Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West
From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 22, month November, 1990
- Member Bank Borrowing and the Fed's Contractionary Monetary Policy during the Great Depression pp. 409-26

- David Wheelock
- Targeting Nominal Income in a Dynamic Model pp. 427-43

- Vincent Reinhart
- Federal Credit, Private Credit, and Economic Activity pp. 444-64

- James S Fackler
- Analyzing the Stability of Demand-for-Money Equations via Bounded-Influence Estimation Techniques pp. 465-77

- Christopher Baum and Marilena Furno
- The Term Structure and Time Series Properties of Nominal Interest Rates: Implications from Theory pp. 478-90

- Kevin D Salyer
- Purchasing Power Parity in the Long Run: A Cointegration Approach pp. 491-503

- Yoonbai Kim
- An Examination of Cost Subadditivity and Multiproduct Production in Large U.S. Banks pp. 504-25

- William C Hunter, Stephen G Timme and Won Keun Yang
- Scottish Banking and the Legal Restrictions Theory: A Closer Look pp. 526-36

- Lawrence White
Volume 22, month August, 1990
- The Macroeconomic Implications of Contract Models with Asymmetric Information pp. 273-87

- Matthew Canzoneri and Anne C Sibert
- New Results in Support of the Fiscal Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition pp. 288-304

- Reuven Glick and Michael Hutchison
- Ricardian Equivalence, Rational Expectations, and the Permanent Income Hypothesis pp. 305-26

- Alfred A Haug
- The Objectives and Priorities of Monetary Policy under Different Federal Reserve Chairmen pp. 327-37

- David R Hakes
- Risk and Parity in Purchasing Power pp. 338-56

- Roger D Huang
- Politics and Perceived Country Creditworthiness in International Banking pp. 357-69

- Thomas L Brewer and Pietra Rivoli
- The International Debt Crisis and Bank Loan-Loss-Reserve Decisions: The Signaling Content of Partially Anticipated Events pp. 370-87

- James J Musumeci and Sinkey, Joseph F,
- Interest Rate Linkages within the European Monetary System: A Time Series Analysis pp. 389-94
- Costas Karfakis and Demetrios Moschos
- Money and Capital in Economic Development: A Test of the McKinnon Hypothesis for Nepal pp. 395-99

- John Thornton and Sri Ram Poudyal
- Reserve Requirements and the Inflation Tax pp. 400-401

- L Dwayne Barney, Alan Frankle and Harry White
Volume 22, month May, 1990
- Money Supply Announcements and the Market's Perception of Federal Reserve Policy pp. 135-53

- Steven Strongin and Vefa Tarhan
- Money Supply Announcements and Market Reactions in an Open Economy pp. 154-64

- Richard Deaves
- Inflation and Reputation with Generic Policy Preferences pp. 165-77

- Herschel Grossman
- Loan Commitments and Optimal Monetary Policy pp. 178-94

- John Duca and David VanHoose
- Foreign Inflation Transmission under Flexible Exchange Rates and Currency Substitution pp. 195-208

- John Rogers
- The International Debt Crisis, Investor Contagion, and Bank Security Returns in 1987: The Brazilian Experience pp. 209-20

- James J Musumeci and Sinkey, Joseph F,
- The Effect of State Foreclosure Laws on Loan Losses: Evidence from the Mortgage Insurance Industry pp. 221-33

- Terrence M Clauretie and Thomas N Herzog
- Savings, Commodity Market Rationing, and the Real Rate of Interest in China pp. 234-52

- Andrew Feltenstein, David Lebow and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- Do Liquidity Constraints Vary over Time? Evidence from Survey and Panel Data pp. 253-62

- Gary Fissel and Tullio Jappelli
- The Effect of Import Price Changes on Domestic Inflation: An Empirical Test of the Ratchet Effect pp. 263-67

- Farhad Rassekh and Barry Wilbratte
Volume 22, month February, 1990
- Inflation and Taxation with Optimizing Governments pp. 1-18

- James Poterba and Julio Rotemberg
- Optimal Advice for Monetary Policy pp. 19-36

- Basu, Susanto, et al
- The Influence of the Federal Advisory Council on Monetary Policy pp. 37-50

- Thomas Havrilesky
- The Value of Time and the Transactions Demand for Money pp. 51-64

- Kevin Dowd
- Economic Forecasts, Rationality, and the Processing of New Information over Time pp. 65-76

- Steve Swidler and David Ketcher
- A Multicountry Characterization of the Nonstationarity of Aggregate Output pp. 77-93

- Roger Kormendi and Philip Meguire
- Returns to Scale and Input Substitution for Large U.S. Banks pp. 94-108

- Athanasios G Noulas, Subhash Ray and Stephen Miller
- The Forerunners of "New Monetary Economics" Proposals to Stabilize the Unit of Account pp. 109-18

- Scott B Sumner
- Market Discipline and Bank Subordinated Debt pp. 119-28

- Gary Gorton and Anthony M Santomero
Volume 21, month November, 1989
- Policy Rules, Inflationary Bias, and Cyclical Stability pp. 409-21

- David M Garman and Daniel Richards
- Monetary Policy Games and Central Bank Politics pp. 422-31

- Christopher Waller
- Policy Preferences of FOMC Members as Revealed by Dissenting Votes pp. 432-41

- Susan Belden
- Does Money Matter? The Robustness of Evidence from Vector Autoregressions pp. 442-54

- David E Spencer
- The Behavior of Money Demand in the 1980s pp. 455-63

- Robert L Hetzel and Yash P Mehra
- The Determinants of the Money Multiplier in the United Kingdom pp. 464-80

- Michael Beenstock
- Is Increased Price Inflexibility Stabilizing? pp. 481-97

- Binky Chadha
- The Conduct of Monetary Policy and the Natural Rate of Unemployment: A Note pp. 498-507

- George Evans
- Commodity Prices: Policy Target or Information Variable? A Note pp. 508-14

- C Alan Garner
- Federal Reserve System Reserve Requirements, 1959-1988: A Note pp. 515-23

- Joseph H Haslag and Scott E Hein
- Financial Determinants of Bank Takeovers: A Note pp. 524-36

- David C Cheng, Benton E Gup and Larry Wall
Volume 21, month August, 1989
- Monetary Control under Alternative Operating Procedures pp. 273-90

- Michael Dotsey
- The Sustainability of Government Deficits: Implications of the Present-Value Borrowing Constraint pp. 291-306

- David Wilcox
- The Market Valuation of Credit Market Debt pp. 307-20

- John S Strong
- The Term Structure of Interest Rates and the Effects of Macroeconomic Policy pp. 321-47

- Stephen J Turnovsky
- A Nonlinear Expectations Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates with Time-Varying Risk Premia pp. 348-67

- Bong-Soo Lee
- Banking Costs, Generalized Functional Forms, and Estimation of Economies of Scale and Scope pp. 368-79

- Colin Lawrence
- Liquidity Constraints and the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem: A Note pp. 380-87

- Marc Hayford
- The Rationality of Federal Funds Rate Expectations: Evidence from a Survey: A Note pp. 388-93

- David P Simon
- Financial Market Responses to Treasury Debt Announcements: A Note pp. 394-400

- David C Schirm, Richard G Sheehan and Michael G Ferri
- The Role of Systematic Fed Errors in Explaining the Money Supply Announcements Puzzle: A Note pp. 401-06

- Barry Falk and Peter Orazem
- Commodity Prices, Money Surprises, and Fed Credibility: A Comment pp. 407-08

- Stephen Grubaugh and Scott Sumner
Volume 21, month May, 1989
- The End of the Hungarian Hyperinflation of 1945-1946 pp. 135-47

- Pierre L Siklos
- Budget Deficits, Stability, and the Monetary Dynamics of Hyperinflation pp. 148-57

- Miguel A Kiguel
- Financial Market Effects on Aggregate Money Demand: A Bayesian Analysis pp. 158-75

- Stuart Allen and Robert Connolly
- One-Sided Uncertainty about Future Fiscal Policy pp. 176-89

- Betty Daniel
- Taxes and the Futures-Forward Price Difference in the 91-Day T-Bill Market pp. 190-205

- P V Viswanath
- Impact of Deposit-Rate Ceiling Changes on Bank Stock Returns pp. 206-20

- Haluk Unal
- Scottish Banking before 1845: A Model for Laissez-Faire? pp. 221-31

- Tyler Cowen and Randall Kroszner
- Monetary Targeting and Price Level Non-Trend-Stationarity: A Note pp. 232-39

- David VanHoose
- Interest-Bearing Currency, Legal Restrictions, and the Rate of Return Dominance of Money: A Note pp. 240-45

- John Bryant
- The Demand for Currency versus Debitable Accounts: A Note pp. 246-57

- William C Whitesell
- Household versus Economist Forecasts of Inflation: A Reassessment: A Note pp. 252-57

- Roy Batchelor and Pami Dua
- Velocity and the Variability of Money Growth: Evidence from Granger-Causality Tests: Comment pp. 258-61

- Joe Brocato and Kenneth L Smith
- Velocity and the Variability of Money Growth: Evidence from Granger-Causality Tests: Comment pp. 262-66

- Yash P Mehra
Volume 21, month February, 1989
- The Economics of Workout Lending pp. 1-15

- Richard J Herring
- How Money Affects Real Output pp. 16-32

- Joyce Manchester
- Money and Functional Distribution of Income pp. 33-48

- Faik Koray
- The Risk Premium in the Foreign Exchange Market pp. 49-65

- Anne Sibert
- Exchange Rate Volatility and U.S. Monetary Policy: An ARCH Application pp. 66-77

- William Lastrapes
- Asset Substitution, Money Demand, and the Inflation Process in Brazil pp. 78-89

- Charles Calomiris and Ian Domowitz
- The Taiwanese Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1945-1952 pp. 90-105

- Gail E Makinen and G Thomas Woodward
- Reserve Requirements and the Inflation Tax pp. 106-21

- Philip L Brock