Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 41, issue 10, 2012
- Public R&D and social challenges: What lessons from mission R&D programs? pp. 1697-1702

- D. Foray, D.C. Mowery and Richard Nelson
- Defense-related R&D as a model for “Grand Challenges” technology policies pp. 1703-1715

- David C. Mowery
- Grand missions of agricultural innovation pp. 1716-1728

- Brian Wright
- Mission-oriented biomedical research at the NIH pp. 1729-1741

- Bhaven N. Sampat
- Missions-oriented RD&D institutions in energy between 2000 and 2010: A comparative analysis of China, the United Kingdom, and the United States pp. 1742-1756

- Laura Díaz Anadón
- Public Procurement for Innovation as mission-oriented innovation policy pp. 1757-1769

- Charles Edquist and Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia
- Which policy instruments to induce clean innovating? pp. 1770-1778

- Reinhilde Veugelers
- Grand Innovation Prizes: A theoretical, normative, and empirical evaluation pp. 1779-1792

- Fiona Murray, Scott Stern, Georgina Campbell and Alan MacCormack
Volume 41, issue 9, 2012
- The evolution of innovation capability in multinational enterprise subsidiaries: Dual network embeddedness and the divergence of subsidiary specialisation in Taiwan pp. 1501-1518

- Simon C. Collinson and Rowena Wang
- Patent trolls on markets for technology – An empirical analysis of NPEs’ patent acquisitions pp. 1519-1533

- Timo Fischer and Joachim Henkel
- Innovating in the periphery: The impact of local and foreign inventor mobility on the value of Indian patents pp. 1534-1543

- Tufool Alnuaimi, Tore Opsahl and Gerard George
- How firms innovate through R&D internationalization? An S-curve hypothesis pp. 1544-1554

- Chung-Jen Chen, Yi-Fen Huang and Bou-Wen Lin
- Productivity effects of basic research in low-tech and high-tech industries pp. 1555-1564

- Dirk Czarnitzki and Susanne Thorwarth
- Research and development, cash flow, agency and governance: UK large companies pp. 1565-1577

- Ciaran Driver and Maria Guedes
- Tax incentives and R&D activity: Firm-level evidence from Taiwan pp. 1578-1588

- Chih-Hai Yang, Chia-Hui Huang and Tony Chieh-Tse Hou
- Impact of public and private research funding on scientific production: The case of nanotechnology pp. 1589-1606

- Catherine Beaudry and Sedki Allaoui
- Intangible resources and technology adoption in manufacturing firms pp. 1607-1619

- Jaime Gómez and Pilar Vargas
- Russia's innovation policy: Stubborn path-dependencies and new approaches pp. 1620-1630

- Evgeny A. Klochikhin
- The unsustainable directionality of innovation – The example of the broadband transition pp. 1631-1642

- Inge Røpke
- Pragmatic agency in technology standards setting: The case of Ethernet pp. 1643-1654

- Sanjay Jain
- Return mobility and scientific productivity of researchers working abroad: The role of home country linkages pp. 1655-1665

- Stefano H. Baruffaldi and Paolo Landoni
- Best channels of academia–industry interaction for long-term benefit pp. 1666-1682

- Claudia De Fuentes and Gabriela Dutrénit
- The point of view of firms in Minas Gerais about the contribution of universities and research institutes to R&D activities pp. 1683-1695

- Catari Vilela Chaves, Soraia Schultz Martins Carvalho, Leandro Alves Silva, Tânia Cristina Teixeira and Patrícia Bernardes
Volume 41, issue 8, 2012
- Technology push and demand pull perspectives in innovation studies: Current findings and future research directions pp. 1283-1295

- Giada Di Stefano, Alfonso Gambardella and Gianmario Verona
- The impact of technology-push and demand-pull policies on technical change – Does the locus of policies matter? pp. 1296-1308

- Michael Peters, Malte Schneider, Tobias Griesshaber and Volker H. Hoffmann
- Exploring the duality between product and organizational architectures: A test of the “mirroring” hypothesis pp. 1309-1324

- Alan MacCormack, Carliss Baldwin and John Rusnak
- Inertia in response to non-paradigmatic change: The case of meta-organizations pp. 1325-1343

- Andreas König, Martin Schulte and Albrecht Enders
- Selective search, sectoral patterns, and the impact on product innovation performance pp. 1344-1356

- Christian Köhler, Wolfgang Sofka and Christoph Grimpe
- Incumbent performance in the face of a radical innovation: Towards a framework for incumbent challenger dynamics pp. 1357-1374

- Ansari, Shahzad (Shaz) and Pieter Krop
- Research on technology standards: Accomplishment and challenges pp. 1375-1406

- V.K. Narayanan and Tianxu Chen
- Financial signaling by innovative nascent ventures: The relevance of patents and prototypes pp. 1407-1421

- David Audretsch, Werner Bönte and Prashanth Mahagaonkar
- How do foreign firms patent in emerging economies with weak appropriability regimes? Archetypes and motives pp. 1422-1439

- Marcus Matthias Keupp, Sascha Friesike and Maximilian von Zedtwitz
- On property rights and incentives in academic publishing pp. 1440-1447

- Athanassios Pitsoulis and Jan Schnellenbach
- Extramural research grants and scientists’ funding strategies: Beggars cannot be choosers? pp. 1448-1460

- Christoph Grimpe
- The impact of national research funds: A regression discontinuity approach to the Chilean FONDECYT pp. 1461-1475

- Jose Miguel Benavente, Gustavo Crespi, Lucas Figal Garone and Alessandro Maffioli
- Measuring systemic problems in National Innovation Systems. An application to Thailand pp. 1476-1488

- Cristina Chaminade, Patarapong Intarakumnerd and Koson Sapprasert
- The relationship between innovation and subjective wellbeing pp. 1489-1498

- Paul Dolan and Robert Metcalfe
Volume 41, issue 7, 2012
- Exploring the emerging knowledge base of ‘the knowledge society’ pp. 1121-1131

- Jan Fagerberg, Hans Landström and Ben Martin
- Innovation: Exploring the knowledge base pp. 1132-1153

- Jan Fagerberg, Morten Fosaas and Koson Sapprasert
- Entrepreneurship: Exploring the knowledge base pp. 1154-1181

- Hans Landström, Gouya Harirchi and Fredrik Åström
- Science and technology studies: Exploring the knowledge base pp. 1182-1204

- Ben Martin, Paul Nightingale and Alfredo Yegros-Yegros
- Knowledge flows – Analyzing the core literature of innovation, entrepreneurship and science and technology studies pp. 1205-1218

- Samyukta Bhupatiraju, Önder Nomaler, Giorgio Triulzi and Bart Verspagen
- The evolution of science policy and innovation studies pp. 1219-1239

- Ben Martin
- The emergence of entrepreneurship as an academic field: A personal essay on institutional entrepreneurship pp. 1240-1248

- Howard E. Aldrich
- Mobilizing for change: A study of research units in emerging scientific fields pp. 1249-1261

- Tommy Clausen, Jan Fagerberg and Magnus Gulbrandsen
- How journal rankings can suppress interdisciplinary research: A comparison between Innovation Studies and Business & Management pp. 1262-1282

- Ismael Rafols, Loet Leydesdorff, O’Hare, Alice, Paul Nightingale and Andy Stirling
Volume 41, issue 6, 2012
- Sustainability transitions: An emerging field of research and its prospects pp. 955-967

- Jochen Markard, Rob Raven and Bernhard Truffer
- Toward a spatial perspective on sustainability transitions pp. 968-979

- Lars Coenen, Paul Benneworth and Bernhard Truffer
- Metatheoretical perspectives on sustainability journeys: Evolutionary, relational and durational pp. 980-995

- Raghu Garud and Joel Gehman
- Mapping and navigating transitions—The multi-level perspective compared with arenas of development pp. 996-1010

- Ulrik Jørgensen
- Evolutionary theorizing and modeling of sustainability transitions pp. 1011-1024

- Karolina Safarzyńska, Koen Frenken and Jeroen van den Bergh
- What is protective space? Reconsidering niches in transitions to sustainability pp. 1025-1036

- Adrian Smith and Rob Raven
- Legitimizing research, technology and innovation policies for transformative change pp. 1037-1047

- Karl Matthias Weber and Harald Rohracher
- Navigating the impact-innovation double hurdle: The case of a climate change research fund pp. 1048-1057

- Fiona Lettice, Palie Smart, Yehuda Baruch and Mark Johnson
- Non-technological regulatory effects: Implications for innovation and innovation policy pp. 1058-1071

- Evita Paraskevopoulou
- Is there complementarity or substitutability between internal and external R&D strategies? pp. 1072-1083

- John Hagedoorn and Ning Wang
- Research, development, and firm growth. Empirical evidence from European top R&D spending firms pp. 1084-1092

- Juan V. García-Manjón and M. Elena Romero-Merino
- From knowledge to added value: A comparative, panel-data analysis of the innovation value chain in Irish and Swiss manufacturing firms pp. 1093-1106

- Stephen Roper and Spyros Arvanitis
- MNCs’ offshore R&D networks in host country's regional innovation system: The case of Taiwan-based firms in China pp. 1107-1120

- Meng-chun Liu and Shin-Horng Chen
Volume 41, issue 5, 2012
- Going, going, gone. Exit forms and the innovative capabilities of firms pp. 795-807

- Elena Cefis and Orietta Marsili
- New product introduction and product tenure: What effects on firm growth? pp. 808-821

- Marco Cucculelli and Barbara Ermini
- Managing open incremental process innovation: Absorptive Capacity and distributed learning pp. 822-832

- Paul Robertson, G.L. Casali and David Jacobson
- The effects of economic status and recent experience on innovative behavior under environmental variability: An experimental approach pp. 833-847

- Frank J. van Rijnsoever, Marius T.H. Meeus and A. Rogier T. Donders
- The effects of global knowledge reservoirs on the productivity of multinational enterprises: The role of international depth and breadth pp. 848-861

- Mario I. Kafouros, Peter J. Buckley and Jeremy Clegg
- On the drivers of eco-innovations: Empirical evidence from the UK pp. 862-870

- Effie Kesidou and Pelin Demirel
- Dominance in the prototyping phase—The case of hydrogen passenger cars pp. 871-883

- Sjoerd Bakker, Harro van Lente and Marius T.H. Meeus
- Institutional entrepreneurship in constructing alternative paths: A comparison of biotech hybrids pp. 884-896

- Lori DiVito
- How venture capitalists spur invention in Spain: Evidence from patent trajectories pp. 897-912

- Pere Arqué-Castells
- Long-run effects of public–private research joint ventures: The case of the Danish Innovation Consortia support scheme pp. 913-927

- Ulrich Kaiser and Johan Kuhn
- Higher growth through the Blue Ocean Strategy: Implications for economic policy pp. 928-938

- Jaka Lindič, Mojca Bavdaž and Helena Kovačič
- Development of university life-science programs and university–industry joint research in Japan pp. 939-952

- Masatoshi Kato and Hiroyuki Odagiri
Volume 41, issue 4, 2012
- Startups by recent university graduates and their faculty: Implications for university entrepreneurship policy pp. 663-677

- Thomas Astebro, Navid Bazzazian and Serguey Braguinsky
- Putting university research in context: Assessing alternative measures of production and diffusion at Stanford pp. 678-691

- Andrew Nelson
- Spatial differences in the quality of university patenting: Do regions matter? pp. 692-703

- Manuel Acosta, Daniel Coronado and M. Ángeles Martínez
- Career progress in centralized academic systems: Social capital and institutions in France and Italy pp. 704-719

- Michele Pezzoni, Valerio Sterzi and Francesco Lissoni
- The temporal trajectories of innovative search: Insights from public hospital services pp. 720-733

- Torsten Oliver Salge
- Creative destruction: Identifying its geographic origins pp. 734-742

- Brett Anitra Gilbert
- Creativity, trust and systematic processes in product development pp. 743-755

- Anna Brattström, Hans Löfsten and Anders Richtnér
- Global excellence at the expense of local diffusion, or a bridge between two worlds? Research in science and technology in the developing world pp. 756-769

- H. Barnard, Robin Cowan and M. Müller
- Intra-plant diffusion of new technology: Role of productivity in the study of steel refining furnaces pp. 770-779

- Tsuyoshi Nakamura and Hiroshi Ohashi
- French firms’ strategies for protecting their intellectual property pp. 780-794

- Emilie-Pauline Gallié and Diègo Legros
Volume 41, issue 3, 2012
- Analyzing the evidence of an IPR take-off in China and India pp. 499-511

- Manuel Godinho and Vítor Ferreira
- How does openness affect the importance of incentives for innovation? pp. 512-523

- Xiaolan Fu
- Knowledge flows in the solar photovoltaic industry: Insights from patenting by Taiwan, Korea, and China pp. 524-540

- Ching-Yan Wu and John A. Mathews
- Technological innovation capabilities in the thin film transistor-liquid crystal display industries of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan pp. 541-555

- Mei-Chih Hu
- Knowledge spillovers and firm performance in the high-technology industrial cluster pp. 556-564

- Yih-Luan Chyi, Yee-Man Lai and Wen-Hsien Liu
- Personal relationships and innovation diffusion in SME networks: A content analysis approach pp. 565-579

- Federica Ceci and Daniela Iubatti
- Do R&D subsidies affect SMEs’ access to external financing? pp. 580-591

- Miguel Meuleman and Wouter De Maeseneire
- Multinationality, foreignness and institutional distance in the relation between R&D and productivity pp. 592-601

- Dolores Añón Higón and Miguel Manjon Antolin
- Scope and patterns of innovation cooperation in Spanish service enterprises pp. 602-613

- Alexandre Trigo and Xavier Vence-Deza
- Environmental innovation and R&D cooperation: Empirical evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms pp. 614-623

- Valentina De Marchi
- A quasi-experimental evaluation of learning in a stakeholder dialogue on bio-energy pp. 624-637

- Eefje Cuppen
- Political instability, pro-business market reforms and their impacts on national systems of innovation pp. 638-651

- Gayle Allard, Candace A. Martinez and Christopher Williams
- Management innovation through standardization: Consultants as standardizers of organizational practice pp. 652-662

- Christopher Wright, Andrew Sturdy and Nick Wylie
Volume 41, issue 2, 2012
- Performance-based university research funding systems pp. 251-261

- Diana Hicks
- Research intensity and knowledge transfer activity in UK universities pp. 262-275

- Nola Hewitt-Dundas
- Governing knowledge in the scientific community: Exploring the role of retractions in biomedicine pp. 276-290

- Jeffrey L. Furman, Kyle Jensen and Fiona Murray
- The long-term dynamics of co-authorship scientific networks: Iberoamerican countries (1973–2010) pp. 291-305

- Guillermo A. Lemarchand
- An institutional theory investigation of U.S. technology development trends since the mid-19th century pp. 306-318

- Jason M. Pattit, S.P. Raj and David Wilemon
- The elixir (or burden) of youth? Exploring differences in innovation between start-ups and established firms pp. 319-333

- Paola Criscuolo, Nicos Nicolaou and Ammon Salter
- The effects of R&D tax credits on patenting and innovations pp. 334-345

- Ådne Cappelen, Arvid Raknerud and Marina Rybalka
- Effective incomplete contracts and milestones in market-distant R&D collaboration pp. 346-357

- Martin Kloyer and Joachim Scholderer
- Appropriate intellectual property protection and economic growth in countries at different levels of development pp. 358-375

- Yee Kyoung Kim, Keun Lee, Walter Park and Kineung Choo
- Risk factors and mechanisms of technology and insignia copying—A first empirical approach pp. 376-390

- Florian Berger, Knut Blind and Alexander Cuntz
- The influence of regulations on innovation: A quantitative assessment for OECD countries pp. 391-400

- Knut Blind
- Production technologies and financial performance: The effect of uneven diffusion among competitors pp. 401-413

- Lucio Fuentelsaz, Jaime Gómez and Sergio Palomas
- An emerging paradigm or just another trajectory? Understanding the nature of technological changes using engineering heuristics in the telecommunications switching industry pp. 414-429

- Arianna Martinelli
- Explaining divergence in catching-up in pharma between India and Brazil using the NSI framework pp. 430-441

- Samira Guennif and Shyama Ramani
- Clean and productive? Empirical evidence from the German manufacturing industry pp. 442-451

- Christoph Böhringer, Ulf Moslener, Ulrich Oberndorfer and Andreas Ziegler
- The innovation potential of new infrastructure development: An empirical study of Heathrow airport's T5 project pp. 452-466

- Nuno Gil, Marcela Miozzo and Silvia Massini
- Publicly funded business advisory services and entrepreneurial outcomes pp. 467-481

- Douglas Cumming and Eileen Fischer
- What hampers innovation? Revealed barriers versus deterring barriers pp. 482-488

- D’Este, Pablo, Simona Iammarino, Maria Savona and Nick von Tunzelmann
- Technological collaboration in product innovation: The role of market competition and sectoral technological intensity pp. 489-496

- Jie Wu
Volume 41, issue 1, 2012
- The impact of public basic research on industrial innovation: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry pp. 1-12

- Andrew A. Toole
- Globalization and strategic research investments pp. 13-23

- Anna Eulerich, geb. Bohnstedt, Christian Schwarz and Jens Suedekum
- The global crisis and firms’ investments in innovation pp. 24-35

- Caroline Paunov
- Is there a linear relationship between R&D intensity and growth? Empirical evidence of non-high-tech vs. high-tech SMEs pp. 36-53

- Paulo Maçãs Nunes, Zélia Serrasqueiro and João Leitão
- R&D strategies and entrepreneurial spawning pp. 54-68

- Martin Andersson, Apostolos Baltzopoulos and Hans Lööf
- Innovation strategy, firm survival and relocation: The case of Hong Kong-owned manufacturing in Guangdong Province, China pp. 69-78

- Naubahar Sharif and Can Huang
- Firms’ genetic characteristics and competence-enlarging strategies: A comparison between academic and non-academic high-tech start-ups pp. 79-92

- Massimo G. Colombo and Evila Piva
- Social absorption capability, systems of innovation and manufactured export response to preferential trade incentives pp. 93-101

- Abdelrasaq Na-Allah and Mammo Muchie
- Modeling the relative efficiency of national innovation systems pp. 102-115

- Jiancheng Guan and Kaihua Chen
- Bottom-up estimation of industrial and public R&D investment by technology in support of policy-making: The case of selected low-carbon energy technologies pp. 116-131

- Tobias Wiesenthal, Guillaume Leduc, Karel Haegeman and Hans-Günther Schwarz
- On the green and innovative side of trade competitiveness? The impact of environmental policies and innovation on EU exports pp. 132-153

- Valeria Costantini and Massimiliano Mazzanti
- The effect of the triple helix system and habitat on regional entrepreneurship: Empirical evidence from the U.S pp. 154-166

- Younghwan Kim, Wonjoon Kim and Taeyong Yang
- Virtual lead user communities: Drivers of knowledge creation for innovation pp. 167-177

- Dominik Mahr and Annouk Lievens
- Self-employment and innovation. Exploring the determinants of innovative behavior in small businesses pp. 178-189

- Isidoro Romero and Juan A. Martínez-Román
- Do important inventions benefit from knowledge originating in other technological domains? pp. 190-200

- Gregory Nemet and Evan Johnson
- Openness to international markets and the diffusion of standards compliance in Latin America. A multi level analysis pp. 201-215

- Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas and Michiko Iizuka
- Filing behaviour regarding essential patents in industry standards pp. 216-225

- Florian Berger, Knut Blind and Nikolaus Thumm
- Understanding the technology market for patents: New insights from a licensing survey of Japanese firms pp. 226-235

- Masayo Kani and Kazuyuki Motohashi
- Behind the recent surge of Chinese patenting: An institutional view pp. 236-249

- Xibao Li
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