Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
1969 - 2013
Continued by Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Current editor(s): Robert deYoung, Paul Evans, Pok-Sang Lam and Kenneth D. West
From Blackwell Publishing
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Volume 17, month Nov., 1985
- Commodity Prices, Money Surprises and Fed Credibility pp. 425-38

- Jeffrey Frankel and Gikas A Hardouvelis
- An Alternative Approach to the American Demand for Money pp. 439-55

- Andrew Rose
- Some Evidence on the International Transmission of U.S. Money Supply Announcement Effects pp. 456-66

- Steven Husted and John Kitchen
- The Choice of an Exchange Rate System and Macroeconomic Stability pp. 467-78

- Michael Melvin
- Government Debt and Inflationary Expectations as Determinants of the Money Supply in Germany, 1919-23 pp. 479-92

- Steven B Webb
- The Effects of the International Banking Act on Domestic Bank Profitability and Risk pp. 493-506

- Joseph Aharony, Anthony Saunders and Itzhak Swary
- The Impact of News on Financial Markets in the United Kingdom: A Note pp. 507-11

- Charles A E Goodhart and Richard G Smith
- An Evaluation of M1 Forecasting Errors by the Federal Reserve Staff in the 1970s: A Note pp. 512-16

- Nicholas Karamouzis
- The Bid-Ask Spread in the Black Market for Dollars in Brazil: A Note pp. 517-20

- Rüdiger Dornbusch and Clarice Pechman
- The Relevance of Margin Regulations: A Note pp. 521-27

- Michael A Goldberg
- Explicit Interest and Demand Deposit Service Charges: A Note pp. 528-33

- Randall C Merris
- Models of Inflation Expectations Formation: A Comment pp. 534-38

- James M Hvidding
- Monetary Policy in a Changing Financial Environment: Introduction pp. 565-69

- Phillip Cagan and William G Dewald
- On Consequences and Criticisms of Monetary Targeting pp. 570-97

- Bennett McCallum
- On Consequences and Criticisms of Monetary Targeting: Comment pp. 598-602

- Stephen H Axilrod
- On Consequences and Criticisms of Monetary Targeting: Comment pp. 602-05

- William Poole
- On Consequences and Criticisms of Monetary Targeting, or Monetary Targeting: Dead at Last? Comment pp. 605-09

- James Tobin
- Money Demand Predictability pp. 611-41

- V Vance Roley
- Money Demand Predictability: Comment pp. 642-46

- R W Hafer
- Money Demand Predictability: Comment pp. 647-53

- David Laidler
- Federal Deficits, Interest Rates, and Monetary Policy pp. 655-81

- Gerald Dwyer
- Federal Deficits, Interest Rates, and Monetary Policy: Comment pp. 682-85

- Robert Barro
- Federal Deficits, Interest Rates, and Monetary Policy: Comment pp. 685-89

- Alan Blinder
- Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy pp. 691-717

- Merrick, John J, and Anthony Saunders
- Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy: Comment pp. 718-21

- Samuel Chase
- Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy: Comment pp. 722-24

- David H Pyle
Volume 17, month August, 1985
- Monetary Innovations and Interest Rates pp. 289-97

- Lance Girton and Dayle Nattress
- Bank Market Structure and Monetary Control pp. 298-311

- David VanHoose
- Exchange Rate Dynamics, Sticky Prices and the Current Account pp. 312-27

- Charles Engel and Robert Flood
- The Impact of News and Alternative Theories of Exchange Rate Determination pp. 328-46

- Dennis L Hoffman and Don E Schlagenhauf
- Portfolio Theory and Currency Substitution pp. 347-57

- Lee R Thomas
- Selective Credit Policies and the Mortgage Market: Cross-sectional Evidence pp. 358-70

- Robert Buckley and David J Gross
- Fisher, Thornton, and the Analysis of the Inflation Premium: A Note pp. 370-77
- William Beranek, Thomas M Humphrey and Timberlake, Richard H,
- Real Balances in an Ad Hoc Keynesian Model and Policy Ineffectiveness: A Note pp. 378-86

- Dennis Jansen
- The Role of Rediscount Quotas: A Note pp. 387-90

- John Thornton
- The Term Structure of Interest Rates in Money Demand: A Reevaluation: A Note pp. 391-96

- Hae-shin Hwang
- The Effects of Government Expenditure on the Term Structure of Interest Rates: A Comment pp. 397-400

- Simon Clark
Volume 17, month May, 1985
- Credit Markets and the Control of Capital pp. 133-52

- Joseph Stiglitz
- Employment and Output Effects of Observed and Unobserved Monetary Growth pp. 153-63

- John F Boschen
- Lag-Length Selection and Tests of Granger Causality between Money and Income pp. 164-78

- Daniel Thornton and Dallas S Batten
- The Relationship between the Inflation Rate, Its Variability, and Output Growth Variability: Disaggregated International Evidence pp. 179-88

- George M Katsimbris
- Bank Profitability, Interest Rates, and Monetary Policy pp. 189-202

- Diana Hancock
- Regulatory Monetary Policy and Uncontrolled Financial Intermediaries pp. 203-19

- Lars Horngren
- On the Welfare Cost of Permanent Inflation pp. 220-31

- Toshihiro Ihori
- The Measurement and Significance of the Cyclically Adjusted Federal Budget and Debt pp. 232-42

- Frank de Leeuw and Thomas M Holloway
- The Extent of Equity Investment by European Banks: A Note pp. 243-52

- Herwig Langohr and Anthony M Santomero
- A Stochastic Model of the Competitive Banking Firm with Lagged and Contemporaneous Reserve Accounting pp. 253-57

- Imre Karafiath
- Exchange Market Pressure in Korea: An Application of the Girton-Roper Monetary Model pp. 258-63

- Inchul Kim
- The Response of Short-term Interest Rates to Weekly Money Announcements: A Comment pp. 264-71

- Scott E Hein
- Reply [The Response of Short-term Interest Rates to Weekly Money Announcements: A Note] pp. 271-73

- V Vance Roley
Volume 17, month February, 1985
- Supply Shocks, Wage Stickiness, and Accommodation pp. 1-15

- Stanley Fischer
- Does Anticipated Monetary Policy Matter? Another Look pp. 16-27

- Robert T McGee and Richard T Stasiak
- An Empirical Analysis of the Markets for Goods, Money, and Credit pp. 28-42

- James S Fackler
- An Econometric Model of Canadian Monetary Policy over the 1970s pp. 43-58

- Allan Gregory and Jacques Raynauld
- Money, the Rate of Devaluation, and Interest Rates in a Semiopen Economy: Colombia, 1968-82 pp. 59-68

- Sebastian Edwards
- Evidence on the (Non) Relationship between Concentration and Profitability in Banking pp. 69-83

- Michael Smirlock
- Asymmetric Valuations and the Role of Collateral in Loan Agreements pp. 84-95

- Yuk-Shee Chan and George Kanatas
- Scale Economies in Banking: A Methodological Note pp. 96-102

- Moshe Kim
- The Interrelationship of Monetary Policies under Floating Exchange Rates: A Note pp. 103-10

- Dallas S Batten and Mack Ott
- Multiple Perfect Foresight Equilibriums and Convergence of Learning Processes pp. 111-17

- Nils Gottfries