Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West
From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 24, month November, 1992
- The Cyclical Behavior of Prices pp. 413-30

- R Todd Smith
- Macroeconomic Activity and Monetary Policy Actions: Some Preliminary Evidence pp. 431-46

- Joseph H Haslag and Scott E Hein
- U.S. Influences on Foreign Monetary Policy pp. 447-64

- Richard G Sheehan
- Concerted Lending: Did Large Banks Bear the Burden? pp. 465-82

- Mark Spiegel
- Deposit Banks and the Market for Payment Media pp. 483-98

- William C Whitesell
- Risk-Based Deposit Insurance: An Incentive Compatible Plan pp. 499-510

- Rowena Pecchenino
- What Can Regulators Regulate? The Case of Bank Entry pp. 511-18

- Burton Abrams and Russell F Settle
- Money Market Mutual Fund Maturity and Interest Rates pp. 519-27

- Dale L Domian
- Preferred Habitat, Taxable/Tax-Exempt Yield Spreads, and Cycles in Property/Liability Insurance pp. 528-52

- Karlyn Mitchell and Michael D McDade
- Alternative Approaches to Money and Growth pp. 553-62

- Ping Wang and Chong Yip
- Banking and Coordination: A Note pp. 563-69

- John Bryant
- An Alternative Rationale for Financial Dualism: A Note pp. 570-77

- Betty Daniel and Hong-Bum Kim
Volume 24, month August, 1992
- A Generalized Valuation Model for Fixed-Rate Residential Mortgages pp. 279-99

- Kau, James B, et al
- The Currency Substitution Hypothesis and Relative Money Demand in Mexico and Canada pp. 300-318

- John Rogers
- The Demand for Large Bank Notes pp. 319-37

- Willem C Boeschoten and Martin M.G. Fase
- A New Test of Money-Income Causality pp. 338-55

- James M Holmes and Patricia A Hutton
- Meade's General Theory Model: Stability and the Role of Expectations pp. 356-69

- Peter Rappoport
- Commercial Bank Securities Activities: What Really Happened in 1902: A Note pp. 370-74

- George G Kaufman and Larry R Mote
- The Failure of the Bank of the United States: A Defense of Joseph Lucia: A Note pp. 374-84

- Anthony O'Brien
- The Failure of the Bank of the United States, 1930: A Rejoinder pp. 384-99

- Paul B Trescott
- The Management of Near-Money in the Miller-Orr Model Is Not Optimal pp. 399-404

- Clinton A Greene
Volume 24, month May, 1992
- Monetary Aggregates as Monetary Targets: A Statistical Investigation pp. 141-61

- William Roberds and Charles Whiteman
- A Computation of Interest Equivalences for Nonprice Characteristics of Bank Products pp. 162-72

- Shelagh A Heffernan
- The Monetary Economics of Henry Meulen pp. 173-83

- Kevin Dowd
- Deposit Rate Ceilings and the Market Value of Banks: The Case of France, 1971-1981 pp. 184-94

- Jean Dermine and Pierre Hillion
- Treasury Bill Rates in the 1970s and 1980s pp. 195-214

- Patric H Hendershott and Joe Peek
- The Regional Representation of Federal Reserve Bank Presidents pp. 215-25

- John A Gildea
- Structural Change in the Demand for Money pp. 226-38

- Seungmook Choi and Kim Sosin
- Portfolio Redistribution Impacts within the Narrow Monetary Aggregate pp. 239-57

- Jean Gauger
- Consumer Durables: Evidence on the Optimality of Usually Doing Nothing pp. 258-72

- Avner Bar-ilan and Alan Blinder
Volume 24, month February, 1992
- Fiscal Policy and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: An Intertemporal Optimizing Analysis pp. 1-26

- Walter Fisher and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Innovations in Interest Rates, Duration Transformation, and Bank Stock Returns pp. 27-42

- Srinivas R Akella and Stuart I Greenbaum
- Debt Management Objectives for a Small Open Economy pp. 43-60

- Paul Boothe and Bradford Reid
- Competitive Externalities and the Optimal Seigniorage pp. 61-71

- Joshua Aizenman
- The Long-Run Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate: A Reconsideration pp. 72-82

- Whitt, Joseph A,
- Company Sector Liquid Asset Holdings: A Systems Approach pp. 83-97

- David Barr and Keith Cuthbertson
- Entry-Deterring Debt pp. 98-110

- James McAndrews and Leonard Nakamura
- The National Bank Note Controversy Reexamined pp. 111-26

- Michael Kuehlwein
- Does the Federal Reserve Respond to Errant Money Growth? Evidence from Three Monetary Regimes pp. 127-34

- David R Hakes and Edward N Gamber
Volume 23, month November, 1991
- Karl Brunner's Monetary Economics--An Appreciation pp. 633-58

- David Laidler
- The Role of the Federal Reserve as "Lender of Last Resort" and the Seasonal Fluctuation of Interest Rates pp. 659-76

- A Steven Holland and Mark Toma
- Asset Substitution and Monetary Volatility pp. 677-91

- Jean Gauger and Harold A Black
- Blue Chip Rationality Tests pp. 692-705

- Roy Batchelor and Pami Dua
- A Model of Covered Interest Arbitrage under Market Segmentation pp. 706-17

- Lloyd P Blenman
- An Empirical Investigation of Changes in Scale Economies for the Commercial Banking Firm, 1979-1986 pp. 718-27

- Daniel Gropper
- Partisan Effects in Economies with Variable Electoral Terms pp. 728-41

- Christopher J Ellis and Mark Thoma
- Managing the Dollar: Has the Plaza Agreement Mattered? pp. 742-51

- Michael Klein, Bruce Mizrach and Robert Murphy
- Coca Dollars and the Dollarization of South America pp. 752-63

- Michael Melvin and Jerry Ladman
- Interest Rates in a Semiopen Economy: Comment pp. 764-66

- Basant Kapur
- Medium of Payment in Corporate Acquisitions: Evidence from Interstate Bank Mergers pp. 767-76

- Marcia Millon Cornett and Sankar De
Volume 23, month August, 1991
- Wage Bargaining and Unemployment Persistence pp. 277-92

- Olivier Blanchard
- The National Bank Note Puzzle Reinterpreted pp. 293-307

- Phillip Cagan and Anna J Schwartz
- The Federal Reserve Amendments of 1917: The Beginning of a Seasonal Note Issue Policy pp. 308-26

- Raymond P H Fishe
- The Hyperinflation Model of Money Demand Revisited pp. 327-51

- Mark Taylor
- Macroeconomic Effects of a Tax on Bond Interest Rates pp. 352-66

- Oren Sussman
- The Bond Price Support Program as a Change in Policy Regimes: Evidence from the Term Structure of Interest Rates pp. 367-82

- William K Hutchinson and Mark Toma
- The Effects of Transaction Costs on Households' Financial Asset Demands pp. 383-409

- Alan C Hess
- International Evidence on a New Keynesian Theory of the Output-Inflation Trade-Off pp. 410-22

- Robert H DeFina
- The Frequency of Monetary Policy Signaling from the Administration to the Federal Reserve: Note pp. 423-28

- Thomas Havrilesky
- The Policy Preferences of FOMC Members as Revealed by Dissenting Votes: Reply pp. 429-32

- Susan Belden
- Price Stability: A Conference Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, November 8-10, 1990: Introduction pp. 433-38

- William Gavin
- The Genesis of Inflation and the Costs of Disinflation pp. 439-52

- Laurence Ball
- The Genesis of Inflation and the Costs of Disinflation: Comment pp. 453-56

- Dennis Carlton
- The Genesis of Inflation and the Cost of Disinflation: Comment pp. 456-61

- Peter Howitt
- Seigniorage as a Tax: A Quantitative Evaluation pp. 462-75

- Ayse Imrohoruglu and Edward Prescott
- Seigniorage as a Tax: A Quantitative Evaluation: Comment pp. 476-80

- Stephen Cecchetti
- Seigniorage as a Tax: A Quantitative Evaluation: Comment pp. 480-82
- Herschel Grossman
- The Welfare Costs of Moderate Inflations pp. 483-503

- Thomas Cooley and Gary D Hansen
- The Welfare Costs of Moderate Inflations: Comment pp. 504-13

- Roland Benabou
- The Welfare Costs of Moderate Inflations: Comment pp. 513-18

- Randall Wright
- Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Some Recent Results pp. 519-39

- Varadarajan Chari, Lawrence Christiano and Patrick Kehoe
- Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Some Recent Results pp. 540-42

- B. Douglas Bernheim
- Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Some Recent Results: Comment pp. 542-46

- R. Braun
- Inflation, Personal Taxes, and Real Output: A Dynamic Analysis pp. 547-71

- David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
- Inflation, Personal Taxes, and Real Output: A Dynamic Analysis: Comment pp. 572-74

- Alan Auerbach
- Inflation, Personal Taxes, and Real Output: A Dynamic Analysis pp. 575-79

- Finn Kydland
- The Sustainability of Budget Deficits with Lump-Sum and with Income-Based Taxation pp. 580-604

- Henning Bohn
- The Sustainability of Budget Deficits with Lump-Sum and with Income-Based Taxation: Comment pp. 605-08

- Timothy Fuerst
- The Sustainability of Budget Deficits with Lump-Sum and with Income-Based Taxation: Comment pp. 608-12

- James D Hamilton
- The Goal of Price Stability: The Debate in Canada: Panel Discussion pp. 613-18

- Charles Freedman
- An Error-Correction Mechanism for Long-Run Price Stability: Panel Discussion pp. 619-24

- J. Huston McCulloch
- How Should Long-Term Monetary Policy Be Determined? Panel Discussion pp. 625-31

- Lawrence Summers
Volume 23, month May, 1991
- Monetary Dynamics: An Application of Cointegration and Error-Correction Modeling pp. 139-54

- Stephen Miller
- The Demand for Money in the United States: Evidence from Cointegration Tests pp. 155-68

- R W Hafer and Dennis Jansen
- Discovering the Link between Inflation Rates and Inflation Uncertainty pp. 169-84

- Martin Evans
- Relative Price Variability and Inflation pp. 185-205

- Richard Hartman
- Testing Intertemporal Budget Constraints: Theory and Applications to U.S. Federal Budget and Current Account Deficits pp. 206-23

- Bharat Trehan and Carl Walsh
- On Cash-in-Advance Models of Money Demand and Asset Pricing pp. 224-42

- Henning Bohn
- Sticky Prices, Money, and Business Fluctuations pp. 243-59

- Joseph G Haubrich and Robert King
- Commodity Prices: Policy Target or Information Variable: A Comment pp. 260-66

- Peter S Sephton
- Inflation and Taxation with Optimizing Governments: A Comment pp. 267-69

- Richard Burdekin
Volume 23, month February, 1991
- Is Price Flexibility Stabilizing? A Broader Perspective pp. 1-12

- Jo Gray and Magda Kandil
- The Model Structure of Discount Window Borrowing pp. 13-34

- Stavros Peristiani
- The Demand for Divisia Money in the United States: A Dynamic Flexible Demand System pp. 35-52

- Apostolos Serletis
- Fiscal Policy and Private Consumption: Instrumental Variables Tests of the "Consolidated Approach." pp. 53-67

- Fred C Graham and Daniel Himarios
- Foundations of the Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm in Banking pp. 68-84

- Timothy H Hannan
- Pawnbroking in America: The Economics of a Forgotten Credit Market pp. 85-99

- John Caskey
- Federal Debt, Tax-Adjusted q, and Macroeconomic Activity pp. 100-109

- W. McMillin and Randall E Parker
- Valuation Effects of the International Banking Act on Foreign Banks Operating in the United States pp. 110-19

- Arvind Mahajan, David A Dubofsky and Donald Fraser
- Some Regulatory Determinants of Bank Risk Behavior: Comment pp. 120-27

- Gregory M Gelles
- Some Regulatory Determinants of Bank Risk Behavior: Reply pp. 128-29

- Douglas W Mitchell
- The Policy Preferences of FOMC Members as Revealed by Dissenting Votes pp. 130-38

- Thomas Havrilesky and John A Gildea