Research Policy
1971 - 2025
Current editor(s): M. Bell, B. Martin, W.E. Steinmueller, A. Arora, M. Callon, M. Kenney, S. Kuhlmann, Keun Lee and F. Murray From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 33, issue 10, 2004
- Approaching the innovation frontier in Korea: the transition phase to leadership pp. 1433-1457

- Michael Hobday, Howard Rush and John Bessant
- Who participates in R&D subsidy programs?: The case of Spanish manufacturing firms pp. 1459-1476

- Jose Blanes and Isabel Busom
- Cooperative R&D and firm performance pp. 1477-1492

- Rene Belderbos, Martin Carree and Boris Lokshin
- Implementing R&D policies: an analysis of Spain's pharmaceutical research program pp. 1493-1507

- Klaus Desmet, Praveen Kujal and Félix Lobo
- From local networks of SMEs to virtual districts?: Evidence from recent trends in Italy pp. 1509-1528

- Maria Chiarvesio, Eleonora Di Maria and Stefano Micelli
- Projects and firms as discordant complements: organisational learning in the Munich software ecology pp. 1529-1546

- Oliver Ibert
- Technological outsourcing and product diversification: do markets for technology affect firms' strategies? pp. 1547-1564

- Fabrizio Cesaroni
- What determines technological hits?: Geography versus firm competencies pp. 1565-1582

- Myriam Mariani
- Interrelation between patenting and standardisation strategies: empirical evidence and policy implications pp. 1583-1598

- Knut Blind and Nikolaus Thumm
- Determinants of international activity: evidence from the chemical processing industry pp. 1599-1614

- Andrea Fosfuri
- Science and the diffusion of knowledge pp. 1615-1634

- Olav Sorenson and Lee Fleming
- Spillovers from publicly financed business R&D: some empirical evidence from Germany pp. 1635-1655

- Werner Bönte
- Committing to vaccine R&D: a global science policy priority pp. 1657-1671

- Daniele Archibugi and Kim Bizzarri
- Knowledge flows through informal contacts in industrial clusters: myth or reality? pp. 1673-1686

- Michael Dahl and Christian O.R. Pedersen
- Entry, exit and knowledge: evidence from a cluster in the info-communications industry pp. 1687-1706

- Jackie Krafft
- In: J. Tidd and M.F. Hull, Editors, Service Innovation: Organizational Responses to Technological Opportunities and Market Imperatives, Imperial College Press, London (2003) (437 pp., [Ukpound]48.00, ISBN: 1-86094-367-5) pp. 1707-1709

- Thomas Stahlecker
- In: A.B. Jaffe and M. Trajtenberg, Editors, Patents, Citations & Innovations: A Window on the Knowledge Economy, MIT Press (2002) (478 pp. [Ukpound]33.50, ISBN 0-262-10095-9) pp. 1709-1711

- Bart Verspagen
Volume 33, issue 9, 2004
- What do we know about innovation? pp. 1253-1258

- Virginia Acha, Orietta Marsili and Richard Nelson
- Technological capabilities, invisible infrastructure and the un-social construction of predictability: the overlooked fixed costs of useful research pp. 1259-1284

- Paul Nightingale
- Technological internationalisation in the electro-technical industry: a cross-company comparison of patenting patterns 1986-2000 pp. 1285-1306

- Anna Bergek and Christian Berggren
- Contingency in innovation and the role of national systems: taxol and taxotere in the USA and France pp. 1307-1327

- Vivien Walsh and Muriel Le Roux
- Catching up or standing still?: National innovative productivity among 'follower' countries, 1978-1999 pp. 1329-1354

- Jeffrey L. Furman and Richard Hayes
- How large is the Swedish 'academic' sector really?: A critical analysis of the use of science and technology indicators pp. 1355-1372

- Staffan Jacobsson and Annika Rickne
- Indicators for national science and technology policy: how robust are composite indicators? pp. 1373-1384

- Hariolf Grupp and Mary Ellen Mogee
- Trademarks as an indicator of innovation and industrial change pp. 1385-1404

- Sandro Mendonça, Tiago Santos Pereira and Manuel Godinho
- The scientometric world of Keith Pavitt: A tribute to his contributions to research policy and patent analysis pp. 1405-1417

- Martin Meyer, Tiago Santos Pereira, Olle Persson and Ove Granstrand
- Keith Pavitt and the Invisible College of the Economics of Technology and Innovation pp. 1419-1431

- Bart Verspagen and Claudia Werker
Volume 33, issue 8, 2004
- Selection environments, flexibility and the success of the gas turbine pp. 1065-1080

- Jim Watson
- Does research organization influence academic production?: Laboratory level evidence from a large European university pp. 1081-1102

- Nicolas Carayol and Mireille Matt
- Controlling contractual exchange risks in R&D interfirm cooperation: an empirical study pp. 1103-1122

- Roland Helm and Martin Kloyer
- An audit of technological innovation capabilities in chinese firms: some empirical findings in Beijing, China pp. 1123-1140

- Richard C. M. Yam, Jian Cheng Guan, Kit Fai Pun and Esther P. Y. Tang
- Licensing as a commercialisation strategy for new technology-based firms pp. 1141-1151

- Holger Kollmer and Michael Dowling
- Team member proximity and teamwork in innovative projects pp. 1153-1165

- Martin Hoegl and Luigi Proserpio
- Today's Edisons or weekend hobbyists: technical merit and success of inventions by independent inventors pp. 1167-1183

- Kristina Dahlin, Margaret Taylor and Mark Fichman
- Complementarities between obstacles to innovation: evidence from France pp. 1185-1199

- Fabrice Galia and Diègo Legros
- Searching high and low: what types of firms use universities as a source of innovation? pp. 1201-1215

- Keld Laursen and Ammon Salter
- The obsession for competitiveness and its impact on statistics: the construction of high-technology indicators pp. 1217-1229

- Benoit Godin
- Does a focal firm's technology entry timing depend on the impact of the technology on co-opetitors? pp. 1231-1246

- Allan Afuah
- Internationalisation, Technology and Services: Marcela Miozo, Ian Miles (Eds.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA, 2003, 288 pp., Price [UK pound]69.95 Hardback, ISBN 1-84376-053-3 pp. 1247-1248

- Annamaria Inzelt
- Inter-Firm Collaboration, Learning & Networks. An Integrated Approach: Bart Nooteboom, Routledge, London, New York, 2004. 230 pages, Price [UK pound]22.99 (paperback), ISBN 0-415-32954X pp. 1248-1250

- Christian DeBresson
- Book review pp. 1250-1252

- Michael Hales
Volume 33, issue 6-7, 2004
- Innovations in the food industry in Germany pp. 845-878

- Klaus Menrad
- Moving skills from hands to heads: does importing technology affect export performance in textiles? pp. 879-895

- Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Marzio Galeotti and Andrea Mattozzi
- From sectoral systems of innovation to socio-technical systems: Insights about dynamics and change from sociology and institutional theory pp. 897-920

- Frank W. Geels
- Rethinking the public sector: idiosyncrasies of biotechnology commercialization as motors of national R&D reform in Germany and Japan pp. 921-938

- Mark Lehrer and Kazuhiro Asakawa
- Improving patent valuations for management purposes--validating new indicators by analyzing application rationales pp. 939-957

- Markus Reitzig
- Adoption of green chemistry: an analysis based on US patents pp. 959-974

- T. J. Nameroff, R. J. Garant and M. B. Albert
- The evolution of university-industry-government relationships during transition pp. 975-995

- Annamaria Inzelt
- Lead markets: country-specific drivers of the global diffusion of innovations pp. 997-1018

- Marian Beise
- The influence of institutional factors on the technology acquisition performance of high-tech firms: survey results from Germany and Japan pp. 1019-1039

- Martin Hemmert
- Understanding company R&D strategies in agro-biotechnology: trajectories and blind spots pp. 1041-1057

- Joanna Chataway, Joyce Tait and David Wield
- Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation: Experiences from the US and Europe: Philip Shapira, Stefan Kuhlmann (Eds.) Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2003, 393 pp., Price: [UK pound]75.00, ISBN 1-84064-875-9 pp. 1059-1060

- Jordi Molas-Gallart
- Competitiveness, FDI and Technological Activity in East Asia: Sanjaya Lall, Shujiro Urata (Eds.), 2003, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK (in association with The World Bank), 432 pp., price [UK pound]79.95, ISBN 1 84376 1144 pp. 1060-1062

- John Mathews
- Multinational Corporations and European Regional Systems of Innovation: John Cantwell and Simona Iammarino, Routledge, London, 2003, 199 pages, ISBN 0-415-27140-1, Price [UK pound]65.00 pp. 1062-1063

- Rajneesh Narula
Volume 33, issue 5, 2004
- The New Economy: what the concept owes to the OECD pp. 679-690

- Benoit Godin
- The role of social embeddedness in professorial entrepreneurship: a comparison of electrical engineering and computer science at UC Berkeley and Stanford pp. 691-707

- Martin Kenney and W. Richard Goe
- Is the commercialisation of scientific research affecting the production of public knowledge?: Global trends in the output of corporate research articles pp. 709-733

- Robert J. W. Tijssen
- Sources of productivity growth in the Spanish pharmaceutical industry (1994-2000) pp. 735-745

- Eduardo González Fidalgo and Fernando Gascon
- Tokamaks and turbulence: research ensembles, policy and technoscientific work pp. 747-767

- Edward J. Hackett, David Conz, John Parker, Jonathon Bashford and Susan DeLay
- The co-evolution of social and physical infrastructure for biotechnology innovation in Turku, Finland pp. 769-785

- Maria Hoyssa, Henrik Bruun and Janne Hukkinen
- The birth of a new industry: entry by start-ups and the drivers of firm growth: The case of encryption software pp. 787-806

- Marco Giarratana
- Overseas R&D, knowledge sourcing, and patenting: an empirical study of Japanese R&D investment in the US pp. 807-828

- Tomoko Iwasa and Hiroyuki Odagiri
- Linking operations strategy and product innovation: an empirical study of Spanish ceramic tile producers pp. 829-839

- Joaquin Alegre, Rafael Lapiedra-Alcami and Ricardo Chiva-Gomez
- The Economics of Innovation, New Technologies and Structural Change: Cristiano Antonelli, Routledge, London, 2003, 189 pp., [UK pound]45.00, ISBN 0-415-29654-4 pp. 841-842

- Simona Iammarino
- Innovation Networks: Theory and Practice: Andreas Pyka, Gunter Kuppers (Eds.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002, 223 pp., [UK pound]55.00, ISBN: 1-843760401 pp. 842-844

- Christian DeBresson
Volume 33, issue 4, 2004
- Editor's introduction: building and deploying scientific and technical human capital pp. 565-568

- Barry Bozeman and Vincent Mangematin
- National science training policy and early scientific careers in France and the United States pp. 569-581

- Monica Gaughan and Stéphane Robin
- Biotechnology entrepreneurial scientists and their collaborations pp. 583-597

- Amalya L. Oliver
- Scientists' collaboration strategies: implications for scientific and technical human capital pp. 599-616

- Barry Bozeman and Elizabeth Corley
- Panic and panacea: brain drain and science and technology human capital policy pp. 617-630

- Sally Davenport
- Turning scientific and technological human capital into economic capital: the experience of biotech start-ups in France pp. 631-642

- Catherine D. F. Corolleur, M. Carrere and Vincent Mangematin
- The role of academic inventors in entrepreneurial firms: sharing the laboratory life pp. 643-659

- Fiona Murray
- Human capital heterogeneity, collaborative relationships, and publication patterns in a multidisciplinary scientific alliance: a comparative case study of two scientific teams pp. 661-678

- Joseph F. Porac, James B. Wade, Harald M. Fischer, Joyce Brown, Alaina Kanfer and Geoffrey Bowker
Volume 33, issue 3, 2004
- R&D co-operation and innovation a microeconometric study on French firms pp. 365-384

- S. Negassi
- Leveraging technological externalities in complex technologies: Microsoft's exploitation of standards in the browser wars pp. 385-394

- Paul Windrum
- The reconfiguration of National Innovation Systems--the example of German biotechnology pp. 395-408

- Robert Kaiser and Heiko Prange
- Does innovativeness matter for international competitiveness in developing countries?: The case of Turkish manufacturing industries pp. 409-424

- Emre Ozcelik and Erol Taymaz
- Combining entrepreneurial and scientific performance in academia: towards a compounded and reciprocal Matthew-effect? pp. 425-441

- Bart Van Looy, Liana Ranga, Julie Callaert, Koenraad Debackere and Edwin Zimmermann
- Institutionalized biases in the award of research grants: a preliminary analysis revisiting the principle of accumulative advantage pp. 443-454

- Neil Viner, Philip Powell and Rod Green
- The market economy, and the scientific commons pp. 455-471

- Richard Nelson
- How much difference is there between industrial district firms? A net value creation approach pp. 473-486

- F. Xavier Molina-Morales and M. Teresa Martinez-Fernandez
- An ex ante evaluation framework for the regional benefits of publicly supported R&D projects pp. 487-509

- Stephen Roper, Nola Hewitt-Dundas and James H. Love
- Historical evolution of technological diversification pp. 511-529

- John Cantwell and Giovanna Vertova
- Technological diversity of persistent innovators in Japan: Two case studies of large Japanese firms pp. 531-549

- Jun Suzuki and Fumio Kodama
- Identifying innovation in surveys of services: a Schumpeterian perspective pp. 551-562

- Ina Drejer
- National Competitiveness and Economic Growth: The Changing Determinants of Economic Performance in the World Economy: Tino J. Hamalainen, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 2003, 380 pp., [UK pound]79.95, ISBN 1-84064-454-0 pp. 563-563

- Eberhard Jochem
Volume 33, issue 2, 2004
- Royalties, evolving patent rights, and the value of innovation pp. 179-191

- Edward F. Sherry and David Teece
- Innovation capabilities of European nations: Cross-national analyses of patents and sales of product innovations pp. 193-207

- Jan Faber and Anneloes Barbara Hesen
- R&D cooperation and innovation activities of firms--evidence for the German manufacturing industry pp. 209-223

- Wolfgang Becker and Jurgen Dietz
- Research parks and the location of industrial research laboratories: an analysis of the effectiveness of a policy intervention pp. 225-243

- Stephen J. Appold
- Innovation, regional knowledge spillovers and R&D cooperation pp. 245-255

- Michael Fritsch and Grit Franke
- Secrets to shield or share? new dilemmas for military R&D policy in the digital age pp. 257-269

- Jay Stowsky
- Battles for technological dominance: an integrative framework pp. 271-286

- Fernando F. Suarez
- The relationship between research and innovation in the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries (1981-1997) pp. 287-321

- Kwanghui Lim
- Identification of innovating firms through technological innovation indicators: an application to the Spanish ceramic tile industry pp. 323-336

- M. L. Flor and M. J. Oltra
- Taiwanese IT firms' offshore R&D in China and the connection with the global innovation network pp. 337-349

- Shin-Horng Chen
- The nature of lead users and measurement of leading edge status pp. 351-362

- Pamela D. Morrison, John H. Roberts and David F. Midgley
- Erratum to "Citations, family size, opposition and the value of patent rights" [Research Policy 32 (2003) 1343-1363] pp. 363-364

- Dietmar Harhoff, Frederic M. Scherer and Katrin Vopel
Volume 33, issue 1, 2004
- Plans are nothing, changing plans is everything: the impact of changes on project success pp. 1-15

- Dov Dvir and Thomas Lechler
- Determining factors in the success of R&D cooperative agreements between firms and research organizations pp. 17-40

- Eva M. Mora-Valentin, Angeles Montoro-Sanchez and Luis A. Guerras-Martin
- The valuation of a NDA using a 6-fold compound option pp. 41-51

- Danny Cassimon, Peter-Jan Engelen, L. Thomassen and Martine van Wouwe
- External knowledge sourcing in different national settings: a comparison of electronics establishments in Britain and France pp. 53-72

- Geoff Mason, Jean-Paul Beltramo and Jean-Jacques Paul
- Assessing end-use relevance of public sector research organisations pp. 73-87

- Catherine Lyall, Ann Bruce, John Firn, Marion Firn and Joyce Tait
- Managing competences in entrepreneurial technology firms: a comparative institutional analysis of Germany, Sweden and the UK pp. 89-106

- Steven Casper and Richard Whitley
- A framework of industrial knowledge spillovers in big-science centers pp. 107-126

- Erkko Autio, Ari-Pekka Hameri and Olli Vuola
- Networks of inventors and the role of academia: an exploration of Italian patent data pp. 127-145

- Margherita Balconi, Stefano Breschi and Francesco Lissoni
- Critical junctures in the development of university high-tech spinout companies pp. 147-175

- Ajay Vohora, Mike Wright and Andy Lockett
- MIT and the Rise of Entrepreneurial Science: Henry Etzkowitz, Routledge Press, London, UK, 2002, pp. 162 + index, Price [UK pound]45.00, ISBN: 041528516X pp. 177-178

- Arvids A. Ziedonis
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