Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West
From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 25, month November, 1993
- Inflation and Its Unpredictability--Theory and Empirical Evidence pp. 709-20

- Meyer Ungar and Ben-Zion Zilberfarb
- Self-Fulfilling Expectations, Speculative Attack, and Capital Controls pp. 721-30

- Harris Dellas and Alan Stockman
- Real and Monetary Shocks and Risk Premia in Forward Markets for Foreign Exchange pp. 731-54

- John Dutton
- International Interest Rate Linkages in the Term Structure pp. 755-70

- David Johnson
- Interest Rate Linkages within the European Monetary System: Further Analysis pp. 771-79

- George M Katsimbris and Stephen Miller
- Supply Shocks and Net Exports: Some Evidence for Australia pp. 780-85

- John F Scoggins
- Inflation Expectations and the Structural Shift in Aggregate Labor-Cost Determination in the 1980s pp. 786-800

- David Neumark and Jonathan Leonard
- Resolving Differences over the Optimal Quantity of Money pp. 801-11

- Scott Freeman
- Small-Denomination Banknotes in Antebellum America pp. 812-27

- Howard Bodenhorn
- Regulatory Changes and Federal Mutual Thrift Behavior: Evidence from the 1980s pp. 828-53

- Sylvia C Hudgins and George Emir Morgan
- Inflation and Relative Price Variability: Parks' Study Reexamined pp. 854-61

- William A Bomberger and Gail E Makinen
Volume 25, month August, 1993
- Time-to-Build, Delivery Lags, and the Equilibrium Pricing of Capital Goods pp. 301-19

- Sumru Altug
- Currency Substitution under Nonexpected Utility: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 320-35

- Gil Bufman and Leonardo Leiderman
- Time-Varying Volatility and the Dynamic Behavior of the Term Structure pp. 336-49

- Robert Engle and Victor K Ng
- Cointegration and Cagan's Model of Hyperinflation under Rational Expectations pp. 350-60

- Tom Engsted
- Canadian Banking Solvency, 1922-1940 pp. 361-76

- Lawrence Kryzanowski and Gordon Roberts
- Income Velocity and Institutional Change: Some New Time Series Evidence, 1870-1986 pp. 377-92

- Pierre L Siklos
- Asymmetric Information, Repeated Lending, and Capital Structure pp. 393-409

- Robert Moore
- The Brady Plan, 1989 Mexican Debt-Reduction Agreement, and Bank Stock Returns in United States and Japan pp. 410-29

- Haluk Unal, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Kwok-Wai Leung
- Official Credits to Developing Countries: Implicit Transfers to the Banks pp. 430-44

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Harry Huizinga
- Frisch Demand Functions and Intertemporal Substitution in Consumption pp. 445-54

- H Youn Kim
- The Stability of the M2 Demand Function: Evidence from an Error-Correction Model pp. 455-60

- Yash P Mehra
- Inflation Uncertainty: A Conference Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland: Introduction pp. 469-74

- William Gavin
- Inflation Regimes and the pp. 475-511

- Martin Evans and Paul Wachtel
- Inflation Regimes and the pp. 512-14

- Allan Brunner
- Inflation Regimes and the Sources of Inflation Uncertainty: Comment pp. 514-20
- A Steven Holland
- Inflation Uncertainty, Relative Price Uncertainty, and Investment in U.S. Manufacturing pp. 521-49

- John Huizinga
- Inflation Uncertainty, Relative Price Uncertainty, and Investment in U.S. Manufacturing: Comment pp. 550-54

- Stephen Cecchetti
- Inflation Uncertainty, Relative Price Uncertainty, and Investment in U.S. Manufacturing: Comment pp. 554-57
- Jack Selody
- Search, Bargaining, Money and Prices: Recent Results and Policy Implications pp. 558-76

- Alberto Trejos and Randall Wright
- Search, Bargaining, Money and Prices: Recent Results and Policy Implications: Comment pp. 577-81

- David Marshall
- Search, Bargaining, Money and Prices: Recent Results and Policy Implications: Comment pp. 581-84

- Mariano Tommasi
- Contracting Costs, Inflation, and Relative Price Variability pp. 585-601

- Patricia Reagan and Rene M Stulz
- Contracting Costs, Inflation, and Relative Price Variability: Comment pp. 602-08

- P. Dean Corbae
- Contracting Costs, Inflation, and Relative Price Variability: Comment pp. 609-11

- Joseph G Haubrich
- The Welfare Gain from the Introduction of Indexed Bonds pp. 612-28

- Alan Viard
- The Welfare Gain from the Introduction of Indexed Bonds: Comment pp. 629-32

- Alan C Stockman
- The Welfare Gain from the Introduction of Indexed Bonds: Comment pp. 632-35

- David Wilcox
- An Equilibrium Model of Nominal Bond Prices with Inflation-Output Correlation and Stochastic Volatility pp. 636-65

- Jacob Boudoukh
- An Equilibrium Model of Nominal Bond Prices with Inflation-Output Correlation and Stochastic Volatility: Comment pp. 665-72
- Thomas Cooley
- An Equilibrium Model of Nominal Bond Prices with Inflation-Output Correlation and Stochastic Volatility: Comment pp. 673-80

- Pamela Labadie
- Long-Memory Inflation Uncertainty: Evidence from the Term Structure of Interest Rates pp. 681-700

- David Backus and Stanley Zin
- Long-Memory Inflation Uncertainty: Evidence from the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Comment pp. 701-08

- Jefferis, Richard H,
Volume 25, month May, 1993
- Central Bank Independence and Macroeconomic Performance: Some Comparative Evidence pp. 151-62

- Alberto Alesina and Lawrence H Summers
- Why Should Governments Issue Bonds? pp. 163-75

- David Romer
- Tax Timing and Liquidity Constraints: A Heterogenous-Agent Model pp. 176-96

- Betty Daniel
- The Effect of Borrowing Constraints on Consumer Liabilities pp. 197-213

- Donald Cox and Tullio Jappelli
- Inflation-Proof Currency? The Feasibility of Variable Commodity Standards pp. 214-21

- Norbert Schnadt and John Whittaker
- Freely Determined versus Regulated Prices: Implications for the Measured Link between Money and Inflation pp. 222-30

- Albert S Dexter, Maurice Levi and Barrie R Nault
- Estimating the Open Market Desk's Daily Reaction Function pp. 231-47

- Joshua N Feinman
- Is Money Really Exogenous? Testing for Weak Exogeneity in Swiss Money Demand pp. 248-58

- Andreas Fischer
- Real Interest Rates and Government Debt during Stabilization pp. 259-72

- Andreas Velasco
- Financial Deregulation and the Dynamics of Money, Prices, and Output in New Zealand and Australia pp. 273-92

- David Orden and Lance A Fisher
Volume 25, month February, 1993
- Some International Evidence on the Quantity Theory of Money pp. 1-12

- Nigel W Duck
- Privatizing the Mint pp. 13-29

- Scott Sumner
- The Impact of Uncertainty on Aggregate Investment Spending: An Empirical Analysis pp. 30-48

- J. Ferderer
- A Test of Competition in Canadian Banking pp. 49-61

- Sherrill Shaffer
- Wage Contracting in the Macroeconomy pp. 62-78

- Donald Dutkowsky and H Sonmez Atesoglu
- Optimal Seigniorage, the Gold Standard, and Central Bank Financing pp. 79-95

- Brian L Goff and Mark Toma
- The Exchange Rate and U.S. Wage Process: An Intensive Empirical Investigation pp. 96-108

- Daniel Himarios
- Currency Substitution and Financial Innovation pp. 109-24

- Pablo Guidotti
- Interest-Bearing Currency: Evidence from the Civil War Experience: A Note pp. 125-31

- James A Gherity
- The Information Content of Discount Rate Announcements Revisited: A Note pp. 132-37

- John Wagster