Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West
From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 9, month Nov., 1977
- Some Neglected Monetary Contributions: Congressman Wright Patman (1893-1976) pp. 517-28

- Robert E Weintraub
- The Chicago Tradition Revisited: Some Neglected Monetary Contributions: Senator Paul Douglas (1892-1976) pp. 529-35

- George Tavlas
- Money Supply Control and Lagged Reserve Accounting pp. 536-51

- Edgar Feige and Robert T McGee
- Monetary Control under Fixed Exchange Rates: A Time Series Approach pp. 552-61

- E Dwight Phaup and Alan Kusinitz
- The Avoidance of Restrictive Monetary Policies in Host Countries by Multinational Firms pp. 562-71

- Robert G Hawkins and Donald Macaluso
- Capital Mobility and Endogenous Stabilization Policy under Flexible Exchange Rates pp. 572-85

- Jay H Levin
- The Permanent Income Hypothesis and Monetary Influences on Consumption pp. 586-96

- Thom Thurston
- The Investment Performance of Unit Trusts in the Period 1965-75 pp. 597-604

- Michael A Firth
- The FINE Study pp. 605-18

- James L Pierce
- Regulating the Regulators: A Review of the FINE Regulatory Reforms pp. 619-35

- Lester V Chandler and Dwight M Jaffee
- CMC, Heller, Hunt, FIA, FRA, and FINE: The Neglected Aspect of Financial Reform pp. 636-41

- Almarin Phillips
- The FINE Proposals on Foreign Banks in the United States and American Banks Abroad pp. 642-51

- Charles Freedman
- Special Interests: The FINE Situation pp. 652-61

- Donald D Hester
- Rationality of the Michigan Price Expectations Data: A Note pp. 662-66

- James Fackler and Bryan Stanhouse
- Dynamic Implications of Poole's Proposed Reserve Requirement Rule: A Note pp. 667-71

- John P Judd
- The Significance of Money on the State Level: A Note pp. 672-78

- Jacob Cohen and Asatoshi Maeshiro
Volume 9, month Aug., 1977
- The Origins of Money pp. 391-409

- Frederic L Pryor
- Analysis within the "Near View." pp. 410-27

- Richard T Coghlan
- Real versus Nominal Interest Rates and the Demand for Consumer Durables in Canada pp. 428-36

- James Pesando and Adonis Yatchew
- Further Evidence on the Role of Savings Deposits as Money in Canada pp. 437-46

- Brock K Short and Delano Villanueva
- The Allocation of Government Deposits among Private Banks: The Canadian Case pp. 447-59

- Keith Acheson
- Wealth Redistribution Risk and the Modern Theory of Finance: An Analysis of Inflation and Bankruptcy pp. 460-68

- Robert E Krainer
- Measurement of Banking Competition and Geographic Markets: The Market for Checking Account Services pp. 469-82

- Louis H Ederington and Samuel L Skogstad
- CD Behavior and the Use of Broader Monetary Aggregates: A Note pp. 483-90

- Roger Waud
- Portfolio Balance and Exchange Rate Stability: A Note pp. 491-99

- Walter Enders
- Determinants of the Demand for Bank Examiner Manpower in the First National Bank Region: A Note pp. 500-503

- Neil B Murphy
Volume 9, month May, 1977
- The Welfare Economics of Monetary Transfers and Reversed Transfers pp. 259-75

- Harry G Johnson
- The Welfare Cost of Inflation and the Role of Money as a Unit of Account pp. 276-86

- Michael Mussa
- Hyperinflation and the Supply of Money pp. 287-303

- Rodney L Jacobs
- Implications of the Government Budget Constraint: A Comparison of Two Models pp. 304-15

- N Brian McGrath
- A Utility Maximization Approach to Individual Bank Asset Selection pp. 316-27

- James Barth, Arthur Kraft and Philip Wiest
- Keynesian Dynamics and Growth pp. 328-40

- Lewis Johnson
- Diffusion of EFTS among National Banks: A Note pp. 341-48

- Lewis Mandell
- An Analysis of the Behavior of Federal Mortgage Market Agencies: A Note pp. 349-55

- Herbert M Kaufman
- The Variable-Rate Mortgage and Risk in the Mortgage Market: An Option Theory Perspective: A Note pp. 356-64

- Findlay, M Chapman, and Dennis Capozza
- Even the St. Louis Model Now Believes in Fiscal Policy: A Note pp. 365-67

- Benjamin M Friedman
- The Intermediate Control Problem: A Note pp. 368-71

- Matthew Canzoneri
- Real Money Balances as a Variable in the Production Function: A Further Reply pp. 372-73

- Allen Sinai and Houston Stokes
Volume 9, month Feb., 1977
- Household Flow-of-Funds Equations: Specification and Estimation pp. 1-20

- Mitsuo Saito
- Consumer Behavior and Quantity Constraints: Some Implications for Monetary Theory pp. 21-31

- Robert J MacKay and Warren Weber
- The Demand for Reserves by Commercial Banks pp. 32-47

- Abraham Knobel
- Financial Aspects of the Private Pension System pp. 48-54

- Oldfield, George S,
- Good Intentions and Unintended Evil: The Case against Selective Credit Allocation pp. 55-69

- Edward Kane
- The Perception of Man and the Conception of Government pp. 70-85

- Karl Brunner and William H Meckling
- Monetary Theory and the Great Capitol Hill Baby Sitting Co-op Crisis: Comment pp. 86-89

- Joan Sweeney and Richard James Sweeney
- Expected Yield Curve Movements and Rational Term Structure Expectations: An Empirical Note: Comment pp. 90-96

- J Walter Elliott and Michael E Echols
- The Relative Importance of Duration and Yield Volatility on Bond Price Volatility: Comment pp. 97-102

- Jess B Yawitz
- A Note on the Tests of Stein's Theory of the Foreign Exchange Markets: Comment pp. 103-04

- Mark R Eaker
- The Relevance of an Aggregated Benchmark for Testing Stein's Theory: Comment pp. 105-06

- John J Van Belle
- A Simple Model of Monetary Dynamics: Comment pp. 107-11

- Dean Taylor
- Why Money? pp. 133-40

- Armen Alchian
- Inflation, Capital, and Deficit Finance pp. 141-50

- Rüdiger Dornbusch
- Price and Output Adjustments in a Closed Economy pp. 151-64

- Michele Fratianni
- Short-Run Fluctuations in the Money Multiplier and Monetary Control pp. 165-81

- Peter A Frost
- Anticipated Inflation and Unanticipated Price Change: A Test of the Price-Specie Flow Theory and the Phillips Curve pp. 182-205

- Allan Meltzer
- Price Expectations and the Interest Rate in an Open Economy: Germany, 1960-72 pp. 206-27

- Manfred J M Neumann
- The Transition from Fixed Exchange Rates to Money Supply Targets pp. 228-42

- Michael Parkin