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Research Policy

1971 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray

From Elsevier
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Volume 29, issue 9, 2000

Corporate strategic technological partnerships in the European information and communications technology industry pp. 1015-1031 Downloads
Grazia D. Santangelo
Innovation regimes, R&D and radical innovations in telecommunications pp. 1033-1046 Downloads
Helge Godoe
Domestic patents and developing countries: arguments for their study and data from Brazil (1980-1995) pp. 1047-1060 Downloads
Eduardo Albuquerque
The shift towards intellectual capitalism -- the role of infocom technologies1 pp. 1061-1080 Downloads
Ove Granstrand
Deregulation, technology imports and in-house R&D efforts: an analysis of the Indian experience pp. 1081-1093 Downloads
Aradhna Aggarwal
Managing R&D in technology-followers pp. 1095-1109 Downloads
Naushad Forbes and David Wield
Technology policy and the regions -- the case of the BioRegio contest pp. 1111-1133 Downloads
Dirk Dohse
Venture capital and the birth of the local area networking industry pp. 1135-1155 Downloads
Urs von Burg and Martin Kenney
Learning and the new growth theories: policy dilemma pp. 1157-1163 Downloads
Lucy Firth and David Mellor
Heart of darkness: modeling public-private funding interactions inside the R&D black box pp. 1165-1183 Downloads
Paul David and Bronwyn H. Hall
Letter to the Editor pp. 1185-1185 Downloads
Richard S. Rosenbloom
Reply by Prof. F. Malerba and L. Orsenigo to Prof. R Rosenbloom's letter of 2nd November regarding use of terminology in their recent Research Policy paper, Technological entry, exit and survival: an empirical analysis of patent data, Vol. 28 (6) 1999 pp. 1187-1188 Downloads
Franco Malerba and Luigi Orsenigo
Book Review pp. 1189-1191 Downloads
Book Review pp. 1191-1193 Downloads
Book Review pp. 1193-1195 Downloads

Volume 29, issue 7-8, 2000

Innovation in complex products and system pp. 793-804 Downloads
Mike Hobday, Howard Rush and Joe Tidd
Complexity and the functions of the firm: breadth and depth pp. 805-818 Downloads
Q. Wang and N. von Tunzelmann
Patterns of innovating complex technologies: a framework for adaptive network strategies pp. 819-831 Downloads
Don E. Kash and Robert W. Rycoft
Entrapment in large technology systems: institutional commitment and power relations pp. 833-846 Downloads
William Walker
When shakeout doesn't occur: The evolution of the turboprop engine industry pp. 847-870 Downloads
Andrea Bonaccorsi and Paola Giuri
The project-based organisation: an ideal form for managing complex products and systems? pp. 871-893 Downloads
Mike Hobday
Breadth and depth of technological capabilities in CoPS: the case of the aircraft engine control system pp. 895-911 Downloads
Andrea Prencipe
The product-process-organisation relationship in complex development projects pp. 913-930 Downloads
Paul Nightingale
Organisational capabilities and learning in complex product systems: towards repeatable solutions pp. 931-953 Downloads
Andrew Davies and Tim Brady
Innovation in project-based, service-enhanced firms: the construction of complex products and systems pp. 955-972 Downloads
David M. Gann and Ammon J. Salter
Innovation and learning in complex offshore construction projects pp. 973-989 Downloads
James Barlow
Managing project-system interfaces: case studies of railway projects in restructured UK and German markets pp. 991-1013 Downloads
Anton Geyer and Andrew Davies

Volume 29, issue 6, 2000

Antibiotics, invention and innovation pp. 679-710 Downloads
William Kingston
Additionality of EU framework programmes1 pp. 711-724 Downloads
Terttu Luukkonen
The evolution of market structure in semiconductors: the role of product standards pp. 725-740 Downloads
Harald Gruber
PhD job market: professional trajectories and incentives during the PhD pp. 741-756 Downloads
Vincent Mangematin
Trait-making for labour-intensive technology in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 757-766 Downloads
Jeffrey James
Forms of research organisation and their responsiveness to external goal setting pp. 767-781 Downloads
Arnold Wilts

Volume 29, issue 4-5, 2000

The nature of innovation market failure and the design of public support for private innovation pp. 437-447 Downloads
Stephen Martin and John T. Scott
How effective are fiscal incentives for R&D? A review of the evidence pp. 449-469 Downloads
Bronwyn Hall and John van Reenen
Do subsidies to commercial R&D reduce market failures? Microeconometric evaluation studies1 pp. 471-495 Downloads
Tor Klette, Jarle Møen and Zvi Griliches
Is public R&D a complement or substitute for private R&D? A review of the econometric evidence pp. 497-529 Downloads
Paul David, Bronwyn H. Hall and Andrew A. Toole
The U.S. patent system in transition: policy innovation and the innovation process pp. 531-557 Downloads
Adam Jaffe
Technology policy for a world of skew-distributed outcomes pp. 559-566 Downloads
F. M. Scherer and Dietmar Harhoff
Research partnerships1 pp. 567-586 Downloads
John Hagedoorn, Albert Link and Nicholas S. Vonortas
Standardization in technology-based markets pp. 587-602 Downloads
Gregory Tassey
Models of technology diffusion pp. 603-625 Downloads
Paul Geroski
Technology transfer and public policy: a review of research and theory pp. 627-655 Downloads
Barry Bozeman
Evaluating technology programs: tools and methods pp. 657-678 Downloads
Luke Georghiou and David Roessner

Volume 29, issue 3, 2000

Scaling trajectories in civil aircraft (1913-1997) pp. 331-348 Downloads
Koen Frenken and Loet Leydesdorff
Institutions, information processing, and organization structure in research and development: evidence from the semiconductor industry pp. 349-373 Downloads
Jonathan West
Competing technologies and the diffusion of innovations: the emergence of energy-efficient lamps in the residential sector pp. 375-389 Downloads
Philippe Menanteau and Herve Lefebvre
Japan's software industry: a failure of institutions? pp. 391-408 Downloads
Marie Anchordoguy
Does science push technology? Patents citing scientific literature pp. 409-434 Downloads
Martin Meyer

Volume 29, issue 2, 2000

The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and "Mode 2" to a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations pp. 109-123 Downloads
Henry Etzkowitz and Loet Leydesdorff
The virtual incubator: managing human capital in the software industry pp. 125-134 Downloads
Michael J. Nowak and Charles E. Grantham
Technology transfer in transitional economies: a test of market, state and organizational models pp. 135-147 Downloads
Judith Sedaitis
Vial bodies: conflicting interests in the move to new institutional relationships in biological medicines research and regulation pp. 149-167 Downloads
Norma Morris
The evolution of rules for access to megascience research environments viewed from Canadian experience pp. 169-179 Downloads
Cooper H. Langford and Martha Whitney Langford
Applying audition systems from the performing arts to R&D funding mechanisms: quality control in collaboration among the academic, public, and private sectors in Japan pp. 181-192 Downloads
Shin-ichi Kobayashi
The triple helix model as a motor for the creative use of telematics pp. 193-203 Downloads
Eduardo Anselmo de Castro, Carlos Rodrigues, Carlos Esteves and Artur da Rosa Pires
The contrasting roles of government in the development of biotechnology industry in the US and Germany pp. 205-223 Downloads
Susanne Giesecke
The building of knowledge spaces in Mexico: a regional approach to networking pp. 225-241 Downloads
Rosalba Casas, Rebeca de Gortari and Ma. Josefa Santos
The triple helix: an evolutionary model of innovations pp. 243-255 Downloads
Loet Leydesdorff
A complexity approach to innovation networks. The case of the aircraft industry (1909-1997) pp. 257-272 Downloads
Koen Frenken
The place of universities in the system of knowledge production pp. 273-278 Downloads
Benoit Godin and Yves Gingras
The university-industry-government relations in Latin America pp. 279-290 Downloads
Judith Sutz
Institutionalizing the triple helix: research funding and norms in the academic system pp. 291-301 Downloads
Mats Benner and Ulf Sandstrom
Data withholding in academic medicine: characteristics of faculty denied access to research results and biomaterials pp. 303-312 Downloads
Eric G. Campbell, Joel S. Weissman, Nancyanne Causino and David Blumenthal
The future of the university and the university of the future: evolution of ivory tower to entrepreneurial paradigm pp. 313-330 Downloads
Henry Etzkowitz, Andrew Webster, Christiane Gebhardt and Branca Regina Cantisano Terra

Volume 29, issue 1, 2000

An analysis of the critical role of public science in innovation: the case of biotechnology pp. 1-8 Downloads
G. Steven McMillan, Francis Narin and David L. Deeds
Shifts in foreign trade, competitiveness and growth potential: from Baltics to 'Bal-techs'? pp. 9-29 Downloads
Maureen Lankhuizen
Pragmatism and self-organization: Research collaboration on the individual level pp. 31-40 Downloads
Goran Melin
Firm behaviour and innovative performance: An empirical exploration of the selection-adaptation debate pp. 41-58 Downloads
Marius T. H. Meeus and Leon A. G. Oerlemans
Reconciling the conflict between the 'pollution-haven' hypothesis and an emerging trajectory of international technology transfer pp. 59-79 Downloads
Raman Letchumanan and Fumio Kodama
The changing pattern of industrial scientific research collaboration in Sweden pp. 81-98 Downloads
Yoshiko Okubo and Cecilia Sjoberg
Page updated 2025-03-28