Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West
From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 42, month 12, 2010
- Investment Adjustment Costs: An Empirical Assessment pp. 1469-1494
- Charlotta Groth and Hashmat Khan
- Macroeconomic Implications of “Deep Habits” in Banking pp. 1495-1521
- ALIAGA-DÍAZ Roger and Maria Olivero
- On the International Dimension of Fiscal Policy pp. 1523-1542
- Gianluca Benigno and Bianca De Paoli
- A Tale of Two Rigidities: Sticky Prices in a Sticky-Information Environment pp. 1543-1564
- Edward Knotek
- Free Bank Failures: Risky Bonds versus Undiversified Portfolios pp. 1565-1587
- Matthew Jaremski
- Do Markets Care about Central Bank Governor Changes? Evidence from Emerging Markets pp. 1589-1612
- Christoph Moser and Axel Dreher
- An Unobserved Components Model of the Yield Curve pp. 1613-1640
- Richard Startz and Kwok Ping Tsang
- Combining Judgment and Models pp. 1641-1662
- Francesca Monti
- Sectoral Money Demand and the Great Disinflation in the United States pp. 1663-1678
- Alessandro Calza and Andrea Zaghini
- Inflation Targeting Does Not Matter: Another Look at OECD Sacrifice Ratios pp. 1679-1688
- Ricardo Brito
- Daytime Is Money pp. 1689-1702
- Sébastien Kraenzlin and Thomas Nellen
- The Cost Channel Reconsidered: A Comment Using an Identification-Robust Approach pp. 1703-1712
- Vasco Gabriel and Luis Martins
Volume 42, month 10, 2010
- Restaurant Prices and the Minimum Wage pp. 1199-1234
- Denis Fougere, Erwan Gautier and Hervé Le Bihan
- Monetary Shocks in a Model with Skill Loss pp. 1235-1265
- Julen Esteban-Pretel and Elisa Faraglia
- Moody's and S&P Ratings: Are They Equivalent? Conservative Ratings and Split Rated Bond Yields pp. 1267-1293
- Miles Livingston, Jie (diana) Wei and Lei Zhou
- Risk Shifting through Nonfinancial Contracts: Effects on Loan Spreads and Capital Structure of Project Finance Deals pp. 1295-1320
- Francesco Corielli, Stefano Gatti and Alessandro Steffanoni
- Bank Branch Presence and Access to Credit in Low- to Moderate-Income Neighborhoods pp. 1321-1349
- Ozgur Ergungor
- The Community Reinvestment Act and Targeted Mortgage Lending pp. 1351-1372
- Drew Dahl, Douglas Evanoff and Michael F. Spivey
- The Debt-Payment-to-Income Ratio as an Indicator of Borrowing Constraints: Evidence from Two Household Surveys pp. 1373-1390
- Kathleen W. Johnson and Geng Li
- The High-Frequency Response of the EUR-USD Exchange Rate to ECB Communication pp. 1391-1417
- Christian Conrad and Michael Lamla
- Time Variation in the Inflation Passthrough of Energy Prices pp. 1419-1433
- Todd Clark and Stephen Terry
- The Role of Real Wage Rigidity and Labor Market Frictions for Inflation Persistence pp. 1435-1446
- Kai Christoffel and Tobias Linzert
- Three-Regime Asymmetric STAR Modeling and Exchange Rate Reversion pp. 1447-1467
- Mario Cerrato, Hyunsok Kim and Ronald MacDonald
Volume 42, month 09, 2010
- Credit Spreads and Monetary Policy pp. 3-35
- Vasco Cúrdia and Michael Woodford
- Optimal Monetary Policy in a Model with Agency Costs pp. 37-70
- Charles Carlstrom, Timothy Fuerst and Matthias Paustian
- Leverage Constraints and the International Transmission of Shocks pp. 71-105
- Michael Devereux and James Yetman
- Credit and Banking in a DSGE Model of the Euro Area pp. 107-141
- Andrea Gerali, Stefano Neri, Luca Sessa and Federico M. Signoretti
- Inflation Expectations and Risk Premiums in an Arbitrage-Free Model of Nominal and Real Bond Yields pp. 143-178
- Jens Christensen, Jose Lopez and Glenn Rudebusch
- International Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy Shocks: Evidence from Stock Prices pp. 179-198
- John Ammer, Clara Vega and Jon Wongswan
- Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy pp. 199-215
- Olivier Blanchard, Giovanni Dell'ariccia and Paolo Mauro
- Macroeconomics in the Wake of the Financial Crisis pp. 217-219
- Mark Gertler
- The Impact of Liquidity, Securitization, and Banks on the Real Economy pp. 221-228
- Eric Rosengren
- Monetary Policy and Financial Markets at the Effective Lower Bound pp. 229-242
- Lars E.O. Svensson
- Closing Panel Presentation pp. 243-248
- Janet Yellen
- Infrastructure Finance and Industrial Takeoff in England pp. 985-1010
- Alex Trew
- The Demise of the Mutual Organizational Form: An Investigation of the Life Insurance Industry pp. 1011-1036
- Otgontsetseg Erhemjamts and J. Tyler Leverty
- The Structure of Multiple Credit Relationships: Evidence from U.S. Firms pp. 1037-1071
- Luigi Guiso and Raoul Minetti
- Capital Market Regimes and Bank Structure in Europe pp. 1073-1092
- Ronald E. Shrieves, Drew Dahl and Michael F. Spivey
- Optimal Continuation versus the Timeless Perspective in Monetary Policy pp. 1093-1107
- Christian Jensen and Bennett McCallum
- Exchange Rate Crises and Fiscal Solvency pp. 1109-1135
- Betty Daniel
- Oil Price Uncertainty pp. 1137-1159
- John Elder and Apostolos Serletis
- Inflation Dynamics: The Role of Expectations pp. 1161-1172
- Ricardo Nunes
- Money Supply and Capital Accumulation on the Transition Path Revisited pp. 1173-1184
- Rubens Cysne and David Turchick
- Are Financial Constraints Priced? Evidence from Firm Fundamentals and Stock Returns pp. 1185-1198
- Murillo Campello and Long Chen
Volume 42, month 08, 2010
- Reconsidering the Relationship between Inflation and Relative Price Variability pp. 769-798
- Chi-Young Choi
- Imperfectly Credible Disinflation under Endogenous Time-Dependent Pricing pp. 799-831
- Marco Bonomo and Carlos Carvalho
- Monetary Policy and the Lost Decade: Lessons from Japan pp. 833-857
- Daniel Leigh
- The Output Effect of a Transition to Price Stability When Velocity Is Time Varying pp. 859-878
- Lynne Evans and Anamaria Nicolae
- Capital Constraints, Asymmetric Information, and Internal Capital Markets in Banking: New Evidence pp. 879-906
- Dmytro Holod and Joe Peek
- Financial Contracting and the Choice between Private Placement and Publicly Offered Bonds pp. 907-929
- Simon Kwan and Willard T. Carleton
- The Taylor Rule and "Opportunistic" Monetary Policy pp. 931-949
- Helle Bunzel and Walter Enders
- A New Data Set on Monetary Policy: The Economic Forecasts of Individual Members of the FOMC pp. 951-957
- David Romer
- Measuring a Dynamic Price Index Using Consumption Data pp. 959-964
- Shuhei Aoki and Minoru Kitahara
- Institutions and Bank Behavior: Legal Environment, Legal Perception, and the Composition of Bank Lending pp. 965-984
- Rainer Haselmann and Paul Wachtel
Volume 42, month 06, 2010
- Oil Currency and the Dollar Standard: A Simple Analytical Model of an International Trade Currency pp. 521-550
- Michael Devereux, Kang Shi and Juanyi Xu
- The Federal Home Loan Bank System: The Lender of Next-to-Last Resort? pp. 551-583
- Adam Ashcraft, Morten Bech and W Frame
- Depositor Behavior under Macroeconomic Risk: Evidence from Bank Runs in Emerging Economies pp. 585-614
- Eduardo Levy-Yeyati, Marõa Soledad Martõnez Perõa and Sergio Schmukler
- Cross-Border Bank M&As and Risk: Evidence from the Bond Market pp. 615-645
- Sungho Choi, Bill B. Francis and Iftekhar Hasan
- A Political Agency Theory of Central Bank Independence pp. 647-677
- Gauti Eggertsson and Eric Le Borgne
- The Empirics of International Monetary Transmission: Identification and the Impossible Trinity pp. 679-713
- John Bluedorn and Christopher Bowdler
- Portfolio Inertia and Stock Market Fluctuations pp. 715-742
- Yannis Bilias, Dimitris Georgarakos and Michael Haliassos
- The Importance of Adverse Selection in the Credit Card Market: Evidence from Randomized Trials of Credit Card Solicitations pp. 743-754
- Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet and Chunlin Liu
- Bank Debt versus Bond Debt: Evidence from Secondary Market Prices pp. 755-767
- Edward Altman, Amar Gande and Anthony Saunders
Volume 42, month 03, 2010
- Capitalizing on Partisan Politics? The Political Economy of Sector-Specific Redistribution in Germany pp. 203-235
- Michael M. Bechtel and Roland F‹ss
- From Drafts to Checks: The Evolution of Correspondent Banking Networks and the Formation of the Modern U.S. Payments System, 1850-1914 pp. 237-265
- John James and David F. Weiman
- Openness and Inflation pp. 267-287
- Dudley Cooke
- Disinflation Shocks in the Eurozone: A DSGE Perspective pp. 289-323
- Patrick F»ve, Julien Matheron and Jean-Guillaume Sahuc
- Inflation and Stock Prices: No Illusion pp. 325-345
- Chao Wei
- Do Markets Care Who Chairs the Central Bank? pp. 347-371
- Kenneth Kuttner and Adam Posen
- Central Bank Communication and the Liquidity Trap pp. 373-397
- Stefano Eusepi
- The Determinants of Future U.S. Monetary Policy: High-Frequency Evidence pp. 399-420
- Nick Taylor
- Alternatives for Distressed Banks during the Great Depression pp. 421-441
- Mark Carlson
- Debt Maturity Choice of Nonpublic Italian Firms pp. 443-463
- Silvia Magri
- Identification-Robust Minimum Distance Estimation of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve pp. 465-481
- Leandro Magnusson and Sophocles Mavroeidis
- Monetary Misperceptions, Output, and Inflation Dynamics pp. 483-502
- Fabrice Collard and Harris Dellas
- Seigniorage-Maximizing Inflation under Sticky Prices pp. 503-519
- Tatiana Damjanovic and Charles Nolan
Volume 42, month 02, 2010
- Monetary Policy Trade-Offs with a Dominant Oil Producer pp. 1-32
- Anton Nakov and Andrea Pescatori
- New Keynesian Macroeconomics and the Term Structure pp. 33-62
- Geert Bekaert, Seonghoon Cho and Antonio Moreno
- Simple Monetary Rules under Fiscal Dominance pp. 63-92
- Michael Kumhof, Ricardo Nunes and Irina Yakadina
- Time Patience and Specialization Patterns in the Presence of Asset Trade pp. 93-112
- Yoshiyasu Ono and Akihisa Shibata
- Does Inflation Targeting Affect the Dispersion of Inflation Expectations? pp. 113-134
- Carlos Capistr¡n and Manuel Ramos-Francia
- Inflation Dynamics in the U.S.: Global but Not Local Mean Reversion pp. 135-150
- Bob Nobay, Ivan Paya and David Peel
- Can We Explain Inflation Persistence in a Way that Is Consistent with the Microevidence on Nominal Rigidity? pp. 151-170
- Huw Dixon and Engin Kara
- Macroeconomic Shocks and Banks' Foreign Assets pp. 171-188
- Claudia Buch, Kai Carstensen and Andrea Schertler
- Does Wealth Imply Secularization and Longevity? pp. 189-202
- Zsolt Becsi