Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 6, 1994
- Complex technology and community: implications for policy and social science pp. 613-626

- Robert W. Rycroft and Don E. Kash
- Markets and organizations as coherent systems of innovation pp. 627-635

- Mario Amendola and Jean-Luc Gaffard
- Learning by trying: the implementation of configurational technology pp. 637-652

- James Fleck
- Managerial efficiency and the Schumpeterian link between size, market structure and innovation revisited pp. 653-659

- Jacques Bughin and J. M. Jacques
- Compulsory licensing with capital payments as an alternative to grants of monopoly in intellectual property pp. 661-672

- William Kingston
- Making sense of diversity: public-private sector research linkage in three technologies pp. 673-695

- Wendy Faulkner and Jacqueline Senker
- Cooperative research in a newly industrialized country: Taiwan pp. 697-711

- Jiann-Chyuan Wang
- Distribution of growth rates in highly successful Swedish technical innovations pp. 713-726

- Douglas H. McQueen
Volume 23, issue 5, 1994
- Introduction: In honor of Nathan Rosenberg pp. iii-v

- D. C. Mowery, Richard Nelson and W. E. Steinmueller
- The relationship between science and technology pp. 477-486

- Harvey Brooks
- Toward a new economics of science pp. 487-521

- Dasgupta Partha and Paul David
- The changing technology of technological change: general and abstract knowledge and the division of innovative labour pp. 523-532

- Ashish Arora and Alfonso Gambardella
- The continuing, widespread (and neglected) importance of improvements in mechanical technologies pp. 533-545

- Parimal Patel and Keith Pavitt
- The big picture: how (and when and why) the West grew rich pp. 547-559

- Stanley L. Engerman
- Cardwell's Law and the political economy of technological progress pp. 561-574

- Joel Mokyr
- Variation--selection in the innovation of the retractable airplane landing gear: the Northrop 'anomaly' pp. 575-582

- Walter G. Vincenti
- Economic growth and the chemical industry pp. 583-599

- Ralph Landau
- Learning and technical progress in the commuter aircraft industry: an analysis of Embraer's experience pp. 601-612

- Claudio R. Frischtak
Volume 23, issue 4, 1994
- National research systems and change: the reaction of the British and German research systems to the discovery of High-Tc superconductors pp. 357-374

- Dorothea Jansen
- Japanese corporations, scientific research and globalization pp. 375-384

- D. Hicks, T. Ishizuka, P. Keen and S. Sweet
- Cooperative and competitive behaviors during the process of creative destruction pp. 385-394

- Raghu Garud
- An empirical study of hybrid forms of governance structure: the case of the telecommunication equipment industry pp. 395-412

- Bernard Garrette and Bertrand Quelin
- Basic research inside the firm: Lessons from an in-depth case study pp. 413-424

- Michel Quere
- Institutional variations in problem choice and persistence among scientists in an emerging field pp. 425-441

- Koenraad Debackere and Michael A. Rappa
- Exploring the science and technology interface: inventor-author relations in laser medicine research pp. 443-457

- E. C. M. Noyons, A. F. J. van Raan, H. Grupp and U. Schmoch
- Incentives to innovate and the sources of innovation: the case of scientific instruments pp. 459-469

- William Riggs and Eric von Hippel
- Medical innovations in historical perspective: John V. Pickstin (ed.) (Macmillan, London, 1992) pp. 288, [UK pound]40. ISBN 0 333 55619 4 pp. 471-472

- S. Blume
- The economics of hope: Essays on technical change, economic growth and the environment: Christopher Freeman (Pinter publishers, London/New York) pp. 249, ISBN: 1-85567-083-6 pp. 472-473

- George Heaton
- Technology and the economy -- the key relationships: (Organisation for economic co-operation and development, Paris, 1992) pp. 328, 260 FF pp. 473-475

- Vivien Walsh
Volume 23, issue 3, 1994
- Technological systems and economic policy: the diffusion of factory automation in Sweden pp. 235-248

- Bo Carlsson and Staffan Jacobsson
- How do rivals compete: strategy, technology and tactics pp. 249-265

- Philip H. Birnbaum-More, Andrew R. Weiss and Russell W. Wright
- Information and innovation: a comprehensive representation pp. 267-280

- Abdelkader Daghfous and George R. White
- Technometric evaluation and technology policy: the case of biodiagnostic kits in Israel pp. 281-292

- Amnon Frenkel, Thomas Reiss, Shlomo Maital, Knut Koschatzky and Hariolf Grupp
- Technological convergence and scope of organizational innovation pp. 293-304

- Farid Harianto and Johannes Pennings
- The organization and geography of Japanese R&D: results from a survey of Japanese electronics and biotechnology firms pp. 305-322

- Martin Kenney and Richard Florida
- American universities and technical advance in industry pp. 323-348

- Nathan Rosenberg and Richard Nelson
- Program Evaluation Kit: Joan L. Herman (Editor), (2nd Ed.), (Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA, 1987), 9 volumes, 1248 pp., [UK pound]62, ISBN 8039-3166-2 pp. 349-350

- J. M. Senker
- Research and technology in the former German Democratic Republic: Raymond Bentley, (West-view Press, Boulder, CO) 234 pp. $29.95, ISBN 0-8133-8400-1 pp. 350-352

- Edo Albrecht
- Technology transfer and Scandinavian industrialisation: Kristine Bruland (Editor), (Berg, New York/Oxford, 1991) xiv + 409 pp., [UK pound]40.00, ISBN 0-85496-605-6 pp. 352-353

- G. N. von Tunzelmann
- The diffusion of advanced telecommunications in developing countries: Christiano Antonelli, (OECD Development Centre Studies, Paris, 1991), Fr79.00, 112 pp., ISBN 92-64-13578-2 pp. 353-354

- Mike Hobday
Volume 23, issue 2, 1994
- The future of the Soviet science pp. 113-121

- Vladimir Kontorovich
- The survival of the gatekeeper pp. 123-132

- Stuart Macdonald and Christine Williams
- Measuring national technological performance with patent claims data pp. 133-141

- Xuesong Tong and J. Davidson Frame
- Fragmented standards and the development of Japan's microcomputer software industry pp. 143-174

- Tom Cottrell
- The measurement of technical performance of innovations by technometrics and its impact on established technology indicators pp. 175-193

- Hariolf Grupp
- Linking international technology transfer with strategy and management: a literature commentary pp. 195-215

- Michael A. Cusumano and Detelin Elenkov
- Tracking areas of strategic importance using scientometric journal mappings pp. 217-229

- Loet Leydesdorff, Susan Cozzens and Peter Van den Besselaar
- Forecasting for technologists and engineers: a practical guide for better decisions: Brian C. Twiss, (Peter Peregrines (on behalf of the Institution of Electrical Engineers), London, 1992) xv, 221 pp., [UK pound] 19.00, ISBN 0 86341 285 8 pp. 231-232

- Thomas G. Whiston
- The diffusion of advanced telecommunications in developing countries: Cristiano Antonelli, (OECD, Paris, 1992) 111 pp., price FF 79, ISBN 92-64-13578-2 pp. 232-233

- Rohan Samarajiva
- The economics of information networks: Cristiano Antonelli (editor). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992. 468 pp. ISBN 0444 886427 pp. 233-234

- Peter Swann
Volume 23, issue 1, 1994
- A patent-based cartography of technology pp. 1-26

- E. C. Engelsman and A. F. J. van Raan
- Global R & D networks and large-scale innovations: The case of the automobile industry pp. 27-46

- Roger Miller
- Contingencies of innovative networks: A case study of successful interfirm R & D collaboration pp. 47-66

- Jurgen Hausler, Hans-Willy Hohn and Susanne Lutz
- Multinational enterprises and the globalization of innovatory capacity pp. 67-88

- John H. Dunning
- The commercialization of RISC: Strategies for the creation of dominant designs pp. 89-102

- Jonathan Khazam and David Mowery
- Technology and economic development: the dynamics of local, regional and national change: E. Malecki, (Longman, London, 1991) pp. XV + 495, ISBN 0-582-01758-0 pp. 103-104

- Philip Cooke
- Technology and the future of Europe--global competition and the environment in the 1990s: Christopher Freeman, Margaret Sharp and William Walker (editors).(Pinter Publishers, London, 1991), pp. XVIII and 424, [UK pound]45.00, ISBN 0 861 87075 1 pp. 104-106

- Hariolf Grupp
- Women in science: Token women or gender equality: Veronica Stolte-Heiskanen (editor)(Berg Publishers, Oxford/New York, 1991) pp. 256, ISBN 0 85496 742 7 pp. 106-107

- Flis Henwood
- Technology and national competitiveness: Jorge Niosi (editor), (Mc-Gill--Queens University Press, Montreal and Kingston, 1991) 281 pp., ISBN 0-7735-0827-9 pp. 108-108

- Paul Geroski
- Electrifying America: Social meanings of a new technology, 1880-1940: David E. Nye, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990) 391 pp. + 88 pp [UK pound]26.95, ISBN 0 262 14048 9 pp. 108-108

- Chris Freeman
- The long wave in the world economy: the current crisis in historical perspective: Andrew Tylecote, (Routledge, London, 1992) 294 pp. + 44 pp [UK pound]45.00, ISBN 0 415 03690 9 pp. 108-111

- Chris Freeman
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