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Research Policy

1971 - 2025

Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray

From Elsevier
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Volume 15, issue 6, 1986

Profiting from technological innovation: Implications for integration, collaboration, licensing and public policy pp. 285-305 Downloads
David Teece
Toward a global agricultural research system: A personal view pp. 307-327 Downloads
Vernon Ruttan
The researcher in Italy: A profession in search of recognition pp. 329-337 Downloads
Giorgio Sirilli
Strategic management of industrial R&D pp. 339-340 Downloads
Neil Kay
About science pp. 340-341 Downloads
Norman Clark
UK Science Policy: A critical review of policies for publicly funded research pp. 341-342 Downloads
William D. Carey
The Political Economy of Science and Technology pp. 342-344 Downloads
Vivien Walsh
Keeping America at work: Strategies for employing the new technologies pp. 344-345 Downloads
P. Senker

Volume 15, issue 5, 1986

Joint R&D: The case of microelectronics and computer technology corporation pp. 219-231 Downloads
Merton J. Peck
An experiment in science mapping for research planning pp. 233-251 Downloads
Peter Healey, Harry Rothman and Paul K. Hoch
Between dirigism and laissez-faire: Effects of implementing the science policy priority for biotechnology in the Netherlands pp. 253-268 Downloads
Arie Rip and Anton J. Nederhof
Theoretically sound: practically useless? Government grants for industrial R&D in Australia pp. 269-283 Downloads
Stuart Macdonald

Volume 15, issue 4, 1986

Towards a theory of innovation in services pp. 161-173 Downloads
Richard Barras
The economic dynamics of technologies development pp. 175-186 Downloads
Ehud Zuscovitch
Technological intensity: Concept and measurement pp. 187-198 Downloads
Kristian S. Palda
The distinctive research of the individual inventor pp. 199-210 Downloads
Stuart Macdonald
Investment and innovation over the long wave pp. 211-218 Downloads
Scott Moss

Volume 15, issue 3, 1986

The process of technology transfer to the new biomedical and pharmaceutical firm pp. 107-119 Downloads
Edward B. Roberts and Oscar Hauptman
Innovation policy in an open economy: A normative framework for strategic and tactical issues pp. 121-138 Downloads
Moshe Justman and Morris Teubal
The international diffusion of new information technologies pp. 139-147 Downloads
Cristiano Antonelli
Strengthening the management of public research policy in Italy pp. 149-156 Downloads
Lucio Bianco and Paolo D'Anselmi
The social shaping of technology: Donald MacKenzie and Judy Wajcman (eds.), (Open University Press, London, 1985) pp. 326, [UK pound]20 ([UK pound]9.95 paperback) pp. 157-157 Downloads
Sally Wyatt
The semiconductor business: Franco Malerba, (Frances Pinter, London, 1985) pp. 264, [UK pound]18.50 pp. 158-159 Downloads
Gary P. Pisano

Volume 15, issue 2, 1986

The war on poverty and social science research, 1965-1980 pp. 53-65 Downloads
Robert Haveman
Energy prices and induced innovation pp. 67-75 Downloads
Frank Lichtenberg
Management system for a scientific research institute based on the assessment of scientific publications pp. 77-87 Downloads
Peter Vinkler
Technological innovation in a research laboratory in India: A case study pp. 89-103 Downloads
Shekhar Chaudhuri

Volume 15, issue 1, 1986

Two perceptions of science development pp. 1-11 Downloads
Michael J. Moravcsik
The impact of R&D on productivity increase in Japanese manufacturing companies pp. 13-19 Downloads
Hiroyuki Odagiri and Hitoshi Iwata
Schumpeterian innovation and entrepreneurs in capitalism: A case study of the U.S. biotechnology industry pp. 21-31 Downloads
Martin Kenney
Evaluation of performance of health research in the Netherlands pp. 33-48 Downloads
Henk Rigter
Imbedded Technology Capability (ITC) and the management of science and technology in China: A research note pp. 49-51 Downloads
Liang-Yi Zhou and Albert H. Rubenstein

Volume 14, issue 6, 1985

The new product learning cycle pp. 299-313 Downloads
Modesto A. Maidique and Billie Jo Zirger
The flow of technological innovation in an R & D department pp. 315-328 Downloads
Arnoud C. L. De Meyer
Technical change and the industrial district: The role of interfirm relations in the growth and transformation of ceramic tile production in Italy pp. 329-343 Downloads
Margherita Russo
The strategy of university research laboratories in France pp. 345-357 Downloads
Jean-Claude Castagnos and Claude Echevin

Volume 14, issue 5, 1985

The interaction of design hierarchies and market concepts in technological evolution pp. 235-251 Downloads
Kim B. Clark
Venture finance, small firms and public policy in the UK pp. 253-265 Downloads
Roy Rothwell
Project planning in Soviet R&D pp. 267-282 Downloads
Stephen Fortescue
Demand structure and technological change: The case of the European semiconductor industry pp. 283-297 Downloads
Franco Malerba

Volume 14, issue 4, 1985

Preface pp. 171-171 Downloads
Stuart S. Blume and Stan N. Finkelstein
The significance of technological change in medicine: An introduction pp. 173-177 Downloads
Stuart S. Blume
Innovation in pharmaceuticals: Industrial R&D in the early twentieth century pp. 179-187 Downloads
Jonathan Liebenau
From the gene to the general practitioner: A paradigm of research pp. 189-203 Downloads
D.M. Robinson, J. Moskowitz and C.J.M. Lenfant
The influence of health service procurement policy on research and development in the UK medical capital equipment industry pp. 205-211 Downloads
John Hutton and Keith Hartley
CT scanning and ultrasonography: A comparison of two lines of development and dissemination pp. 213-223 Downloads
Ulf Berggren
Scientific evidence and the abandonment of medical technology: A study of eight drugs pp. 225-233 Downloads
Stan N. Finkelstein and Dana L. Gilbert

Volume 14, issue 3, 1985

Research activity, output growth and productivity increase in Japanese manufacturing industries pp. 117-130 Downloads
Hiroyuki Odagiri
The use of bibliometric data for the measurement of university research performance pp. 131-149 Downloads
H. F. Moed, W. J. M. Burger, J. G. Frankfort and A. F. J. Van Raan
Towards a scale for measuring technology in new product innovations pp. 151-160 Downloads
William E. Souder and Paul Shrivastava
Market structure and technology: Their interdependence in Indian industry pp. 161-170 Downloads
Ashok V. Desai

Volume 14, issue 2, 1985

Technological guideposts and innovation avenues pp. 61-82 Downloads
Devendra Sahal
Knowledge accumulation and technological advance: The case of synthetic rubber pp. 83-95 Downloads
Noreen Cooray
The effects of R&D tax credits and allowances in Canada pp. 97-107 Downloads
Edwin Mansfield and Lorne Switzer
The impact of scientific research on UK agricultural productivity pp. 109-116 Downloads
C. J. Doyle and M. S. Ridout

Volume 14, issue 1, 1985

William J. Abernathy pp. 1-1 Downloads
J. Utterback
Innovation: Mapping the winds of creative destruction pp. 3-22 Downloads
William J. Abernathy and Kim B. Clark
Technological innovation in a corporatist state: The case of biotechnology in the Federal Republic of Germany pp. 23-38 Downloads
Sheila Jasanoff
The technology policy experiment as a policy research tool pp. 39-52 Downloads
Gregory Tassey
A graphical method for relating multiple socio-economic goals to research and development objectives in agriculture pp. 53-59 Downloads
Ishai Spharim and Noam G. Seligman
Page updated 2025-03-28