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Research Policy

1971 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray

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Volume 36, issue 10, 2007

A tale of two literatures: Transaction costs and property rights in innovation outsourcing pp. 1483-1495 Downloads
Nishaal Gooroochurn and Aoife Hanley
Strategic repositioning by means of alliance networks: The case of IBM pp. 1496-1511 Downloads
Koen Dittrich, Geert Duysters and Ard-Pieter de Man
Public research institutions and economic catch-up pp. 1512-1528 Downloads
Roberto Mazzoleni and Richard Nelson
Determinants of successful R&D cooperation in Japanese small businesses: The impact of organizational and contractual characteristics pp. 1529-1544 Downloads
Hiroyuki Okamuro
Innovation activities, use of appropriation instruments and absorptive capacity: Evidence from Spanish firms pp. 1545-1558 Downloads
Anna Arbussa and Germà Coenders
A systems-based approach to industry classification pp. 1559-1574 Downloads
Margaret Dalziel
From planning to mature: On the success of open source projects pp. 1575-1586 Downloads
Stefano Comino, Fabio Manenti and Maria Laura Parisi
On the relationship between environmental management, environmental innovation and patenting: Evidence from German manufacturing firms pp. 1587-1602 Downloads
Marcus Wagner
Making knowledge visible: Using expert yellow pages to map capabilities in professional services firms pp. 1603-1619 Downloads
Paola Criscuolo, Ammon Salter and Tony Sheehan
Coordination costs and project outcomes in multi-university collaborations pp. 1620-1634 Downloads
Jonathon N. Cummings and Sara Kiesler
Biosecurity, bioterrorism and the governance of science: The increasing convergence of science and security policy pp. 1635-1654 Downloads
Caitriona McLeish and Paul Nightingale
A regional comparison of enterprise patent holdings: A study of British and Irish data pp. 1655-1665 Downloads
Lynn Mainwaring, Nigel J. Moore and Philip D. Murphy
Davide Castellani and Antonello Zanfei, Multinational Firms, Innovation and Productivity, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA (2006) ISBN 1-84542-198-1 249 pp., [pound sign]59.95 hardback, [pound sign]25.00 paperback pp. 1666-1667 Downloads
Simona Iammarino
The simple economics of Richard Nelson: A review essay pp. 1668-1672 Downloads
Joel Mokyr

Volume 36, issue 9, 2007

University-industry linkages in the UK: What are the factors underlying the variety of interactions with industry? pp. 1295-1313 Downloads
P. D'Este and Parimal Patel
A bridge over troubled waters: Bridging organisations and entrepreneurial opportunities in emerging sectors pp. 1314-1334 Downloads
Jonathan Sapsed, Andrew Grantham and Robert DeFillippi
Upgrading the technological capabilities of foreign transnational subsidiaries in developing countries: The case of electronics in Thailand pp. 1335-1356 Downloads
Michael Hobday and Howard Rush
Innovation and R&D spillover effects in Spanish regions: A spatial approach pp. 1357-1371 Downloads
Bernardi Cabrer-Borras and Guadalupe Serrano-Domingo
Reducing the demand uncertainties at the fuzzy-front-end of developing new online services pp. 1372-1387 Downloads
Muammer Ozer
Science, accounting and statistics: The input-output framework pp. 1388-1403 Downloads
Benoit Godin
Measuring patent assessment quality--Analyzing the degree and kind of (in)consistency in patent offices' decision making pp. 1404-1430 Downloads
Paul F. Burke and Markus Reitzig
Construction of a Japanese Patent Database and a first look at Japanese patenting activities pp. 1431-1442 Downloads
Akira Goto and Kazuyuki Motohashi
R&D spillovers from subsidized firms that fail: Tracing knowledge by following employees across firms pp. 1443-1464 Downloads
Jarle Møen
Industrial R&D as a national policy: Horizontal technology policies and industry-state co-evolution in the growth of the Israeli software industry pp. 1465-1482 Downloads
Dan Breznitz

Volume 36, issue 8, 2007

Inventors and invention processes in Europe: Results from the PatVal-EU survey pp. 1105-1106 Downloads
Paola Giuri and Myriam Mariani
Inventors and invention processes in Europe: Results from the PatVal-EU survey pp. 1107-1127 Downloads
Paola Giuri, Myriam Mariani, Stefano Brusoni, Gustavo Crespi, Dominique Francoz, Alfonso Gambardella, Walter Garcia-Fontes, Aldo Geuna, Raul Gonzales, Dietmar Harhoff, Karin Hoisl, Christian Le Bas, Alessandra Luzzi, Laura Magazzini, Lionel Nesta, Onder Nomaler, Neus Palomeras, Pari Patel, Marzia Romanelli and Bart Verspagen
"Stacking" and "picking" inventions: The patenting behavior of European inventors pp. 1128-1142 Downloads
Myriam Mariani and Marzia Romanelli
Institutionalized incentives for ingenuity--Patent value and the German Employees' Inventions Act pp. 1143-1162 Downloads
Dietmar Harhoff and Karin Hoisl
The market for patents in Europe pp. 1163-1183 Downloads
Alfonso Gambardella, Paola Giuri and Alessandra Luzzi
Where excludability matters: Material versus intellectual property in academic biomedical research pp. 1184-1203 Downloads
John P. Walsh, Wesley M. Cohen and Charlene Cho
Investigating the interaction and mutual dependence between science and technology pp. 1204-1220 Downloads
Catari Vilela Chaves and Sueli Moro
What exactly are technological regimes?: Intra-industry heterogeneity in the organization of innovation activities pp. 1221-1238 Downloads
Aija Leiponen and Ina Drejer
A view from the coal face: UK research student perceptions of successful and unsuccessful collaborative projects pp. 1239-1250 Downloads
Juliette Butcher and Paul Jeffrey
China's innovation system reform and growing industry and science linkages pp. 1251-1260 Downloads
Kazuyuki Motohashi and Xiao Yun
New institutional policies for university-industry links in Japan pp. 1261-1274 Downloads
Lee Woolgar
What factors determine the mode of overseas R&D by multinationals? Empirical evidence pp. 1275-1287 Downloads
Banri Ito and Ryuhei Wakasugi

Volume 36, issue 7, 2007

Keeping plagiarism at bay--A salutary tale pp. 905-911 Downloads
Ben Martin
Retraction notice to `Estimating demand for SDI-related spin-off technologies' [Res. Policy 22 (1) (1993) 73-80] pp. 912-911 Downloads
Hans W. Gottinger
Profit distribution and compensation structures in publicly and privately funded hybrid venture capital funds pp. 913-929 Downloads
Mikko Jaaskelainen, Markku Maula and Gordon Murray
Fishing upstream: Firm innovation strategy and university research alliances pp. 930-948 Downloads
Janet E.L. Bercovitz and Maryann P. Feldman
Public procurement and innovation--Resurrecting the demand side pp. 949-963 Downloads
Jakob Edler and Luke Georghiou
The impact of R&D spillovers on UK manufacturing TFP: A dynamic panel approach pp. 964-979 Downloads
Dolores Anon Higon
On the value of project safeguards: Embedding real options in complex products and systems pp. 980-999 Downloads
Nuno Gil
Double-boom cycles and the comeback of science-push and market-pull pp. 1000-1015 Downloads
Ulrich Schmoch
Optimal cognitive distance and absorptive capacity pp. 1016-1034 Downloads
Bart Nooteboom, Wim Van Haverbeke, Geert Duysters, Victor Gilsing and Ad van den Oord
The determinants of research output and impact: A study of Mexican researchers pp. 1035-1051 Downloads
Claudia Gonzalez-Brambila and Francisco M. Veloso
Commercialization of patents and external financing during the R&D phase pp. 1052-1069 Downloads
Roger Svensson
Co-evolution of physical and social technologies in clinical practice: The case of HIV treatments pp. 1070-1087 Downloads
Monica Merito and Andrea Bonaccorsi
Techno therapy or nurtured niches? Technology studies and the evaluation of radical innovations pp. 1088-1099 Downloads
Anique Hommels, Peter Peters and Wiebe E. Bijker
Comment on `Techno therapy or nurtured niches?' by Hommels et al. [Res. Policy 36 (7) (2007)] pp. 1100-1101 Downloads
Frank W. Geels and Johan Schot
Reply to Geels and Schot pp. 1102-1103 Downloads
Anique Hommels, Peter Peters and Wiebe E. Bijker

Volume 36, issue 6, 2007

Understanding the emergence and deployment of "nano" S&T pp. 807-812 Downloads
Barry Bozeman, Philippe Laredo and Vincent Mangematin
Institutional complementarity and inventive performance in nano science and technology pp. 813-831 Downloads
Andrea Bonaccorsi and Grid Thoma
The nanotech versus the biotech revolution: Sources of productivity in incumbent firm research pp. 832-849 Downloads
Frank Rothaermel and Marie Thursby
Minerva unbound: Knowledge stocks, knowledge flows and new knowledge production pp. 850-863 Downloads
Lynne Zucker, Michael Darby, Jonathan Furner, Robert C. Liu and Hongyan Ma
Diversification and hybridization in firm knowledge bases in nanotechnologies pp. 864-870 Downloads
Eric Avenel, A.V. Favier, S. Ma, Vincent Mangematin and C. Rieu
Technological agglomeration and the emergence of clusters and networks in nanotechnology pp. 871-879 Downloads
Douglas K.R. Robinson, Arie Rip and Vincent Mangematin
China's emerging presence in nanoscience and nanotechnology: A comparative bibliometric study of several nanoscience `giants' pp. 880-886 Downloads
Jiancheng Guan and Nan Ma
The small size of the small scale market: The early-stage labor market for highly skilled nanotechnology workers pp. 887-892 Downloads
Paula Stephan, Grant Black and Tanwin Chang
Data search strategy for science and technology emergence: A scalable and evolutionary query for nanotechnology tracking pp. 893-903 Downloads
Andrei Mogoutov and Bernard Kahane

Volume 36, issue 5, 2007

The short-run price-performance dynamics of microcomputer technologies pp. 591-604 Downloads
James Westland and Eric Wing Kuen See-To
Internet entrepreneurship: Social capital, human capital, and performance of Internet ventures in China pp. 605-618 Downloads
Bat Batjargal
Tracing mobile inventors--The causality between inventor mobility and inventor productivity pp. 619-636 Downloads
Karin Hoisl
Public provision of sales contingent claims backed finance to SMEs: A policy alternative pp. 637-651 Downloads
Kim Kaivanto and Paul Stoneman
The endogenous relationship between innovation and diversification, and the impact of technological resources on the form of diversification pp. 652-664 Downloads
Antonio Rodriguez-Duarte, Francesco Sandulli, Beatriz Minguela-Rata and Jose Ignacio Lopez-Sanchez
Measuring the effects of public support schemes on firms' innovation activities: Survey evidence from Austria pp. 665-679 Downloads
Rahel Falk
Forms of knowledge and modes of innovation pp. 680-693 Downloads
Morten Jensen, Bjorn Johnson, Edward Lorenz and Bengt-Åke Lundvall
Impacts of grants and contracts on academic researchers' interactions with industry pp. 694-707 Downloads
Barry Bozeman and Monica Gaughan
New wine in old bottles: Technological diffusion in developed economies pp. 708-721 Downloads
Paul Robertson and Parimal Patel
Experienced entrepreneurial founders, organizational capital, and venture capital funding pp. 722-741 Downloads
David H. Hsu
Market-level information and the diffusion of competing technologies: An exploratory analysis of the LAN industry pp. 742-757 Downloads
Vasilis Theoharakis, Demetrios Vakratsas and Veronica Wong
Effects of R&D and networking on the export decision of Japanese firms pp. 758-767 Downloads
Eiichi Tomiura
Entrepreneurs from technology-based universities: Evidence from MIT pp. 768-788 Downloads
David H. Hsu, Edward B. Roberts and Charles E. Eesley
Mapping evolutionary trajectories: Applications to the growth and transformation of medical knowledge pp. 789-806 Downloads
Andrea Mina, Ronald Ramlogan, Gindo Tampubolon and John Metcalfe

Volume 36, issue 4, 2007

Biotechnology: Its origins, organization, and outputs pp. 433-437 Downloads
Mark Ebers and Walter W. Powell
How do technology clusters emerge and become sustainable?: Social network formation and inter-firm mobility within the San Diego biotechnology cluster pp. 438-455 Downloads
Steven Casper
From divergent meanings to common practices: The early institutionalization of technology transfer in the life sciences at Stanford University pp. 456-476 Downloads
Jeannette A. Colyvas
Vertical alliance networks: The case of university-biotechnology-pharmaceutical alliance chains pp. 477-498 Downloads
Toby E. Stuart, Salih Zeki Ozdemir and Waverly W. Ding
Where do alliances come from?: The effects of upper echelons on alliance formation pp. 499-514 Downloads
Jerry W. Kim and Monica C. Higgins
Technological knowledge base, R&D organization structure and alliance formation: Evidence from the biopharmaceutical industry pp. 515-528 Downloads
Jing Zhang, Charles Baden-Fuller and Vincent Mangematin
Modes of organizing biomedical innovation in the UK and US and the role of integrative and relational capabilities pp. 529-547 Downloads
Jacky Swan, Anna Goussevskaia, Sue Newell, Maxine Robertson, Mike Bresnen and Ademola Obembe
Shareholder returns and the exploration-exploitation dilemma: R&D announcements by biotechnology firms pp. 548-565 Downloads
Peter Mc Namara and Charles Baden-Fuller
The myth of the biotech revolution: An assessment of technological, clinical and organisational change pp. 566-589 Downloads
Michael M. Hopkins, Paul A. Martin, Paul Nightingale, Alison Kraft and Surya Mahdi

Volume 36, issue 3, 2007

If star scientists do not patent: The effect of productivity, basicness and impact on the decision to patent in the academic world pp. 303-319 Downloads
Mario Calderini, Chiara Franzoni and Andrea Vezzulli
Inheriting knowledge and sustaining relationships: What stimulates the innovative performance of small software firms in the Netherlands? pp. 320-335 Downloads
Anet Weterings and Sierdjan Koster
Orphan drugs: Unmet societal need for non-profitable privately supplied new products pp. 336-354 Downloads
Ellen H.M. Moors and Jan Faber
Innovation performance and channels for international technology spillovers: Evidence from Chinese high-tech industries pp. 355-366 Downloads
Xiaohui Liu and Trevor Buck
Complementarities in organizational design and the diffusion of information technologies: An empirical analysis pp. 367-386 Downloads
Rachel Bocquet, Olivier Brossard and Mareva Sabatier
Patent indicators for the technology life cycle development pp. 387-398 Downloads
Reinhard Haupt, Martin Kloyer and Marcus Lange
Typology of sociotechnical transition pathways pp. 399-417 Downloads
Frank W. Geels and Johan Schot
Schumpeterian patterns of innovative activity in the ICT field pp. 418-432 Downloads
Nicoletta Corrocher, Franco Malerba and Fabio Montobbio

Volume 36, issue 2, 2007

Open source software development--Just another case of collective invention? pp. 157-171 Downloads
Margit Osterloh and Sandra Rota
Knowledge, learning and small firm growth: A systematic review of the evidence pp. 172-192 Downloads
Allan Macpherson and Robin Holt
Patents, venture capital, and software start-ups pp. 193-208 Downloads
Ronald J. Mann and Thomas W. Sager
Creating competition?: Globalisation and the emergence of new technology producers pp. 209-226 Downloads
Suma Athreye and John Cantwell
Regional economic integration and R&D investment pp. 227-246 Downloads
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra and C. Annique Un
Social learning by doing in sustainable transport innovations: Ex-post analysis of common factors behind successes and failures pp. 247-259 Downloads
Jeroen van den Bergh, Eveline van Leeuwen, F.H. Oosterhuis, Piet Rietveld and Erik Verhoef
Relative efficiency of R&D activities: A cross-country study accounting for environmental factors in the DEA approach pp. 260-273 Downloads
Eric C. Wang and Weichiao Huang
The structure of invention pp. 274-287 Downloads
W. Brian Arthur
The impact of cognitive communities on the diffusion of academic knowledge: Evidence from the networks of inventors of a French university pp. 288-302 Downloads
Caroline Hussler and Patrick Ronde

Volume 36, issue 1, 2007

Editorial pp. 1-2 Downloads
Martin Bell, Michel Callon, Hariolf Grupp, Fumio Kodama, Stefan Kuhlmann, Ben Martin, Walter Powell, Stefan Thomke and Nick von Tunzelmann
Global R&D activities of Japanese MNCs in the US: A triangulation approach pp. 3-36 Downloads
Sam Kurokawa, Satoshi Iwata and Edward B. Roberts
Developing reputation to overcome the imperfections in the markets for knowledge pp. 37-55 Downloads
Ulrich Lichtenthaler and Holger Ernst
Women in interdisciplinary science: Exploring preferences and consequences pp. 56-75 Downloads
Diana Rhoten and Stephanie Pfirman
Technology parks and regional economic growth in China pp. 76-87 Downloads
Albert Guangzhou Hu
The innovative behaviour of tourism firms--Comparative studies of Denmark and Spain pp. 88-106 Downloads
Jon Sundbo, Francina Orfila-Sintes and Flemming Sorensen
Invention in the city: Increasing returns to patenting as a scaling function of metropolitan size pp. 107-120 Downloads
Luis M.A. Bettencourt, Jose Lobo and Deborah Strumsky
Trade in disembodied technology and total factor productivity in OECD countries pp. 121-133 Downloads
Pedro Mendi
On sharks, trolls, and their patent prey--Unrealistic damage awards and firms' strategies of "being infringed" pp. 134-154 Downloads
Markus Reitzig, Joachim Henkel and Christopher Heath
D. Vinck, Editor, Everyday Engineering: An Ethnography of Design and Innovation, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2003) pp. 155-156 Downloads
Shyama Ramani
Page updated 2025-03-28