Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West
From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 11, month Nov., 1979
- Has the Federal Reserve Shifted from a Policy of Interest Rate Targets to a Policy of Monetary Aggregate Targets? pp. 381-404

- Edgar Feige and Robert McGee
- The Behavior of the Currency-Deposit Ratio during the Great Depression pp. 405-18

- James M Boughton and Elmus R Wicker
- Cross-National Money to Income Causality: U.S. Money to U.K. Income pp. 419-26

- J. Mixon, Leila J Pratt and Myles S Wallace
- Patterns of Monetary Policy in Latin America pp. 427-37

- Arturo Porzecanski
- Limit Pricing and the Banking Industry pp. 438-46

- Timothy Hannan
- Comparing Survey and Rational Measures of Expected Inflation: Forecast Performance and Interest Rate Effects pp. 447-56

- Douglas Pearce
- On the Random Walk Characteristics of Short- and Long-Term Interest Rates in an Efficient Market pp. 457-66

- James Pesando
- A Model of Exchange Rates and Capital Flows: The Canadian Floating Rate Experience pp. 467-82

- Richard D Haas and William E Alexander
- What Is Money? The Goldsmith Myth Revisited: A Note pp. 483-85

- Steven A Finkler
- Reserve Requirements and Control of the Money Supply: A Note pp. 486-93

- Lawrence F Sherman, Case M Sprenkle and Bryan E Stanhouse
- Federal Reserve Policy Strategy and Interest Rate Seasonality: A Note pp. 494-99

- Thomas A Lawler
- Bank Home Office Protection Laws and Intercity Branching in Statewide Branch Banking States: A Note pp. 500-505

- Donald T Savage
- Bankers' Balances, Demand Deposit Interest, and Agricultural Credit before the Banking Act of 1933: A Note pp. 506-14

- Brian C Gendreau
Volume 11, month Aug., 1979
- Monetary and Fiscal Policies in an Inflationary Economy: A Simulation Approach pp. 259-83

- Duc-Tho Nguyen and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Monetary Aggregate Targets and the Volatility of Interest Rates: A Taxonomic Discussion pp. 284-300

- Raymond Lombra and Frederick Struble
- Reserve Requirements: Are They Lagged in the Wrong Direction? pp. 301-10

- Robert D Laurent
- A Model of Balance-of-Payments Crises pp. 311-25

- Paul Krugman
- A New Look at Real Money Balances as a Variable in the Production Function pp. 326-39

- Eugenie Dudding Short
- Monetary Policy and the Balance of Payments in Mexico, 1955-75 pp. 340-48

- D Sykes Wilford and J Richard Zecher
- Customer Relationships and Terms of Loans: Evidence from a Pilot Survey: A Note pp. 349-57

- Donald D Hester
- The Relationship between Money, Income, and Prices: Has Money Mattered Historically? A Note pp. 358-65

- Arturo Brillembourg and Mohsin Khan
- Negotiated Municipal Bond Underwritings: Implications for Efficiency: A Note pp. 366-70

- Eric H Sorensen
Volume 11, month May, 1979
- Substitution and Expectation Effects on Long-Term Borrowing Behavior and Long-Term Interest Rates pp. 131-50

- Benjamin M Friedman
- The Term Structure of Interest Rates in the MIT-PENN-SSRC Model: Reality or Illusion? pp. 151-64

- Llad Phillips and John Pippenger
- Knut Wicksell and Gustav Cassel on Secular Movements in Prices pp. 165-81

- Lars Jonung
- Explicit and Implicit Demand Deposit Interest: Substitutes or Complements from the Bank's Point of View? pp. 182-91

- Douglas W Mitchell
- Welfare and Savings Effects of Indexation pp. 192-201

- Sudipto Bhattacharya
- Fiscal Constraints, Domestic Credit, and International Reserve Flows in the United Kingdom, 1952-71: A Note pp. 202-08

- M A Akhtar, Bluford H Putnam and D Sykes Wilford
- Bid-Ask Price Spreads in the Agency Bond Market: A Note pp. 209-13

- John S Bildersee
- An Empirical Investigation of Tax Discounting: A Comment pp. 214-18

- J Ernest Tanner
- When Is Inflation Not Inflation: A Note pp. 219-21

- Gordon Tullock
- The Profiles of Late-Paying Consumer Loan Borrowers: An Exploratory Study: A Note pp. 222-26

- James S Ang, Jess H Chua and Clinton H Bowling
- Branching Laws and Banking Offices: A Comment pp. 227-30

- Donald T Savage and David Burras Humphrey
- Liquidity Creation in the Euromarkets: A Comment pp. 231-34

- Bernd Heinevetter
- Monetary Policy, Inflation, and Devaluation: A Case Study of the Philippines: A Note pp. 235-42

- Anh Nga Nguyen
- A Possible Error in the Expectations Theory: A Note pp. 243-45

- Yakov Amihud
Volume 11, month Feb., 1979
- Indexation, Expectations, and Stability pp. 1-21

- Bulent Gultekin and Anthony M Santomero
- Money Supply Theory with Competitively Determined Deposit Rates and Activity Charges pp. 22-31

- Thomas R Saving
- Variation across Households in the Rate of Inflation pp. 32-46

- Robert T Michael
- A Short-Run Two-Sector Model with Immobile Capital pp. 47-67

- Gary Smith and William Starnes
- Monetary Equilibrium and Balance-of-Payments Adjustment: An Empirical Test of the U.S. Balance of Payments, 1951-73 pp. 68-79

- Giuseppe Tullio
- Do Money Supply Announcements Affect Short-Term Interest Rates? A Note pp. 80-86

- Bradford Cornell
- A Monetary Approach to International Capital Flows Applied to the United States: A Note pp. 87-90

- David C Luan and Norman C Miller
- Consumer Response to Restructured Financial Institutions: The Case of Maine: A Note pp. 91-98

- Neil B Murphy and Lewis Mandell
- Optimal Reserve Requirement Ratios against Bank Deposits for Short-Run Monetary Control: A Note pp. 99-105

- Daniel E Laufenberg
- The Efficacy of Selective Credit Policies: An Alternative Test: A Note pp. 106-10

- Michael J Hamburger and Burton Zwick
- Does the St. Louis Equation Even Believe in Itself? A Comment pp. 111-17

- John Vrooman
Volume 10, month Nov., 1978
- A Criticism of One Class of Macroeconomic Models with Rational Expectations pp. 411-17

- Ray Fair
- Price Level Adjustments and the Rational Expectations Approach to Macroeconomic Stabilization Policy pp. 418-36

- Bennett McCallum
- Inflation, Taxes, and the Public Debt pp. 437-52

- Alvin L Marty
- Exchange Rate Risk and the Optimal Diversification of Foreign Currency Holdings pp. 453-63

- Haim Levy and Marshall Sarnat
- Money and Capital or Financial Deepening in Economic Development? pp. 464-75

- Maxwell J Fry
- An Assessment of the Income Stabilization Impact of Monetary Policy in Twelve Industrialized Countries pp. 476-90

- Robert F Fix and Charles M Sivesind
- Bank Examination Data as Predictors of Bank Net Loan Losses pp. 491-504

- David R Graham and David Burras Humphrey
- A Primer on Inflation pp. 505-21

- Arnold C Harberger
- On the Fundamental Role of Transactions Costs in Monetary Theory: Two Illustrations from Casino Gambling: A Note pp. 522-28

- Lawrence S Ritter
- A Didactic Note on the Transactions Demand for Money and Behavior towards Risk: A Note pp. 529-38

- Willem Buiter and Clive A Armstrong
Volume 10, month Aug., 1978
- Anticipated Inflation and Interest Rates in an Open Economy pp. 275-89

- John Makin
- Price Expectations, Partial Adjustment and the Sectoral Demand for Money in Australia pp. 290-307

- Robert P Albon and Thomas J Valentine
- Determinants of Exchange Rate Practices pp. 308-21

- H Robert Heller
- The Role of Fiscal Policy in a Financially Disaggregated Macroeconomic Model pp. 322-36

- Darrel Cohen and J Stuart McMenamin
- The Impact of Relative Security Supplies: A Test with Data from a Regional Tax-Exempt Bond Market pp. 337-47

- Patric H Hendershott and David S Kidwell
- The Cyclical Behavior of Risk Spreads on New Municipal Issues pp. 348-62

- Earl Benson and Robert J Rogowski
- The Fisher Relationship under Different Monetary Standards: A Note pp. 363-70

- I B Ibrahim and Raburn M Williams
- A Solution to the Inverse Problem of Optimal Control: A Note pp. 371-77

- Yoshio Niho and John Makin
- The Impact of the GNMA Tandem Plans: A Comment pp. 378-84

- Robert Buckley
- The Impact of the GNMA Tandem Plans: A Reply pp. 385-87

- George von Furstenberg
Volume 10, month May, 1978
- Effects of Deposit Rate Ceilings: The Evidence from Massachusetts Savings Banks pp. 139-57

- Taggart, Robert A,
- Bank Capital and Public Regulation pp. 158-69

- Taggart, Robert A, and Stuart I Greenbaum
- Credit Rationing: Issues and Questions pp. 170-83

- Ernst Baltensperger
- Identifying "Problem" Banks: How Do the Banking Authorities Measure a Bank's Risk Exposure? pp. 184-93

- Sinkey, Joseph F,
- Evidence on the Decline of FHA pp. 194-205

- David L Kaserman
- Commodity-Supply Shock and Full-Employment Monetary Policy pp. 206-21

- Edmund Phelps
- The Structure of Production, the Composition of Final Demand, and the Determination of the Price Level and Employment pp. 222-38

- John Floyd and J Allan Hynes
- Monetary Policy and Bank Portfolio Composition: An Empirical Analysis of Their Impact on G NP pp. 239-51

- Tim S Campbell
- An Analysis of Monetary Aggregates pp. 252-66

- Richard J Rogalski and Joseph D Vinso
Volume 10, month Feb., 1978
- Macroeconomic Dynamics and Growth in a Monetary Economy: A Synthesis pp. 1-26

- Stephen J Turnovsky
- Repeal of Silver Monetization in the Late Nineteenth Century pp. 27-45

- Timberlake, Richard H,
- Money, Equity, Values, and Income: Tests for Exogeneity pp. 46-64

- Ciccolo, John H,
- The Efficiency and Profitability of Minority Controlled Savings and Loan Associations pp. 65-74

- William Bradford, Osborne, Alfred E, and Lewis J Spellman
- Mortgage Rationing and Residential Investment: Some Results from a Brainard-Tobin Model pp. 75-87

- Paul De Rosa
- Bank Portfolio Regulation and the Probability of Bank Failure: A Note pp. 88-93

- Roger D Blair and Arnold A Heggestad
- Direct Wealth Effects in Macroeconomic Models: The Saving vs. the Definitional Approach: A Note pp. 94-98

- Peter Kennedy
- Inflation and the Issue of Unidirectional Causality: A Note pp. 99-101

- Harold Black
- The Role of the Federal Funds Market: A Note pp. 102-04

- William R Bryan and Timothy J Gallagher
- A Reinterpretation of Velocity Trends in the United States, 1900-1920: A Comment pp. 105-11

- Robert F Stauffer
- Money and Money Substitutes: A Comment pp. 112-14

- James Brox
- Money and Money Substitutes: A Reply pp. 115-16

- John Moroney and Barry J Wilbratte
- A Monetary Approach to Afghanistan's Flexible Exchange Rate: A Comment pp. 117-18

- Bluford H Putnam and John J Van Belle