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Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

1969 - 2013

Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West

From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 35, month Dec., 2003

Information or Regulation: What Drives the International Activities of Commercial Banks? pp. 851-69
Claudia Buch
Output, Prices, and the Velocity of Money in Search Equilibrium pp. 871-88
Saqib Jafarey and Adrian Masters
Anticipations of Monetary Policy in Financial Markets pp. 889-909
Joe Lange, Brian Sack and William Whitesell
Fiscal Policy in the New Neoclassical Synthesis pp. 911-29
Ludger Linnemann and Andreas Schabert
Identifying the Macroeconomic Effect of Loan Supply Shocks pp. 931-46
Joe Peek, Eric Rosengren and Geoffrey Tootell
Inflationary Expectations and the Fisher Effect prior to World War I pp. 947-65
Stephen Perez and Mark Siegler
Is Three a Crowd? Competition among Regulators in Banking pp. 967-98
Richard Rosen
Bank Mergers and Small Firm Financing pp. 999-1017
Jonathan A Scott and William C Dunkelberg
In Search of "Capital Crunch": Supply Factors behind the Credit Slowdown in Japan pp. 1019-38
David Woo

Volume 35, month October, 2003

The Effects of Regulatory Reform on Competition in the Banking Industry pp. 663-84
Paolo Angelini and Nicola Cetorelli
A Money Demand Function with Output Uncertainty, Monetary Uncertainty, and Financial Innovations pp. 685-709
Woon Gyu Choi and Seonghwan Oh
De Novo Bank Exit pp. 711-28
Robert DeYoung
Predetermined Prices and the Persistent Effects of Money on Output pp. 729-41
Michael Devereux and James Yetman
The Dynamic Effects of Firm-Level Borrowing Constraints pp. 743-62
John Jones
Inflation Targeting under Asymmetric Preferences pp. 763-85
Francisco Ruge-Murcia
Nonlinear Equilibrium Correction in U.S. Real Money Balances, 1869-1997 pp. 787-99
Lucio Sarno, Mark Taylor and David Peel
Competitive Dynamics of Deregulation: Evidence from U.S. Banking pp. 801-28
Kevin J Stiroh and Philip E Strahan
Accountability, Transparency, and Inflation Targeting pp. 829-49
Carl Walsh

Volume 35, month August, 2003

Expectations and the Effects of Monetary Policy pp. 473-84
Laurence Ball and Dean Croushore
Short-Term Loans and Long-Term Relationships: Relationship Lending in Early America pp. 485-505
Howard Bodenhorn
Does the Japanese Stock Market Price Bank-Risk? Evidence from Financial Firm Failures pp. 507-43
Brewer, Elijah, III, et al
Macroeconomic Stability and the Preferences of the Fed: A Formal Analysis, 1961-98 pp. 545-56
Carlo Favero and Riccardo Rovelli
Monetary Policy, Housing, and Heterogeneous Regional Markets pp. 557-89
Michael Fratantoni and Scott Schuh
Settlement Risk under Gross and Net Settlement pp. 591-608
Charles Kahn, James McAndrews and William Roberds
Targeting Inflation by Constant-Interest-Rate Forecasts pp. 609-26
Kai Leitemo
A Two-Sector Approach to Modeling U.S. NIPA Data pp. 627-56
Karl Whelan
Money, Social Status, and Capital Accumulation in a Cash-in-Advance Model: Comment pp. 657-61
Wen-ya Chang and Hsueh-fang Tsai

Volume 35, month June, 2003

Hybrid Inflation and Price-Level Targeting pp. 283-300
Nicoletta Batini and Anthony Yates
Bank Capital Structure, Regulatory Capital, and Securities Innovations pp. 301-22
Benston, George, et al
What Starts Inflation: Evidence from the OECD Countries pp. 323-49
John F Boschen and Charles Weise
Distortionary Taxation and Labor Supply pp. 350-73
Emanuela Cardia, Norma Kozhaya and Francisco Ruge-Murcia
What Moves OECD Real Interest Rates? pp. 375-402
Edward Driffill and Andy Snell
Deregulation, Ownership, and Productivity Growth in the Banking Industry: Evidence from India pp. 403-24
Subal Kumbhakar and Subrata Sarkar
Mortgage Default and Possession under Recourse: A Competing Hazards Approach pp. 425-42
Bart M Lambrecht, William Perraudin and Steven Satchell
Testing for Market Discipline in the European Banking Industry: Evidence from Subordinated Debt Issues pp. 443-72
Andrea Sironi

Volume 35, month April, 2003

The Economic Effects of Technological Progress: Evidence from the Banking Industry pp. 141-76
Allen Berger
Inflation and the Informativeness of Prices pp. 177-96
Laurence Ball and David Romer
Desirability of Nominal GDP Targeting under Adaptive Learning pp. 197-220
Kaushik Mitra
Divisia Index, Inflation, and Welfare pp. 221-38
Rubens Cysne
Bank-Firm Relationships and Contagious Banking Crises pp. 239-61
Mariassunta Giannetti
Sweep Programs: The Fall of M1 and Rebirth of the Medium of Exchange pp. 263-79
Donald Dutkowsky and Barry Cynamon
The Timing of Partisan and Nonpartisan Appointments to the Central Bank: Some New Evidence: Erratum pp. 281
Franklin Mixon and M Troy Gibson

Volume 35, month February, 2003

Explaining the Investment Boom of the 1990s pp. 1-22
Stacey Tevlin and Karl Whelan
International Evidence on the Long-Run Impact of Inflation pp. 23-48
David E Rapach
Irving Fisher on the International Transmission of Booms and Depressions through Monetary Standards pp. 49-59
Robert Dimand
Are Booms and Depressions Transmitted Internationally through Monetary Standards? pp. 60-90
Irving Fisher
The Behavior of the Real Rate of Interest pp. 91-110
Michael Dotsey, Carl Lantz and Brian Scholl
Interbank Exposures: Quantifying the Risk of Contagion pp. 111-28
Craig H Furfine
Why Money Talks and Wealth Whispers: Monetary Uncertainty and Mystique: Comment pp. 129-36
Roel Beetsma and Henrik Jensen
Why Money Talks and Wealth Whispers: Monetary Uncertainty and Mystique: Reply pp. 137-39
Sylvester Eijffinger, Marco Hoeberichts and Eric Schaling
Page updated 2025-03-29