp. 631-659

- Sadi Ozelge and Anthony Saunders
- Federal Home Loan Bank Advances and Commercial Bank Portfolio Composition pp. 661-684

- W Frame, Diana Hancock and Wayne Passmore
- Too Dispersed to Monitor? Ownership Dispersion, Monitoring, and the Prediction of Bank Distress pp. 685-714

- Tristan Auvray and Olivier Brossard
- Are Some Forecasters Really Better Than Others? pp. 715-732

- D’AGOSTINO Antonello, Kieran McQuinn and Karl Whelan
- Irving Fisher and Price-Level Targeting in Austria: Was Silver the Answer? pp. 733-750

- Richard Burdekin, Kris James Mitchener and Marc D. Weidenmier
Volume 44, month 03, 2012
- Product Replacement Bias in Inflation and Its Consequences for Monetary Policy pp. 255-299

- Henning Weber
- Real Exchange Rates and Productivity: Evidence from Asia pp. 301-322

- Vikas Kakkar and Kit Ming Yan
- Central Bank Communication and the Perception of Monetary Policy by Financial Market Experts pp. 323-340

- Sandra Schmidt and Dieter Nautz
- Uncertainty Over Models and Data: The Rise and Fall of American Inflation pp. 341-365

- Seth Pruitt
- Credit Booms and Lending Standards: Evidence from the Subprime Mortgage Market pp. 367-384

- DELL’ARICCIA Giovanni, Deniz Igan and Luc Laeven
- The Political Business Cycle: New Evidence from the Nixon Tapes pp. 385-399

- Burton Abrams and James Butkiewicz
- One for Some or One for All? Taylor Rules and Interregional Heterogeneity pp. 401-431

- Olivier Coibion and Daniel Goldstein
- The Effect of Bank Failures on Economic Activity: Evidence from U.S. States in the Early 20th Century pp. 433-455

- Carlos Ramirez and Philip A. Shively
- Sacrifice Ratio in a Medium-Scale New Keynesian Model pp. 457-467

- Guido Ascari and Tiziano Ropele
- What Does the Yield Curve Tell Us about the Federal Reserve’s Implicit Inflation Target? pp. 469-486

- Taeyoung Doh
- Understanding Expectation-Driven Fluctuations: A Labor-Market Approach pp. 487-506

- Pengfei Wang
- Government Spending Shocks in Quarterly and Annual Time Series pp. 507-517

- Benjamin Born and J. M√úLLER Gernot
- How Payday Credit Access Affects Overdrafts and Other Outcomes pp. 519-531

- Donald Morgan, Michael Strain and Ihab Seblani
- Return on Commodity Money, Small Change Problems, and Fiat Money pp. 533-549

- Young Sik Kim and Manjong Lee
Volume 44, month 02, 2012
- Editor's Introduction October 2011 pp. 1-1

- Kenneth West
- Aggregate Implications of Heterogeneous Households in a Sticky-Price Model pp. 1-22

- Jae Won Lee
- The Effectiveness of Alternative Monetary Policy Tools in a Zero Lower Bound Environment pp. 3-46

- James D. Hamilton and Jing Cynthia Wu
- Estimating the Evolution of Money’s Role in the U.S. Monetary Business Cycle pp. 23-52

- Efrem Castelnuovo
- Have We Underestimated the Likelihood and Severity of Zero Lower Bound Events? pp. 47-82

- Hess Chung, Jean-Philippe Laforte, David Reifschneider and John Williams
- Monetary Policy Response to Oil Price Shocks pp. 53-101

- Jean-Marc Natal
- Inflation Dynamics When Inflation Is Near Zero pp. 83-122

- Jeffrey Fuhrer, Giovanni Olivei and Geoffrey Tootell
- The Taylor Rule and Forecast Intervals for Exchange Rates pp. 103-144

- Jian Wang and Jason Wu
- What Has—and Has Not—Been Learned about Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment? A Review of the 2000s pp. 123-140

- Richard Clarida
- Revisiting Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation and Low-Utilization Environment pp. 141-146

- Alan Blinder
- Effective Use of Survey Information in Estimating the Evolution of Expected Inflation pp. 145-169

- Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
- Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment: Developing a State-Contingent Price-Level Target pp. 147-155

- Charles Evans
- Monetary Policies and Exchange Rates at the Zero Lower Bound pp. 157-163

- Richard Portes
- Revisiting Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment: Remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 55th Economic Conference pp. 165-174

- Eric Rosengren
- Do Large Banks Have Lower Costs? New Estimates of Returns to Scale for U.S. Banks pp. 171-199

- David Wheelock and Paul Wilson
- Japan's Deflation and the Bank of Japan's Experience with Nontraditional Monetary Policy pp. 175-190

- Kazuo Ueda
- Turning Bagehot on His Head: Lending at Penalty Rates When Banks Can Become Insolvent pp. 201-219

- Fabio Castiglionesi and Wolf Wagner
- Flexible Prices and the Business Cycle pp. 221-233

- Fabrice Collard and Harris Dellas
- Estimating Probabilities of Recession in Real Time Using GDP and GDI pp. 235-253

- Jeremy J. Nalewaik
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