Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West
From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 34, month November, 2002
- Investment and the Current Account in the Short Run and the Long Run pp. 967-86
- James Nason and John Rogers
- X-Efficiency in Banking: Looking beyond the Balance Sheet pp. 987-1013
- Jeffrey A Clark and Thomas F Siems
- Forward Discount Puzzle and Liquidity Effects: Some Evidence from Exchange Rates among the United States, Canada, and Japan pp. 1014-33
- Yuichi Fukuta and Makoto Saito
- Credibility and Seigniorage in a Common Currency Area pp. 1034-46
- Laura Bottazzi and Paolo Manasse
- Why Do Banks Merge? pp. 1047-66
- Dario Focarelli, Fabio Panetta and Carmelo Salleo
- Currency Unions and International Integration pp. 1067-89
- Andrew Rose and Charles Engel
- The Great Depression and Output Persistence pp. 1090-98
- Christian J Murray and Charles Nelson
Volume 34, month Aug., 2002
- On the Launching of a New Currency pp. 563-88
- Sébastien Lotz and Guillaume Rocheteau
- On Rational Bubbles and Fat Tails pp. 589-610
- Thomas Lux and Didier Sornette
- Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Economic Openness: Theory and Evidence pp. 611-30
- Harald Hau
- Reserve Uncertainty and the Supply of International Credit pp. 631-49
- Joshua Aizenman and Nancy Marion
- Persistent and Transitory Shocks, Learning, and Investment Dynamics pp. 650-77
- Bartholomew Moore and Huntley Schaller
- On Optimal Contracts for Central Bankers and Inflation and Exchange-Rate-Targeting Regimes pp. 678-85
- Ronald Ratti
- Tests for Symmetric and Asymmetric Nonlinear Mean Reversion in Real Exchange Rates pp. 686-700
- Robert Sollis, Stephen Leybourne and Paul Newbold
- A Conference Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, October 24-26, 2001: Introduction pp. 701-06
- Joseph G Haubrich and James Thomson
- Are Larger Treasury Issues More Liquid? Evidence from Bill Reopenings pp. 707-35
- Michael Fleming
- Comment on Are Larger Treasury Issues More Liquid? Evidence from Bill Reopenings pp. 736-39
- Narasimhan Jegadeesh
- Supply Contraction and Trading Protocol: An Examination of Recent Changes in the U.S. Treasury Market pp. 740-62
- Leslie Boni and J Chris Leach
- Comment on Supply Contraction and Trading Protocol: An Examination of Recent Changes in the U.S. Treasury Market pp. 763-66
- Sugato Chakravarty
- The Saga of the First Stock Index Futures Contract: Benchmarks, Models, and Learning pp. 767-808
- Sam Thomas
- Comment on The Saga of the First Stock Index Futures Contract: Was It a Case of the Market Using the Wrong Model and Not Learning? pp. 809-11
- Ed Stevens
- GSE Debt and the Decline in the Treasury Market pp. 812-39
- Brent Ambrose and Tao-Hsien Dolly King
- Comment on GSE Debt and the Decline in the Treasury Debt Market pp. 840-47
- Toni Gravelle
- The Conduct of Monetary Policy with a Shrinking Stock of Government Debt pp. 848-82
- Stacey L Schreft and Bruce D Smith
- Comment on the Conduct of Monetary Policy with a Shrinking Stock of Government Debt pp. 883-86
- Athanasios Orphanides
- Government Asset and Liability Management in a Era of Vanishing Public Debt pp. 887-933
- Henning Bohn
- Comment on Government Asset and Liability Management in an Era of Vanishing Public Debt pp. 934-40
- Jagadeesh Gokhale
- Panel: Implications of Declining Treasury Debt: What Should the Federal Reserve Do as Treasury Debt Is Repaid? pp. 941-45
- Donald L Kohn
- Panel: Implications of Declining Treasury Debt: Federal Reserve Asset Acquisition: A Proposal pp. 946-51
- Broaddus, J Alfred, and Marvin Goodfriend
- Panel: Implications of Declining Treasury Debt: International Market Implications of Declining Treasury Debt pp. 952-66
- Robert McCauley
Volume 34, month May, 2002
- Partial Adjustment and Staggered Price Setting pp. 283-98
- Michael Kiley
- The Market for Electronic Cash Cards pp. 299-314
- Oz Shy and Juha Tarkka
- Private Transfers, Borrowing Constraints and the Timing of Homeownership pp. 315-39
- Luigi Guiso and Tullio Jappelli
- A Reexamination of the Predictability of Economic Activity Using the Yield Spread pp. 340-60
- James D Hamilton and Dong Heon Kim
- The Timing of Partisan and Nonpartisan Appointments to the Central Bank: Some New Evidence pp. 361-75
- Franklin Mixon and M Troy Gibson
- The Effects of Monetary Policy in Japan pp. 376-92
- Ryuzo Miyao
- Did Banks' Security Affiliates Add Value? Evidence from the Commercial Banking Industry during the 1920s pp. 393-411
- Carlos Ramirez
- Complementarities and Comovements pp. 412-33
- John S Shea
- Expected Social Welfare under a Convex Philips Curve and Asymmetric Policy Preferences pp. 434-49
- Demosthenes Tambakis
- Openness, Inflation, and the Phillips Curve: A Puzzle pp. 450-68
- Jonathan Temple
- Signal Jamming in New Credit Markets pp. 469-90
- Eric Van Tassel
- "Water Seeks a Level": Modeling Bimetallic Exchange Rates and the Bimetallic Band pp. 491-519
- Marc Flandreau
- The Equilibrium Degree of Transparency and Control in Monetary Policy pp. 520-39
- Jon Faust and Lars E O Svensson
- Are Oil Shocks Inflationary? Asymmetric and Nonlinear Specifications versus Changes in Regime pp. 540-61
- Mark A Hooker
Volume 34, month February, 2002
- When to Dollarize pp. 1-24
- Barry Eichengreen
- Can Nontradables Generate Substantial Home Bias? pp. 25-50
- Paolo Pesenti and Eric van Wincoop
- Covered Interest Rate Arbitrage in the Interwar Period and the Keynes-Einzig Conjecture pp. 51-75
- David Peel and Mark Taylor
- Financial Crisis and the Great Depression: A Regime Switching Approach pp. 76-93
- Patrick Coe
- A Simple Adaptive Measure of Core Inflation pp. 94-113
- Timothy Cogley
- How Well Does the Beige Book Reflect Economic Activity? Evaluating Qualitative Information Quantitatively pp. 114-36
- Nathan Balke and D'Ann Petersen
- Day-to-Day Monetary Policy and the Volatility of the Federal Funds Interest Rate pp. 137-59
- Leonardo Bartolini, Giuseppe Bertola and Alessandro Prati
- Caution and Conservatism in the Making of Monetary Policy pp. 160-77
- Philip Schellekens
- Wage Indexation and Output Stability Revisited pp. 178-96
- Esteban Jadresic
- Heterogeneity in Price Rigidity: Evidence from a Case Study Using Microlevel Data pp. 197-220
- Daniel Levy, Shantanu Dutta and Mark Bergen
- The Option to Wait to Invest and Equilibrium Credit Rationing pp. 221-25
- Robert Lensink and Elmer Sterken
- Trade Credit and the Bank Lending Channel pp. 226-53
- Jeffrey Nilsen
- Cost and Profit Efficiency of Financial Conglomerates and Universal Banks in Europe pp. 254-82
- Rudi Vander Vennet