Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West From Blackwell Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley-Blackwell Digital Licensing () and Christopher F. Baum (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, month Nov., 1995
- Consumer Default and the Life Cycle Model pp. 939-54

- Emily C Lawrance
- Costs of Adjustment, Portfolio Separation, and the Dynamic Behavior of Bank Loans and Deposits pp. 955-74

- Elyas Elyasiani, Kenneth J Kopecky and David VanHoose
- New Keynesian Economics and the Phillips Curve pp. 975-84

- John Roberts
- Fiscal Trends in Real Economic Aggregates pp. 985-1001

- Shaghil Ahmed and Byung Sam Yoo
- Financing Constraints and Investment: New Evidence from Hospital Industry Data pp. 1002-14

- Paul S Calem and John Rizzo
- Portfolio Theory, Transaction Costs, and the Demand for Time Deposits pp. 1015-32

- Alan C Hess
- Intertemporal Tax-Smoothing and the Government Budget Surplus: Canada and the United States pp. 1033-45

- Atish Ghosh
- Do Credit Markets Discipline Sovereign Borrowers? Evidence from the U.S. States pp. 1046-59

- Tamim Bayoumi, Morris Goldstein and Geoffrey Woglom
- Forward-Looking Behavior and the Stability of a Conventional Monetary Policy Rule pp. 1060-70

- Jeffrey Fuhrer and George R Moore
- Bank Entry during the Antebellum Period pp. 1071-85

- Andrew Economopoulos and Heather O'Neill
- Gresham's Law in Nineteenth-Century America pp. 1086-98

- Robin L Greenfield and Hugh Rockoff
- The Operations of the Bank of England, 1890-1908: A Dynamic Probit Approach pp. 1099-1112

- Nurhan Davutyan and William R Parke
- Liquidity Effects, Monetary Policy, and the Business Cycle pp. 1113-36

- Lawrence Christiano and Martin Eichenbaum
- Stability in the Absence of Deposit Insurance: The Canadian Banking System, 1890-1966 pp. 1137-58

- Jack Carr, Frank Mathewson and Neil Quigley
- Government Expenditure Financing in an Endogenous Growth Model: A Comparison pp. 1159-78

- Theodore Palivos and Chong Yip
- Is New Zealand's Reserve Bank Act of 1989 an Optimal Central Bank Contract? pp. 1179-91

- Carl Walsh
- Liquidity, Monetary Policy, and Financial Intermediation: Introduction pp. 1199-1208

- David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
- The Effects of Real and Monetary Shocks in a Business Cycle Model with Some Sticky Prices pp. 1209-34

- Lee Ohanian, Alan C Stockman and Lutz Kilian
- The Effects of Real and Monetary Shocks in a Business Cycle Model with Some Sticky Prices: Comment pp. 1235-36

- Christian Gilles
- The Effects of Real and Monetary Shocks in a Business Cycle Model with Some Sticky Prices: Comment pp. 1237-40

- John Leahy
- The Quantitative Analytics of the Basic Neomonetarist Model pp. 1241-77

- Miles Kimball
- The Quantitative Analytics of the Basic Neomonetarist Model: Comment pp. 1278-89

- Michael Woodford
- Financial Intermediation and Monetary Policy in a General Equilibrium Banking Model pp. 1290-1315

- Pamela Labadie
- Financial Intermediation and Monetary Policy in a General Equilibrium Banking Model: Comment pp. 1316-19

- Deborah Lucas
- Financial Intermediation and Monetary Policy in a General Equilibrium Banking Model: Comment pp. 1319-20

- Stephen Williamson
- Monetary and Financial Interactions in the Business Cycle pp. 1321-38

- Timothy Fuerst
- Monetary and Financial Interactions in the Business Cycle: Comment pp. 1339-41

- Charles Evans
- Monetary and Financial Interactions in the Business Cycle: Comment pp. 1342-53

- Mark Gertler
- Inside Money, Outside Money, and Short-Term Interest Rates pp. 1354-86

- Varadarajan Chari, Lawrence Christiano and Martin Eichenbaum
- Inside Money, Outside Money, and Short-Term Interest Rates: Comment pp. 1387-96

- Wilbur Coleman
- Inside Money, Outside Money, and Short-Term Interest Rates: Comment pp. 1397-1401
- Julio Rotemberg
- Estimating Policy-Invariant Deep Parameters in the Financial Sector When Risk and Growth Matter pp. 1402-29

- William Barnett, Milka Kirova and Meenakshi Pasupathy
- Estimating Policy-Invariant Deep Parameters in the Financial Sector When Risk and Growth Matter: Comment pp. 1430-35

- Stephen Cecchetti
- Estimating Policy-Invariant Deep Parameters in the Financial Sector When Risk and Growth Matter: Comment pp. 1436-40

- David Marshall
- Liquidity Effects and Transactions Technologies pp. 1441-57

- Michael Dotsey and Peter Ireland
- Liquidity Effects and Transactions Technologies: Comment pp. 1458-61

- Finn Kydland
- Liquidity Effects and Transactions Technologies: Comment pp. 1461-71

- Don Schlagenhauf and Jeffrey Wrase
- Computable General Equilibrium Models and Monetary Policy Advice pp. 1472-93

- David Altig, Charles Carlstrom and Kevin Lansing
- Computable General Equilibrium Models and Monetary Policy Advice: Comment pp. 1494-1501

- Eric Leeper
- Computable General Equilibrium Models and Monetary Policy Advice: Comment pp. 1502-05

- Edward Prescott
Volume 27, month August, 1995
- The Capital Crunch: Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be pp. 625-38

- Joe Peek and Eric Rosengren
- Twin Deficits versus Unpleasant Fiscal Arithmetic in a Small Open Economy pp. 639-58

- Masahiro Kawai and Louis Maccini
- Margin Requirements, Price Fluctuations, and Market Participation in Metal Futures pp. 659-71

- Gikas A Hardouvelis and Dongcheol Kim
- Seigniorage and Inflation: The Case of Argentina pp. 672-82

- Miguel A Kiguel and Pablo Neumeyer
- International Finance and Firm Investment pp. 683-701

- R Glenn Hubbard, Anil Kashyap and Toni Whited
- Was There a Note Issue Conundrum in the Free Banking Era? pp. 702-12

- Howard Bodenhorn and Michael Haupert
- The Option Clause in Scottish Banking, 1730-65: A Reappraisal pp. 713-26

- James A Gherity
- Policy Accommodation and Gradual Stabilizations pp. 727-41

- Jose De Gregorio
- The Effects of Fiscal Policy in a Two-Country World Economy: An Intertemporal Analysis pp. 742-61

- Yeonho Lee
- Multiple Reserve Requirements pp. 762-76

- Marco Espinosa-Vega
- Motivations for Bank Mergers and Acquisitions: Enhancing the Deposit Insurance Put Option versus Earnings Diversification pp. 777-88

- George J Benston, William C Hunter and Larry Wall
- The Cyclical Behavior of Prices: Interpreting the Evidence pp. 789-97

- John P Judd and Bharat Trehan
- Myopia, Liquidity Constraints, and Aggregate Consumption: A Simple Test pp. 798-805

- John Shea
- New and Old Models of Business Investment: A Comparison of Forecasting Performance pp. 806-26

- Stephen Oliner, Glenn Rudebusch and Daniel Sichel
- Inflation and Uncertainty: Tests for Temporal Ordering pp. 827-37

- A Steven Holland
- The Information Content of the Federal Funds Rate: Is It Unique? pp. 838-47

- Michelle Garfinkel and Daniel Thornton
- Risk-Based Capital Standards and the Credit Crunch pp. 848-63

- Emile J Brinkmann and Paul M Horvitz
- The Cost of Home Mortgage Credit during the 1980s pp. 864-75

- A Quang Do and James D Shilling
- Unit Roots and Infrequent Large Shocks: New International Evidence on Output Growth pp. 867-93
- Michael Bradley and Dennis Jansen
- The Changing Role of Commercial Banks in the Municipal Securities Market pp. 894-906

- Scott E Hein, Timothy W Koch and S Scott MacDonald
- Savings and Stabilization Policy in a Pre-Post-Socialist Economy pp. 907-19

- John Bennett and Maxim Boycko
- Using the Arbitrage Pricing Theory to Calculate the Probability of Financial Institution Failure: A Note pp. 920-26

- Andrew D Clare
- Interest-Bearing Currency: Evidence from the Civil War Experience: A Comment pp. 927-37

- G Thomas Woodward
Volume 27, month May, 1995
- The Foreign Exchange Risk Premium: Is It Real? pp. 301-17

- Craig S Hakkio and Anne Sibert
- The Stabilizing Properties of a Nominal GNP Rule pp. 318-34

- Jeffrey Frankel
- Monetary Policy, Elasticity Dynamics, and Real Exchange Rate Reversal pp. 335-49

- Alan Isaac
- Inflation and Currency Depreciation in Germany, 1920-1923: A Dynamic Model of Prices and the Exchange Rate pp. 350-62

- Giuseppe Tullio
- Rescheduling of Sovereign Debt: Forgiveness, Precommitment, and New Money pp. 363-77

- Arnoud Boot and George Kanatas
- Budget Deficits, Corporate Income Taxes, and the Current Account pp. 378-88

- Arman Mansoorian
- Income Tax Indexation in an Open Economy pp. 389-403

- Jukka Lassila
- The Profit-Structure Relationship in Banking--Tests of Market-Power and Efficient-Structure Hypotheses pp. 404-31

- Allen Berger
- The Relationship between Capital and Earnings in Banking pp. 432-56

- Allen Berger
- Syndicated Loan Announcements and the Market Value of the Banking Firm pp. 457-75

- William L Megginson, Annette B Poulsen and Sinkey, Joseph F,
- The Thrift Crisis, Mortgage-Credit Intermediation, and Housing Activity pp. 476-97

- Michael G Bradley, Stuart Gabriel and Mark Wohar
- Differentiated Contracts, Heterogeneous Borrowers, and the Mortgage Choice Decision pp. 498-510

- J Sa-Aadu and C F Sirmans
- The Effect of Changes in Reserve Requirements on Investment and GNP pp. 511-26

- Prakash Loungani and Mark Rush
- Why Does Liquidity Matter in Investment Equations? pp. 527-48

- Bob Chirinko and Huntley Schaller
- Macroeconomic pp. 549-69

- Sang-Sub Lee
- Monetary Policy, Aggregate Uncertainty, and the Stock Market pp. 570-82

- Glenn Boyle and James D Peterson
- Money Demand and Seigniorage-Maximizing Inflation pp. 583-603

- William Easterly, Paolo Mauro and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
- Credit Cards and Money Demand: A Cross-sectional Study pp. 604-23

- John Duca and William C Whitesell
Volume 27, month February, 1995
- The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach pp. 1-28

- Ben Bernanke
- Near-Rationality, Heterogeneity, and Aggregate Consumption pp. 29-48

- Ricardo Caballero
- Fighting Inflation with High Interest Rates: The Small Open Economy Case under Flexible Prices pp. 49-66

- Guillermo Calvo and Carlos Vegh
- The Mechanics of Indirect Convertibility pp. 67-88

- Kevin Dowd
- The Impact of Futures Price Targeting on the Precision and Credibility of Monetary Policy pp. 89-106

- Scott Sumner
- Endogenous Financial Innovation and the Demand for Money pp. 107-23

- Peter Ireland
- Quasi Balance-Sheet Measures of U.S. Monetary Policy: A Closer Look pp. 124-39

- Joseph H Haslag and Scott E Hein
- Financial Services, Cointegration, and the Demand for Money in Israel pp. 140-53

- Rafi Melnick
- A Revealed Preference Analysis of Friedman and Schwartz Money pp. 154-64

- James L Swofford
- Core Deposits and Physical Capital: A Reexamination of Bank Scale Economies and Efficiency with Quasi-Fixed Inputs pp. 165-85

- William C Hunter and Stephen G Timme
- Which Banks Choose Deposit Insurance? Evidence of Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in a Voluntary Insurance System pp. 186-201

- David Wheelock and Subal Kumbhakar
- A Multinomial Logit Analysis of Problem Loan Resolution Choices in Banking pp. 202-16

- Edward C Lawrence and Nasser Arshadi
- Retail Bank Deposit Pricing: An Intertemporal Asset Pricing Approach pp. 217-31

- David E Hutchison
- The Dynamic Effects of Government Spending Policies in a Two-Sector Endogenous Growth Model pp. 232-56

- Michael Devereux and David Love
- The Sustainability of Budget Deficits in a Stochastic Economy pp. 257-71

- Henning Bohn
- Liquidity Constraints and Intertemporal Consumer Optimization: Theory and Evidence from Durable Goods pp. 272-87

- Eun Young Chah, Valerie Ramey and Ross M Starr
- Friedman's Money Supply Volatility Hypothesis: Some International Evidence: Note pp. 288-92

- John Thornton
- Is Indirect Convertibility Impossible? Comment pp. 293-97

- Robert L Greenfield, W William Woolsey and Leland B Yeager
- Is Indirect Convertibility Impossible? Reply pp. 297-98

- Norbert Schnadt and John Whittaker
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